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Fig. 1 Plot of geometry model with significant nodes

Table [1] Table of significant nodes

Node no. x-coord. y-coord. Node no. x-coord. y-coord.
453 -20.000 0.000 5768 0.000 -2.000
10326 20.000 0.000 7233 1.000 -2.000
7637 20.000 -20.000 8147 5.600 -6.600
54 -20.000 -20.000 8157 4.300 -5.300
398 -20.000 -5.300 5645 0.000 -6.600
10121 20.000 -5.300 10007 20.000 -6.600
190 -20.000 -12.500 8247 5.800 -6.600
9223 20.000 -12.500 6419 5.800 -12.600
5556 0.000 0.000 6459 5.800 -12.500
5201 0.000 -13.000 5751 0.000 -0.500


Node no. x-coord. y-coord. Node no. x-coord. y-coord.

5852 0.000 -5.300 1671 -12.000 0.000
4897 0.000 -12.500

Fig. 2 Plot of geometry model with cluster unmbers

Table [2] Table of clusters

Cluster no. Nodes
1 7637, 54, 190, 9223, 5201, 4897, 6419, 6459.
2 398, 190, 5852, 4897, 5645.
3 453, 398, 5556, 5852, 5768, 5751, 1671.
4 4897, 8147, 5645, 8247, 6459.
5 9223, 10007, 8247, 6459.
6 5852, 8147, 8157, 5645.
7 5852, 5768, 7233, 8157.
8 10326, 10121, 5556, 5768, 7233, 8157, 5751.
9 10121, 8147, 8157, 10007, 8247.

2. Structures

Fig. 3 Plot of geometry model with structures

Table [3] Beams

Plate no. Data set Length Nodes
1 H300@70 13.000 5556, 5751, 5768, 5852, 5645, 4897,
2 H300@600 6.000 8247, 6459, 6419.

Table [4] lnterfaces

lnterfaces no. Data set Nodes
1 CL2 4897, 5201, 5201, 4897.
CL1 5645, 5852, 4897, 5645.
CL2 5751, 5556, 5852, 5768, 5768, 5751.

lnterfaces no. Data set Nodes

CL2 5645, 4897.
CL1 5852, 5645.
CL1 5768, 5852.
CL2 5556, 5751, 5751, 5768.

2 CL2 6459, 6419, 6419, 6459.

CL2 6459, 8247.
CL2 8247, 6459.

Table [5] Node-to-nodw anchors

Anchor no. Data set Length First node Last node
1 H300 8.65 8247 5751

3. Mesh data

Fig. 4 Plot of the mesh with significant nodes

Table [6] Numbers, type of elements, integrations

Type Type of element Type of integration Total
Soil 15-noded 12-point Gauss 1240
Plate 5-node line 4- point Gauss 28
lnterfaces 5-node line 4- point Newton-Cotes 56

4. Material data

Fig. 5 Plot of geometry with material data sets

Table [7] Soil data sets paramsters

Mohr-Coulomb 1 2 3
Type Undrained Undrained Drained
umsat [kN/m³] 17.36 18.20 21.60
sat [kN/m³] 18.36 19.20 22.60
kx [m/day] 0.000 0.000 0.000
ky [m/day] 0.000 0.000 0.000
einit [-] 0.500 0.500 0.500
ck [-] 1E15 1E15 1E15
Eref [kN/m²] 14700.000 24500.000 137200.000
 [-] 0.350 0.350 0.150

Mohr-Coulomb 1 2 3
Gref [kN/m²] 5444.444 9074.074 59652.174
Eoed [kN/m²] 23592.593 39320.988 144869.565
Cref [kN/m²] 29.40 49.00 9.80
 [°] 0.00 0.00 40.00
 [°] 0.00 0.00 10.00
Einc [kN/m²/m] 0.00 0.00 0.00
yrdf [m] 0.000 0.000 0.000
cincrement [kN/m²/m] 0.00 0.00 0.00
Tstr. [kN/m²] 0.00 0.00 0.00
Rintre. [-] 1.00 1.00 1.00
Interface Neutral Neutral Neutral

Table [8] Beam data sets parameters

No. Identification EA EI w  Mp Np
[kN/m] [kNm²/m] [kN/m/m] [-] [kNm/m] [kN/m]
1 H300@70 2.6988E6 46200.00 10.80 0.25 1E15 1E15
2 H300@600 3.1486E5 53900.00 10.80 0.25 1E15 1E15

Table [9] Anchor data sets parameters

No. Identification EA |Fmax,comp| |Fmax,tens| L spacing
[kN] [kN] [kN] [m]
1 H300 236146.00 1E15 1E15 1.00

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