Myers-Briggs Type Indicators: Dr. Ronnie V. Amorado, Philippines

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Myers-Briggs Type Indicators®

Dr. Ronnie V. Amorado, Philippines
Certified MBTI Coach/Lecturer
American Management Association

David Freeman Linda Kirby Nancy Barger

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
The MBTI Instrument

was developed by
Katharine C. Briggs
and her daughter
Isabel Briggs Myers

based on the work of Swiss psychologist

C. G. Jung, who presented his psychological
type theory in his book Psychological Types
(published 1921, translated into English 1923).

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 2
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
Jung’s Theory
Jung believed that preferences are innate—
“inborn predispositions.”
He also recognized that our innate preferences
interact with and are shaped by environmental
n Family
n Country
n Education
n and many others

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 3
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
Users of the MBTI Instrument ®

n Most Fortune 100 companies

n More than 2 million people worldwide
each year
n Translated into 30+ languages
n Used in 70+ different countries

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 4
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
Where the MBTI Tool Is Used ®

• USA • Australia • Malaysia

• Canada • New Zealand • Singapore
• Mexico • China • Middle East
• South America • India • South Africa
• UK
• Europe • Japan • Kenya
• Korea • And more!

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 5
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
About the MBTI Instrument ®

n An indicator—not a test
n Looks only at normal behavior
n Forced-choice questions
n Takes about 20–40 minutes to complete
n No right or wrong answers—answer as
you see fit
n Your results are confidential

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 6
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
About the MBTI Instrument (cont.) ®

n There are no good or bad types—all types

have some natural strengths and some
possible pitfalls or blind spots.
n The instrument gives practical results you
can use:
• In teamwork
• In communication
• In decision making

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 7
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
Jung’s Theory
n We will look at four pairs of opposites—like
our right and left hands. We all use both sides
of each pair, but one is our natural preference.
n Jung believed that our preferences do not
change—they stay the same over our lifetime.
n What changes is how we use our preferences
and often the accuracy with which we can
measure the preferences.
n The confounding variable—environment!

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 8
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
Jungian Theory

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 9
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
Jungian Theory




Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 10
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
Extraversion or Introversion

The direction in which

we focus our attention
and energy
Introduction to Type , p. 9

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 11
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
People who prefer Extraversion:
n Focus their energy and attention outward
n Are interested in the world of people and things

People who prefer Introversion:

n Focus their energy and attention inward
n Are interested in the inner world of thoughts and reflections

We all use both preferences, but usually

not with equal comfort.

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 12
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
People Who Prefer Extraversion
n Are attracted to the outer world of people and
n Are aware of who and what is around them
n Enjoy meeting and talking with new people
n Are friendly, often verbally skilled, and easy to
n Tend to speak out easily and often at meetings
n May not be as aware of what is going on inside

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 13
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
People Who Prefer Introversion
n Are attracted to the inner world of thoughts,
feelings, and reflections
n Are usually very aware of their inner reactions
n Prefer to interact with people they know
n Are often quiet in meetings and seem uninvolved
n Are often reserved and harder to get to know
n May not be as aware of the outer world around

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 14
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
People Who Prefer Extraversion
n Do their thinking as they speak
n May act and/or speak first, then (possibly) think
n Tell you about themselves, speaking rapidly
n Give breadth to life
n Can get bored and restless if they’re alone too
n Can seem shallow and intruding to Introverts
n Need Introversion for balance

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 15
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
People Who Prefer Introversion
n Need time to gather their thoughts before
n Reflect and think before (possibly) acting
n Want to know you before self-disclosing
n Become drained and tired interacting with people
(particularly strangers)
n Give depth to life
n Can seem withdrawn and secretive to Extraverts
n Need Extraversion for balance

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 16
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
Extraversion or Introversion

Introduction to Type® and Change, pp. 4–5

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 17
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
Some Key Words Associated with

Extraversion Introversion
Action Reflection
Outward Inward
People Privacy
Interaction Concentration
Many Few
Expressive Quiet
Do-Think-Do Think-Do-Think

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 18
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
Sensing or Intuition

The way we take in

information and the kind of
information we like and trust
Introduction to Type®, p. 9

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 19
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
People who prefer Sensing:
n Prefer to take in information using their five senses—
sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste

People who prefer Intuition:

n Go beyond what is real or concrete and focus on meaning,
associations, and relationships

We all use both ways of perceiving, but we

typically prefer and trust one more.

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 20
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
People Who Prefer Sensing
n See and collect facts and details
n Are practical and realistic
n Start at the beginning and take one step at a time
n Are specific and literal when speaking, writing,
and listening
n Live in the present, dealing with the here and now
n Prefer reality to fantasy

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 21
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
People Who Prefer Intuition
n See patterns, possibilities, connections, and
meanings in information
n Are conceptual and abstract
n Start anywhere and may leap over basic steps
n Speak and write in general, metaphorical terms
n Live in the future—the possibilities
n Prefer imagination and ingenuity to reality

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 22
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
People Who Prefer Sensing
n Like to work with the parts to see the overall
n Like set procedures, established routines
n Prefer practical, concrete problems and dislike
theoretical or abstract problems
n Can seem materialistic and too literal to Intuitive
n Need Intuition for balance

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 23
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
People Who Prefer Intuition
n Study the overall design to see how the parts fit
n Thrive on change, new ideas, and variety
n Prefer imaginative new solutions to problems and
become impatient with details
n Can seem impractical dreamers to Sensing types
n Need Sensing for balance

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 24
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
Sensing or Intuition

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 25
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
Some Key Words Associated with

Sensing Intuition
Facts Ideas
Realistic Imaginative
Specific General
Present Future
Keep Change
Practical Theoretical
What is What could be

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 26
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
Thinking or Feeling

The way we make decisions

Introduction to Type®, p. 10

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 27
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
People who prefer Thinking:
n Make their decisions based on impersonal, objective logic

People who prefer Feeling:

n Make their decisions with a person-centered, values-based

Both processes are rational and we use both

often, but usually not equally easily.

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 28
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
People Who Prefer Thinking
n Use logic to analyze the problem, assess pros
and cons
n Focus on the facts and the principles
n Are good at analyzing a situation
n Focus on problems and tasks—not relationships
n May not include the impacts on people or
people’s emotions in their decision making

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 29
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
People Who Prefer Feeling
n Use their personal values to understand the
n Focus on the values of the group or organization
n Are good at understanding people and their
n Concentrate on relationships and harmony
n May overlook logical consequences of individual

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 30
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
People Who Prefer Thinking
n Take a long-term view, seeing things as an
n Are good at spotting flaws and inconsistencies
and stating them clearly
n When required, can reprimand or fire people
n Believe fairness, justice, and equitability are very
n May seem cold and detached to Feeling types
n Need Feeling for balance

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 31
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
People Who Prefer Feeling
n Take an immediate and personal view of
n Like to show appreciation and caring for others
n Have difficulty telling people unpleasant things
n Believe fairness means treating each individual
as a whole person
n May seem overly emotional and irrational to
Thinking types
n Need Thinking for balance

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 32
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
Thinking or Feeling

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 33
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
Some Key Words Associated with

Thinking Feeling
Head Heart
Distant Personal
Things People
Objective Subjective
Critique Praise
Analyze Understand
Firm but fair Merciful

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 34
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
Judging or Perceiving

Our attitude toward the

external world and how we
orient ourselves to it
Introduction to Type , p. 10

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 35
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
People who prefer Judging:
n Want the external world to be organized and orderly
n Look at the world and see decisions that need to be made

People who prefer Perceiving:

n Seek to experience the world, not organize it
n Look at the world and see options that need to be explored

We all use both attitudes, but usually

not with equal comfort.

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 36
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
People Who Prefer Judging
n Like to make plans and follow them
n Like to get things settled and finished
n Like environments with structure and clear limits
n Enjoy being decisive and organizing others
n Handle deadlines and time limits comfortably
n Plan ahead to avoid last-minute rushes

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 37
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
People Who Prefer Perceiving
n Like to respond resourcefully to changing
n Like to leave things open, gather more information
n Like environments that are flexible; dislike rules
and limits
n May not like making decisions, even when
n Tend to think there is plenty of time to do things
n Often have to rush to complete things at the last

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 38
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
People Who Prefer Judging
n Like rapidly getting to the bottom line and
n Dislike being interrupted on a project, even for a
more urgent one
n May make decisions too quickly, or cling to a plan
n May not notice new things that need to be done
n May seem rigid, demanding, and inflexible to
Perceiving types
n Need Perceiving for balance

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 39
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
People Who Prefer Perceiving
n Want to explore all the options before deciding
n May start too many projects and have difficulty
finishing them
n May have trouble making decisions, or have no
n May spontaneously change plans
n May seem disorganized and irresponsible to
Judging types
n Need Judging for balance

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 40
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
Judging or Perceiving

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 41
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
Some Key Words Associated with

Judging Perceiving
Organized Flexible
Decision Information
Control Experience
Now Later
Closure Options
Deliberate Spontaneous
Plan Wait

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 42
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
Personality Type
When combined, your preferences indicate
your personality type.

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 43
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
16 Personality Types

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 44
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
16-Room House

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 45
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
Type Is Not . . .
There is variation within each type
and type does not measure:
n Intelligence n Development
n Maturity n Stress
n Emotions n Trauma
n IQ n Emotional health

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 46
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
Are You in the Right Job?
Research shows that the columns of
the type table are the best predictors of
occupations that prove attractive and
satisfying to the different types.

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 47
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
STs Are Attracted to Careers in
n Applied science
n Business
n Administration
n Banking
n Law enforcement
n Production
n Construction

Introduction to Type®, p. 33
Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 48
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
SFs Are Attracted to Careers in
n Health care
n Community service
n Teaching
n Supervision
n Religious service
n Support services
n Sales

Introduction to Type®, p. 33
Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 49
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
NFs Are Attracted to Careers in
n Psychology
n Human resources
n Teaching
n Research
n Literature
n Religious service
n Health care
n Art and music

Introduction to Type®, p. 33
Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 50
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
NTs Are Attracted to Careers in
n Physical science
n Research
n Management
n Computers
n Law
n Engineering
n Technical work

Introduction to Type®, p. 33
Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 51
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
Are you in the right job?
n We find all the types in all the occupations!
n Type does not measure skills, abilities,
training, or motivation and other reasons
someone might choose a particular

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 52
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.
Constructive Use of Differences
Isabel Myers’ goal for type and the MBTI
n Becoming aware of differences
n Acknowledging the value of differences
n Practicing new behaviors, seeking out
others with differences
n Incorporating different perspectives into
our own processes

Presenting Type in Organizations Copyright 2008, 2009 by CPP, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce this slide for workshop
use. Duplication for any other use, including resale, is a violation of copyright law. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, MBTI, Introduction to Type, and the MBTI 53
logo are registered trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust. The CPP logo is a registered trademark of CPP, Inc.

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