Animal Farm Summary 7

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Animal Farm

Chapter 7 Part 1
-Food is scarce. Starvation is right around the corner, while still
rebuilding the windmill ( Stalin´s first five-year plan led to famines
for the many years, with 6-7 million dying from starvation in 1933 )

-Whymper was used to give a false impression to the outside world

that rations were increasing and not the opposite ( Soviets were
determined to mask their problems and keep them from the eyes
of the rest of the world ).
Chapter 7 Part 2
-Napoleon now rarely appears in public, not even Sunday mornings.
-There is need for more grain. Four hundred eggs a week will be
sold to buy food.
-Hens started complaining ( a kind of rebellion for the first time ).
They started destroying their own eggs. Because of this, they weren
´t given any food for days. Nine hens died.
Chapter 7 Part 3
-Snowball is hiding in Foxwood or Pinchfield.
-A pile of timber will be sold to either Pilkington or Frederick.

-Snowball is visiting the farm at night to do bad things. The rats are
secretly with him.

-Snowball had been with Jones from the beginning. He was a spy
and had done everything for the animals to lose the Battle of the
Chapter 7 Part 4
-Animals can´t believe Snowball was a traitor. Even Boxer said “I
don´t believe it” Squealer convinced him saying that Napoleon had
said it ( “Napoleon is always right” ) ( Similarly, after forcing
Trotsky’s exile from Russia, Stalin continued to claim the existence
of Trotskyist plots throughout Soviet society ).
Chapter 7 Part 5
-Napoleon has awarded himself both decorations ( Animal Hero
First and Second Class ). He has summoned a meeting. The animals
are afraid.

-The dogs started attacking four pigs. Boxer tried to stop them.
-The pigs confessed they were with Snowball. After that they were
killed by the dogs.
-Many other animals also confessed and they were also killed (
During the 1930s, Stalin staged a number of infamous “purges,”
show trials during which he and his allies essentially forced
government members and citizens to “confess” their complicity
with Trotskyist or other anti-Stalinist conspiracies. In many cases,
the purge victims would admit to activities in which they had never
engaged, simply to put a stop to their torture. But after confessing,
the alleged conspirators were executed as “enemies of the people.”
Stalin used his purges to eliminate any dissident elements in his
government ).
Chapter 7 Part 6
-The animals are shocked and scared. They can´t believe what just
happened, especially Boxer who thinks the solution is to get up one
hour before the rest to work even harder.
-Though the animals have thoughts about what happened, they
cannot express them in words.
-The only way not to feel that bad is to sing “Beasts of England” in a
very sad way.
Chapter 7 Part 7
-Squealer announces “Beasts of England” has been abolished
because it was the song of the rebellion and the rebellion is now
over. It will be replaced by a song written by the pig Minimus ( The
development corresponds to the historical events of 1943,
when Joseph Stalin had The Internationale, previously the anthem
of the Soviet Union, replaced with a new, more patriotic national
anthem. However, while "Beasts of England" was outlawed in the
novel, The Internationale was not banned by the Soviet Union at
any time and remained as the anthem of the Communist Party )

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