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Final Assessment

First Attempt / 2019-2020

School: Architecture and Construction Engineering Course Title: Engineering Mechanics

Department: Architecture Engineering Course Code: KOU20113
Stage/ Year: First Time Allowed: 10:00a.m-1:00a.m.
Total Mark: 100 Attached Sheet: Open Books & Notes

Answer All Questions

Q1: Answer (5) of the following: (25Marks)
(a) Define the term “force”, and state clearly the effects of force?
(b) What are the various characteristics of a force?
(c) Distinguish clearly between resolution of forces and composition of forces?
(d) What are the methods for finding out the resultant force for a given system of forces?
(e) State and prove parallelogram law of forces?
(f) Show that the algebraic sum of the resolved part of a number of forces in a given
direction is equal to the resolved part of their resultant in the same direction?
Q2: Answer (5) of the following objective questions: (15Marks)
1) Which of the following statement is correct?
(a) A force is an agent which produces or tends to produce motion.
(b) A force is an agent which stop or tends to stop motion.
(c) A force may balance a given number of forces acting on a body.
(d) Both (a) and (b).
2) In order to determine the effects of a force acting on a body, we must know
(a) Its magnitude and direction of the line along which it acts.
(b) Its nature (whether push or pull).
(c) Point through which it acts on the body.
(d) All of the above.
3) If a number of forces are acting simultaneously on a particle, then the resultant of
these forces will have the same effect as produced by the all the forces. This is known
(a) Principle of physical independence of forces.
(b) Principle of transmissibility of forces.
(c) Principle of resolution of forces
(d) None of the above.
4) The vector method, for the resultant force, is also called polygon law of forces
(a) Correct
(b) Incorrect
5) The resultant of two forces P and Q acting at an angle θ is equal to
(a) √ P2+ Q 2+ 2 PQ sin θ
(b) √ P2+ Q2+ 2 PQ cos θ
(c) √ P2+ Q 2−2 PQ sin θ
(d) √ P2+ Q2−2 PQ cos θ

Shukri Saleh Mohammed Page

1 of 4
Final Assessment
First Attempt / 2019-2020

School: Architecture and Construction Engineering Course Title: Engineering Mechanics

Department: Architecture Engineering Course Code: KOU20113
Stage/ Year: First Time Allowed: 10:00a.m-1:00a.m.
Total Mark: 100 Attached Sheet: Open Books & Notes

6) If the resultant of two forces P and Q acting at an angle α with P, then

Psin θ
(a) tan α=
P+Q cos θ
P cos θ
(b) tan α=
P+Q cos θ
Q sin θ
(c) tan α=
P+Q cos θ
Q cos θ
(d) tan α=
P+Q cos θ
Q3: Determine the design angle θ ( 0° ≤ θ ≤ 90° ) for
strut AB so that the 400-lb horizontal force
has a component of 500-lb directed from A
towards C. What is the component of force
acting along member AB? Take ∅=40°?

Q4: If the resultant force acting on the bracket is

directed along the positive y axis, determine
the magnitude of the resultant force and the
coordinate direction angles of F so that
β <90° . (10Marks)

Q5: Determine the magnitude of the resultant force and

its direction measured counterclockwise from the
positive x axis. (10Marks)

Shukri Saleh Mohammed Page

2 of 4
Final Assessment
First Attempt / 2019-2020

School: Architecture and Construction Engineering Course Title: Engineering Mechanics

Department: Architecture Engineering Course Code: KOU20113
Stage/ Year: First Time Allowed: 10:00a.m-1:00a.m.
Total Mark: 100 Attached Sheet: Open Books & Notes

Q6: The lift sling is used to hoist a container having a

mass of 500 kg. Determine the force in each of
cables AB and AC as a function of θ. If the
maximum tension allowed in each cable is 1.5 kN,
determine the shortest lengths of cables AB and AC
that can be used for the lift. The center of gravity
of the container is located at G.

Q7: Determine the maximum mass of the lamp that

the cord system can support so that no single
cord develops a tension exceeding 400 N.

Q8: Determine the magnitude and direction of the

force P required to keep the concurrent force
system in equilibrium. (10Marks)

Shukri Saleh Mohammed Page

3 of 4
Final Assessment
First Attempt / 2019-2020

School: Architecture and Construction Engineering Course Title: Engineering Mechanics

Department: Architecture Engineering Course Code: KOU20113
Stage/ Year: First Time Allowed: 10:00a.m-1:00a.m.
Total Mark: 100 Attached Sheet: Open Books & Notes

Best Wishes for Good Luck

Shukri Saleh Mohammed Page

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