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Audrey T. S.-Stelson, Evelyn E. Watson, and Roger J. Cloutier*

medical community. One reason for this was the low

Abstract-This paper presents a short history of the develop- specific activity of uranium, the first material discovered
ment of medical internal dosimetry. It reviews the evolution of to be radioactive. Because uranium has a specific activity
the equations and discusses the development of various math- of only about 1.2 X lo4 Bq g-’, the dose rate near small
ematical models used to improve radiation absorbed dose
estimates. The contributions of Leonidas Marinelli, Edith quantities of uranium is but a fraction of that produced by
Quimby, William Mayneord, Robert Loevinger, Walter Sny- even the simplest x-ray tube.
der, and others are emphasized. After Marie Curie separated polonium and radium
Health Phys. 69(5):766-782; 1995 from uranium ore in 1898, the specific activity situation
Key words: dosimetry, internal; dose, absorbed; dose assess- changed dramatically. Because radium has a specific
ment; radiation, medical activity of about 3.7 X 10’” Bq g-’, small masses of
radium produce high dose rates. This feature was seized
upon for therapy, and small capsules or needles contain-
INTRODUCTION ing radium were used as external sources or as implants
in tumors (Early and Landa 1995).
THISPAPER reviews the calculational techniques that have The availability of high-specific-activity material
been used to estimate the radiation dose a patient would also made tracer studies possible. The first radioactive
receive from the administration of radioactive material tracer experiment is attributed by Marshall Brucer
and identifies some of the individuals who made an (Brucer 1990) to George de Hevesy. In 1911 Hevesy
impact on the development of medical internal dosime- added “some active deposit” to a meat pie prepared by
try. his landlady on Sunday. On Wednesday, he discovered
The history of internal dosimetry could have begun activity in the souffle, thus verifying his suspicions that
soon after the discovery of radioactivity by A. Henri the remains of Sunday’s meals reappeared transposed
Becquerel in 1896; however, the beginning actually into a later meal. A formal description for using “radio-
occurred much later after the development of charged elements as indicators” was published by Hevesy and
particle accelerators in the mid 1930’s. These devices Fritz Paneth in 1913 (Hevesy and Paneth 1913).
made several radioactive isotopest available in sufficient Tracer studies in humans were not performed until
quantities to be used for diagnostic and therapeutic the late 1920’s when Hermann L. Blumgart and cowork-
purposes at a limited number of medical institutions. ers used a progeny of radon as a tracer to study blood
Internal dosimetry blossomed after World War I1 be- flow (Blumgart and Yens 1927; Blumgart and Weiss
cause nuclear reactors, developed during the war, made 1927). The solution, containing radium C (’l4Bi), was
radioactive isotopes readily available to the entire med- employed to measure arm-to-arm circulation time. A
ical community in almost unlimited quantities. Wilson cloud chamber was used as the detector (Fig. 1).
The discovery of artificial radioactivity by Frederick
THE EARLY PERIOD: 1896 TO THE MID 1930’s Joliot and his wife Irene Joliot-Curie in 1934 provided a
new source of radioactivity (Joliot and Curie 1934).
Becquerel’s discovery of natural radioactivity led to Initially the artificial radioactive material was produced
considerable interest in the properties of radioactive by bombarding light elements with alpha particles. This
decay. However, unlike its x-ray counterpart, which technique also led to the discovery of neutrons that were
found an immediate use for medical diagnosis and even more effective in producing artificial radioactivity.
therapy, radioactivity was initially only a curiosity to the Ultimately neutrons produced radioisotopes of elements
beyond uranium, which in the 1930’s was at the end of
* Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, Oak Ridge, T N the periodic table. Samuel Glasstone’s Sourcebook on
(Munuscript received 31 October 1994; revised manuscript re- Atomic Energy is a good reference for these develop-
ceived 23 May 1995, accepted 12 July 1995) ments (Gkdsstone 1967).
0017-9078/95/$3.00/0 At about the same time, the late 1920’s and early
Copyright 0 1995 Health Physics Society
+ In the early 1900’s, the term radioactive “isotopes” was used
1930’s, charged particle accelerators were invented and
instead of radioactive “nuclides.” We follow the terminology used at later improved. These included the Cockcroft-Walton
that time. and Van de Graff accelerators as well as the cyclotron,
Medical internal dosimetry 0 A. T. S-STELSON

Fig. 1. Diagram of relation of the lead shield and the detecting

device to the patient. A , detecting device; B, lead shield through
which the left arm passes; V , right arm (Blumgart et al. 1927).
Reproduced from The Journal of Clinical Investigation by copy-
right permission of The Society for Clinical Investigation (original

invented by Ernest 0. Lawrence in 1929. In 1932, John

D. Cockcroft and Ernest T. S. Walton used artificially
accelerated protons to cause the disintegration of lithium.
Later, similar reactions led to the production of many
different forms of artificial radioactivity (Glasstone
The stage was now set for the use of artificial
radioisotopes as tracers and even as therapeutic agents.
Unencapsulated material could be injected, ingested,
inhaled, or otherwise introduced into the body. Radium Fig. 2. Early arrangements for counting activity of radioiodine in
had already been used in a similar manner and as a the thyroid gland, about 1941. (From the files of J. Hamilton,
luminizing agent in industry. These practices provided courtesy of P. W. Durbin, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.) (Stan-
the first indications of the hazards of internally adminis- nard 1988.)
tered radioactivity.

THE INTERMEDIATE PERIOD: 1930’s radioisotopes became available, concern about the pa-
AND 1940’s tient’s dose (amount of energy absorbed by tissue) began
to develop.
During the early 1 9 3 0 ’ radioactive
~~ materials, now At this time, procedures existed for calculating the
available by artificial means, began to play a limited role internal dose from therapeutic implants of radium and
in the diagnosis and therapy of patients. The principal radon as capsules, needles, or seeds. The goal of the
diagnostic test, and almost the only one, was the use of implants was to produce radiation exposures that would
radioactive iodine for thyroid uptake studies. The func- cause the death of the tumor cells while limiting the
tion of the thyroid was known to be very important to the damage to normal tissue. Several different techniques or
well-being of the patient and iodine, radioactive or not, source arrangements were developed to accomplish this
would concentrate in this endocrine gland. Fig. 2 shows goal. One of the most widely used techniques was the
a child undergoing this test. A “sensitive” Geiger- Manchester System (Meredith 1947). This system relied
Mueller detector was used to measure the radioactivity. upon specific source arrays for which tables of exposure
32P was used for treating various blood disorders such as were produced by Ralston Paterson and Herbert M.
leukemia and polycythemia Vera, but to a much lesser Parker (1934). The tables provided exposure-rate values
extent than the diagnostic use of radioiodine. at various distances from different source arrays. Parker
Initially, knowledge of the patient’s radiation dose had a major health physics role during the Manhattan
from either diagnostic or therapeutic use of artificial Project and at the Hanford Project of the U.S. Atomic
radioactivity was of little concern. In the diagnostic Energy Commission, Energy Research and Development
situation, the amount of radioiodine administered was Administration, and Department of Energy. For many
based on the need to detect sufficient gamma rays from years he was a key member of the National Council on
the thyroid gland. For the therapeutic use of 32P in blood Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP).*
disorders, the amount of activity administered was based
on previous experience with x rays and the effect of the * A collection of Parker’s publications along with a description of
32P on the patient’s blood levels. As more artificial his career was edited by Kathren et al. (1986).
768 Health Physics November 1995, Volume 69, Number 5

The first paper on the internal dosimetry of artificial pcd = number of microcuries destroyed;$
radioisotopes was presented by Leonidas D. Marinelli of C = the initial number of microcuries per gram of
Memorial Hospital, New York, in 1941 at the Annual tissue;
Meeting of the American Radium Society. His presenta- E = the average energy per decay in MeV; and
tion, titled “Dosage Determinations with Radioactive T = the half life in days.
Isotopes,” was later published (Marinelli 1942). His goal
was “to furnish the radiologist with the means of deter- In both the 1942 and the 1948 papers, the authors
assumed that all of the beta energy would be absorbed
mining to a first approximation, the amount of radioac-
within the tissue containing the radioactive material
tive material to be prescribed in order to deliver to tissue because “practically all radiation emitted is utilized
a dose of radiation specified in terms of units already in therein.”
general use.” The dose per hour and per day was calculated as
Internal dosimetry initially considered only the beta follows:
particle emissions from a uniformly distributed radioiso-
tope. This was considered justifiable because the beta dp(hour) = D,f,;and (2)
dose was known to be several times the gamma dose.
Marinelli’s technique involved calculating the num- dp(day) = DPfd, (3)
ber of ion pairs produced in a gram of air per roentgen. where,f, andf, are the fraction of the total disintegrations
He then used 32.2 electron volts per ion pair to calculate occurring per hour or per day. A table provided the
the amount of energy (ergs) absorbed per gram. From the values of fi, and f, and information about the average
average energy of the beta, he could determine the energy.
number of beta particles required to give the same In the 1942 paper, Marinelli stated that “Of the few
number of ergs as were calculated for 1 roentgen. radioactive isotopes suitable and available at present for
Marinelli called this number of beta particles per gram, 1 therapy, 32P is the most extensively used.” The average
equivalent roentgen (e.r.). Typographical errors in two energy of the emitted particle was listed as 700 electron-
equations and a complex symbolism made this paper kilovolts (* 5%).”
difficult to understand. With this information and the basic equation for the
Of general historic interest, Marinelli’s first paper equivalent roentgen, Marinelli reported that 7.46 X lo7
acknowledged the assistance of the Works Projects disintegrations of 32P per gram of tissue would result in
Administration (WPA) of New York City (Marinelli one equivalent roentgen.
1942). The WPA was created during President Franklin Part I1 of the 1942 paper provides “Dosage Esti-
D. Roosevelt’s administration. Organized in 1935 as the mates on Leukemic Patients.” Marinelli reported that
Works Progress Administration, it was renamed the “the number of disintegrations within a tissue. . . de-
Works Projects Administration in 1939. The Agency pends on the metabolic uptake as well as on the meta-
provided work for needy unemployed persons by insti- bolic elimination of the isotope by the tissue itself.” He
tuting public works projects but also supported projects stated: “Our meager knowledge of these factors pre-
in adult education, the arts, and science. cludes any determination of radiation dosage in most
A gap in published papers related to the medical tissues, because it is not possible at present to determine
uses of radionuclides and internal dosimetry exists from directly the radioactivity of tissues in patients as a
about 1941 to 1946. This gap occurred because of World function of time.” A footnote explains that the material
War 11, which for the United States began in 1941 and available at autopsy is at present scanty. Even at this
ended in 1945. early date, Marinelli recognized the major impediment to
After World War 11, Marinelli, Edith H. Quimby, obtaining good estimates of the internal dose. In the
and Gerald J. Hine published a sequel to Marinelli’s 1942 summary, Marinelli noted that “The main difficulties
paper (Marinelli et al. 1948a). It had the same general encountered in isotope dosimetry are of biological na-
title, “Dosage Determination with Radioactive Isotopes,” ture.. . .” Lack of biological data continues to be a
but included the subtitle, “Practical Considerations in significant impediment to accurate dose estimation even
SO years later.
Therapy and Protection.” They addressed the errors in
To solve his problem, Marinelli assumed that met-
the 1942 paper and for the “convenience of the reader,”
abolic elimination in tissue follows an exponential pro-
reproduced the section on the fundamental relation of cess. Thus, the number of atoms present in a tissue could
equivalence between concentration of beta emitters in be described as follows:
tissue and radiation dose. The description of the dosim-
etry in this paper is much clearer and the symbolism is N, = N e - ( A r + h)f
much improved.
The total dose, D,, in equivalent roentgens (e.r.), is where A, is “the fraction of isotope atoms disintegrating
per unit time” and h is the fraction of isotope atoms
D, = K p C (e.r.), (1) eliminated (biologically) during the same time interval.
(i The symbol for curie did not officially become Ci until 1964.
K, = 88 E,T (e.r. per pcd g-’); l1 The average energy is now reported as 694.9 kiloelectron volts.
Medical internal dosimetry 0 A. T. S.-STEI.SON
ET AL. 769

Marinelli fully comprehended the concepts of inter-

nal dosimetry as shown by his statement that “Since the
radiation dose is proportional to the number of dis-
integrations times the average energy of disintegration
Vp, it is evident that the isotope which will deliver The geometric factor, g, for a point at the center of
the highest radiation dose to a tissue is the one for which a sphere is
( N V p A,.)/(& + A) is largest and not necessarily the
isotope which is taken up in the highest concentration.” 4rr
g= (1 - e-””) (cm) (7)
Using differential equations, Marinelli also introduced

the equations needed to describe the movement of an
isotope from one tissue to another. where R = radius of a sphere.
Marinelli et al. (1948a) also addressed the problem For spheres that have a diameter of <10 cm,
of calculating the radiation dose from gamma emitters. g=4rrR (cm).
His approach to the gamma dose problem was analogous
to that used for dose calculation of interstitial implants of However, the sphere is not a good approximation of
gamma-ray sources: the shape of the human body. The trunk of the body does
resemble a right cylinder (Fig. 4) and so the value of g
D, = K , C g (e.r.), (5) was calculated as follows:
K , = 1.44 t I,, x
1.44t = average life of the isotope in hours;
I , = dose rate in roentgens per hour at 1 cm in
air from an unfettered point source of 1mc; Although this expression was not directly integrable,
C = initial number of microcuries/gram of tis- Marinelli et al. (1948a) obtained a fair approximation of
sue; and it by expanding the exponential terms into a series of
g = a geometric factor in centimeters that de- terms and using only the first two terms for a solution.
pends on the size and shape of the tissue Marinelli et al. noted that the calculation of g was
mass under consideration and the absorp- exceedingly complex for a nonuniform distribution of a
tion of gamma rays. radioisotope. They might also have added that calcula-

Fig. 3 shows the physical relationship that was used

to calculate the dose at a point. The value of g for point
Q from the total volume is

Fig. 3. Volume Vwith a concentration of C mc per gram (Marinelli Fig. 4. Cylinder of radius R and height 2 2 (Marinelli 1948a).
1948a). Reproduced with copyright permission from the American Reproduced with copyright permission from the American Roent-
Roentgen Ray Society (original caption). gen Ray Society (original caption).
770 Health Physics November 1995. Volume 69. Number 5

tion of the g factor for unusual shapes was also very

complex. Therefore, calculations were limited to spheres,
cylinders, and ellipsoids.
Although the 1948 paper was written to explain how
the dose to a patient could be calculated, the authors also
made a special calculation to determine the concentration
in microcuries per gram that would give a dose of 0.1 e.r.
per 24 h. This dose rate was the acceptable exposure rate
for radiation workers in the 1940’s.
The same authors, Marinelli, Quimby, and Hine, had
two similar articles on dosimetry published in 1948.
Their two-part article on “Dosage Determination with
Radioactive Isotopes” appeared in Nucleonics (Marinelli

et al. 1948b and c). Nucleonics, established in 1947, was
for many years the most prestigious journal for nuclear-
related articles.
Part I, subtitled “Fundamental dosage formulae,”
developed the equations for calculating the dose from
beta and gamma radiations similar to those described
above. The doses were calculated in terms of equivalent
roentgens’ because “it is highly desirable to express these
doses in terms of roentgens, since that unit is generally HEAD
employed for therapy with X-rays and radium.”
The authors referenced William V. Mayneord as a Fig. 5. Variation of integral dose for a point source placed at
various positions on the central axis of the body. The doses have
source for many of the geometric factors required for the
internal dose equation (Mayneord 1945). Mayneord often
been calculated for an isotope with k = 10 r h -’ mc-’ at 1 cm.
and are modified from the data of Bush (Brit .I. Radiology 19:14;
used the reciprocal relationship in his calculations. This 1946) (Mayneord 1953) (original caption).
relationship was first reported by Louis V. King (1912)
who showed “that the ionization per unit volume at a
point P due to a distribution of N moles per unit volume
throughout a mass occupying a surface S, is equal to the which deals with the problem of nonuniform distribution
total ionization throughout S due to N moles of radioac- of radioactivity in the body, is the ratio of the concen-
tive matter concentrated at P.” tration in a tissue to the average concentration in the
Because the equations of integral dose (total energy body. Thus a tissue with a D.A.R. of 10 would receive a
absorbed) from a point source of radiation to a volume dose 10 times the average whole-body dose. Supporting
are the same as those for the dose to a point from an the need to know the D.A.R., Marinelli said that the
extended source, Mayneord was able to use the reciproc- “most exhaustive information” on the distribution of 32P
ity theorem to solve many difficult geometric problems in mice shows that the highest radiation dose is given to
in internal dosimetry, particularly before the introduction bone, followed in order by spleen, liver, kidney, muscle,
of computers and Monte Carlo codes. Using this ap- and blood. He also stated that most adult human data
proach, Mayneord calculated the integral dose for a obtained from autopsies of leukemic patients did not
human phantom made of cylinders of various sizes (Fig. contradict the results in mice. As might have been
5). This was an extension of the work done by Frederick expected, radioisotope distribution data from animals
Bush (1946). In the early development of medical phys- were already being used to predict the dose to humans.
ics, Mayneord played a leading role and his papers are His paper included comments on the safety of
cited frequently in the literature. administering a radioactive isotope and stated that a “safe
Part I of Marinelli’s Nucleonics article also includes dose is assumed to be 0.1 r per day for the entire body;”
a tabulation of basic information for 38 isotopes includ- however, “When tracer studies are to be carried out once
ing radiation disintegration mode, energies, etc. This is or a few times . . . for diagnostic purposes, the physician
perhaps the first compilation of information needed for may legitimately employ doses considerably in excess of
internal dosimetry. Previously such information had been those. . . [which are] permitted for continuous expo-
scattered throughout the literature. sure.” Apparently the occupational dose limit of 0.1 r dC’
In Part 11, subtitled “Biological Considerations and was having an impact on the practice of medicine even at
Practical Applications,” the concept of Differential Ab- this early date.
sorption Ratio (D.A.R.) was introduced. The D.A.R., The 1948 papers (Marinelli et al. 1948a, b, c)
acknowledged the support of the Office of Naval Re-
search. This group was one of the initial financial
The equivalent roentgen was essentially the same as the
roentgen equivalent physical (rep) which was introduced by Herb supporters for the Manhattan Project that led to the
Parker and widely used in occupational health physics (Kathren et al. development of the atomic bomb. After the war they
1986). continued to support military research but they also
Medical internal dosimetry 0 A. T. S.-STELSON
ET AL. 771

represented the first “peacetime venture by the U.S. Table 1. Data on Standard M a n lTavlor 1984).
Government into the large-scale support of basic work in Organs Mass (g)
science” (Pfieffer 1949). In a sense, they were the Mu sc1es 30,000
forerunner of the National Science Foundation. During Skeleton, Bones 7,000
the early years of the Atomic Energy Commission Red marrow 1,500
(AEC), the AEC distributed its research funds to univer- Yellow marrow 1,500
sities through the Office of Naval Research (Hewlett and Blood 5,000
Gastrointestinal tract 2,000
Duncan 1969). Lungs 1,000
Before World War 11, recommendations about the Liver 1,700
safe use of x rays and radium came from the U.S. Kidneys 300
Advisory Committee on X rays and Radium Protection. Spleen 150
Pancreas 70
This group suspended activities during the war and in Thyroid 20
1946 was reorganized as the National Committee (later Testes 40
Council) on Radiation Protection and Measurements Heart 300
(NCRP) (Taylor 1979). The NCRP and a newly re- Lymphoid tissue 700
Brain 1,500
established International Commission on Radiological Spinal cord 30
Protection (ICRP) met in 1949 to settle some fundamen- B1adder 150
tal radiation protection issues. The ICRP had last met in Salivary glands 50
1937 and its first formal meeting after WWII was not Eyes 30
Teeth 20
held until 1950. Prostate 20
Because the 1949 meeting included experts from the Adrenals 20
United States, Britain, and Canada, the meetings became Thymus 10
known as the Tripartite Conferences (Taylor 1984). The Skin and subcutaneous tissue 8,500
Other tissues and organs not separately defined 8,390
experts met first in Canada in September 1949; in
Total body weight 70,000
England, July 1950; and in the United States, March
1953. The main purpose of the meetings was to develop Total water intake per day 2.5 L
In food 1.0 (including water of oxidation)
compatible radiation protection practices. In fluid 1.5
One of the issues discussed at the first meeting of Total water output per day 2.5 L
the Tripartite Conference was the need for a “standard Sweat 500 cm3
man.” It was agreed that a common set of human Lungs 400
Feces 100
anatomical and physiological data be adopted for internal Urine 1,500
dosimetry calculations. In the United States at that time, Overall water content of 50 L (70% of 70 kg)
the size of the various human organs were most fre- body
quently based on information compiled by Hermann Total surface area of respiratory tract 70m’
Lisco of Argonne National Laboratory (Lisco 1949). Respiratory interchange area 50
Nonrespiratory area (Upper tract, 20
Table 1 shows the information that was available to the trachea, bronchioles)
Tripartite group. The duration of occupational exposure in the Standard Man:
K. Z. Morgan, then director of health physics at Oak 8 hoursiday -standard day.
Ridge National Laboratory, accepted responsibility for 48 hoursiweek -standard week.”
50 weeks/year (2,000 hoursiyear) -standard year.
evaluating the suitability and accuracy of the Standard
Man data. His group, which included M. R. Ford, M. J. a The 40-h work week was adopted in the United States in 1962 with the
passage of the Work Week Hours Act.
Cook, I. Tipton, S. R. Bernard, and later W. S. Snyder,
produced major compilations on Standard Man, later
renamed Reference Man, that were published by the
ICRP. Today, the Reference Man data are available in distributed radioisotopes from its reactors to many
ICRP Publication 23 (ICRP 1975). groups, especially groups performing medical and bio-
When World War I1 ended in 1945, there was a great logical research. On 2 August 1946, the first “official”
deal of concern about who should control atomic energy: radioactive isotope shipment to the private sector was
the civilians or the military? After heated debate by made from Clinton Laboratories, now Oak Ridge Na-
Congress, an Atomic Energy Act was passed and signed tional Laboratory (Hewlett and Anderson 1962). One
by President Harry S. Truman on 1August 1946. The Act millicurie of 14C was produced in the Graphite Reactor
assigned this responsibility to a civilian Atomic Energy and given to the Barnard Free Skin and Cancer Hospital
in St. Louis, Missouri.’
Commission (AEC) (Hewlett and Anderson 1962). The
During the first year of distributions, over eleven
official transfer of the military atomic energy program to
hundred shipments were made to 160 organizations
the AEC was made on 1 January 1947. (Stannard 1988).
Even before the AEC took over, the military desired
to demonstrate that research and development related to ’ A clever public relations program allowed many different
the atomic bomb also had peaceful uses. To emphasize groups to claim the honor of having received the first radioisotope
this point, the military, and later the AEC, readily shipment (Brucer 1990).
772 Health Physics November 1995, Volume 69, Number 5

In the late 1940’s, the AEC established medical In discussing the treatment of hyperthyroidism, John
research programs at Oak Ridge, Brookhaven, and Ar- Hurst and John Karr (1951) made clear that the dose
gonne. The distribution of reactor-produced isotopes and which physicians were accustomed to using when admin-
the establishment of medical research programs by the istering radioactive material was not the roentgen nor
AEC set the stage for the 1950’s to be a time of equivalent roentgen but rather the amount of activity
exponential growth in the use of radioactive materials in administered. They reported that three approaches to
humans. determining the required dose (activity) were being
followed for hyperthyroidism:
DOSIMETRY TAKES HOLD: 1950’s 1) A basic dose is administered. If the toxicity persists,
repeat the dose;
Medical physicist Edith Quimby was well known in 2) Adjust the size of the dose depending on the size of
the 1940’s and 1950’s for educating physicians on the the gland; and
intricacies of radiation physics. Her chapter on the 3) Select the dose based on the uptake of a tracer dose
“Dosimetry of Internally Administered Radioactive Iso- and gland size.
topes” (Quimby 1951) had a similar impact on those By the early 1950’s, the proximity of the Oak Ridge
starting to use the newly available radionuclides. * * Institute of Nuclear Studies’ (ORINS) Medical Division
Quimby ’s approach to internal dosimetry was the same to the source of the radionuclides, the X-10 reactor at
as that presented in the paper she coauthored earlier with Oak Ridge, made the Institute one of the leading nuclear
Marinelli (1948a). She recognized that equivalent roent- medicine centers in the world. Directed by Marshall
gen, roentgen equivalent, tissue roentgen, and roentgen Brucer, this group conducted not only medical research
equivalent physical (rep) were all defined differently but but also symposia and training courses. In September
all essentially meant the same thing. 1953, ORINS presented a combination symposium/train-
Quimby noted that many organs could be approxi- ing program at which Robert Loevinger discussed the
mated by spheres. This concept was later used by the “Calculation of Radiation Dosage in Internal Therapy
ICRP in its early report on internal dosimetry (ICRP with 1-131” (Loevinger 1955).?+
1960). Quimby’s chapter also included a sample calcu- Loevinger outlined a technique for internal dosime-
lation for 1 3 ’ 1 in the thyroid. This calculation was try. The beta dose equation, based on one rep being equal
extended to give the “safe tracer dose,” which was the to 93 ergs of absorbed energy per gram of tissue, was
activity that would deliver 0.3 r in the first week. The
occupational exposure limit had been lowered to 0.3 r per D, = 79.3 E, TeflC (rep), (9)
Quimby also expanded on the Differential Absorp- where
tion Ratio that was previously included in her 1948 paper EP = average energy of the beta radiation in MeV;
with Marinelli (1948a). She noted that (1) the D.A.R. T,, = effective half-time in days; and
value depends upon the time of measurement, and (2) no C =the concentration in pcg-l.
rule existed for determining the optimal time to be used
to compare the D.A.R.s. She also pointed out that human At the same meeting Harald Rossi announced that in
data on the distribution of radioisotopes were lacking and July 1953, the International Radiological Congress had
that data on long-lived isotopes were especially scanty. adopted the rad as 100 ergs per gram, and so the above
She admonished physicians that “No human studies with equation would become:
long-lived isotopes should be undertaken until a consid-
erable amount of animal work indicates their justifica- D, = 73.8 E, TeflC (rad). (10)
tion.” (Rossi 1955).
C. F. Stroebel’s chapter in the same book as Quim- The gamma dose equation was
by’s chapter (Stroebel and Hall 1951) discussed the use
of 32P in humans. The following quote gives some idea D, = 0.0346 Z,, TeflC g (roentgen), (11)
of how the doses were calculated: “The determination of
dosage may be done by use of a logarithmic scale. . . . An
ordinary Keuffel and Esser slide rule may be used.” I, =r
per h at 1 cm in air from a point source of 1
Senior readers of this report will quickly recognize this as mc;
the standard K & E slide rule on which they made their T,, = effective half-time in days;
calculations and for which three-significant-digit preci- C = concentration in Fcg-l; and
sion was a goal. Younger readers will not understand the g = geometric factor in cm.
nostalgia the statement affords many of us. Instead they
will grab their pocket calculators and be quick to report Loevinger cautioned the reader, “This is a simple-
answers with seven-digit precision. looking equation, but don’t let it fool you. It is not easy

** About this time the term “radionuclide” began to replace tt Robert Loevinger was the 1993 recipient of the Health Physics
“radioisotope.” Society Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award.
Medical internal dosimetry 0 A. T. S.-STELSON
ET AL. 773

to use, since we can seldom determine g in any practical

Loevinger stressed that the value of g depended
upon the model used to represent a body and “ . . . it
should be thoroughly understood that the calculations
really apply only to the model. Application of the
calculated results to a real biological system (patient or
animal) requires a judgment of the extent to which the
system does or does not satisfy the simplifying assump-
tions of the model.”
Loevinger also said “The development of a satisfac-
tory model might proceed as follows: First, a very simple
model will serve as a basis for conducting and interpret-
ing the first experiments in a new field. This model is
changed to include new information, and new experi-
ments are suggested by an improved model. If this
process eventually arrives at a model, which is in
substantial agreement with experience, and which allows
adequate prediction of future results, then the model is
said to be ’true’. We may then even allow ourselves to
forget that it is a mere model.” In addition, Loevinger
described a mathematical model of the trunk of a human
with the thyroid gland embedded in the trunk (Fig. 6).
When discussing uncertainties, Loevinger stated that
the disintegration scheme of 1311is probably well enough
known that the dosimetry constants will not change by
more than a few percent in the future. However, uncer-
tainty about the amount of radioiodine in the thyroid may
be as great as a factor of three, and direct measurement of
the thyroid organ activity should be better than indirect
urinalysis. To improve the measurements, a suitable
physical phantom was required.
As the use of radionuclides in medicine increased,
so did the number of articles and chapters on internal A d m i n i s t e r e d 1131 goes 5c”, t o thyroid
dosimetry. In 1953, Mayneord and Warren K. Sinclair** t o trunk
wrote an informative chapter for the Advances in Bio-
logical and Medical Physics. They recognized that a Fig. 6. Elemental model for 13*1 dosimetry (Loevinger 1955)
common system of dosimetry would be advantageous, (original caption).
and the gamma- and beta-ray dose equations should be in
identical form. They pointed out that the dose rate for a
uniformly distributed beta emitter was uniform except dosimetry fundamentals, external dosimetry, and dosirn-
near the surface of the tissue containing the emitter. etry for implants; however, there were two chapters
However, when a gamma emitter was uniformly distrib- related to internal dosimetry. The chapter titled “Inter-
uted throughout a tissue, the dose was not uniform. At the nally Administered Radioisotopes,” by Loevinger, Holt,
surface of the tissue, the dose would be only about one and Hine, summarized the methods for doing internal
half of that at the center. The gamma-ray problem dose calculations. The equations presented are similar to
required the calculation of g which had been done for those developed earlier. This clearly written chapter
spheres, cylinders, and ellipsoids; however, for complex provides valuable instructions and admonitions on what
geometries, graphical integration was often necessary. is important. For example, “The initial uptake period can
They represented the human body with an ellipsoid that ordinarily be ignored in dosimetry calculations if the
had a ratio of the axes of 5 to 1. effective half-life for elimination is at least twenty times
In 1956, the first edition of Radiation Dosimetry was the effective half-time for uptake” and “The resolution of
published. Edited by Hine and Brownell (1956), the book the concentrations into (exponential) components is for
served as the “gold standard” on dosimetry for many convenience of computation only. The individual com-
medical and health physicists until updated by Attix and ponents do not necessarily have any relationship to true
Roesch (1968). Most of the first edition was devoted to biological turnover rates, half-times, volumes of distri-
butions or any other significant biological parameters.”
** After leaving England, Sinclair joined the staff of the M. D.
Marinelli’s concept of treating low-energy gamma and x
Anderson Hospital in Houston, Texas, then went to Argonne National rays as if they were beta radiation (Marinelli et al. 1948a)
Laboratory before serving as President of the NCRP 1977-1991. was extended by Loevinger et al. (1956b) to include
114 Health Physics November 1995, Volume 69, Number 5

other forms of nonpenetrating radiations such as internal

conversion electrons, Auger electrons, and low-energy x
The estimation of the gamma dose still depended
upon the calculation of an average geometric factor, S.
This calculation was by no means trivial, and it was
usually done by using simple geometries such as cylin-
ders and spheres. Initially Bush (1946), then Mayneord
and Sinclair (1953), and now Loevinger, put cylinders
together to form a human body. This mathematical T L y * s quick answer to mathematical prob
phantom was used to calculate the value of j for the lems for engmeerr and designers 1s GEDA-
the Goodyear Electronic Differential Analyzer.
various parts of the body. Bush had also calculated the GEDA uses voltages and wave forms to Corn.
effect of elongation and shape on the integral dose and pute in an hour the most complex math prob.
lemr that would take 500 mamhours or more,
had concluded that large changes in shape resulted in u m g d i d e rule methods-acur as an "electrical
brain" that can solve any problem from trslec-
only small variations in the integral dose (Bush 1949). tories of apace rockets to improvement of work-
Earlier Marinelli et al. (1948a) had calculated the Row through factorin.

The newest GED.4, Yodel L3. is smaller. more

radionuclide tissue concentration that would result in a compact and easier to operate than other elec-
patient dose of 0.1 ex. per 24 h, which was the occupa- troniceoniputerr-oeciipirs 110 mote space than
the average desk. After brief instruction. cleri-
tional dose limit at that time. Later Quimby calculated cal workerr are able to operate GEDA.
the concentration that would result in a patient dose of A major supplrer of computing equipment,
Goodyear Aircraft has manufactured GEDA Consider the possible applications in your
0.3 r wk-', which was the occupational dose limit in analyzers forhveyearJ~peratesoneofindiis- plant for GEDA, the Goodyear Electronic
1951. Mayneord and Sinclair (1953) now stated that the try'., largest computer application I a b o r i l o r ~ c ~ Differential Analyzer. Then write for full infor-
-and isnow ready toiuppiy thenewest GEDA mation to' Goodyear .4ircra(t Corporation.
dose to patients who are expected to live for many years to industry and government. Dcpanmrnr 211. Akron 15, Ohio.
and have diagnostic tests applied time after time should
Fig. 7. Advertisement in Scientific American 188(3):1;1953.
have dose limits based on weekly tolerance dosages for
radiation workers. Loevinger et al. (1 956b) likewise
calculated the radionuclide tissue concentration that
would result in 0.3 rad wk-', which was then the The development of instrumentation for imaging the
maximum permissible dose to the critical tissue for gamma rays from radionuclides within the human body
occupational workers. also improved significantly in the early 1960's. Nuclear
medicine departments were being established around the
world and particularly in the United States. Radionu-
THE GOLDEN AGE: 1960-1980
clides were still being used for therapeutic purposes;
however, many physicians were focusing on administer-
As the 1960's began, the technique used to calculate
ing radionuclides to patients for diagnosis by in vivo
the gamma dose was about to change drastically. No
gamma imaging (often called scanning). Emphasis was
longer would the slide rule, planimeter, or desk-type
on developing radiopharmaceuticals (radionuclides used
adding machines be used to solve differential and inte-
as pharmaceuticals) that emitted significant amounts of
gral equations (Fig. 7). Computers that performed high-
gamma radiation instead of beta radiation.
speed repetitive calculations would take over. One tech-
Because of the increase in nuclear medicine proce-
nique proved very valuable to internal dosimetry. Called
dures, particularly for diagnosis, several members of the
the Monte Carlo calculation, this technique statistically
Society of Nuclear Medicine" (SNM) recognized a need
follows the paths of gamma rays as they pass through
for improving the methods of estimating absorbed radi-
matter by using the probabilities of interaction to deter-
ation dose. Several needs were apparent. The descrip-
mine if an interaction would occur. This procedure is
tions of the emissions from radionuclides were not
repeated until each gamma ray has been totally absorbed
or escapes the body. Knowledge about the life histories complete. Most listings included only the alpha, beta, and
of a few gamma rays is not useful but the life histories of gamma emissions without adequate information on x
rays or Auger and conversion electrons. Even the
tens of thousands of gamma rays give a reasonable
gamma-ray yields were given in relative numbers so that
approximation of where the gamma rays deposit their
absolute values were difficult to obtain. The methods for
energy. This technique allows for the source to be of any
shape and the volume in which the interactions occur to estimating dose needed to be made more consistent. The
models used for estimating the energy absorption were
be of any shape. It was first considered for internal dose
calculations by Loevinger et al. (1956a) but not actually not truly representative of the human body. Data on the
distribution and retention of radionuclides were limited
applied until Ellett et al. (1964, 1965) published tables
for various photon energies and phantom shapes. Be- and often inaccurate. John U. Hidalgo, President-elect of
the Society of Nuclear Medicine in 1963, was informed
cause the computers performed repetitive calculations,
the tedious task of calculating the geometric factor was
gone forever, and new sourceltarget combinations were BB The Society of Nuclear Medicine was formed in 1954 and
possible. focused primarily on diagnostic uses of radionuclides in medicine.
Medical internal dosimetry 0 A. T. S.-STELSON
ET AL. 775

of these concerns by many SNM members.! One of John McAfee, Karin R. Corey, Richard Peterson, C.
Hidalgo’s first acts as President was to direct the Soci- Craig Harris, Jack Krohmer, Robert H. Rohrer, Jonathan
ety’s Secretary, Craig Harris, to organize an ad hoc P. Miller, James Robertson, and Henry N. Wagner, Jr.
committee that would attack the problems. Consultants to the Committee were Robert Greenlaw,
The first meeting of “The Society’s ad hoc commit- Mones Berman, Robert Loevinger, and Gordon L.
tee on dose calculations” was held in November 1964, Brownell.
with Edward M. Smith, John McAfee, Gordon Linden- At its first meeting, the committee had agreed that
blad, Jonathan P. Miller, and C. Craig Harris in atten- an upper and lower estimate of the absorbed dose would
dance. Smith was chairman, and Harris served as secre- be preferable to a definitive statement of the absorbed
tary. Smith and Harris, along with Robert H. Rohrer (not dose; however, at the second meeting the decision was
present at the first meeting), were primarily concerned made that the objective of calculating doses according to
with the decay information of radionuclides that was age groupings and pathologic-state variations would be
lacking in available tables. McAfee proposed that the preferable and not be in conflict with the Standard Man
work be extended to an in toto study of the radiophar- concept.
macological problem including stability of label and The third meeting, held on 10 May 1965, resulted in
radiochemical purity. Mones Berman of the National the statement that the primary objective of the MIRD
Institutes of Health (NIH) was present as an invited Committee was to provide the medical and scientific
observer-advisor and reported that a Task Group of the communities with the most accurate estimate (as ex-
International Commission on Radiation Units (ICRU) pressed in rad) of the dose that a patient receives from
was studying tracer kinetics. The task group’s work was radiopharmaceuticals administered for diagnostic stud-
directed toward use of tracers in the study of systems and ies. The Committee would “collect, collate, and evaluate
not directly aimed at dosimetry but was complementary metabolic, chemical and nuclear data on various radio-
to the goals of the Committee. pharmaceuticals and merge this information into a real-
Several other important aspects of internal dosime- istic estimate of the patient dose using the most appro-
try were examined. Smith discussed the defects of the priate dose calculation techniques.””
spherical organ model and the concept of effective At this MIRD meeting, Loevinger presented his
radius.“ He also stressed (and the group agreed) that the approach to a unified beta-gamma dose calculation
mission of the SNM Committee was technical evaluation method. He suggested that the Committee get away from
of dose and not the evaluation of hazards, efficacy, and “such fantasies as uniform distributions, and start with a
other such topics as the “critical” organ dose. rational approach.” He indicated that present methods
Because of the lack of appropriate biologic informa- were inadequate, giving his chapters in Radiation Do-
tion, the Committee was interested in establishing a simetry, edited by Hine and Brownell, as examples
central agency for collecting and disseminating biologi- (Loevinger et al. 1956a and b). He noted the “schizo-
cal data. The possibility of establishing a standard fetus, phrenic” nature of those methods: gamma dose calcula-
standard child (possibly several ages), and a standard tions were derived from radium therapy and beta meth-
woman was also considered as a complement to the ods descended from Marinelli’s “energy emitted equals
Standard Man being developed by the ICRP for radiation energy absorbed” approach. * * *
protection purposes. During these early meetings, the Committee was
Several scientists in disciplines other than nuclear developing the objectives and goals that would govern
medicine were also concerned with improving the accu- the future activities of the Committee for the next 25
racy of absorbed dose estimates. Gordon Brownell, years. At the June 1966 meeting, Robert Loevinger
William H. Ellett, and A. B. Callahan in Boston; Walter presented a draft of the Loevinger and Berman paper that
Snyder and Mary Rose Ford in Oak Ridge; Robert described a unified approach to dosimetry. This approach
Loevinger of the National Bureau of Standards; and revolutionized dosimetry calculations and was published
Mones Berman with the NIH were working on different as the first MIRD pamphlet (Loevinger and Berman
aspects of the internal dose problem. Recognizing this, 1968). According to the minutes of the meeting, the
the SNM committee began to collaborate with them and Committee enthusiastically engaged in a discussion of
ask for their advice. the schema and its concepts.
At the second meeting, January 1965, the name Also at this meeting, Gordon Brownell urged the
Committee on Medical Internal Radiation Dose (MIRD) Committee to convert physical data of radiations from
was selected and Monte Blau and Ed Smith were named nuclides into whoie-body absorbed dose, organ absorbed
Cochairmen. The initial membership of the Committee dose, and gonadal absorbed dose, stating the biologic
was Edward M. Smith, Monte Blau, Gordon Lindenblad, data that were employed. He also proposed that they
abandon the use of the roentgen as a unit, the specific
gamma-ray constant (r),and the geometric factor ( j ) in
C. Craig Harris, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, absorbed dose calculations. The absorbed fraction tabu-
personal communication, June, 1994.
The ICRP used a series of spheres as its model of man and his
organs (ICRP 1960). Because several members of the ICRP commit- ## Report from Edward M. Smith to the President of the Society
tees also had an interest in nuclear medicine dosimetry, each group of Nuclear Medicine, 26 March 1965.
benefited from the work of the other. * * * Minutes of MIRD Committee meeting, 10 May 1965.
776 Health Physics November 1995, Volume 69, Number 5

lations proposed by Brownell and Ellett would eventu- lated by the Monte Carlo technique. Values were tabu-
ally be published as MIRD Pamphlet No. 3 (Brownell et lated for photon energies of 0.020, 0.030, 0.040, 0.060,
al. 1968). 0.080, 0.100, 0.160, 0.364, 0.662, 1.46, and 2.75 MeV.
Martin Berger described his activities in computing Thomas Dillman of Ohio Wesleyan University at-
build-up factors for gamma radiation for energies as low tacked the problem of tabulating nuclear decay data for
as 15 keV and the energy dissipated by P-particles in internal dose purposes. His efforts resulted in MIRD
tissue-equivalent materials. These results were published Pamphlet No. 4 (Dillman 1969) as well as updates
in MIRD Pamphlets Nos. 2 and 7 (Berger 1968, 1971). (Dillman 1970; Dillman and Von der Lage 1975; Weber
At the February 1967 meeting, the manuscript of et al. 1989).
Pamphlet No. 1 (Loevinger and Berman 1968) was Bryant Jones of the Food and Drug Administration
accepted pending a few changes. General dose equations (FDA) attended the February 1967 meeting, and the
and dose equations for the uniform isotropic model were Committee discussed with him the role of the FDA in the
presented in this pamphlet. For example, the dose equa- use of radiopharmaceuticals. At this time the AEC was in
tion for a volume being irradiated by a region r was given the process of transferring regulatory authority for radio-
as pharmaceuticals to the FDA. The FDA intended to
continue the requirement for dosimetry data with each
New Drug Application.
In 1968, Walter Snyder of Oak Ridge National
Laboratory joined the MIRD Committee. He brought
This eqn could also be written as expertise in the development of mathematical models of
D ( v t r) = A r c A, @((v
tr ) . (13)
the human body and the use of the Monte Carlo codes for
internal dosimetry. He also was an important link to the
ICRP because he served on ICRP Committee I1 that was
Definitions and symbols for cumulated activity (A), responsible for the development of internal dose esti-
absorbed dose (D),absorbed dose rate (R), absorbed mates for radiation workers. He initiated work with the
fraction (+), and specific absorbed fractions (a) were help of Gordon Warner that resulted in the calculation of
chosen at this time. A term called the equilibrium dose absorbed fractions, specific absorbed fractions, and S
constant (A), the product of the emitted energy of a values for a model of Reference Man. These results not
radionuclide and a conversion constant, was introduced. only provided information for calculating absorbed doses
The name equilibrium dose constant was later seen as a for radiopharmaceuticals, but also were incorporated by
misnomer and is now simply defined as mean energy the ICRP and regulatory agencies into the dose equiva-
emitted per nuclear transition (Loevinger et al. 1989). A lents for radionuclides required to meet radiation protec-
revised Pamphlet No. 1 was published in 1976 (Loev- tion standards. As justification for the use of the Monte
inger and Berman 1976). This pamphlet extended the Carlo results rather than the classical ICRP results (ICRP
equations to include the use of "S values". The S value 1960), Snyder compared the results of these methods, as
was defined as shown in Fig. 8.
c A,@,,(v
+ 4. (14)
The use of S values has simplified the calculation of
internal dose estimates but has also created some diffi-
culties along the way. One that was perceived fairly early
The concept of residence time was also examined in was that although most radioactivity was localized in one
the revised pamphlet. Berman, who brought to the or two organs, some fraction of the total activity was
committee valuable knowledge about tracer kinetics and distributed throughout the remainder of the body. The
the use of compartmental analysis, described residence S-value tables do not include values for remainder of the
time in greater detail in MIRD Pamphlet No. 12 (Berman body as a source organ. Roger Cloutier et al. (1973)
1977). published equations to convert the absorbed fraction
The absorbed dose equation using residence time values for the total body irradiating target organs to
and S values is given as absorbed fraction values for remainder of the body

irradiating target organs. A later publication by Jack L.

(rkk) = 2 7 h s(rk rh) 2 (15) Coffey and Evelyn E. Watson (1979) extended this to
corrections for S values. At approximately the same time,
where Hans D. Roedler"' and Alexander Kaul were also
D (rk) = the mean dose to target region k ;
T~ = residence time of a radionuclide in source ttl- Hans D. Roedler died in 1989 in an automobile accident. The
career of this talented scientist, physician, and musician was ended at
region h; and the age of 45. Among his accomplishments were an extensive
S =the mean dose per unit cumulated activity. compilation of dosimetric information for more than 160 radioisotopes
and radiopharmaceuticals (Kaul et al. 1973), a thesis on radiation
exposure from radiopharmaceuticals and the limits of the accuracy of
The third pamphlet prepared by Brownell et al. dose calculations (Roedler 1977), and a pocket compilation of internal
(1968) included absorbed fractions for photon dosimetry radiation dose estimates in diagnostic nuclear medicine (Roedler et al.
in spheres, ellipsoids, and right circular cylinders calcu- 1978).
Medical internal dosimetry 0 A. T. S.-~TELSON
ET AL. 777

diopharmaceuticals. The impact of the MIRD Committee

on internal dosimetry can be evaluated by its publications
\ \
(Table 2). These include pamphlets on dose equations,
decay scheme data, absorbed fractions, specific absorbed
fractions, and S values. Also included are instructive
pamphlets and books that describe the schema developed
for calculating absorbed dose estimates and methods for
processing biologic data and developing cumulated ac-
tivities for use in the dose calculations.
The MIRD Committee has made use of research by
scientists other than those who were official members of
the committee. The lack of biologic retention and distri-
bution data caused the committee to enlist the help of
nuclear medicine departments that were willing to collect
data from humans. These data were utilized in the series
of MIRD Dose Estimate Reports that have been pub-
lished in the Journal of Nuclear Medicine (Table 3).
These dose estimates represent excellent examples of
data collection and analysis for dosimetry. They address
the effect of route of administration, chemical form of the
radionuclide, and disease on the internal dose estimate.
L , , ! * , , , . I . , ,
The internal dosimetry of nuclear medicine procedures
I 1 4 , I 1

.Oz .Q4..06081 3 .4.5.5;.a$u 3 1 was given a big boost in 1977 when Frank DeLand,
Editor of the Journal of Nuclear Medicine, issued a
directive to authors requiring dosimetry data to be
included in articles describing new radiopharmaceuticals.
Most published absorbed dose estimates are based
on the mathematical model of Reference Man developed
initially by Henry Fisher and Walter S. Snyder (Fisher
examining this problem (Roedler and Kaul 1976) and and Snyder 1966; Snyder et al. 1969). This model,
showed that the correction was most important for target sometimes called the MIRD phantom, includes female
organs that contain little or no activity. organs as well as male organs so that dose estimates can
In addition to continuous support from the Society be made for women as well as for men. Other special
of Nuclear Medicine, the MIRD Committee began re- models, however, have been developed by groups such
ceiving funding from the Bureau of Radiological Health as the Internal Dosimetry group at Oak Ridge National
(BRH) of the Public Health Service in 1965. The BRH Laboratory, the Radiation Internal Dose Information
support continued for about 20 years with Donald Ham- Center at Oak Ridge Associated Universities, and H.
ilton representing BRH at most meetings. The sale of Yamaguchi and coworkers at the National Institute of
MIRD pamphlets by the Society of Nuclear Medicine Radiological Sciences, Chiba, Japan (Yamaguchi et al.
also provided financial support for the MIRD Committee 1975). The Oak Ridge National Laboratory group created
activities . a series of mathematical models for the newborn, one-
The membership of the Committee has changed year-old, five-year-old, ten-year-old, and fifteen-year-old
over the years; however, the primary objectives and goals (Warner et al. 1975; Poston 1976).*** Oak Ridge Asso-
have continued much as they began. The leadership of ciated Universities developed a model of the pregnant
the Committee has focused on the major issues of woman during the nine months of pregnancy (Cloutier et
concern to the nuclear medicine community. The follow- al. 1977).333 Scientists at the National Radiological
ing people have chaired the Committee: Edward Smith Institute in Japan applied the transformation method to
(also Executive Secretary), Monte Blau, Robert Rohrer, the MIRD Reference Man model to obtain absorbed
Roger Cloutier, Katherine Lathrop, James Robertson, fractions for various physiques. Reference Man and his
David Weber, and Evelyn Watson. Several individuals kinfolk continue to evolve and are the basis for most
have served for long periods of time. These include internal dose estimates.
Edward Smith, James Robertson, Robert Loevinger, and Several efforts addressed the problem of nonuni-
Katherine Lathrop. Lathrop probably holds the service form distribution of radionuclides within organs and
record. She was appointed in 1967 and still serves on the tissues. Jack Coffey and coworkers developed a heart
Soon after the publication of the MIRD Committee
documents, nuclear medicine physicians and medical *** Development of the age-dependent mathematical phantoms
continues at ORNL (Cristy 1980; Cristy and Eckerman 1987).
physicists around the world began to accept the pro- *ii* After many years of collaboration between ORAU and ORNL,
nouncements of this group as the most definitive and mathematical models and specific absorbed fractions at various stages
valuable statements regarding internal dosimetry of ra- of pregnancy have been published (Stabin et al. 1994).
77x Health Physics November 1995, Volume 69, Number 5

Table 2. List of MIRD pamphlets and books.

no. Title and authors References
1 A schema for absorbcd-dose calculations for biologically distributed J. Nucl. Med. 9(Suppl.1):7-14; 1968.
radionuclides. Robert Loevinger and Mones Berman.
1, Revised A revised schema for calculating thc absorbed dose from biologically New York: The Society of Nuclear
distributed radionuclides. Robcrt Locvinger and Mones Berman. Medicine; 1976.
2 Energy deposition in water by photons from point isotropic sources. J. Nucl. Med. 9(Suppl.1):15-25; 1968.
Martin J. Berger
3 Absorbed fractions for photon dosimetry. G. L. Brownell, W. H. J. Nucl. Med. 9(Suppl.1):27-39; 1968.
Ellett, and A. R. Reddy
4 Radionuclide decay schemes and nuclear parameters for use in J. Nucl. Med. 1O(SuppI.2):5-32; 1969.
radiation-dose estimation. L. T. Dillman.
5 Estimates of absorbed fractions for monoenergetic photon sources I. Nucl. Med. tO(Supp1.3):5-52; 1969.
uniformly distributed in various organs of a heterogeneous
phantom. W. S. Snyder, Mary R. Ford, G. G. Warner, and H. L.
Fisher, Jr.
5 , Revised Estimates of specific absorbed fractions for photon sources uniformly New York: The Society of Nuclear
distributed in various organs of a heterogeneous phantom. Walter Medicine; 1978.
S. Snyder, Mary R. Ford, and Gordon G. Warner.
6 Radionuclide decay schemes and nuclear parameters for use in J. Nucl. Med. ll(Supp1.4):5-32; 1970.
radiation-dose estimate, Part 2. L. T. Dillman.
7 Distribution of absorbed dose around point sources of electrons and J. Nucl. Med. 12(Supp1.5):5-23; 1971.
beta particles in water and other media. Martin J. Berger.
8 Absorbed fractions for small volumes containing photon-emitting J. Nucl. Med. 12(Supp1.5):25-32;
radioactivity. W. H. Ellett and R. M. Humes. 1971.
9 Radiation dose to humans from Se-75-L-Selenomethionine. Katherine J. Nucl. Med. 13(Supp1.6):7-30; 1972.
A. Lathrop, R. Eugene Johnston, Monte Blau, and Edmund 0.
10 Radionuclide decay schemes and nuclear parameters for use in New York: The Society of Nuclear
radiation-dose estimation. L. T. Dillman and F. C. Von der Lagc. Medicine; 1975.
I1 “S,” absorbed dose per unit cumulated activity for selected New York: The Society of Nuclear
radionuclides and organs. W. S. Snyder, M. R. Ford, G. G. Medicine; 1975.
Warner, and S. B. Watson.
12 Kinetic models for absorbed dose calculations. Mones Berman. New York The Society of Nuclear
Medicine; 1977.
13 Specific absorbed fractions for photon sources uniformly distributed J. Nucl. Med. 22:65-71; 1981.
in the heart chambers and heart wall of a heterogeneous phantom.
Jack L. Coffey, Mark Cristy, and Gordon G. Warner.
Book MIRD primer for absorbed dose calculations. Robert Loevinger, New York: The Society of Nuclear
Thomas F. Budinger, and Evelyn E. Watson. Medicine; 1988 (reprinted 1991).
Book MIRD: radionuclide data and decay schemes. David A. Weber, Keith New York: The Society of Nuclear
F. Eckcrman, L. Thomas Dillman, and Jeffrey C. Ryman. Medicine; 1989.

model. This model divided the heart into chambers and (ORINS) as a part of an AEC Symposium Series. This
muscle compartments (Coffey et al. 1981). John McAfee was the first major meeting to address the issues of
devised a model of the kidney that made a distinction internal dosimetry for nuclear medicine procedures. The
between the cortex, medulla, and collection system authors listed in the table of contents of the proceedings
(McAfee 1970). McAfee also noted that the bladder (Cloutier et al. 1970) read like a “Who’s Who” of
collection rate and changes in bladder volume would internal dosimetry and nuclear medicine: E. H. Quimby,
affect the radiation dose. Snyder and Ford (1976) devel- E. M. Smith, W. S. Snyder, L. T. Dillman, M. J. Berger,
oped a “dynamic bladder” model to account for these K. Z. Morgan, H. N. Wellman, N. G. Trott, H. S.
changes. Winchell, W. B. Nelp, M. K. Loken, J. G. McAfee, R. J.
Probably the most difficult nonuniform source dis- Cloutier, E. E. Watson, F. W. Spiers, R. E. Rowland, V.
tribution was studied by Frederick W. Spiers, who P. Bond, H. N. Wagner, R. H. Rohrer, R. Loevinger, S.
devoted many years of research to the special problems R. Bernard, J. G. Kereiakes and E. L. Saenger.
of determining the absorbed dose received by bone and A series of similar symposia has been held approx-
bone marrow from external and internal irradiation. imately every five years in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Each
Spiers applied both theory and meticulous measurements of these has drawn a broad spectrum of speakers and
of the bone and bone marrow in his efforts to advance our participants, and the proceedings have made important
knowledge about this important subject (Spiers 1968). contributions to the internal dosimetry information base
In 1969, an international symposium on Medical (Cloutier et al. 1976; Watson et al. 1981; Schlafke-
Radionuclides: Radiation Dose and Effect was organized Stelson and Watson 1986; Watson and Schlafke-Stelson
by staff of the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies 1992).
Medical internal dosimetry 0 A. T. S.-STELSON
ET AL. 779

Table 3. MIRD dose estimate reports.

report Journal of Nuclear
no. Authors Radiation absorbed dose from Medicine Reference
1 K. A. Lathrop, R. E. Johnston, M. Blau, E. 0. Se-75-L-selenomethionine. 14:49-50; 1973.
Rothschild, and E. M. Smith.
2 R. J. Cloutier, E. E. Watson, R. L. Hayes, B. Ga-66-, Ga-67, Ga-68, and 14:755-756; 1973.
Nelson, and E. M. Smith. Ga-72 citrate.
3 H. L. Atkins, R. .I.Cloutier, K. A. Lathrop, L. Tc-99m-sulfur colloid i n 16:108A-108B; 1975.
M. Freeman, J. G. McAfee, W. B. Nelp, D. various liver conditions.
D. Patton, and E. M. Smith.
4 R. J. Cloutier, L. M. Freeman, J. G. McAfee, Au-198-colloidal gold in 16:173-174; 1475.
K. R. McCormack, D. D. Patton, L. various liver conditions.
Rosenthal, and E. M. Smith.
5 M. Berman, L. E. Braverman, J. Burke, L. De 1-123, 1-124, 1-125, 1-130, and 16:857- 860; 1975.
Groot, K. R. McCormack, T. H. Oddie, R. 1-13] as sodium iodide.
H. Rohrer, H. N. Wellman, and E. M. Smith.
6 M. Blau, J. G. McAfee, R. H. Rohrer, W. S. Hg-197- and Hg-203-labeled 16.1095-1098; 1975.
Snyder, and E. M. Smith. chlormerodrin.
7 L. M. Freeman, D. D. Patton, L. Rosenthall, G. 1-123, 1-124, 1-126, 1-130, and 16.1214-1 217; 1975.
V. Taplin, and E. M. Smith. 1-131 as sodium rose
8 K. A. Lathrop, H. L. Atkins, M. Berman, M. T. Tc-99m as sodium 17:74-77; 1976.
Hays, and E. M. Smith. pertechnetate.
9 H. L. Atkins, J. S. Robertson, B. Y. Croft, B. Radioxenons in lung imaging. 21:459-465; 1980.
Tsui, H. Susskind, J. Ellis, M. K. Loken, and
S. Treves.
10 M. Blau, R. Wicks, S. R. Thomas, and K. A. Albumin microspheres labeled 23:915-917; 1982.
Lathrop. with Tc-99m.
11 J. S. Robertson, R. R. Price, T. F. Budinger, V. Fe-52, Fe-55, and Fe-59 used 24:339-348; 1983.
F. Fairbanks, and M. Pollycove. to study ferrokinetics.
12 S. R. Thomas, H. L. Atkins, J . G. McAfee, M. Tc-99m diethylenetriamine- 25503-505; 1984.
D. Blaufox, M. Fernandez, P. T. Kirchner, pentaacetic acid.
and R. C. Reba.
13 David A. Weber, P. Todd Makler, Jr., Evelyn Technetium-99m-labeled bone 30:1117-1122; 1989.
E. Watson, Jack L. Coffey, Stephen R. imaging agents.
Thomas, and Jack London.
14 Harold L. Atkins, Stephen R. Thomas, Ulrich Technetium-99m-labeled red 31:378-380; 1990.
Buddemeyer, and L. Rao Chervu. blood cells.
15 J. S. Robertson, M. D. Ezekowitz, M. K. Radioindium-labeled 33:777-780; 1942.
Dewanjee, M. G. Lister, and E. E. Watson. autologous platelets.
16 Harold L. Atkins, David A. Weber, Herbert Technetium-99m- 33:1717-1719; 1002.
Susskind, and Stephen R. Thomas. diethylenetriamine-
pentaacetic acid as aerosol.
17 Harold L. Atkins, James S. Robertson, and Inhaled krypton-8lm gas in 34:1382-1384; 1993.
Gamal Mabani. lung imaging.

About the time the MIRD Committee was being than 500 inquiries for internal dose information each
established but before its first publications became avail- year. Among the Center’s many assets is a data base of
able, a group at ORINS (which later became known as over 40,000 entries referencing articles related to internal
Oak Ridge Associated Universities) was involved in dose.
training nuclear medicine physicians. They were often
asked to calculate absorbed dose estimates for new THERECENTPASTANDTHEFUTURE
radiopharmaceuticals. As the number of requests in-
creased, the ORINS staff saw a need for a center to This review of internal dosimetry is not intended
provide this information. Funding for the Radiopharma- to be exhaustive, and ends in 1980 because the 1980’s
ceutical Internal Dose Information Center (later renamed and the early 1990’s are too recent to be considered
Radiation Internal Dose Information Center) was pro- “history.” However, this period has seen the develop-
vided in 1971 by the Food and Drug Administration. The ment of computerized tomography (CT), magnetic reso-
center, supported by the FDA and the AEC (later ERDA nance imaging (MRI), single-photon-computerized to-
and DOE), has become a worldwide resource for internal mography (SPECT), and positron-emission tomography
dose information.lllll’The Center’s staff responds to more (PET). Each of these tools, with its unique ability to

Z. Morgan and Walter S. Snyder established an internal

liliil Karl on radiation exposures to workers from radionuclides in the body. John
dose center at Oak Ridge National Laboratory to provide information Poston and Keith Eckerrnan have also directed this center.
780 Health Physics November 1995, Volume 69, Number 5

provide details about the anatomy of a patient, physio- Cloutier, R. J.; Watson, E. E.; Rohrer, R. H.; Smith, E. M.
logic function, and information about the retention and Calculating the radiation dose to an organ. J. Nucl. Med.
distribution of radionuclides, promises to greatly advance 14~53-55; 1973.
the accuracy of internal dosimetry. The potential now Cloutier, R. J.; Coffey, J. L.; Snyder, W. S.; Watson, E. E.
exists to extend Monte Carlo techniques to patient- Radiopharmaceutical dosimetry symposium. Rockville,
MD: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare;
specific dosimetry rather than dosimetry based on math- HEW Publication (FDA) 76-8044; 1976.
ematical models. Cloutier, R. J.; Snyder, W. S.; Watson, E. E. Pregnant woman
Small-scale and microdosimetry may conquer the model for absorbed fraction calculations. In: Proceedings of
problems of calculating the radiation dose from nonuni- the IVth International Congress of the International Radia-
form distributions of activity. The term “small-scale’’ has tion Protection Association. Gauthier-Villars, Montreuil,
been applied to dose calculations for energy emitted by France Vol. 2. 1977: 479-481.
particles in volumes where the particle ranges are greater Coffey, J. L.; Watson, E. E. Calculating dose from remaining
than the boundaries of the volume. Although the term body activity: A comparison of two methods. Med. Phys.
microdosimetry is not always clearly defined, it is usu- 6:307-308; 1979.
ally reserved for calculating frequency distributions of Coffey, J. L.; Cristy, M.; Warner, G. G. Specific absorbed
energy in volumes so small that the stochastic behavior fractions for photon sources uniformly distributed in the
of the particles must be taken into account. These heart chambers and heart wall of a heterogeneous phantom.
MIRD Pamphlet No. 13. J. Nucl. Med. 22:65-71; 1981.
techniques are being increasingly investigated as the Cristy, M. Mathematical phantoms representing children of
work of Marinelli, Quimby, Loevinger, and others is various ages for use in estimates of internal dose. Oak Ridge
extended and advanced. National Lab, Oak Ridge, TN. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission; Rep. NUREG/CR-1159; 1980.
Cristy, M; Eckerman, K. Specific absorbed fractions of energy
at various ages from internal photon sources. Oak Ridge
Acknowledgments-This work was performed under Interagency Agree- National Lab, Oak Ridge, TN. ORNL/TM-S381/Vols 1-7;
ment No. FDA 224-75-3016, DOE 0286-0286-A1. Oak Ridge Institute for 1987.
Science and Education performs work for the U.S. Department of Energy Dillman, L. T. Radionuclide decay schemes and nuclear
under contract DE-AC05-760R00033.
parameters for use in radiation-dose estimation. MIRD
Pamphlet No. 4. J. Nucl. Med. lO(Supp1. 1):27-39; 1969.
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