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International Business Analysis

MBA (3.5)-4 Evening

Assignment #2 (Week- 8)
Marks: 5

Group Assignment
Imagine that you are working in a company in Pakistan (Choose the sector as you wish such
as textile, telecommunication, sports, hospitality). Your group is given a task to perform a
country analysis and present with a strategy to enter that market. You can choose from the
following environments to do analysis:

1. Legal Environment
2. Political Environment
3. Economic Environment

For country, you can choose any country as you wish. Your task is to analyze and outline the
challenges and opportunities to start business in that country. Also, provide with guidelines
and recommendations for entering that country with respect to your selected environment.

Assignment should contain:
à Brief introduction of your company.
à Brief introduction of the international market that you enter.
à Brief introduction (3 – 5 lines) of the environment that you are analysing.
à The possible challenges that you might face to enter that market.
à The possible opportunities that you can explore after entering that market.
à The recommendations (for your organization) to enter that market.

Internet sources are to be used.

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