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Animal Farm

Chapter 5 Part 1
-Mollie is seen interacting with one of Mr Pilkington´s men. She
denies it. She had been hiding sugar and ribbons.

Chapter 5 Part 2
-Mollie left the farm. She never got used to the rebellion ( upper-
middle class that fled from Russia a few years after the revolution )
Chapter 5 Part 3
-Debates: Snowball as a great public speaker; Napoleon got support
more secretly.
-Sheep interrupt Snowball with “Four Legs Good, Two Legs Bad”.
They are closer to Napoleon ( The sheep are part of the massive
propaganda used by Stalin and they're also the people who were
swayed by that same propaganda. Instead of thinking for
themselves, they just repeat slogans over and over )
-Snowball´s windmill to generate electrical power in the farm.
Napoleon was against it. ( The windmill represents the enormous
modernization projects undertaken in Soviet Russia after the
Russian Revolution )
-Windmill: Snowball says it would save a lot of work. Only three
working days a week. Napoleon says it is a waste of time. The
production of food is more important.
Chapter 5 Part 4
-In terms of the defence of the farm, Napoleon thinks that firearms
are the answer. Snowball wants to keep spreading the word of the
rebellion to the rest of the farms. The animals agree with the one
who is speaking at the time.
Chapter 5 Part 5
-Animals are just about to vote for Snowball, then Napoleon called
nine huge dogs that started chasing Snowball out of the farm.

-Trotsky was removed from power and expelled from the

Communist Party in late 1927, after a failed attempt to halt the rise
of Stalin, before being exiled from the USSR in February 1929.
-The dogs were the nine puppies Napoleon had educated himself.
The dogs represent the KGB-secret police.
Chapter 5 Part 6
-Napoleon abolished the Sunday Meetings: pigs will take the
-Animals didn´t know how to complain. Only four young pigs kind of
complained, but they stopped because they were afraid of the dogs
and the sheep started bleating.
-Boxer has a new motto: “Napoleon is always right”
Chapter 5 Part 7
-Animals do not sit together anymore. Pigs and dogs are separated.
-Napoleon announced the construction of the windmill. Squealer
said the windmill had been in fact Napoleon´s original idea. The
windmill here represents Stalin’s five-year plan ( The plan, overall,
was to transition the Soviet Union from a weak, poorly controlled,
agriculture state, into an industrial powerhouse )
Chapter 6 Part 1
-Animals working like slaves again, but happy.
-Windmill difficult to build. They need stuff they cannot produce in
the farm, the machinery of the windmill for example.
-Boxer once again proves to be essential.
Chapter 6 Part 2
-Hens ( Ukrainian peasants who attempted to resist Stalin’s five-
year plan ) must sacrifice themselves, selling their eggs in order to
engage in trade with humans to get the machinery for the windmill,
but this is against Animalism: Never to have dealings with humans.

-The four young pigs once again protested, but once again they
were silenced by the dogs and the sheep.
-Napoleon would be the only to deal with humans: Mr Whymper as
intermediary ( the Capitalists who did business with the Soviet )

-Squealer said the resolution against trading never existed: it is not

written anywhere.
-Napoleon will deal with Pilkington and/or Frederick.
Chapter 6 Part 3
-Pigs moved to live in the farmhouse and started sleeping in beds!

-The Fourth Commandment has changed: No animal shall sleep in a

bed…with sheets.
-The rule was never against beds, but sheets.
-Pigs will get up one hour later than the rest of the animals.

Chapter 6 Part 4
-When the windmill was half-finished, the wind destroyed it.

-Napoleon said Snowball had done it.

-The windmill will be rebuilt.

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