MM Doing A Spring Cleaning On Yourself As A Trader (Vol. 12 2005)

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Doing a Spring Cleaning on

Yourself As a Trader
Van K. Tharp, Ph.D.

ne of the best things you can The third key area that you can work
do for yourself as a trader is

on in your Spring cleanup is your dis-
a Spring cleaning of yourself. cipline. As a result, I’ve included an
This should take on three forms. I article that recaps the steps you need
have an article in this issue of Market to develop rock-solid discipline during
Van K. Tharp, Ph.D. Mastery on each of the ways you can the next 9-12 months.
do spring cleaning.
I said nine months first, because I rec-
The first way, and the most impor- ommend that you repeat everything at
tant way, is to work on the core of the beginning of next year. That’s be-
your trading—you. This means your cause your discipline is not something
beliefs, attitudes, mental states, and you do once and then forget about.
habitual patterns—working on any- It’s something you need to do every
thing that holds you back from being year to form a solid foundation and
your best as a trader. then you need to use that foundation
Now this first area is really a lifetime to do daily steps. We’ll cover both the
worth of work, but most people do yearly tasks and the daily steps in the
very little in terms of self-work in their article on discipline.
lifetime. This Spring you could pos- Lastly, the fourth area that you can
sibly do more work than most people work on in your Spring cleanup is
do in a lifetime. This is covered in your trading business plan. A trading
the article, Doing A Psychological As- business plan is the core of your suc-
In This Issue sessment of Yourself; Ten Important cess in trading and you need to spend
Questions to Ask.” It includes ten the time to do one if you haven’t done
questions that you can ask yourself so already. Your plan should include
and numerous steps that you can take your discipline plan, your trading
 Doing a Spring Cleaning on Yourself
to do the work. beliefs, your assessment of the big
As a Trader, By Van K. Tharp, Ph.D.
The second key area that you can work picture, at least three strategies that
 Doing a Psychological Assessment of fit the big picture, a detailed trading
on is your health. I’ve been working
Yourself; Ten Important Questions to plan for each strategy, and a worst case
with my good friend Bruce DuVe for
Ask, By Van K. Tharp, Ph.D. contingency plan. We’ll cover all of
about three years on this critical area.
 Twenty Four Things You Can Do Now I did everything he said for about nine these areas in a fourth article in this
to Move Toward Peak Performance months and then found myself falling special issue of Market Mastery.
Health, 9 back. However, as a result of my Your Spring cleanup will be a lot of
experiences working with Bruce, I’m work, because each of the four areas
 Developing a Business Plan, By Van
more than convinced that good health is a lot of work. But no one ever said
K. Tharp, Ph.D., — Pgs 10-13
is the core basis for good psychology that “good things” don’t require a little
 The Importance of Vision and Goals to and for furthering your spiritual devel- work – well, a lot of work. So now
Your Business Plan 4 opment. As a result, I’m reprinting is the time to roll up your sleeves and
the a segment from the interview I did get started.
 On Attaining Happiness: A Psychologi-
with him in which he recommends 25
cal Exercise That Could Improve Your 
steps that you can do now to improve
Trading Experience 8
your health.

Volume 12, Number 1


Market Mastery

Doing a Psychological
Assessment of Yourself
Ten Important Questions to Ask

Van K. Tharp, Ph.D.

n many of our programs, including · I really have a fear problem that you compelled by some emotion
the Supertrader Program, I give enters into my trading. I want to to trade?).
my clients a long questionnaire to make trades but I’m afraid to pull
do an evaluation of themselves. Some the trigger. And that fear seems to · My mother continually criticizes
of the feedback that I get is that taking come up in other areas too, I guess me. My mother gave me every-
the test is like doing a Ph.D. program. I’m really afraid of failure. thing when I was growing up,
As a result, I won’t be quite as hard and I’m very grateful to her. But
on you. However, I consider that an- · I have some internal conflict when she’s always telling me what I do
swering the ten questions that I present it comes to working on myself. wrong. In fact, it upsets me to be
below to be a minimum starting point On one hand, I want to, but on around her. Yet at the same time,
for doing a thorough Spring cleaning the other hand, I’d rather do other I feel that I must support her. I
of yourself. So read over the questions things. Working on myself feels need to find out why her criticism
and plan to spend at least an hour on like having a tooth pulled. For bothers me so much and what I
each question – a day is even better. some reason, I just don’t want to can do about it.
And then, once you’ve done that, I’ll do it.
Those five statements are just ex-
give you a number of steps that you amples of what might come up for
· I really don’t like to be alone.
can take to improve yourself. you. But whatever you find…look
When I do all of the things that are
important to trading success, like thoroughly. What’s really going on?
Question 1: What are the emotions you don’t want
the psychological cleanup, I have
What are seven key psychological to go inside and search and that to feel? What are the hidden beliefs?
areas that you need to work on or really disturbs me. Also when What is the internal conflict where
are currently working on? Don’t say I try to meditate, things come part of you wants certain things and
none, because that answer really sug- up that I’m afraid of. (And, of another part wants something else?
gests that you are totally unaware of course, if you had this response Who are the parts and what are they
what is going on with you. – I’d want you to at least find out trying to do for you?
We basically live in a society in which what’s trying to come up that you
are so afraid of). Question 2:
we are programmed to feel separate
and alone from everyone else, pro- · I don’t have any discipline. Do you believe that you are respon-
grammed to follow the rules of the Sometimes I just decide to trade. sible for everything that happens to
games that others invent for us to play. I make almost random trades or you? Please explain your answer.
The net result is most people do the take recommendations that I’ve Now, search your mind for the three
exact opposite of what is necessary been given, but just certain select worst things that you think ever hap-
for success. As you become aware of ones that appeal to me. And the pened to you. First determine how
this, you’ll also become aware of all net result is that those trades never you were a victim. What happened
your patterns, beliefs, and emotions seem to work out. (Note, this is to cause those events? And now re-
that you need to work on or clear to also an incomplete answer. What answer the question. How were you
become more successful as a trader. is the selection process? What being to cause the events to happen?
happens to those trades? Do you What belief caused those events to
Here are some examples that might fit
cut losses and let profits run? Are happen? What did you do to cause
some of you:
those events to happen?

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Market Mastery

I consider personal responsibility to Your job in this exercise is to come

be the most important trait that a good up with at least five mental states
Question 6:
trader (or a successful person, for that you repeat over and over again What are your five biggest sources
that matter) can have. Most people – and even once a month is a repeti- of internal conflict? Some of you
believe that they are victims in life tion. If you can find more than that, may know the answer to this ques-
and things are always happening to great, list them all. And, once you’ve tion already. If so, just list all of your
them. For example, most investors listed them, ask yourself, “What hap- sources of conflict and you don’t have
believe that they were victims of the pened in my life to first cause this to limit it to five. For each source of
2000-2002 stock market crash. They emotion to appear?” And to really conflict, identify the part of you that is
believe they were victims of cor- do this exercise well, get at least five involved (see book three of the Peak
rupt analysts, corrupt CEOs, corrupt emotions and the root cause of each Performance Course to learn more
brokers, and a corrupt system. I’ve written down. about parts) and what it’s positive
even seen billboards saying, “Did you intention is for you.
lose over $100,000 in the stock mar- Question 4:
If you cannot think of five sources of
ket? We can help you get the money What was your score on the LSI test internal conflict, then answer the fol-
back.” And, of course, the billboard in Book Two of the Peak Performance lowing questions, and you’ll probably
is sponsored by an attorney. People Home Study Course? If the score find lots.
who believe that they are victims, of was 45 or above, then describe your
the stock market crash, or of anything program for reducing stress in your · What’s your financial freedom
else for that matter, tend to repeat the life. Even if you didn’t score above number? If you don’t know,
same mistake over and over again. 45, were you high in any particularly why not? If you do know, what
On the other hand, if you ask, “How area? If so, then describe what’s go- steps have you taken to move
did I create that?,” then you can begin ing on. toward financial freedom? If the
to uncover the mistakes you made. answer is none, why not? Do you
For example, if you lost money in Also, what was your score on the SPI want financial freedom? And if
the stock market crash, you probably test in Book Two? If that score was you don’t know anything about
didn’t do any of the things recom- below 40, then describe your program financial freedom, then read the
mended in this Spring cleanup. for increasing your stress protection. first section of Safe Strategies for
Talk in detail about any area in which Financial Freedom. And if you
And, by the way, what happens if you scored less than five. What are have that book and haven’t read
another crash is right around the cor- you going to do to improve? it yet, what has stopped you?
ner? Are you ready for it? Or are you
expecting another 10 years of market Question 5: · Have you completed a thorough
mania? Can you profit big time on the business plan for your trading yet?
downside as well as on the upside? How do fear and greed affect traders? Yes, we have a section on that in
Or are you going to repeat the same You can answer this two ways. First, this newsletter, but the question is,
mistakes all over again? there is detailed information about this have you done it? If you’ve been
topic in the Peak Performance Home exposed to my materials, you
Question 3: Study Course. You can go through should know that its important.
that material and summarize it in re- So what’s stopped you?
What is a mental state and what sponse to this question. That would
mental states have come up for you probably be a good exercise for you · How many of my educational
repeatedly over the last five years? to do. So do that first. courses are sitting on the shelf at
Here you should know that a mental your office or home unused? You
state is something like fear, anger, Next, do a survey of your own trading.
How does fear and greed affect you? purchased them, so why haven’t
jealousy – some emotion that you you started doing the work yet?
feel. And the question you should What typically comes up for you?
What happens to you periodically? If Or better yet, how many of the
ask yourself is, “What mental states home study programs have you
do I repeat over and over again?” If you’ve kept trading journals, then go
over your trading journals for the past gone through that recommended
you don’t know, then for the next that you take certain actions. You
three days, ask yourself once every year or so to look for how fear and
greed might have entered into your read about what you should do,
half hour, “What mental states have but you have not done them yet?
I experienced during the last half trading. If you don’t have any trading
journals, then ask yourself, why not? Why? Why not?
hour?” If you are not very aware of
what your mind is doing, you might Your answer may provide some good · Let’s say you have the Peak Perfor-
find this exercise quite surprising. input to question 6. mance Course, our core product.

3 ©2005, IITM, All Rights Reserved

Market Mastery

You actually went through it once 1. Cut your losses short and let your positions.
and it took you several months. profits run!!!!!!!
11. Understand the risk reward of
(If you have it and have not
2. Risk, as it relates to how much each trade before you enter it. For
done anything with it, then go
you can lose in a trade, is much example, your potential reward
back to the last question). Now,
more important than risk as it should be at least three times your
go through it and notice all the
related to how much volatility potential risk.
exercises you skipped. Why did
you skip them? Why not do them you can have. Both are related
12. Keep stop loss levels with my
now? though.
core positions and actively moni-
3. You must understand the R- tor the market for my speculative
· What’s been your reaction to do-
multiple distribution of your positions. (Again, this one is my
ing these questions? Have you
trading system and the average personal preference.)
just read them over, but not started
doing them? Do you plan to do R it produces (expectancy) and
I want to caution you again that these
them? When do you plan to start? the variability of that distribution
12 beliefs are my personal beliefs.
Why not now? (i.e., how volatile it is).
Your beliefs might be different. How-
4. You must know the objectives ever, certain beliefs are universal for
I can’t imagine that answering those
you wish to accomplish. What good trading. These include beliefs
questions, won’t give you a big start
would you like to accomplish and 1-3, the first part of 4 (knowing your
in discovering some of the internal
what can you tolerate in terms of objectives), and 8-11. The rest are
conflict in yourself – at least, for most
drawdowns? In my case, I’d like a bit personal for me, especially my
of you. Anyway, questions such as the
to make 10% per month in my objectives.
ones I presented should give you a big
start in determining your sources of trading. I frequently make 5-10%
a day, and I’m willing to tolerate Question 8.
internal conflict.
drawdowns as much as 10% per What are your key beliefs about your-
If you’d like more, then make a list day. You might think that’s a bit self and the universe? These form
of five to ten things you want to be, risky, but I will thoroughly inves- the basis for who you are, so they
do, or have. If those things are not in tigate my trading performance if I are important to really understand
your life now, then what stops you? have any losing months and I’ve yourself. Here I recommend you list
What’s the part of you that wants them only had once since last August. 10-12 core beliefs about yourself and
and what is it trying to do for you?
5. To achieve your objectives, you your universe, but fifty would be much
What’s the part of you that stops you
must understand and use position better. And once again, I’ve listed ten
and what’s it trying to do for you?
sizing to your advantage. beliefs of mine as examples, to show
Question 7: you what I mean.
6. Fill your portfolio with a core 1. I create my own results and if I
What are your key beliefs about the position that you might adjust don’t get the results I want, then
markets? It is important for you to weekly or monthly. However, look to myself as the source of
remember that you can only trade your then find efficient stocks and those results.
beliefs about the market. So what are use leverage with those stocks
the key beliefs that are guiding you? to achieve peak performance. 2. I am a spiritual being who is
To really understand what’s guiding (Again, remember that these are working on realizing his poten-
your trading, you should list at least my beliefs and they might not fit tial. However, I have many things
fifty beliefs. However, I’ll accept you.) to work on and it’s a never-ending
at least ten as a good starting point. journey as long as I’m in the uni-
7. When I have a large down day, verse that is governed by time.
And to help you get started, I’ve listed thoroughly investigate what
twelve of my most important beliefs happened and how I might have 3. There are many paths on this
about the market. Some of these are caused it or made any mistakes. journey.
core principles that I teach everyone
and some of them are just things 8. Keep a trading diary on every 4. It’s important to follow my bliss.
that fit me. Also I just came up with trade. If it doesn’t give me joy, then it’s
twelve off the top of my head. You’ll telling me that I’m going in the
probably need to discover at least fifty 9. Follow the ten tasks of trading. wrong direction.
beliefs to thoroughly cover the key 10. When I cannot be actively
principles that guide your trading. trading, remove all speculative

4 ©2005, IITM, All Rights Reserved

Market Mastery

5. What I do with my body relates negative value elicitation exercise. 2. This solution won’t get you spe-
directly to what my mind experi- Which probably gives all of you a lot cific changes as you want them,
ences – this includes what I eat. more to do with this exercise. but it will change your life if you
at least do the first 75 exercises.
6. God is my source and the source Question 10: What I’d suggest that you do is
for everyone else. This means we the workbook from A Course
all have unlimited potential. How much coffee do you consume
each day? How much alcohol do you In Miracles. These consist of
7. Since we are all one, what I give consume each day? How many ciga- 365 exercises that you do – one
to others is given to myself. rettes/cigars do you smoke each day? a day for a year – although few
Do you have a problem with drugs people get through it in a year.
8. My purpose is to help others The exercises are some of the
– even prescription drugs? How many
awaken (i.e., what this article is most sophisticated exercises I’ve
soft drinks do you consume each day?
about). And by doing so, I’ll help seen. And they will change your
How much bread or pasta or wheat
transform the world. life. It took me four years to
products do you consume each day?
And how about sugar? How much finish that course, but by the end
9. The best way to transform the of it, I was on a totally different
world (i.e., what I see and per- sugar do you consume each day?
path and I had my own business.
ceive) is to transform myself. This question is really getting you Incidentally, the exercises have a
10. What I believe is a filter to my ready for another part of this newslet- strong religious tone. However,
reality – it’s not REALITY itself. ter – the reprint of the 25 things you don’t let that put you off. You
Therefore, I need to periodically can do now to improve your health. don’t have to believe any of it for
assess my beliefs and see if they Now that you’ve done a self-assess- it to make a difference – you just
are useful. ment, what’s next? have to do the exercises.

Your beliefs are very personal, and So what’s the next step for you now 3. Another book that’s very use-
they really are the filters of your that you’ve done a self-assessment? ful for self-improvement is a
experience. So isn’t it a good idea to First, take a look at your self-assess- book by Leslie Temple Thurston
discover them for yourself? ment and make a list of the top ten called Marriage of Spirit. There
things you need to work on to improve are many exercises in this book
Question 9: yourself. And once you have your list, which are also life changing. In-
prioritize it. What’s most important cidentally, the Van Tharp Institute
List your top values. I think this is sells both A Course in Miracles
a way of telling you to do the value for you? What’s the second most
important change you need to make and Marriage of Spirit.
elicitation exercise in book three of
the Peak Performance Course. This and so on?
4. My fourth suggestion for im-
is perhaps the most important exercise Now decide upon the best course of provement is to take the Peak
that you can do in your life, because action to do the work. Perhaps you Performance 101 Workshop.
your values totally shape who you are. have the Peak Performance home This workshop, conducted en-
So why not take a look at how you study course and you can just look tirely by me, will help you get
are programming yourself. What’s up the techniques you need to make through many major roadblocks
important to you? the changes you want. If that’s the and you’ll return with an entire
case, go ahead and do that and then arsenal of tools to work on your-
In addition, you might want to also
make the changes. If you don’t have self. It is our core workshop.
do a negative value elicitation. For
example, some people are more prone the Peak Performance Course, then I
strongly recommend you get it. 5. One last suggestion would be to
to move away from certain values. do transformational consulting
Their life is motivated by avoidance Here are my topic suggestions for with Dr. Carol Adams, which we
of what they don’t want than by mov- helping you through the changes you offer through the Van Tharp In-
ing toward what they do want. And if want: stitute. I completed her program
this is you, then I’d suggest that you myself and I’ve found this work
1. The Peak Performance Course
start looking at what drives you on the to be very useful and I think you
contains many techniques for
negative side. This means looking at will feel the same way.
making change. If you already
your negative values. What do you
have it, I’d suggest that you 
most want to avoid? And since we
review it for ideas. You’d be
all have both approach and avoidance
surprised what you might find.
tendencies, perhaps it’s important for
all of you to do both a positive and

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Market Mastery

Twenty-Four Things You Can Do

Now to Move Toward
Peak Performance Health
(Reprinted From An Interview with Bruce DuVe)

man today. Instead, substitute flax

ONE of non-organic oatmeal in terms of
seed oil, taking 2-5 tablespoons daily.
beneficial effect.
1) Buy yourself a dairy or You can also combine it with high
journal and record everything you quality balsamic vinaigrette for a great
consume on a daily basis. You may
FOUR salad dressing.
want to record your normal diet for 4) Drink eight 8-oz. glasses of
a week or so before undertaking any water each day. This water should be SEVEN
of the steps below. But commit to filtered water or bottled water. Avoid
7) Give up all wheat based prod-
recording your daily consumption tap water because it is full of chemi-
ucts. This includes all breads, pastas,
(everything you eat and drink) for cals that are designed to kill bacteria
pastries, etc. And, no, you cannot eat
at least six months. I (VT) find this and thus are poisonous for you as
whole wheat bread or rye bread as a
to be a major part of doing the steps well.
substitute. Even the gluten free bread
that you can purchase at health food
FIVE stores is a no-no.
5) Don’t drink anything when
2) Develop a plan for yourself, you eat your food. Your stomach acid EIGHT
and include in that plan a daily routine is already highly diluted and if you
8) Avoid all dairy products ex-
for your diet. Add as many of the add water to it (or any other liquid for
cept Kefir and an occasional piece of
suggestions listed below as you can. that matter), you make digestion much
However, if it seems too extreme for harder. Instead, drink a glass of water
you, then just add one new item each about a half hour prior to your meal
week. Just as planning is important and then don’t drink anything else for NINE
to successful trading, planning is at least an hour and a half after you 9) Avoid all excitotoxins and
also important to your health – espe- finish the meal. preservatives. Excitotoxins include
cially in our modern culture where MSG and sugar substitutes, while pre-
everything is stacked against you SIX servatives include numerous poisons
succeeding. that are designed to kill or organisms
6) Give up all vegetable oils
that might eat your food before you
except for flax seed oil and (oc-
THREE can. Unfortunately, they are also poi-
casionally, olive oil). Vegetable
sonous for you.
3) Begin each day with a break- oils (e.g., soybean oil) are prevalent
fast of organic oatmeal. This should everywhere. They are in ice cream,
be soaked in filtered (or bottled) water margarine, cooking oils (they are TEN
overnight and then brought to a slow particularly deadly here), mayonnaise, 10) Avoid all antibiotics if at all
boil. Serve it plain with nothing else and many salad dressings. If you can possible. There are many good substi-
on it except organic flax seed (about totally give these up, then you will be tutes for antibiotics that are much less
two tablespoons). If you can do this taking a major step toward improving dangerous. For example:
single item, you will be taking a major your health. These are a major fac-
• You can take a tablespoon
step in the right direction. One bowl tor in increasing the incidence of the
of organic oatmeal is worth 30 bowls killer diseases that plague modern

6 ©2005, IITM, All Rights Reserved

Market Mastery

of Epsom salts with a small glass jor lifestyle changes we’d suggest in
of water. This tastes awful, so be terms of what you should eat and how
prepared to drink it quickly. It 12) Give up all caffeine sub- you ought to prepare the food.
also has a slight laxative effect. stances. These include coffee, tea,
Doing so tends to take minerals colas, chocolate, and even certain SIXTEEN
out of the system, so avoid this over the counter drugs that have
remedy unless necessary. caffeine in them. Give them all up. 16) The only grains you should
If you are addicted to these, you’ll consume are oats (see item 1), millet,
• Take a clove of garlic, mash brown or wild rice, and quinoa. If pos-
probably go through severe head-
it, and put it in water. Take the sible, stick to organic forms of these
aches upon withdrawal. When these
brew and put it in a blender on products.
occur, stay off the caffeine. The
the highest setting for about 30
headaches will probably go away in
seconds and then drink it. SEVENTEEN
a few days. However, the severity
• Put 40 drops of Echinacea of the headaches will simply reveal 17) When possible stick to organi-
concentrate and 20 drops of how dependent you are on caffeine cally produced fruits and vegetables
Cayenne concentrate in ¼ glass and how damaging it is for you. that are freshly picked and that were
of water. These concentrates are ripe (i.e., full of minerals) when they
available from www.healmarket- THIRTEEN were picked. You’ll generally know This concoction will this because they will be very sweet
be very hot and it will make your 13) Give up all tobacco prod-
ucts. Incidentally, most of the other and smell very good. On my last trip
throat burn. However, my expe- to Ireland (VT), I bought some oranges
rience of this is that it gets rid of addictions in items 11 through 15 will
tolerate a slight relapse. That is, you in a local shop. I cannot remember
sore throats almost instantly and ever having such a sour orange and
they typically don’t come back. might have them once or twice with-
out getting hooked again. However, two of them were thrown away. Ap-
If you can give up items 1 through 10, with tobacco, after one relapse you parently, they were picked when they
you have taken a major step forward are typically hooked again. were very green, shipped to Ireland,
toward improving your health and and then artificially made to look ripe.
you’ve probably put yourself in the top Avoid these fruits as they are totally
5-10% of people in affluent countries useless in terms of providing you with
in terms of your health. Rate yourself 14) Give up all recreational drug the minerals you need.
on how many of these ten items you use. This one is probably obvious,
can commit to doing now _____ (fill but we thought we’d include it any- EIGHTEEN
in a number from one to ten). way.
18) Take good quality, plant
For those of you who want to move sources vitamins. Those produced
into the top 1%, you also need to give by Nutralite, and sold by Quixtar are
up your addictions. The next five 15) And, lastly, give up what among the best. Take the Nutrilite
items represent the major addictions may be your strongest addiction, Double X supplements (one each twice
you might have. You’ll know they are sugar and sugar substitutes. These a day), the Nutriedge supplements
addictions by how hard it will be for include all types of sugar, honey, and (three times each day before meals),
you to give them up and the severity of even fructose (fruit sugar) except in the vitamin B supplements three times
the reaction your body produces when raw fruits. A lot of health foods are a day; and finally the chromium, the
you do give them up. simply ways to put sugar in your body vitamin E and lichen supplements once
through fructose. Sugar substitutes each day.
ELEVEN are even worse, so give them up too.
And if you have a strong reaction to NINETEEN
11) Give up all alcohol. Yes, even doing this one, it just shows how ad-
give up that occasional glass of red dicted you really are. 19) When you cook food, avoid frying
wine. It’s both a narcotic and a refined or baking in an oven or micro waving
carbohydrate and it does much more So how do you rate on these items. food. Instead, consider steaming the
harm than good. Can you give up all five and move food or pressure cooking it.
into the top 1%? And for those of
you who can, there are also some ma-

7 ©2005, IITM, All Rights Reserved

Market Mastery

TWENTY to reading them and how you react to

Market Mastery actually do them. What comes up for
20) Avoid food combining as
PUBLISHER/EDITOR much as possible. Make your meals you? What beliefs come up? Write
Van K. Tharp, Ph.D. simple and generally stick to one type these down in your journal and notice
of food. For example, avoid mixing your patterns.
Cathy W. Hasty a) proteins and carbohydrates; or b)
several types of proteins; c) only eat TWENTY FOUR
Editorial Advisory Board
fresh fruit by itself.
D.R. Barton Jr. 24) Consider some psychological
work to deal with the issues that come
TWENTY ONE up for you. We deal with psychologi-
This publication is intended to be cal issues in two IITM courses, Peak
21) The less food you eat the
instructional and should not be
better. People who eat small amounts Performance 101 and Peak Perfor-
construed as a recommendation
of food tend to live much longer than mance 202. We recommend that you
to buy or sell any futures con-
those who eat large qualities. Thus, take those courses.
tracts, options, or stocks. Trading
is extremely risky and may result stick to eating small amounts of food. 
in substantial losses. The infor- If you eat your food very slowly and
mation offered is gathered from chew each bite, you’ll find that this
sources believed to be reliable as task is quite easy. For example, I
well as from experiences of the (VT) used to love desserts. And one
To learn more about
editors. The publishers and edi- piece of pie or cake was never enough.
business planning for
tors assume no responsibility for Enough was usually “how much could
traders and investors, the
errors or omissions or any losses I eat without getting sick.” However,
Van Tharp Institute rec-
resulting from the use of the infor- when I was on Bruce’s programs I
ommends these related
mation contained in this publica- would occasionally have a bite of
educational resources:
tion. dessert that was so small that it didn’t
really even qualify as a bite. However,
MANCE RESULTS HAVE CERTAIN INHER- I found that I could savor it for a long • Business Planning for Trad-
ENT LIMITATIONS. UNLIKE AN ACTUAL time (i.e., about as long as it used to ers and Investors CD Series.
PERFORMANCE RECORD, SIMULATED take to eat a whole piece of cake). I
RESULTS DO NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL thoroughly enjoyed it. And when I In this comprehensive CD
finished I still wanted more (but didn’t series, you’ll learn all you
THE RESULTS MAY HAVE UNDER-OR- have it). But how was that any differ- need to know about setting
OVER COMPENSATED FOR THE IMPACT, ent from eating a whole piece of cake up a viable business plan for
IF ANY, OF CERTAIN MARKET and wanting more. It was much more your trading. Van Tharp in-
healthy, but the psychological effects terviews a variety of special
IN GENERAL ARE ALSO SUBJECT TO THE were the same. guests and provides you with
FACT THAT THEY ARE DESIGNED WITH weekly exercises designed
THE BENEFIT OF HINDSIGHT. NO REP- to assist you in preparing
your plan as the series pro-
ACCOUNT WILL OR IS LIKELY TO ACHIEVE 22) If you have an occasional
SHOWN. lapse in following your plan, don’t
get down on yourself. It’s about the • Financial Freedom through
same as taking a bad trade. It’ll will Electronic Day Trading
Market Mastery was published by In- happen from time to time. Just note • 17 Steps to Becoming a
ternational Institute of Trading Mastery, the lapse in your journal and resolve
Inc., ©2005 by IITM,
Great Trader Workshop
Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in
to do better in the next week.
whole or in part without express permis-
• Seven Principles of Great
Trading Audio CD
sion is prohibited. TWENTY THREE
23) Notice what comes up for
you psychologically with each of
these items. Notice how you react

8 ©2005, IITM, All Rights Reserved

Market Mastery

Developing a Business Plan

Van K. Tharp, Ph.D.

here is so much that you need · Other necessary systems such you want the things you want? Write
to remind yourself about peak as marketing, back office down as many whys as possible.
performance trading that I rec- record keeping, etc. You’ll know you have it when you are
ommend that you develop a thorough so excited about your dream life that
business plan as part of your spring · Your worst case contingency
you must do something right now.
cleaning. And even if you are trading plan.
well, I still recommend developing a · System 1 – which is compat- Objectives:
planning tool. Those who are doing ible with the big picture.
Most people don’t think too much
well will just have a little less work
· System 2 – which is also com- about their objectives, what kind of
to do.
patible with the big picture. returns they want and what kind of
In my opinion, your business plan drawdowns they are willing to ac-
· System 3 – which might come
should cover all of the following cept. But you cannot develop any
into play should the big pic-
areas. sort of trading system (or at least one
ture change.
that you’ll be happy trading) without
· Your vision.
If you have all of those things, then knowing these things. For example,
· Your purpose. you have a chance of doing well. But you might decide that you want to
· Your objectives. this means that your business plan make at least 20% and have a peak
becomes a tool for you to continu- to trough drawdown of no more than
· A thorough self-assessment ally use to improve yourself and your 10%. That’s a reasonable objective.
of your strengths and weak- trading. But it’s totally different from someone
ness based upon real trading who says I want to make as much
logs that you collect (if you Vision and Purpose: money as I can and not worry about
haven’t done so already). drawdowns at all. Both would have
One of the keys to real success in trad-
· A thorough assessment of the ing is commitment. Before I coach a entirely different objectives.
big picture and the fundamen- trader, I look for commitment. Those Furthermore, we can show with our
tals that might be behind any who are not committed to do what it simulation software, Know Your
trend. takes, usually commit financial suicide System, that different objectives call
when they try to be full time traders. for different position sizing algorithms
· A complete understanding of
Now, I have no idea how to give people in order to achieve those objectives.
your beliefs about the mar-
commitment. It’s more like something And we can show that there are an
they are born with – not something I unlimited number of possible objec-
· Procedures for getting em- can coach. tives. Thus, you must give a lot of
powering beliefs and mental thought to this and put it into your
The key to commitment is to develop
states behind you. business plan and stick to it. Once
your vision and purpose. Your vision
· A documentation of your is your dream life. What do you re- you have objectives, you know where
research procedure for de- ally want to accomplish, be, and have you are going and you have a chance
veloping new systems and in your life to know that you’ve done to get there.
determining how to analyze your best? What is your dream life? A Thorough
their effectiveness. I’d write this out in detail.
· Your procedures for de- And you also want the purpose behind
veloping and maintaining the dream life. What are the whys in You’ve got to design your business
discipline. your life? This is what gives it the real plan around your strengths and weak-
motivation and commitment. Why do nesses. If you know your strengths,
· Your budget and cashflow then you can design your plan around

9 ©2005, IITM, All Rights Reserved

Market Mastery

that. If you know your weakness, then they are most likely to get involved in i. Objectives (see section 2)
you can design a plan that minimizes the wrong thing when the big picture
ii. How System Fits the Big
the impact of those weaknesses and changes.
also has ways for you to improve Thus, this simplest way to protect
yourself. However, when this infor- iii. Entry Set and Conditions
yourself is to have models that reflect
mation is missing, then the potential the big picture and that don’t change iv. How Initial Risk (1R) is
for disaster is huge. too often. But when they do change, determined
I’ve already suggested this as part of you need to be ready to change.
v. How to Take Profits
your spring cleaning, so you should
know what to ask yourself and what Market Beliefs: vi. Position Sizing
to think about. Again, I’ve already suggested that you vii. Know Your System Report
Can you develop a system? Are you do this as part of your spring clean-
Fourth, you need to know how to
able to deal with adversity well – like ing. What are you beliefs about the
evaluate the system. We personally
many consecutive losses as one might market? What are your beliefs about
recommend that you collect enough
have in a system? You know yourself yourself?
R-multiples from your system (at
much better than I do, so you need to My point is that you need to list ALL least 50) and then get a Know Your
list your strengths. of your critical market beliefs in this System report from us. That will tell
Knowing the Big Picture: section. And don’t be afraid to have you a lot about what to expect with
a 10-50 page document listing your your system.
In my experience working with trad- beliefs about the market if you are
And, lastly, but most importantly, you
ers since 1982, I’ve seen many major seasoned.
need to know when your system is
trading fads come and go. I’ve seen broken. This would occur when you
when futures were hot or when cur- Get Empowering Mental
exceeded a certain drawdown, a cer-
rencies were hot or when stocks were States and Beliefs Behind tain level of losses— measures of this
hot like in 1999. But all of those You. sort that you need to predetermine.
trends come and go. And people who Again, the Know Your System report
find trading methods that work when There are certain beliefs you need for
can help you a lot with this.
they are hot, go out of business when success. Volume 3 of the course tells
the trends disappear. My suggestion you how to put those beliefs in your Personal Discipline
instead is that you understand the big favor. Thus, what you need to do in
picture and have a method that tells the next section of your business plan There are three aspects to personal
you what’s going on. You also need is determine what those mental states discipline. The first involves doing
various strategies that work as the big and beliefs are and how you’ll get the ten tasks of trading on a regular
picture changes. them to work for you. It’s primarily basis. These tasks allow you to
to reinforce this critical aspect of your program yourself at the beginning
For example, in Safe Strategies for discipline. of the day, and allow you to fix
Financial Freedom we have models mistakes, and know when you are
that tell you about the stock market, Know How Each of Your getting in the way. So if you are
inflation, the dollar, real estate, and Systems Work: doing them on a regular basis, then
many other things you need to know. you are doing a lot. There are four
All you have to do is keep track of the First, you need to know how your major psychological tasks involved
models. When the models shift be system works, why it works, and how and you need to have checklists
ready to change strategies. it fits with the big picture. Tom Basso in place for each of them. They
once said that the better you under- include:
For example, the stock market shifted
stand your system, the less testing
to “yellow-light” mode in April 2002.
you’ll have to do with it. Second, you
It shifted back to red light mode at the 1) a daily self-analysis;
need to have a systems development
end of June. Both changes, signaled 2) a daily mental rehearsal;
procedure like we recommend in the
major changes in strategies. And you 3) a daily debriefing; and
system development workshop. And,
need to have the strategies ready and
third, you need to make sure that you 4) periodic review.
understand why.
have all of the critical parts of the
Also, include a daily schedule for
One of the biggest reasons people system covered. These include:
doing this.
get hurt is that they don’t understand
when the big picture changes. In fact,

10 ©2005, IITM, All Rights Reserved

Market Mastery

Next, you need a top down approach cost you every month? What does In- have a lot of individual accounts you
to discipline, somewhat like we’ve ternet connectivity cost every month? are managing? How will you do
covered in another section of this What do you pay for data? What do bookkeeping? How will you manage
newsletter. It starts with your vision you pay for education? How about your data? What if you have errors in
and purpose. From there you develop subscriptions? What else is part of your data? What if you have errors in
three to five different plans that will your regular monthly outflow… how your trade fulfillment? These are just
bring you closer to your dream life. about research time or perhaps just a few of the questions you’ll need to
These could be goals, but the goals are your salary? answer with respect to your back of-
usually so big that the often involve fice. You’ll need to plan for this.
All of this should give you an idea of
major plans. For example, this year
my four action areas were 1) to dra-
what you need to make every month Worst Case
to have a profitable business. What Contingency Planning.
matically grow the business (and this is your hourly wage as a trader? Are
one had five sub areas); 2) to develop you making below minimum wage? The idea behind a worst-case contin-
much greater personal discipline; 3) to What is your salary? This should be gency plan is to brainstorm to think
develop a stronger spiritual guidance; answered (or at least well planned) in of what could happen and approach
and 4) to improve my health. As you a very detailed manner in your busi- it as a creative exercise. If you do it
can see, none of them were simple and ness plan. from that perspective, there is really
each required a separate plan.
nothing negative about it.
The third aspect of discipline is to Customer Relationship
System The purpose behind it is to prepare
know the conditions under which
yourself for what could go wrong.
you’ll avoid trading and get out of (Even if Your Customer The market will usually find some-
the market. Have a list of them and is Your Spouse). thing that you are not prepared for and
be ready should one occur to make a
give you a great test of your fortitude.
hasty exit. When trading for others, you will need
When this happens, and you are not
For example, if you are going through to get customers – thus, you’ll need
prepared, you become stressed and
something that could be psychologi- some sort of marketing of your busi-
your brain shuts down. Typically,
cally upsetting like a divorce a move, ness. How will you legally let people
you respond in a very primitive way,
a major illness, a lawsuit or even the know about what you can do for them.
but with a lot of energy. For example,
birth of a new child – all these things That should be a complete plan or at
you might scream loudly. However,
can have a major impact on your trad- least a section of your business plan.
this does you very little good and hurts
ing. You need to be ready for them. Next, you will need to know how to your account.
keep your customers happy. How
Budget and Cash will you deal with customers who call
First, brainstorm everything that could
go wrong. You might find that such
Flow Systems: you on a regular basis with questions
problems fall into five broad cat-
about your trading? That can be a
Every business has many systems egories. The first category would be
real distraction. What will you do on
and by system I mean something that personal emergencies. For example,
a regular basis to minimize the need
is automatic that really helps people one of my clients has a personal
for your customers to call you? For
know what to do when running a emergency and left a number of open
example, you might want to have a
business. For example, a fast food positions to go deal with the emer-
newsletter going out to them weekly
restaurant will have systems to help gency. When he returned, he came
or monthly. How will you report re-
you greet customers and serve them back to a financial emergency!
sults to them? How will you manage
within a minute. They will also have things when your results are poor? The second category would be di-
systems for preparing food, for clean- And just as importantly, how will you sasters with the market that are not
ing up, for managing cash flow, for manage things when you do well and expected. Examples of that nature
dealing with problems that arise, etc. your customers get excited and want might include the 1987 crash – no
And your business of trading needs that performance to continue. These one expected the S&P 500 to move
such systems too. questions should all be answered as 20% in one day, but it did. It might
The most important of those systems part of your planning. also include events like 9/11 when
has to do with your cash flow and the stock market closed down for a
Next is your back office. How will
budgeting. substantial period of time.
you keep track of your customers?
What is it going to cost you to run How will you send statements to We actually had a training for our old
your business? What does equipment them? How will you keep track of super trader program that was like
your performance – especially if you playing war games and was designed

11 ©2005, IITM, All Rights Reserved

Market Mastery

by someone who used to design judgment? All of these are items you you won’t get many undervalued
games for one of the U.S. intelligence should consider. stocks until the market is way down
agencies. In that training, we had a First make a list of everything that oc- anyway and ready for a rally.
scenario in which the World Trade curs to you in each of these categories, I also recommend 1-3 other systems
Center was blown up. The reaction plus miscellaneous – anything else. for when the market changes. For
was: “This is so unrealistic, nothing Plan on having at least 100 items or example, if you are an equity trader,
like this would ever happen.” But it your list is probably too short. you might do efficient stocks. Even
did – and within about five years.
Second, once you’ve generated your though we are in a fairly flat market
The third category should include list. Now come up with three ways right now, there are still lots of effi-
equipment and data problems. What to deal with each situation. So if you cient markets. For example as of Feb
if something happens to your com- have 100 items on your list, you need 15, 2005 some very efficient stocks
puter? What if something happens 300 solutions. that have made really good money
with your software – especially if include AAPL, JOE, TOL, and VOL.
you don’t know its happening? What Third, now determine which solution Now, as of April 15, they were no
if something happens to your data? is the most effective one for each prob- longer that efficient. Efficient stocks
What if you get faulty data and false lem and rehearse it thoroughly until it don’t go up forever.
signals? What if something happens is second nature to you. This is the
to your phone or your Internet service? real value of worst case contingency Position Sizing
You need backups for all of these sorts planning. The more you can rehearse and Risk Control
of things. globally, the less you’ll have to deal
with in a daily mental rehearsal. These are the most important aspects
The fourth category might be ma- of your system. If the system doesn’t
jor things that would cause a major Most people prefer to ignore this sec- work, then you should know when to
problem in trading if you are not well tion of their plan, but it really is the get out to protect your capital. And
prepared. These events include: most important. you should always limit your expo-
And sometimes good things can be sure to make sure you don’t lose too
1) having a baby;
a disaster. In my company business much of your capital. These are really
2) going through a divorce or a major plan, I once considered that one of the fundamental rules of trading well.
breakup with a loved one; worst things that could happen would And on the other side of the coin,
3) moving your office or your be a large order that might take me you should know how to step on
home; several months to fill because I didn’t the gas with position sizing should
have enough stock. People often don’t the position go in your favor. This
4) a personal or family illness; think about how “good news” could would favor certain types of scale in
5) a personal or family death; and be a disaster. position sizing. Thus, you are cutting
your losses and letting your profits
6) anything else that might be a ma- Develop 3-4 Systems run through keeping (and adding to)
jor distractor such as a lawsuit.
It’s probably good to have at least two a winning position.
These tend to occur over a long period good, non-correlated systems that fit
of time and you need to plan how For more information about business
the current big picture. If they are planning, I strongly recommend our
you’ll respond to them. Sure, you can non-correlated, then you’ll probably
just stop trading. But perhaps there business planning CD series. And as
continue to make money. a bonus, we have some started plans
is also another way if you work it out
and practice it. For example, in Safe Strategies for in there that you can review, adapt
Financial Freedom, two non-corre- to your own situation, and use as a
The fifth category for this section lated systems that would work when template for developing a thorough
would be various types of psycho- the market is in red light mode are the plan that fits you.
logical problems that come up. This bear market mutual fund strategy and
really fits under discipline, but here is 
Graham’s number stocks. When the
where you plan for it and make sure it market’s going down, you probably
doesn’t wipe you out. won’t make much from your under-
The last category has to do with your valued stocks, but your mutual fund
broker. What kind of performance should do well. And when the market
should you expect from your broker. rallies, you’ll start to make money in
What will you do with errors? Bad your undervalued stocks. Thus, both
fills? A broker who questions your strategies work well together. In fact,

12 ©2005, IITM, All Rights Reserved

Market Mastery

The Importance of Vision and Goals to Your Business Plan

Van K. Tharp and Melita Hunt

Interview excerpted from the transcripts of the audio series, Business Planning for Traders and Investors

Van: Today, we’re going to talk pick them up and say, “Wow! Look at Melita: “What am I doing this for?”
about commitment, purpose, and un- that!” It’s just the fact that it’s been put So many people call in to the company
derstanding yourself. I think those are down on paper. about technical stuff. People say, “Tell
some of the real keys to beginning any me what to do to trade. Tell me what
business plan. This is what gets you We dream it and it’s there conceptu-
ally, but when we put it on paper it systems to follow. Tell me how to do
started, the basis for everything. this.”
really makes it real. Somehow, the
One of the key studies was one done universe just supports us and really We’re always saying, “What is it that
at Yale University about 30 years ago. makes that happen. The goals really you really want? What is it that you
They surveyed the graduating class come into alignment. want to accomplish? What are the
and discovered that only 3% of the goals that you have? What are you
graduates had written goals. Think Van: There’s another aspect that
makes it even more significant. If committed to? What do you want
about that. this for?”
you have those goals, you are just so
How many people do have written committed to them that you’ll just do A lot of people haven’t taken the time
goals? Do you have written goals? anything to get it. You just have an to sit down and say, “What do I want
Maybe you do, because you’re think- absolute burning desire that no matter to do this for? What does this really
ing about writing a business plan, but what, you’re going to accomplish that mean to me?” You need to know what
most people don’t. goal. juices you.
What they discovered ten years later, Well, there’s almost nothing you can’t What is it that makes you want to do
when they surveyed the same group of accomplish when you have the desire. all of this work, this effort, in order
people, was that the 3% who had writ- It’s really amazing how that works. to do what you need to do to be a top
ten goals had a net worth equivalent to trader or investor?
the other 97% combined. I think most Melita: It’s not easy. Sometimes it’s
of you have similar experiences. embarrassing. People aren’t support- Van: I recommend a series of ques-
ive. They say, “Are you crazy? Are tions. This will help you create that
When you actually commit yourself to you mad?” You just have to have that vision that will give you the stepping
writing down your goals, quite often commitment. You have to say, “Do stone, the core foundation of your
you achieve them. I know you’ve had you know what? I know I can make business plan.
that experience, Mel. this work, and I’ll do whatever it
takes.” • What do I want to create?
Melita: Absolutely. I’ve pretty much
lived my life from that place. My vi- Van: This is the key to your business • What am I going to create with
sions really dictate what it is that I plan. Have a big vision. Big visions my life?
want to accomplish. move people. You need to get the vi- • What do I stand for?
I have goals written down everywhere. sion that’s powerful enough to move
you. • What do I want my legacy to
You don’t have to be too serious with be?
them. You can even play with them. That’s the key. You’ve got to get the
I’ve got 100 goals of things that I want reasons behind it. Those reasons re- • What do I want to accomplish?
to do before I die, and I have goals that ally give it power. Big visions will • What do I want to give back to
I follow every week. cause you to change your direction. the world?
It gives you clarity. Having that com- They’re the motivating force behind
everything in the business plan. • Most importantly, because it
mitment, goals, and something to work tends to be the secret to all the
towards is really important. I don’t think most people realize it but rest of the questions, what gives
It’s surprising that it even applies to that’s, in my opinion, one of the real me joy?
the ones you put away. You can write keys to success in trading or any other
form of business. 
things down and put them away, then

13 ©2005, IITM, All Rights Reserved

Market Mastery

On Attaining Happiness:
A Psychological Exercise That Could Improve Your Trading Experience
Van K. Tharp, Ph.D.

I began my business in the early

1980s when I was doing A Course
In Miracles. When I began the course,
Exercise 1: Review Your Life.
This particular exercise did not occur
exercise, I’m curious to know if most
if you come to the same conclusion.
Send me an email (
I was working at a research job I to me as a result of doing A Course In and let me know.
hated. I was doing contract work for Miracles, but I’m presenting it to you
pharmaceutical companies on the be- first as background material. I spent My second major conclusion was that
havioral effects of various new drugs two weeks last May in a Swiss health there were distinct patterns to my life
and, indirectly, I was working for the clinic doing some wonderful things. I that I repeated over and over again.
U.S. government because everything revitalized my health through the pro- That was also interesting to me be-
I did had to satisfy their requirements. cesses they put me through. I read nine cause it was obvious that I chose those
I can’t say enough how much I hated spiritual books during the two weeks patterns. In my opinion, you can only
what I was doing. The red tape was I was there. And I walked for one to make that conclusion by thoroughly
meaningless for me. I had a long five hours each day in the Swiss Alps. doing this particular exercise.
commute in heavy Los Angeles traffic It was a wonderful experience. Exercise 2: Forgiveness Is My
twice each day. And I really had no As a result of my reading, I did a won- Function.
respect for the people I worked for. It derful little exercise that took me about
was not a good place for me. This exercise actually stems from
three hours to complete. That exercise
Exercise 62 through 65 in A Course
By the time I finished doing the 365 was to recall my entire life. What was
in Miracles. Exercise 62 suggests that
daily lessons in A Course in Miracles my first memory, the second, the third,
you meditate on the following.
four years later, I was working for etc. right through my entire life. Yes,
myself, out of my house. I was do- I skipped around a bit and found that Forgiveness is my function as the
ing research that was meaningful to I reviewed things with respect to a light of the world.
me and that I thought would benefit certain theme and then would go back I would fulfill my function that I
lots of people. And I believe that to something I skipped. I recommend may be happy.
my work made a difference in many that you do the same exercise. I was 57
last May so I spent about 3.5 minutes The course suggests that you meditate
people’s lives. Was that a miracle? I on these two sentences to see what
think so. reviewing each year of my life. And
it was probably a little longer because comes to you.
I’m giving you that background in- I can’t imagine that I spent more than My experience was that forgiveness
formation because I’m now doing the 2-3 minutes on the first five years. I really means to release all judgment
course again. Hopefully, this time I just don’t have too much recollection about anything. Things just are!
can complete it in less than four years. of those years. So, if you are 30 years When you decide that they are good
And my experience this time through old you could probably complete this or bad or give them any other dual-
is that it is even more meaningful to exercise in 90-100 minutes. istic judgment, you suddenly bring
me the second time. “interpretation” into your life. And I
What were the benefits of the exercise?
One of my experiences this time is First, I discovered that memories from didn’t really make that up either – it’s
that I seem to be doing much more 1-2 years ago were just as fuzzy as exercise two in the course.
sophisticated psychological exercises memories from fifty years ago. And And are you really happy when you
this time. And one of my goals, in this then I discovered that when I tried to release judgment about something?
new quarterly format for Market Mas- review yesterday, it was equally as You basically just see it as it is. Sud-
tery, is to share one or two of those fuzzy. It was almost as if it was not denly, I saw several examples of this
exercise in each issue. Since this is the that real and I was semi-reconstruct- happening. I’ll relate one to you that
first expanded format issue, I thought ing it. And I thought that was very you might have seen for yourself.
I’d share three different exercises interesting in view of the metaphysical
with you. All of them could make a principle that only the PRESENT mo- I recently watched an episode of The
profound difference on your life. ment is real. If you decide to do this Apprentice in which a young, beauti-


14 ©2005, IITM, All Rights Reserved

Market Mastery

ful, woman went through a tantrum So that is the second exercise for this acquiring things does not bring me
at the beginning of the show. She you: Review your life in detail and happiness.
mentioned something about her back- for each event that comes up for you,
release any judgment you have about • If I complete the collection I’ll be
ground. Both her parents had been
that event. Notice what it feels like. happy.
in jail and she grew up the hard way.
She said she hated being beautiful And if you haven’t done exercise one When I started thinking about it, I
because other people were jealous of yet, just combine the two. It might have a complete set of Stock and
her and she didn’t have any friends. take you four or five hours to do this Commodities Magazine. Having it
As a result, she said she often wished exercise, but don’t you think your doesn’t really bring me much joy, so
she had scars on her face so that people life is worthy of four or five hours of that premise goes out the door. In fact,
wouldn’t notice her beauty. She said your time? I really don’t want to get rid of it be-
she’d become successful in spite of Exercise 3: My Function and cause there might be some articles in
everyone being against her and that Happiness Are One there that I’d want to read some time.
she wasn’t going to let other members But the collection does take up a lot
of the group pick on her. In Exercise 66 of A Course In Mira- of space and I think the quality of the
cles, I was supposed to meditate on magazine has gone down considerably
Let me ask you a question, “Was she
the following: over the years. Okay, completing a
happy?” The answer, of course, is
collection doesn’t bring happiness.
obvious. She was very unhappy. And God gives me only happiness.
was she unhappy because others were • If I have more money, I’ll be
He has given my function to me.
picking on her? Well, in my opinion, happy.
nobody was picking on her. A few oth- Therefore, my function must be hap-
I’ve written about this topic exten-
ers has made some observations about piness.
sively, even though this thought has
her, but I thought those observations
The key to the major practice period crossed my mind from time to time.
were quite neutral. Instead, she was
on this exercise was to meditate on I’ve been a millionaire. But somehow
unhappy because she has interpreted
the logic of the statement. I person- the way I felt didn’t change at all.
the comments of others as attacks and
ally wasn’t sure I accepted the first I’ve been a multi-millionaire, and I
that set off her “stuff.” What would
statement. Doesn’t God give me certainly didn’t become any happier.
have happened if she had reviewed
freedom and choice and the ability to And I’ve lost a million dollars, and
what everyone else had said about
create? But aren’t those elements of nothing changed as far as my happi-
her and released all of her judgment
happiness as well. Well, to me they ness. Well in the latter case, perhaps
about it. Would she have been happy?
can be if I don’t judge my creation my judgment of that made me a little
At the very least, she would not have
and my choices. unhappier. However, my experience
been upset.
However, it was the next part of the is that money hasn’t made me hap-
Does it make sense to you that for- pier.
exercise that I found most interest-
giveness is the release of all judgment
ing. What was suggested was that I • If I’m more famous, I’ll be
about anything and that if you do it,
review my life for what I’ve pursued happy.
you will be happy? It makes a lot of
to gain happiness. And that’s what I
sense to me. That conclusion resulted I’ve probably never really bought
did. Here as some of the things that
in a totally new exercise for me. into this one. I’m fairly well-known
came up for me when I did that. My
among the ranks of traders, but I’m
What I did is repeat the same exer- examples are not necessarily “The
not well known at all among people in
cise that I described in exercise one, Answer,” but they might help you in
general. I’m certainly not well-known
although not in as much detail. I your search.
in my community and I rather like the
simply reviewed my life from begin-
• If I acquire that (whatever that anonymity. When Safe Strategies
ning to end. Only this time, whenever
might be) I’ll be happy. for Financial Freedom came out, I
anything came up, I asked the ques-
I remember once thinking that it decided that I’d do whatever it took
tion: “How am I judging this?” And
would be really great when I got a Jag- to make it a best seller, just because
whenever I saw any judgment, I
uar XK8. So I bought one for $59,000 I felt the book would help a lot of
released it and saw it, instead, as
(it was six months old and had $2000 people. As a result, I did lots of radio
a neutral event. And that includes
miles on it). It was really nice to own interviews and lots of television in-
good things as well (because judging
it at first. However, the joy of owning terviews. I found doing all that to be
something to be good is also a judg-
it disappeared the longer I owned it. quite taxing and had little impact on
ment). The net result of that exercise
In fact, it was largely gone within two book sales. And none of it changed
was that I felt much, much lighter at
weeks of acquiring the car. Okay, so my level of happiness.
the conclusion.

15 ©2005, IITM, All Rights Reserved

Market Mastery

• If I grow my business by a mag- stand out, that certainly doesn’t bring and see what answers you come up
nitude of ten I’ll be happier. happiness. But when I do things for with on your own.
I’ve probably done this several times other people with no expectation of
Application to Trading
over if you count where the business anything in return, now that’s a little
started. In 1982, I probably made different story. I feel great, but it’s the One reason for giving you these
$5000. Within a few years, I made process here that seems important to exercises is that they have a direct
$50,000. And within a few more happiness. bearing on your performance as a
years, I made $500,000. Although I’m • If I can just have the right relation- trader. When you have lots of judg-
proud of the accomplishment and the ship, I’ll be happy. ments about the market and the results
effect it has had on the trading world, you get, it’s very hard to make money.
growing my business by a factor of ten Have you ever had this thought? If I When you can be an observer of the
didn’t make me any happier. can just bring this person into my life, market – what’s it doing – and react
I’ll be complete and live a wonderful appropriately, you’ll find that your
• Perhaps I just needed more of (fill life. I’ve been married twice – both trading seems to improve more and
in the blank) ___________ to be times to wonderful women. In addi- more. Furthermore, my experience is
happy. tion, I probably had this thought when that I enjoy it more as I judge less.
Most people fall into this logic. If hav- I wanted to get married. But did that
feeling change over time? For me it My trading has become very simple.
ing a million dollars doesn’t make you
certainly did. They made life inter- I look for things that are going up
any happier, then perhaps ten million
esting and certainly took away any quickly and smoothly. I call those
will. And if ten million dollars doesn’t
boredom I might have, but they had efficient stocks. The smoother and
do it, then perhaps 100 million or a
nothing to do with my happiness. So faster they are moving the more I like
billion dollars will. But did having a
does that mean that the right relation- them. And what do I do when I find
billion dollars make Howard Hughes
ship doesn’t make me happy? Well, one. The answer is simple, I just buy
or J. Paul Getty happy. I don’t think
that brings up the next one. it. I don’t wait for any other indicator
so. All that happened was they got
– that’s enough.
more. And it doesn’t matter whether • If I can just fix this person, so they
it’s more money, success, fame, or don’t do that, I’ll be happy. And when do I sell? Well, I have
things, more is just more. It doesn’t certain rules about how much I’m
really bring happiness. Being a psychologist, I already know willing to lose.
the answer to this one. You cannot
Okay, so let’s switch directions. fix anyone but yourself. But if you If I’m down much more than half
change your reaction to how some- of a percent in a day on a particular
• When my son/daughter does X,
one else behaves, then you could stock, I’m out. That’s even my stop
I’ll be happy.
change their behavior. And if you at the start of the position, because if
Every once in a while I’ve thought if don’t change your behavior, changing it’s going up I expect it to keep doing
my son can just do X, I’ll be really yourself could still change how you that. This is actually a pretty simple
happy. However that’s putting my feel about it. But isn’t that bringing way to trade and I’ve been very suc-
happiness into someone else’s hands. up full circle to the original idea that cessful with it.
Wow, I’m sure that’s not the answer. releasing judgment (forgiveness) is What makes this style of trading best
If I start to believe my happiness what brings happiness? is the lack of judgment. I just stick
depends upon someone else, I’m re-
Okay, so that brings us to the exercise. to pure observation. Is it going up
ally in trouble. Now I can remember
Take about a half hour and list all the smoothly? If so, it’s a good candidate,
times when doing things with my son
ways that you have pursued happiness buy it. Am I losing more than half of a
brought me a lot of happiness, but isn’t
in your life. Make a list of them. And percent on it, then it’s stopped going
that really living in the moment?
once you have the list, then go over up, get rid of it.
·• If I were just popular or had a lot the result of having or pursing that And when most stocks are going
of friends, I’d be happy. particular goal. What happened? Was down, I do the opposite. Is the stock
I used to have these feelings as a it even associated with happiness? going down smoothly? Those become
child, because I felt very excluded. I See what your conclusion is. And if my short candidates. And again, when
wasn’t good at sports, I was more of it turns out that releasing judgment is I lose half of a percent in a day in a
the egghead geek. I just wanted to what brings you happiness, then what position, I’m out.
belong and be part of the crowd. But does that say about who you are?

there are duties and responsibility in Notice that I’m not providing you with
being popular. When you always have any answers here. Just do the exercise
to fit in or do things to be special or

16 ©2005, IITM, All Rights Reserved

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