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Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis

Studies Linguistica V (2010)

Stanislaw Koziara Elizabeth


Baptismal names of illegitimate children in cultural-historical perspective

(on the material of the Malopolska region)

According to the definition proposed by Professor Maria Malec name is "per- browsers' his own name,
which the child receives from the will of their parents or guardians. It is transmitted by an authorized
person the power exercised functions AK- of a religious nature (baptism) or administrative (Malec
1998: 97). There is no doubt that this definition fully reflect the contemporary native state legal
no-moral, when it comes to the act of naming the newborn child. However, allowed to stand beyond
the pale from the past in a smaller or larger scales, the practice of naming children without the will of
their parents or guardians. Such cases include belongs the habit of peeling godparents separate
names for children born with the so-called. illegitimate.

The purpose of this article is to draw attention to this hitherto poorly zauważo- ny and rarely
undertaken in the work of the linguistic problem. We are fully aware, however, that any credible
attempt to assess the extent and nature of this phenomenon requires extensive queries source of
TO-turn things directed to the historical material. Treating this study as merely an attempt to draw
attention to the need for this type of shots we want przy- Bliżyce of necessity fragmentary, conducted
under the effects of this material for ekscerpcji. Before linguistic approximation problem naming
children born out of wedlock and presenting tation material and analytical parts it is worth recalling
first few remarks of a more general nature.

As shown by sociological studies, the appearance of a child in connection pozamał- female was
considered from the point of view of moral as one of the more severe offenses against the accepted
social order, becoming a source of in- famii to both the child and his mother, usually virgins, whose
social status underwent radical reduction. For a single mother with a child significantly decreased the
chances of marriage and start their own family. However, it is a fact that the severity of these
sanctions are largely depended on the wet and not the environment. Much more strongly underlined
in rural communities, stronger "closed" than in the more anonymous urban environments and higher
Baptismal names of illegitimate children in the perspective of historical and cultural ... [145]

social strata 1. This does not change the fact that the practice experienced in this respect quite cruel.
Some historical studies show, for example, that in Galicia the stigma of an illegitimate child in force
until the third generations of 2. Quite different in this respect the situation was as father of the child,
which often can remain anonymous.

The sanctions arising from having a child out of wedlock were also charac- rakter legal and
economical and could touch equally the mother and child. This was even the limited rights to share in
the inheritance of family property or need to carry the name of the child is not his father, but usually
the mother.

Equally far-reaching and severe consequences proved to be a religious sanctions, which were
associated with the act of baptism and to give the child a name. JAC odmawia- not in essence the
right to sacramental inclusion illegitimate child to the community of the faithful, the very fact of giving
him a name he did sometimes oka- ZJA Church to mark disapproval and stigmatization that way "of
sinful transgression" of his mother. The past practices of this kind of stigmatized children out of
wedlock writes Jan Stanislaw Bystroń somewhat forgotten work Family Slavic rites, where the third
chapter entitled Superstitions about names you can read:

Customary ecclesiastical origin seems to be giving the children illegitimate unusual names, such as.
Karpan, Markjan, Fteopumpt, Xenophon, Onysyfor for girls Fifrona, Ahaftija, Hłykerja [Czartowiec]
Aftanazy, Sofron Kieryło, Kłym like. [Around Poczeszyna] Silesia Spiridion, Pantalon, etc. Pudencyana.
the habit it seems common, aiming to distinguish already in the behalf of the children of the wicked
(Bystroń 1916: 128).

As shown by numerous documents birth certificates, the Catholic Church at baptism of a

newborn child quite carefully noted its origin from the right or illegitimate. Data collected by
Magdalena Nowaczyk shows that this is usually diagnosed at four categories of illegitimate children:

1) natural children - ( liberi naturales - natural descendants) whose parents

they were not married and were not relatives;

2) children born out of wedlock ( ex adultero nati - conceived of adultery), to those

They are also called. Children cuckoo, ie. the children of non-married woman and her husband;

3) children born of incestuous ( incestuosi liberi) i.e. the compounds pairs

a relative;
4) children clergy ( ex Sacrilegio geniti).

1 The problem of illegitimate children did not close entirely within legal limits and oby- czajowych. Strong
sanctions and stigma, which met mothers of illegitimate children, often led to the phenomena of abandonment of
newborns, as well as infanticide. Broad, historical discussion of unwanted children brings a separate chapter in
the work acorn-Strzelczyk, 2002: 263-282.

2 For certificates of this kind of stigma indicate the nineteenth and twentieth-century records Duchy circles in the parish from
the area of ​Galicia, cf. M. Nowaczyk, Ignotus pater, that the matter of illegitimate children, data:
[146] Stanislaw Koziara, Elizabeth Rudnicka-Fira

Among other endorse the fact the birth of an illegitimate child can also encounter frequent
annotations in boxes stating the act of baptism: illegitimus - illegitimate, filius populi - the child of the
crowd, filius mullius - child feminine, pater Ignotus
- father unknown, pater incertus - Father uncertain, illegitimi Thori - illegitimate. This raises the
obvious question of how these practices were "support and przy- Exemption" in the context and
doctrinal teachings of the Church. Let's first look at the problem from the authority of Scripture.
Nader prove to be indifferent in this regard the Old Testament card. And so in the Book of
Deuteronomy 3
we read:

Do not enter an illegitimate son of the congregation of the Lord, even in the tenth generation shall not enter into the congregation of

the Lord (Deuteronomy 23: 3).

That negative context and consequences detrimental to the child born out of wedlock, confirm some
other places of the Old Testament:

A lot of the wicked replenished not benefit from adulterous RE- offshoots grow - do not grow a deep root or
assume a reliable foundation. If even time to develop branches - the wind shake them, because poorly
constrained, and pluck the co rzeniami storm. To break their undeveloped branches, and the fruit of their
useless, immature screamed to eat and unfit for anything. Because illegitimate children born out of
marriage, a court of the parents demonstrate their perversity (Wis 4: 3-6).

This does not mean, however, that there is no Bible in slightly different ways of view of the
problem. Proof of this is the right piece written on the pages of the Book of Ezekiel:

Son is not responsible for the iniquity of the father, nor the father the iniquity of the son. Justice fair he is
assigned, and vice wicked to it falls (Ez 18, 20).

In fact, the lack of consent to such practices' notice edged doctrine of the Church. It is
interesting to recall the words of Pope Alexander III from the year 1172, which in a special decree
decided rather to that "so great is the dignity of marriage, that those who were born before, after its
conclusion are to be treated as born with the right bed" (Salij 1992 : 171).

In the same vein is the Second Vatican Council, which among other things warns about "the
illegitimate child relationship, undeservedly suffering for sin is not committed by them" (Ibid). As noted
however. Jacek Salij:

at one point in ecclesiastical law discriminated against people who are born out of wedlock and was so
almost to our days. Namely, they were not allowed to give ordination to the priesthood or to take their order.
The law came out here from the Old Testament indications that sacrifices to God should be "without
blemish." Based on this premise were not granted priestly ordination also to people "about the conspicuous
ugliness of the body" and kastratom (Salij 1992: 171).

3 Quotes for certain biblical passages: The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments in translation from
the original languages, 2003 ( NIV).
Baptismal names of illegitimate children in the perspective of historical and cultural ... [147]

You can also refer the impression that the latest Catechism of the Catholic Church,
otherwise the great care of the place and rights of the child in the community of the faithful, does not pay
much attention to the issue separate children out of wedlock.

Presentation material data

Presented in this paper material data collected from various sources. The widest query was
conducted on sub-pond in the parish records from several parishes in Malopolska 4. The second type
are the sources of the data from informants positive skane on the basis of interviews with the
residents currently in Krakow, but from different localities in the area of ​Malopolska 5.

The material tested originated from both rural areas (parishes) and a number of selected cities
Malopolska. In terms of chronological data they include, as- Possible to varying degrees, the period of the first
half of the seventeenth to the twentieth century. Area
city 4 represent the city of Krakow (XVII and XVIII century), Miechów (years 1918-
1939), Tuchow (second half. Eighteenth century.), New Sacz (eighteenth and nineteenth century). Some
data mathematical teriałowych originated from the former dekanatu Wadowice Wadowice which includes
the city and surrounding cities, thereby creating a mixed area R rural-urban (age XIX) 6.

Area rural Parish took 10: Gmina Gręboszów (c. Dąbrowy Tarnowskiej - The material
antroponimiczny the turn of the century) Okocim (k. Tarnowa
- material from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century), Lachowice (k. Sucha Beskidzka - the breakthrough of the
century), Raker (pow. Bochnia - data from the years 1787 to 1819), Little Vistula (k. Pszczyny - years 1858-1864 ), stream (pow.
Cieszyn - the years 1901-1939), Bujaków (pow. Bielsko-Biala - data from the years 1811 to 1847), Maslow (Świętokrzyskie - the
material from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century), Wierzchosławice (k. Tarnow - material from the nineteenth and
twentieth century.) Trzebunia k. Myslenice and near Bald Mountain. Tarnow.

The fact that baptism certificates illegitimate child in the studied books metry- kalnych signed

was usually determined by the formula (in Latin), eg .: 4 For this purpose, the data were collected by the

participants led by Stanislaw Koziara in 1998-2000 undergraduate and graduate seminars. These sources

include the work of B. Brozek, "baptismal names in the parish of St. Margaret in Nowy Sacz "

E. Fidelus, "Names of cartilage in the book records Parish Zembrzyce '; SE Jońca, "Imio- on in the parish
Nekrasov"; B. Mikosz-Aspen, "baptismal names in the parish of St. James in Tuchów. " On the other hand
antroponimiczny material derived from vital records Bu Yakov (pow. Bielsko-Biala), Little Vistula (k. Pszczyna),
Stream (pow. Cieszyn), Grabi (pow. Bochnia) was collected by participants MA seminars led by Elizabeth
Rudnicka -Fire in 2007-2009.

5 The largest group of informants were academics Pe dagogicznego University in Krakow Barbara
Dyduchowa Eve Horyn Kazimierz Karolczak Marek Karwala Ewa Młynarczyk Rittel Feodosiya. Data in this field
shared during the discussion of a lecture as professor. Marian Kucała.

6 The data come from an unpublished dissertation Teresa Kolber Fri. "Motivation and structure of names of
people from the old deanery Wadowice", 2008 (Pe dagogiczny University in Krakow).
[148] Stanislaw Koziara, Elizabeth Rudnicka-Fira

Franciscus filius illegitimus Agnetis Obrządkiewicz Famula ex Wadowice (1852);

Joannes hedwigis Senderząka illegitimus filius ( 1821); Baptisavi Reginam illegitimi Natama ex Matre

Constantia Michalscząnka ( 1729);

Stephanus Agathae Woytasionka filius ( 1873);

Marianna Rosaliae Woitowiczowna subsidiary ( 1843); Ego [...] baptizavi Filium Josephum Sophiae

Pudlarka illegitimi Thori ( 1681);

Marianna branch illegitim Romankow Reginae ( 1837);

Martinus illegitimus filius Marianna nata Janik ( 1876);

Marianna illegitim Victoriae Store;

Ego Franciscus Stanowice vicarius [...] baptizavi Francisca Katharinae Incerti Patris

Marital status of mothers of illegitimate children is here, as we see, highlighted in their names
through the system controls marytonimiczne - home of and - cup ( here is not the main folk dialectal
variants - home of, -onka, -ąnka) relating to unmarried women. It could also be marytonimiczny control
system - teamwork, you- above for the formation of odmężowskich, and - ka, which system dialect is
sometimes charac- rakterystyczny for both wives and daughters (especially in Galicia) (Zaręba 1965:
320-344). The mother could also be identified by the same name.

Let's see what trends prevailed (or even if you can talk about them) in the surveyed regions and
at different times in terms of naming children to non-wedding. To compare in the material imienniczy
the rural area and the urban, similar historical periods (periods are approximate because we do not
chosen from the same year).

In a rural area in the oldest audited period, ie. At the turn of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, we
observe that the most common names broadcasts NYM Illegitimate children were among the men - Michael ( with fr.
3) Francis and Martin ( with fr. 2) and the printing żeń- - anna and Jadwiga ( with fr. 2); examples come from the
countryside Raker, pow. bocheński.
In the first half of the nineteenth century (based on material from the village Bujakow) O- żemy
stated that broadcasts most male names were: Jozef and Adam
(After 8 broadcasts) Kasper, Jan ( after giving 3) and Kazimierz Marcin Urban ( after 2 impart). However,
among female occurred: Marianna ( with fr. 9) Anna ( 7) Helena ( 4) and Elizabeth, Barbara, Rozalia ( with fr. 2).

In the second half of the nineteenth century it was: male - Jan ( 5 broadcasts) Paul and Georg ( 2 the origin) and a female: Marianna
and Joanna ( after giving 3) - on the basis of materialistic Łu from the village of Little Vistula.

Imienniczy material from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century until World War II This shows that
the names of most broadcasts illegitimate children in villages Małopolskie States were in Gręboszów - Paul and Magdalena
( exclusively) in Okocim - Bartosz
and Magdalena ( exclusively) in Lachowice - Joseph Lawrence, Florian Clement
(In male), and Agatha, Pulcheria, Scholastica, Pelagia ( the female). In Maslow were the only Bartosz and
Katarzyna in Wierzchosławice - Magdalena
(Lack of data on male name). In Trzebunia, where the parish of St. wears call. Magdalena, a function
name for girls born out of wedlock quite commonly used name Catherine. In the Stream, we have
much more
Baptismal names of illegitimate children in the perspective of historical and cultural ... [149]

examples of this type of names. Among the men they are: Joseph ( with fr. 13) Luigi and Viktor
(After 5 broadcasts) Paul and Antoni ( at 4), and Augustus, Bruno, Leo, John, Stanislaw ( 2 the origin). Female
names was much more represented them: Maria ( about fr. 10)
Helena ( 6) Stefania and Marta ( 4 the origin) Anna, Angela, Emilia, Jadwiga Joanna ( after
3), and Alojz, Elizabeth, Stanislaus, Victoria ( 2 the origin). With the appointment of a peculiar type cyjny from Bald
Mountain near. Tarnow, where the mid-twentieth century was common practice to impart to children born out of
wedlock German names: greta and Norbert.
By studying urban area in the Malopolska region, we note that in the seventeenth century. Kraków
illegitimate children received the following names: the male were: Jan ( with fr. 4) and Stanislaw ( with fr. 3); Further
down on the list's rank were: Anthony, James, Kasper, Christopher, Lawrence, Thomas, Wladyslaw Marcin
Andrew Hyacinth (Jacek), Joseph. In contrast, the female had the highest number of broadcasts Regina ( 3), the
remaining space occupied: Anna, Eve, Sophia, Catherine, Lucy.

In the eighteenth century in Cracow among the most common male names broadcast children
were illegitimate, as in the previous century (high places which deal Jac's rank on the list of those
names) - Stanislaw (Cube) with fr. 3 and Jan (Edges) with fr. 2. In addition occurred even 19 different
names given to sporadically. Among the female names showed the largest number of grants to: Kata-rzyna

(5) Agnes ( 4) Marianna, Margaret, Magdalene, Regina ( at 3), and Francis and Rozalia ( after 2),
wherein Catherine and regina They continue from the previous century 7.

In eighteenth-century Nowy Sacz has been given to children born out of wedlock hereby follows the
names of men: Laurence, Jan Wojciech Antoni and female: Francis, Helen, Margaret, Anna, Sophia.

In Tuchów in this period illegitimate children received następują- which names for men: Thomas ( with
fr. 12) Joseph ( 7) Michael ( 5) Francis, John Martin, Stanislaw ( 4 the origin) Adalbert, Andrew ( at 3), and Bartholomew
Matthew, Valentine
(past 2). Among the female and the largest number of grants they have enjoyed: Marianna ( 23)
Anna ( 6) Victoria ( 5) Tekla ( 3) Apolonia, Agnes, Justin, Maria ( after 2 impart) and one occurred: Brygiola,
Cecilia, Domicela, Elizabeth, Emilia, Eve, Eufrozyna, Francis, Gertrude, Jadwiga, Józefat, Julia,
Karmina, Cunegonde, Margaret, Martyn, Sophia.

In the second half of the nineteenth century in Tuchów among male names given to children born out of
wedlock were continued from the previous period: Joseph ( with fr.
10) Jan ( 9) Adalbert ( 5) Michael ( 2). Moreover, there were one with the appointment, such ns, for example .: Ignatius,
James, Stanislaw, Adam, Anthony, Barnabas, Gervase, Charles, Stephen, Thomas, and: Adam, Anthony, Augustine,
Barnabas, Ferdinand, Francis Gervase, Hippolytus, Hugo, Julius, Charles, Kazimierz, Laurence, Medard, Stefan
Thomas, Wladyslaw Zygmunt. Among the female names in this period maintained the first position

Marianna attendance of 13, and Anna ( 6) Zofia ( 4) Catherine ( 3) Bronislaw ( 3). In the nineteenth century in Nowy
Sacz among the most common male names given to children born out of wedlock they were: John, Joseph,
Peter, Michael, and Francis, Stanislaw,

7 Antroponimiczne data come from vital records five oldest parishes circulates States, ie .: the Blessed
Virgin Mary (St. Mary's Church), St. Anna, Holy Cross, St. Stephen, All Saints. The exact list of sources with
explanations reader will find in the separate monographs E. Rudnicka-Fira (2004: 591-603).
[150] Stanislaw Koziara, Elizabeth Rudnicka-Fira

Andrew, Edward ( affects less). Among the females they were usually of imparting ne: Anna Sophia, Joseph,
Rosalie, and less frequently: Magdalena Katarzyna Helena.
In the former deanery Wadowice, representing a mixed area (urban-rural Cubic), in the nineteenth
century, most children born out of wedlock were given names:
Stefan, Francis, John Martin and Marianna.
Analysis of the material antroponimic Miechowa from the first half. Twentieth century shows that
among the most frequently broadcast male names were: Stanislaw
(From fr. 4) Eugene Henry, Joseph, Kazimierz Leszek Marian, Wladyslaw Zygmunt
(From fr. 2) and other broadcast less frequently. In contrast, among the most common female oka- ns was found: Maria ( with
fr. 3) Genevieve, Janina, Christina, Stanislaus, Wanda Zofia ( after giving 2) and the other single.

The phenomenon of language stigma of illegitimate child means niczało Rather than limiting only
to the choice of name, but also had its wider sanction. Testimony to the existence of this social infamy
are quite common, most also confirmed in the Malopolska region, highly contemptuous determine
przezwi- fastener, a clearly negative evaluative connotations, some of which permanently entered the
lexicon of the Polish language, such as: bastard, bastard ( Over time, a senior in the states) brat, bajstruk,
bittern, Bacus, BAS, BES, najduch, najdusek, waif, tortoiseshell, siubr, wylęganiec, will find, znajdek.

The factors motivating the selection of names of illegitimate children

The collected material antroponimiczny raises some insights about of factors motivating the
selection of specific nominations registered.
1. To believe you, that one of the motivating factors in the selection of names for children
illegitimacy was reaching for the so-called. negative patrons of the Bible, such as. RE- in the case of male
names: Paul ( apostate), Thomas ( unfaithful), Adam ( grze- original perpetrator chu), and quite mysterious
in this function Joseph. Among female mono- discrimination in this role usually occurs Magdalena ( harlot)
and slightly less often Eve ( sin of paradise) 8.

2. The second, very clear regularity was reaching for rare names,
eg. from male: Barnabas, Florian, Gervase, Hippolytus, Hugo, Laurence, Medard, Wilhelm. As "fancy"
was a repertoire of female names: Albina, Brygiola, Domicela, Eufrozyna, Gertrude, Karmina,
Cunegonde, Martyn, Pulcheria, Pelagia, Scholastica, Tekla. When transmitting the so-called illegitimate
children. names two rare Łazienki noted that the mere fact that the unpopularity prejudge or obsolete
form, and in some cases also the layer of strangeness of sounds, for example. Medard

whether Pulcheria. Conscious "correct nomination" the priest was usually not świa- house that choosing
a name for a girl, for example. Scholasticism, She is peeling as a patron for the illegitimate child
Scholastica, the sister of St. Benedict of Nursia, and in the case catherine one could speak about the
whole pantheon of saints patrons: Catherine of Alexandria, Catherine of Siena, Catherine Swedish
(see. Fros, owl 1988: 339, 343-479). On the other hand, in the case of a male name Barnabas, next to
its rarity in the resource names native, much more could prejudge factor has a nice ear lack of
euphony, the complete omission of the fact that the carrier

8 The names Adam and Eve broadcast illegitimate children in Malopolska writes A. ZA- Reba (1959: 441-442).
Baptismal names of illegitimate children in the perspective of historical and cultural ... [151]

He was known apostle of the Acts of the Apostles. In these "ambitions nomination" there were also
expressions of individual creativity naming, as can be seen even in the case of names: Brygiola whether
Karmina, which in general is difficult to point the holy patroness.

3. The sign of a milder form of "distinctive" name considered NATO

Cities should be reaching the repertoire names spospolitowanych and also frequent, especially in the
countryside, such as: Catherine ( Kaska) Bartosz ( Bartek) Maciej ( Maciek), which entered the
repertoire reluctantly elected among the inhabitants of the village names are considered ugly,
"peasant" or funny (Zaręba 1959: 440-441), often functioning as the rights of nicknames, negative
"heroes" of folk songs, chants, rhymes and proverbs 9.

4. In the test material antroponimic that the phenomenon of "napiętno-

Vanya "by name was not universal. Data from Szczepanów (loft) - XVIII, XIX, XX., Kasinki Small (Nowy
Sacz) - XVIII, XIX, XX., Zembrzyce (Podbeskydí) - twentieth century., Nekrasov (swietokrzyskie) -
twentieth century. and also from Krakow (XVII-XVIII century) show that the selection of names for
illegitimate children does not differ from the repertoire of children's marriage. What's more, the name of
which he received an illegitimate child, often at times synonymous with the most popular name in the
parish. For example, in Stream's rank on the list of names (all) Jozef 3. has a place, maria 1. Similarly, in
Krakow in the period from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century names: Anna Sophia Regina,
Catherine ( Rudnicka-Fira, 2007:

482) occupy the first four deposits in the list's rank all female names posted at the time, also jan and Stanislaw
10 with the highest deposits of male names - so no wonder that were common among the broadcast as

illegitimate children. FROM turn in the village Raker (pow. Bochnia) illegitimate children (consistently)
received names according to the calendar - for baptism suitable name, "which brought a child."
These are the names recorded in the calendar (They usually patron saints), exactly on the day of the
child's birth or in the immediate vicinity are- time (also the baptism of the child).

5. It is difficult to talk about rather common names broadcast Illegitimate children

NYM for the whole region of Malopolska. Although you can with great care to show the canon of the
most common names for the region, continued in various periods of history, tradition passed, but
whether or not they are also most common names of the six functioning at all in the official circuit? - John
Francis, Michael Stanislaw, Joseph, Anna, Mary Francis, Margaret. It seems more legitimate claim for
typical broadcast the names of children born out of wedlock at a specific local football space (a
specific village, parish, neighborhood).

6. From the point of view of the geographical factor the process of standardization in the field of DO-
Boron names of illegitimate children (bring to individual names) was greater

9 We are talking about the process of use of certain names in the function calls of animals (eg.

Pate - horse, cow) or move them to the common names (eg. Rustic - Chinese porcine stomach). Having this kind of
practice in the context of names of prohibited and treated Avoidances separate article A. Krawczyk-Tyrpy, in which
the author used the observation rich material from the work of linguistic and ethnographic (Krawczyk-Tyrpa 2004:
10 Cf. Unpublished The ranked list of the most common male names in documents Krakow XVI-XVIII.

(Developed by E. Rudnick-Fira).
[152] Stanislaw Koziara, Elizabeth Rudnicka-Fira

of course, in the countryside; in town we have to deal with a reference to a richer repertoire of names
7. significant and it is clear also that in the given locality (PA-
raffia) as a function of illegitimate children names never appear the names of the patrons of the parish.

8. Agree to be accurate observation of A. Krawczyk-Tyrpy: "You can

see the kind of feedback. Priests chose names for hen children felt as ridiculous and ugly, and by
the fact that their carriers were worsening day - these names underwent further depreciation
"(Krawczyk-Tyrpa 2004: 35).
9. On the basis of the collected material data shows that these trends practical
matically expire in the period after World War II with the legal protection of the name and the
necessity of its civil registration (registry offices).

Indicated in this article, the practice in the past stigma multi hands Malopolska illegitimate
children by giving them the names which are defined undoubtedly require further queries and source
verification, spanning across other areas of Polish. There is also no doubt but that the problem of the
research undertaken is situated within the broader context of developments in the agri cultural
function któ- own name with a relatively stable social distinguishing feature of the unit is moved in the
direction of either the tool infamy, or is a manifestation of the processes and the involvement of
multiple taboo factors of a religious, social, moral, determining the choice of name - one of the main
characters of language used for personal identification.

Bystroń JS, 1916, Family Slavic rites, Cracow. Bystroń JS, 1938, Book names used in Poland, Warsaw. Fros H.,
owl F., 1988, Your name. Guide onomastyczno-hagiographic, Cracow. A tailor-Tyrpa, 2004, Names prohibited
and avoided [ in:] The names say ed. M. Pająkowska-

- Kensik and M. Czachorowska, Bydgoszcz, pp. 80-94. Malec M., 1998, Names [ in:] Polish names.
Encyclopedia, ed. E. Rzetelska-Feleszko.
Warsaw-Krakow, pp. 97-118. Malec M., 2001 Name in Polish antroponymy and culture, Cracow. M.

Nowaczyk, Ignotus pater, that the matter of illegitimate children, www. Polish genealogy.

The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments in translation from the original languages, 2003 ed. team of
scholars from the Polish initiative Tyniec Benedictine, Poznan ( NIV).

E. Rudnick-Fira, 2004, Anthroponymy Krakow from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century. The process of formation
names, Katowice. E. Rudnick-Fira, 2007 The most popular female names in the documents circulates
States durability manifestation of tradition and culture, "Work Philological" LIII, pp. 479-486. Salij J. o., 1992, The
search in the faith, Warsaw.
Baptismal names of illegitimate children in the perspective of historical and cultural ... [153]

Wolnicz-Pawłowska E., 2008 The names of illegitimate children (for example, Roman Catholic
vital records from former Polish borderlands south-east), [ in:] Studies in honor Linguistica Edvardi Breza, Bydgoszcz,
pp. 282-299. A. Zareba, 1957, 1959 Polish folk names. The issue of issues, part. And, "Onomastica"

III, no. 1, pp. 129-178, no. 2, pp. 419-446.

Zareba A., 1965, Forms names of wives and children of Polish dialects "Onomastica", XI,
z. 1-2, pp. 320-344.

Acorn-Strzelczyk D., 2002, Child in old Poland, Poznan.

Christian names of illegitimate children in the

historical-geographical perspective

The article is an attempt at a linguistic-cultural approach to the issue of choosing special names for illegitimate
children. The research material was selected Obtained from parochial registers in Malopolska; the time frame of the
research is from the 17th century to the middle of the 20th century. And conducted the analyzes allowed the authors
to point to main tendencies in the choice of the names in question, Which are Influenced by religious, custom, and
social factors.

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