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S.G.A is affiliated with Lucifer’s Elite.

The owner of this blog is not prepared to give his name out, but is
however prepared for me (Lucie Elizabeth Lovato) to create a PDF
book for S.G.A. I only take credit for the e-book but not the blogs
that are contained here. Unlike any Lucifer’s Elite’s e books S.G.A’s
work is not copyrighted and may be distributed to help spread the
truth. S.G.A is purely political, not religious, please read the
introduction to understand what S.G.A is about.

S.G.A Index
1) Satanic Gentiles Alliance Introduction

2) To All Gentiles

3) Z.O.G

4) The truth about the Nazis

5) Ashkenazi Jews
Satanic Gentiles Alliance Introduction
The video above pretty much sums up what we are about. We are Satanic Gentiles with the hopes to
unite other Satanic Gentiles under one common goal and that goal is no other than the truth. In the
end all lies, no matter what they are, eventually fall down, and the liars will get punished for their
lies and deceit. With a lie as big as the Zionist movement, this is going to take a lot but it is not
impossible, thanks to the internet and people working hard to get the truth out there to those
willing to listen. Mainstream media works consistently to suppress the truth, there is no truth that is
given out to the public that is mainstream. A lot of us have to work behind the scenes using the
internet as a means to get out the truth. It takes a strong person to be able to swallow what is here
and understand and accept it, so if you are weak hearted and believe everything that you see, then
you have two options. Those two options are to continue reading what you see here on S.G.A. or
simply close this blog and go somewhere else.

No one really "owns" what is here, it is written for everyone to distribute, to pass on and to educate.
So if that is what you wish to do then by all means do so because there are no copyright grounds
here. In actual fact; we ask only that you do this when the opportunity arises for you to do so. The
more people that are aware and knowing of the truth, the more likely the enemy will fall down
faster. When we say unite, we do not mean race mixing, if forums open up here like we have
discussed for the future of S.G.A, then it is your responsibility to not use this as an interracial dating
website. We are not racist (just not politically correct), but we are loyal to our race and ask of others
here that are true Spiritual Satanists and National Socialists to do the same. Whilst we openly show
our religion with pride, we are *NOT* a religious blog. As stated on the little introduction at the top,
we are POLITICAL and ask that if you wish to make statements regarding our religion to go to other
groups that are there for that very purpose.
We would like to state that we are not the JoS, but we happily support them with a great deal of
Thank you and Hail Lord of this Earth, Enki! Hail Satan!
To All Gentiles
We Gentiles have become more aware of the Zionist deception that is being used against us all,
through the mass media and its government schools, to mislead us all into a war with each other
instead of our common enemy, an enemy that seems to be bred to leech off and kill gentiles for as
far back as we can remember. This alliance isn't asking you to take showers together and swap spit,
nor is it asking you to go all kumbaya, only that we need to understand that most of our ancestors
were forced into Christianity, Islam and in some cases, later Communism. These are but mind-
viruses, that is Cultish programs created by the Jews to enslave gentiles. When the Roman Empire
was infiltrated by the Jew puppet Constantine, he created the first Catholic church and imposed
Christianity on all gentiles throughout Europe, Scandinavia and the Mediterranean, destroying our
ancient pagan religions that existed, some might remember all this as the witch burnings, which
again was intended to eradicate paganism. This program was spread to Africa and later to the Native
American Indians by force, not voluntary. I respect many cultures, especially ones with pagan ties to
their ancestors, but the "multi-cultural" stuff is a load of shit, for they are attempting to make us
hate each others cultures by shoving each others cultures down one another's throat, allowing for
resentment and bigotry where otherwise might not exist.
Other techniques the Jews use, is to give women, minorities, gays/lesbians favoritism in order to
make us hate these groups. In other words, when a minority gets affirmative action and favoritism
for example, in the long run, it is not to help the minorities nor should we be angry at them despite
the apparent benefits in their favor, but rather our anger should be directed at the Jew who gives
favoritism, thus playing one against the other in order to create resentment and hate between
fellow gentiles.
When illegal immigrants or huge populations of immigrants are invading one's own country, it is not
the fault of the immigrants coming in but the Jews in the government who allow this to happen in
order to once again, create resentment, destroy cultures, hatred and disruption among gentiles.
When Hollywood makes white people out to be the biggest racist going, exaggerating things that
happened in history, as well as making them out to be the oppressor, it is also intended to make
non-whites and others resentful and distrustful of whites.
When minorities are made out to be gang-bangers and drug users/dealers, its intended to make
whites fear minorities, but in each of these cases, these stereotypes are intended to divide gentiles
as a diversionary tactic taking attention away from the source, namely the Jews, who use tools such
as resentment, xenophobia, prejudism and other fears as a way to keep us bickering among each
other while Jews work behind the scenes.
Let us not forget that the word pagan means gentile, something the Jews would rather we not think
about in order to keep us divided, because their biggest fear, is the unity of all gentile people
throughout the world against the Jews! So don't hate your fellow gentile, for they and their cultures
have been victimized in history by the Jews as well. It serves no purpose to fight each other, and
although there are ass-holes in every race, we must ignore these defected people, and instead work
together towards liberating the gentiles from this hindrance called the Zionist Jews, who continue to
use our own governments against us as well as to destroy their enemies at the expense of our tax
money and our children’s lives!

The holocaust was a hoax, created by the Jew controlled media and its governments after the war.
It was designed to insight fear and repulsion among the gentile masses in order to make the Jews
seem like victims, although this holocaust never happened, it still is a blueprint, a prediction of
what's to come, only the ones doing it are not Nazis as they had us believing but rather the Jews
themselves against all gentiles regardless of race.
When the Jews portray the Nazis as mass murderers attempting to enslave humanity, they are in
fact talking about themselves, the Jews!
In time the Zionist Jews want to create a 'World Government' that will control all of humanity, and
are planning on using our technology to do this.
These governments around the world will seem as if they are represented by their own people but
are in fact puppet fronts controlled by the Jewish elite!
One only has to look at all the politicians within their own government, for example take the United
States, the Jews are only 3% of the population, and yet they are in 95% of all key positions of power,
it’s not a secret that our government Z.O.G. (Zionist occupied government) exists.
If you are seeing less and less freedom lately, there is a good reason for that, it’s because Big Brother
is coming and it has a fucking Jew beanie on its head!
We might have to take a more Libertarian path of smaller government, for only by shrinking
governments do we limit the power of ZOGs control over the Gentile people. Let’s wake up before
the Jews commit gentile genocide
on us!
The Truth about the Nazis
The Neo-nazis are not true Nazis but are for the most part skinheads, rednecks and pecker-woods
that believe what they see on TV, they are what we like to call “TV-Nazis” who use Nazi symbols and
lies they’ve learned from Television, so they can use it as an excuse to spew their racist views against
other fellow gentiles, when in fact, the real Nazis had it in for the Jews, not other races of people
despite what the Jewish media and Hollywood would have us believe.
Nazis had nothing to do with hating other races of people, only the Jews who history’s writers don’t
want to tell you declared war on Germany.
As most of you know, the news media favors Israel 100%, so it’s no secret that they run and control
the government.
A lot of neo-Nazi white supremacy groups are not really for the white race but are bent on dividing
gentiles in order to keep the Jews in power, for a lot of these neo-Nazi organizations are started and
even run by crypto-Jews who work on keeping gentiles divided.
In other words, they want to marginalize the white race in order to turn other gentiles against them
as a way of keeping gentiles weak and divided, hence accelerating the enslavement and death of all
gentile people, yet making them at the same time believe that by attacking each other, it will some
how help in preserving their own race, which is a lie created by crypto-Jews.
These so called white supremacy that call themselves “Christian Nazis” for example, are a
contradiction, for Hitler wanted to go back to Germans original pagan ways and saw Christianity as a
Jewish program that was forced upon their ancestors.
The fact that Nazis had an alliance with Spain, Italy and Japan is proof that it wasn’t about attacking
other races of people, but the true Nazis saw Jews as the main threat against all gentile people of
the earth including and especially their own race.
After the war, the victors (Jews) slowly began a propaganda campaign to convince the world that the
Nazis killed 6 million Jews, which turned out to be a hoax that was designed to get gentiles to
sympathize with Jews, making gentiles blind to the Jews abuses.
If anything Hitler and the Nazis were great Gentile Warriors willing to fight to liberate us all from the
clutches of the Jews!
So the next time you see a neo-nazi, remember he is a creation of the Jews, in fact acts like the
Jews, for the Jews are the real racist that believe they are the chosen ones, and see the rest of us
Gentiles as beast in human form, or as Jews like to call us, Goy! Maybe one day people will
finally learn the truth!
Ashkenazi Jews

Here are some truths most of the Jews and government controlled news media doesn't want you to
know about, and that is, 95% of Jews are not Semitic, but are in fact Slavics whose ancestors
converted to Judaism, and have nothing what-so-ever to do with the original Hebrews from the
If anything, these Jews are nothing more than Ashkenazis, who are now proclaiming they have a
right to a land (Israel) that they are not even originally from!
When people attack, criticize or question Jews and their Zionist movement, right away people are
accused of being anti-Semitic, yet how can one be anti-Semitic if the people you're criticizing aren't
Semitic to begin with?
This lie needs to be exposed! Arabs are Semitic.
When people, the news and governments attack, criticize or even bomb Arab countries, why isn't
this seen as anti-Semitic?
After all, Arabs are Semitic, yet say one bad thing about Jews, and suddenly, you are called anti-
Semite by a people that are not Semitic but are Ashkenazis!
These Ashkenazis originate near the Caucus Mountains, and have the classic trademark rat-face we
These Ashkenazis are most likely descendants of the Khazars throughout that same region.
So the next time some Jew, or non-Jew, accuses you of being some anti-Semite, tell them the truth,
tell them that they are not Semitic!
They are Ashkenazi!”

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