Pall Flange 3 - June 2020

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Complete Listing of Vessel Elements and Details:

Element From Node 10

Element To Node 20

Element Type Flange


Distance "FROM" to "TO" 171.00 mm

Flange Inside Diameter 3188.0 mm

Element Thickness 105.00 mm

Internal Corrosion Allowance 3.0000 mm

Nominal Thickness 0.0000 mm

External Corrosion Allowance 0.0000 mm

Design Internal Pressure 0.3800 MPa

Design Temperature Internal Pressure 400 C

Design External Pressure 0.1034 MPa

Design Temperature External Pressure 400 C

Effective Diameter Multiplier 1.2

Material Name SA-105

Allowable Stress, Ambient 137.90 MPa

Allowable Stress, Operating 101.30 MPa

Allowable Stress, Hydrotest 179.27 MPa

Material Density 0.007833 kg/cm^3

P Number Thickness 31.750 mm

Yield Stress, Operating 171.47 MPa

UCS-66 Chart Curve Designation B

External Pressure Chart Name CS-2

UNS Number K03504

Product Form Forgings

Perform Flange Stress Calculation (Y/N) Y

Weight of ANSI B16.5/B16.47 Flange 0.0000 N


Class of ANSI B16.5/B16.47 Flange

Grade of ANSI B16.5/B16.47 Flange


XY Coordinate Calculations

| | | | | |

From| To | X (Horiz.)| Y (Vert.) |DX (Horiz.)| DY (Vert.) |

| | mm | mm | mm | mm |

10| 20| 0.00000 | 171.000 | 0.00000 | 171.000 |


Warnings for Flange : FLANGE :

Note: Flange Hub Taper 0.3939 is > 0.33. Check Fig. 2-4(6) of Appendix 2.

This warning should not be considered for Standard Flanges as permitted by

ASME VIII in Table U-3 or for non-Code vessels.

Flange Input Data Values Description: FLANGE :

Item: Node 10 to 20

Description of Flange Geometry (Type) Integral Weld Neck

Description of Flange Analysis Partial, Thickness

Design Pressure P 0.38 MPa

Design Temperature 400 C

Internal Corrosion Allowance ci 3.0000 mm

External Corrosion Allowance ce 0.0000 mm

Use Corrosion Allowance in Thickness Calcs. No

Flange Inside Diameter B 3188.0000 mm

Flange Outside Diameter A 3440.0000 mm

Flange Thickness t 105.0000 mm

Thickness of Hub at Small End go 16.0000 mm

Thickness of Hub at Large End g1 42.0000 mm

Length of Hub h 66.0000 mm

Flange Material SA-105

Flange Allowable Stress At Temperature Sfo 101.30 MPa

Flange Allowable Stress At Ambient Sfa 137.90 MPa

Bolt Material SA-193 B7

Bolt Allowable Stress At Temperature Sb 162.03 MPa


Bolt Allowable Stress At Ambient Sa 172.38 MPa

Diameter of Bolt Circle C 3350.0000 mm

Nominal Bolt Diameter dB 25.4000 mm

Type of Threads UNC Thread Series

Number of Bolts 60

Flange Face Outside Diameter Fod 3264.0000 mm

Flange Face Inside Diameter Fid 3188.0000 mm

Flange Facing Sketch 6, Code Sketch 3

Gasket Outside Diameter Go 3264.0000 mm

Gasket Inside Diameter Gi 3188.0000 mm

Gasket Factor m 2.0000

Gasket Design Seating Stress y 17.00 MPa

Column for Gasket Seating 2, Code Column II

Gasket Thickness tg 5.0000 mm

ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2019

Hub Small End Required Thickness due to Internal Pressure:

= (P*(D/2+Ca))/(S*E-0.6*P) per UG-27 (c)(1)

= (0.38*(3188.0000/2+3.0000))/(101.30*1.00-0.6*0.38)+Ca

= 9.0044 mm

Corroded Flange ID, Bcor = B+2*Fcor 3194.000 mm

Corroded Large Hub, g1Cor = g1-Fcor 39.000 mm

Corroded Small Hub, g0Cor = go-Fcor 13.000 mm

Code R Dimension, R = ((C-Bcor)/2)-g1cor 39.000 mm


Gasket Contact Width, N = (Go - Gi) / 2 38.000 mm

Basic Gasket Width, bo = 3 * N / 8 14.250 mm

Effective Gasket Width, b = sqrt(bo) / 2 9.512 mm

Gasket Reaction Diameter, G = Go - 2 * b 3244.975 mm

Basic Flange and Bolt Loads:

Hydrostatic End Load due to Pressure [H]:

= 0.785 * G² * Peq

= 0.785 * 3244.9749² * 0.380

= 3142384.000 N

Contact Load on Gasket Surfaces [Hp]:

= 2 * b * Pi * G * m * P +

= 2 * 9.5125 * 3.1416 * 3244.9749 * 2.0000 * 0.38

= 147388.047 N

Hydrostatic End Load at Flange ID [Hd]:

= Pi * Bcor² * P / 4

= 3.1416 * 3194.0000² *0.3800 / 4

= 3044432.750 N

Pressure Force on Flange Face [Ht]:

= H - Hd

= 3142384 - 3044432

= 97951.352 N

Operating Bolt Load [Wm1]:

= max( H + Hp + H'p, 0 )

= max( 3142384 + 147388 + 0 , 0 )

= 3289772.250 N

Gasket Seating Bolt Load [Wm2]:

= y * b * Pi * G + yPart * bPart * lp

= 17.00*9.5125*3.141*3244.975+0.00*0.0000*0.00

= 1648418.750 N

Required Bolt Area [Am]:

= Maximum of Wm1/Sb, Wm2/Sa

= Maximum of 3289772 / 162 , 1648418 / 172

= 20305.703 mm^2

Bolting Information for UNC Thread Series (Non Mandatory):


Minimum Actual Maximum


Bolt Area, mm^2 20305.703 21328.990

Radial distance bet. hub and bolts 34.925 39.000

Radial distance bet. bolts and the edge 26.987 45.000

Circumferential spacing between bolts 57.150 175.325 302.800


Min. Gasket Contact Width (Brownell Young) [Not an ASME Calc] [Nmin]:

= Ab * Sa/( y * Pi * (Go + Gi) )

= 21328.990 * 172.38 /(17.00 * 3.14 * (3264.000 + 3188.00 ) )

= 10.670 mm

Note: Recommended Min. Width for Sheet and Composite Gaskets per table 2-4 :

= 38.000 mm

Flange Design Bolt Load, Gasket Seating [W]:

= Sa * ( Am + Ab ) / 2

= 172.38 * ( 20305.7031 + 21328.9902 ) / 2

= 3588085.00 N

Gasket Seating Force [HG]:

= Wm1 - H

= 3289772 - 3142384

= 147388.09 N

Moment Arm Calculations:

Distance to Gasket Load Reaction [hg]:

= (C - G ) / 2

= ( 3350.0000 - 3244.9749 ) / 2

= 52.5126 mm

Distance to Face Pressure Reaction [ht]:

= ( R + g1 + hg ) / 2

= ( 39.0001 + 39.0000 + 52.5126 ) / 2

= 65.2563 mm

Distance to End Pressure Reaction [hd]:

= R + ( g1 / 2 )

= 39.0001 + ( 39.0000 / 2.0 )

= 58.5001 mm

Summary of Moments for Internal Pressure:

Loading Force Distance Bolt Corr Moment

End Pressure, Md 3044433. 58.5001 1.0000 178171776. N-mm

Face Pressure, Mt 97951. 65.2563 1.0000 6394538. N-mm

Gasket Load, Mg 147388. 52.5126 1.0000 7742868. N-mm

Gasket Seating, Matm 3588085. 52.5126 1.0000 188496016. N-mm

Total Moment for Operation, Mop 192309184. N-mm

Total Moment for Gasket seating, Matm 188496016. N-mm

Effective Hub Length, ho = sqrt(Bcor*goCor) 203.769 mm

Hub Ratio, h/h0 = HL / H0 0.324

Thickness Ratio, g1/g0 = (g1Cor/goCor) 3.000

Flange Factors for Integral Flange:

Factor F per 2-7.2 0.865


Factor V per 2-7.3 0.233

Factor f per 2-7.6 4.459

Factors from Figure 2-7.1 K = 1.077

T = 1.885 U = 28.596

Y = 26.023 Z = 13.502

d = .42212E+07 mm ³ e = 0.0042 mm ^-1

Stress Factors ALPHA = 1.446

BETA = 1.594 GAMMA = 0.767

DELTA = 0.274 Lamda = 1.041

Longitudinal Hub Stress, Operating [SHo]:

= ( f * Mop / Bcor ) / ( L * g1² )

= ( 4.4592 *.19231E+09 / 3194.0000 ) / ( 1.0411 *39.0000² )

= 169.50 MPa

Longitudinal Hub Stress, Seating [SHa]:

= ( f * Matm / Bcor ) / ( L * g1² )

= ( 4.4592 * .18850E+09 / 3194.0000 ) / ( 1.0411 * 39.0000² )

= 166.14 MPa

Radial Flange Stress, Operating [SRo]:

= ( Beta * Mop / Bcor ) / ( L * t² )

= ( 1.5944 *.19231E+09 / 3194.0000 ) / ( 1.0411 *105.0000² )

= 8.36 MPa

Radial Flange Stress, Seating [SRa]:

= ( Beta * Matm/Bcor ) / ( L * t² )

= ( 1.5944 *.18850E+09/3194.0000 ) / ( 1.0411 *105.0000² )

= 8.20 MPa

Tangential Flange Stress, Operating [STo]:

= ( Y * Mo / (t² * Bcor) ) - Z * SRo

= ( 26.0226 *.19231E+09 / (105.0000² *3194.0000 ) ) - 13.5023 *8


= 29.18 MPa

Tangential Flange Stress, Seating [STa]:

= ( y * Matm / (t² * Bcor) ) - Z * SRa

= ( 26.0226 *.18850E+09 / (105.0000² *3194.0000 ) ) - 13.5023 *8

= 28.60 MPa

Average Flange Stress, Operating [SAo]:

= ( SHo + max( SRo, STo ) ) / 2

= ( 169 + max( 8 , 29 ))/ 2

= 99.34 MPa

Average Flange Stress, Seating [SAa]:

= ( SHa + max( SRa, STa ) ) / 2

= ( 166 + max( 8 , 28 ))/ 2

= 97.37 MPa

Bolt Stress, Operating [BSo]:

= ( Wm1 / Ab )

= ( 3289772 / 21328.9902 )

= 154.25 MPa

Bolt Stress, Seating [BSa]:

= ( Wm2 / Ab )

= ( 1648418 / 21328.9902 )

= 77.29 MPa

Stress Computation Results: Operating Gasket Seating

Actual Allowed Actual Allowed

Longitudinal Hub 170. 152. 166. 207. MPa

Radial Flange 8. 101. 8. 138. MPa

Tangential Flange 29. 101. 29. 138. MPa

Maximum Average 99. 101. 97. 138. MPa

Bolting 154. 162. 77. 172. MPa


Minimum Required Flange Thickness [Rigidity] 129.286 mm

Warning: Actual Flange Stress Exceeds Allowable!

Estimated M.A.W.P. ( Operating ) 0.3 MPa

Estimated M.A.W.P. ( Gasket Seating ) 0.3 MPa

Estimated Finished Weight of Flange at given Thk. 1230.5 kg

Estimated Unfinished Weight of Forging at given Thk 1757.2 kg

Flange Rigidity Based on Required Thickness [ASME]:

Flange Rigidity Index, Seating (rotation check) per APP. 2 [Js]:

= 52.14 * Ma * Cnv_fac * V / ( Lambda * Eamb * go2 * ho * Ki )

= 52.14 * .18850E+09 * 1.000 * 0.233 / ( 1.333 * 201334 * 13.000 2

* 203.769 * 0.300 )

= 0.827 (should be <= 1)

Flange Rigidity Index Operating (rotation check) per APP. 2 [J]:

= 52.14 * Mo * Cnv_fac * V / ( Lambda * Eop * goc2 * ho * Ki )

= 52.14 * .19231E+09 * 1.000 * 0.233 / ( 1.333 * 169787 * 13.000 2

* 203.769 * 0.300 )

= 1.000 (should be <= 1)

Flange Rigidity Based on Given Thickness [ASME]:

Flange Rigidity Index, Seating (rotation check) per APP. 2 [Js]:

= 52.14 * Ma * Cnv_fac * V / ( Lambda * Eamb * go2 * ho * Ki )

= 52.14 * .18850E+09 * 1.000 * 0.233 / ( 1.041 * 201334 * 13.000 2

* 203.769 * 0.300 )

= 1.058 (should be <= 1)


Flange Rigidity Index Operating (rotation check) per APP. 2 [J]:

= 52.14 * Mo * Cnv_fac * V / ( Lambda * Eop * goc2 * ho * Ki )

= 52.14 * .19231E+09 * 1.000 * 0.233 / ( 1.041 * 169787 * 13.000 2

* 203.769 * 0.300 )

= 1.281 (should be <= 1)

Minimum Design Metal Temperature Results:

Min Metal Temp. w/o impact per UCS-66 -14 C


Element Thickness, Pressure, Diameter and Allowable Stress :

| | Int. Press | Nominal | Total Corr| Element | Allowable |

From| To | + Liq. Hd | Thickness | Allowance | Diameter | Stress(SE)|

| | MPa | mm | mm | mm | MPa |

10| 20| 0.38000 | ... | 3.00000 | 3188.00 | 101.297 |

Element Required Thickness and MAWP :

| | Design | M.A.W.P. | M.A.P. | Actual | Required |

From| To | Pressure | Corroded | New & Cold | Thickness | Thickness |

| | MPa | MPa | MPa | mm | mm |

10| 20| 0.38000 >>> 0.29669 | 0.35847 | 105.000 <<< 129.286 |

Minimum 0.297 0.358

MAWP: 0.297 MPa, limited by: Flange.

Internal Pressure Calculation Results :

ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2019

One or more Elements Failed Code Requirements for Internal Pressure !


External Pressure Calculation Results :

ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, 2019

Warnings for Flange : FLANGE :

Note: Flange Hub Taper 0.3939 is > 0.33. Check Fig. 2-4(6) of Appendix 2.

This warning should not be considered for Standard Flanges as permitted by

ASME VIII in Table U-3 or for non-Code vessels.

External Pressure Calculations

| | Section | Outside | Corroded | Factor | Factor |

From| To | Length | Diameter | Thickness | A | B |

| | mm | mm | mm | | MPa |

10| 20| No Calc | 0.00000 | 102.000 | No Calc | No Calc |

External Pressure Calculations

| | External | External | External | External |

From| To | Actual T. | Required T.|Des. Press. | M.A.W.P. |

| | mm | mm | MPa | MPa |

10| 20| 105.000 | 77.9018 | 0.10343 | No Calc |

External Pressure Calculations

| | Actual Len.| Allow. Len.| Ring Inertia | Ring Inertia |

From| To | Bet. Stiff.| Bet. Stiff.| Required | Available |

| | mm | mm | mm^4 | mm^4 |

10| 20| No Calc | No Calc | No Calc | No Calc |

Elements Suitable for External Pressure.

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