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Find eight technology-related words and then complete the sentences

1 You should make a back-up copy of your project on your USB stick .

2 If Tom hadn’t taken his GPS navigator with him, we would have got lost
in the forest.

3 Where did you put that CD? I need it to install the program on your PC.

4 Gary filmed the performance with his camcorder.

5 Dad gets annoyed when we lose the remote control. It’s usually under
the sofa.

6 We wouldn’t have computers if the microchip hadn’t been invented.

7 My new e-reader is my favourite ______ ever.

8 I’ve forgotten my password so I can’t log in my account. Can you check

yours, please?









Change the sentences into the passive voice.
1 Leo gave me this robot pet as a present.
-A pet robot was given to me as a present by Leo.
2 A fire destroyed the lab.
- The lab was destroyed by a fire.
3 John Logie Baird invented the TV.
-The TV was invented by John Logie Baird.
4 They sent the Hubble Telescope into space.
-The Hubble Telescope was sent into space.
5 Fumes filled the air.
- The air was filled with fumes.
6 He hit the door with a hammer.
-The door was hit with a hammer by him.
Vocabulary and Use your English Complete the
sentences with these prepositions.
in under to of with for
1 I use skype a lot to communicate with my friends who
are abroad.
2 Privacy has come under threat because of all these
social networking sites.
3 We use tablets at school instead of - laptops.
4 Some people think Facebook has lead for an

increase of bullying.
5 Diana is an expert in technology. She can fix your PC if
it crashes.
6 You can now look to the answers at the back of your
Grammar Circle the correct words.
1 Mobile phones must ban / be banned from schools.
2 Jack imagines that being / to be served meals by a
robot is great.
3 Can the DVD player turn off / be turned off with your
mobile phone?
4 Does the research project have to being / be handed
in today?
5 A new information technology teacher is going to be
employed / is employing next term.

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