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Facultatea de Economie și de Administrare a Afacerilor

Specializarea: Auditul și Managementul Financiar al
Fondurilor Europene

Limbajul comunicarii in afaceri


Timisoara 2019
1. Institution description.........................................................................................................................3
1.1 Project parteners.....................................................................................................................3
2. Project description..............................................................................................................................4
2.1 Short history of Bega Canal..........................................................................................................4
2.2 RELEVANCE...................................................................................................................................4
2.3 Objectives of the project..............................................................................................................5
2.5 Project duration............................................................................................................................6
2.6 Project value.................................................................................................................................6
2.7 Key groups....................................................................................................................................6
2.8 Project activities...........................................................................................................................6

1. Institution description
1.1 Project parteners

 Banat River Basin Administration – Lead partner

Banat River Basin Administration, one of the 11 subunits of the national Administration
”Apele Române”, is an institution of public interest which has as main activity the water
management in Banat Hidrographical Area.

 Timis County Council – Project partner

The Timis County Council is the local public administrative authority, set up at county
level, for the coordination of the communal and municipal council’s activities, with the
purpose of achieving public services in the county’s benefit.

 Provincial Secretary for Inrerregional Cooperation and local Self-Governament

– Project Partner

The Provincial Secretary for Inrerregional Cooperation and local Self-Governament, as

one of the Secretariats of the Government of Vojvodina, is located in Novi Sad, and acts for
the entire region of the Province.

 Public Water management Company “Vode Vojvodine” - Novi Sad – Project


PWMC “Vode Vojvodine” was founded in order to take responsibilities for sustainable
water management activities: Water resources management, Water use and utilization, Flood
protection and Water protection in the territory of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina.

2. Project description
2.1 Short history of Bega Canal

The canal has been in operation for more than 250 years. The Bega Canal works
started in 1728, and it was used as a transportation route for construction timber and for the
drainage of the surrounding marshlands. In 1760, the construction of the double connection
Bega - Timis Rivers and the related hydro-technical works at Costei and Topolovat were
completed and almost continuous navigation was established. The Dutch engineer Maximilian
Fremaut made the project plan for these works. From the very beginning, the canal fulfilled an
important hydrological and economical function in the Bega - Timis system, which covers a
great part of the Banat Region. Over the years the Canal has been extended and always
repaired. In 1931 a peak of volume in navigation on the Bega Canal was reached. After World
War II the traffic fell below 50 tons per year. This downward flow of navigation combined
with the absence of regular maintenance led to cessation of the traffic on the Bega Canal in
1958. This resulted in a serious deterioration of the environmental situation, especially of the
water quality.
The Bega Canal was revived after 1990, as an opportunity for regional and European
interest. The feasibility study on the rehabilitation of the Bega Canal developed with the
financial support of the Government of the Netherlands, has identified, the necessary work to
revitalize the ecological, hydrological functions and the navigation. A similar study was
conducted on the Serbian side. Although the Bega Canal represents for Timisoara an
opportunity for sustainable economic development, this study remained at the project stage.
The Bega Canal nowadays plays an important role in the water management for the
city of Timisoara. It provides drinking water for the citizens, cooling and process water for the
industries and via a hydro-power plant electricity is generated and added to the net. The canal
is also used as a discharge Canal for domestic and industrial wastewater. Currently this
wastewater is completely treated. Outside the city, the Bega Canal collects excess drainage
water from the lands in times of heavy rains. Normal canal discharges are between 10-20


Inland waterways play an important role for freight transport in Europe. More than
37000 kilometers of waterways linking hundreds of cities and industrial regions. Of the 28 EU
Member States 20 inland waterways, of which 12 are interconnected waterway network. The
growth potential of the modal share of inland waterway transport, however, is significant.
Compared with other modes of transport, which ¿me often confronted with congestion and
capacity problems, inland waterway transport is characterized by reliability, reduced
environmental impact and its high operating capacity. The European Commission aims to
promote and strengthen the competitive position of inland waterway transport in the transport
system and to facilitate its integration into the intermodal logistics chain.
Inland waterways are a competitive alternative to road and rail transport. In particular;
it offers an alternative to environmental protection in terms of both energy consumption and
gas emissions and noise. Energy consumption per km / ton of goods transported is about 17%
of the 50% of road transport and rail transport. Noise and gas emissions are low. In addition,
inland waterway transport ensures a high degree of safety, especially when it comes to the
transport of dangerous goods. Finally contribute to easing the overloaded road network in
densely populated areas. According to recent studies, the total cost of navigation on inland
waterways (in terms of accidents, congestion, noise emissions, air pollution and other
negative environmental consequences) are seven times lower than those of road transport.

2.3 Objectives of the project

Promoting cross - border sustainable transport and mobility infrastructure improvement for the
shaping of Bega Canal area as an internationally recognized destination for outstanding tourism
experience, diverse cultures, integrated communities and protected nature.

Project specific objectives are:

Increasing cross - border competitiveness by improving the accessibility and connectivity of the
cross border region through raised transport and mobility infrastructure standard

Enhancing Bega Canal Area as an internationally recognized, green, visitor friendly destination


Environment protection through the rehabilitation of the river bed, sediments control,
contaminated residues evacuation, urban infrastructure amelioration by canalization, water supply
amelioration, waste management improvement, pollution agents identification and elimination;

Navigation: increased boat usage of certain type on any section of the canal would undoubtedly
help in its appeal to residents and visitors and raise its profile for commercial operators of various types.
For this to happen it is imperative the repairing and renovating of the locks, building of marinas,
implementing a signalization and landmark system, etc.

Connectivity: construction and rehabilitation of roads for easier access to the Bega Canal’s
attractions. Natural resources are the basis for most outdoor recreation activity, and particularly for
outdoors enthusiasts and eco-tourists. For these visitors, the continuity and accessibility of natural
resources - the ability to find and move through trails, waterways, parks, and protected areas, perhaps for
long distances and without modern intrusions - is almost as important as the environmental quality of the

Tourism: The capacity, location, and quality of tourism infrastructure within the Bega Canal fall
short of current needs. Availability of lodging, dining, retail, information, and support services, such as
recreational outfitting and rentals, is limited to some areas.Enhancing Bega Canal Area as an
internationally recognized, green, visitor friendly destination

2.5 Project duration

The project implementation period is 48 months.

2.6 Project value

2.7 Key groups

Bega Canal Area Tourists – 280.00

Bega Canal Area Population – 469.555

Cross – Border Key Institutional Stakeholders – 20

Cross – Border Water Basin Administrations – 2

2.8 Project activities



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