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State of Practice of Building Information Modeling

in the Mechanical Construction Industry

John Boktor 1; Awad Hanna, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE 2; and Carol C. Menassa, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE 3
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Abstract: The North American construction industry has seen a decline in productivity for decades due to underlying problems such as lack
of team collaboration, less initial design input, and higher building systems complexity. These problems are most visible in labor-intensive
trades, such as mechanical contractors. Within the last decade, building information modeling (BIM) has emerged as a potential solution to
these problems. This paper highlights the state of BIM practice in the mechanical construction industry. Through an extensive survey and
interview process, this research resulted in three key outcomes. The first is that 58% of mechanical contractors have less than three years of
BIM experience and consider themselves as beginners in the use of BIM. Second, BIM implementation cost for these contractors is 1% to 2%
of their total project cost estimate. Third, more than 70% of mechanical contractors agree that BIM reduces field conflicts and improves
coordination. These factors can assist mechanical contractors allocate proper resources for BIM implementation in their projects to reduce
problems. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000176. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Building information modeling; Construction management; Mechanical engineering; Construction methods.

Introduction 2005]. Additionally, other studies have shown that the cost of
rework on building projects ranges from 2% to 6% of the con-
The construction industry represents 9% of gross domestic prod- tract value (Josephson and Hammarlund 1999). Some of these
uct in the United States and 11% globally (Prieto 2011). Higher problems are most visible in labor-intensive trades, such as mechanical
construction output creates economic growth. A large industry construction contractor firms. For example, rework is typically caused
as such does not come without its problems. According to by poor coordination and conflicts of systems, particularly mechani-
the McGraw Hill SmartMarket report, the decrease in construction cal, electrical, and plumbing/fire-protection (MEP) (Hanna 2010).
productivity within the last 40 years has mainly been caused by The mechanical construction industry in particular plays a
the lack of communication and collaboration through informa- vital role in overall project success. Mechanical contractors are ex-
tion sharing (Young et al. 2007). Even with an increase in tech- pected to continue to have a strong influence on project outcome,
nology use, this problem still exists. A recent publication by the especially with the increase in complexity of building systems and
National Institute of Standards and Technology stated that at least the growth in green building construction. The mechanical con-
$15.8 billion per year is lost due inadequate interoperability in the struction industry is considered to be one of the most high-risk
US capital facilities industry (Gallaher et al. 2004). Moreover, the industries for several reasons. First, a typical mechanical contract
Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) re- cost represents 40% to 60% of a total project cost (Hanna 2010).
leased a large survey study that found between 40% and 50% of Second, mechanical construction is considered a follow-up trade,
all construction projects were running behind schedule (Thomsen which means that its involvement in a project’s construction se-
et al. 2010). It has also been reported by the Construction Industry quence depends on other critical trades, such as structural or
Institute that the direct costs caused by rework are approximately masonry trades. It is also a connected trade and needs to be coor-
5% of total construction costs [Construction Industry Institute (CII) dinated with subsequent subcontractors, such as electrical, sheet
metal, and fire-protection contractors. Third, mechanical contrac-
Graduate Student of Construction Engineering and Management, Dept. tors are in charge of putting in place complex systems that are criti-
of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, cal to the proper functioning of constructed facilities like hospitals,
2256 Engineering Hall, 1415 Engineering Dr., Madison, WI 53706. E-mail: laboratories, or industrial buildings. Recognizing these challenges,
2 the question arises whether current construction processes are
Professor and Chair Construction Engineering and Management, Dept.
of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, adequate to meet the tasks ahead. In the last decade, building in-
2320 Engineering Hall, 1415 Engineering Dr., Madison, WI 53706. E-mail: formation modeling (BIM) has been introduced as an information technology-based construction process to address some of these
3 challenges and improve efficiency and coordination.
Assistant Professor, John L. Tishman Faculty Scholar, Dept. of Civil
and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109; The BIM Handbook provides a three part definition of BIM:
formerly, M. A. Mortenson Company Assistant Professor of Construction (1) “a more integrated design and construction process that results
Engineering and Management, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineer- in better quality buildings at lower cost and reduced project dura-
ing, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706 (corresponding author). tion;” (2) a model that “contains precise geometry and data needed
to support the construction, fabrication, and procurement activities
Note. This manuscript was submitted on August 9, 2012; approved on
January 14, 2013; published online on January 16, 2013. Discussion period
through which the building is realized;” and (3) a process that “ac-
open until June 1, 2014; separate discussions must be submitted for indi- commodates many of the functions needed to model the life cycle
vidual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Management in Engi- of a building, providing the basis for new design and construction
neering, Vol. 30, No. 1, January 1, 2014. © ASCE, ISSN 0742-597X/2014/ capabilities and changes in the roles and relationships among a
1-78-85/$25.00. project team” (Eastman et al. 2007). In this paper, implementing


J. Manage. Eng., 2014, 30(1): 78-85

BIM and using BIM will be used interchangeably to mean the pro- Table 1. Geographical Division of Respondents by Regions for U.S. and
cess of BIM as provided for in the above definition, and not the Canadian Respondents
software use through the modeling process. U.S. mechanical contractors Canadian mechanical contractors
Much of the existing research involving BIM has targeted gen-
Location % Locations %
eral contractors and MEP contractors. This research is mostly based (HQ) Response (HQ) Response
on case studies. There has not been an emphasis on how specific
specialty trades implement BIM. Recently, McGraw Hill Smart- Midwest 42 Alberta 17
West 14 Saskatchewan 4
Market Report surveyed construction industry professionals to
Southeast 7 Manitoba 13
gauge their BIM involvement. A quarter of the respondents were Northeast 3 Ontario 38
mechanical, sheet-metal, and plumbing contractors representing the Northwest 3 Quebec 4
highest response rate, and another quarter were general contractors. New Brunswick 25
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The remaining respondents included owners, design engineers,

architects, and construction manufacturers (Young et al. 2009).
With 23% of specialty trades and 34% of MEP design engineers
experiencing high value when using BIM, the report concluded that Table 2. Surveyed Company Characteristics: A Comparison between BIM
MEP contractors were among the highest adopters of BIM (Young and Non-BIM Users
et al. 2009). Another survey report published by the University of
Florida (UFL) evaluated the impact of BIM on construction (Issa U.S. mechanical contractors Canadian mechanical contractors
and Suermann 2009). Other than the McGraw Hill SmartMarket 59% using BIM 39% using BIM
41% not using BIM 61% not using BIM
report, this study is the largest in its kind, with a four-part re-
Company size of BIM users Company size of non-BIM users
search plan. The UFL study gathered information from across 81% with than $10 million 46% with under $10 million
the construction and engineering industries to evaluate perceptions 51% with $10 to $50 million
of BIM on commonly accepted construction key performance
indicators. Phase 1 from the research found that BIM improves
the following key performance indicators: (1) quality, (2) cost,
(3) schedule, (4) productivity, and (5) safety (Issa and Suermann design engineers. Furthermore, the company sizes of respondents—
2009). Other literature investigated the BIM modeling practice measured in annual billings—ranged from $1 million to $50 million,
paradigms in project networks by investigating 26 specific cases with the majority of those implementing BIM having annual bil-
of firms using BIM tools (Taylor and Bernstein 2009). Finally, lings of more than $10 million. However, the companies not using
Goedert and Meadati (2008) investigated extending the BIM soft- BIM are evenly divided between those earning $1 to $5 million
ware products to accommodate the construction process. and $10 to $50 million, shown in Table 2. Finally, the majority of
It is obvious from the above studies that understanding the respondents complete over 60% of their projects through design-
impact of BIM implementation on specific sub-trades is crucial in bid-build (DBB), regardless of BIM usage. This key characteristic
order to create correct construction standards and proper systems. might indicate the reason behind the low number of BIM adopters.
To fill this gap in the literature, this paper investigates the current After several interviews, mechanical contractors have voiced con-
state of practice of BIM in the mechanical construction industry cerns regarding difficulties in BIM implementation with this type of
in North America through two main objectives. The first objective traditional delivery method that does not allow for early collabora-
is to gain insight on practices of current and future implementation tion between the design team and contractors.
of BIM. The second objective is to identify outcomes from the
use of BIM on project performance. In order to achieve these ob-
jectives, a survey questionnaire was developed and distributed to Survey Results
1,096 mechanical contractors in both the United States and Canada.
Having provided the characteristics of the survey respondents, this
Ninety-one survey responses were received, with 75 completed sur-
section will discuss the survey results grouped under four focus
veys and 16 incomplete which were not considered in the analysis.
areas: (1) overall BIM use at the company level, (2) state of practice
The survey was distributed between December 2011 and May
of BIM, (3) future implementation of BIM, and (4) value generated
2012. The next section provides the general characteristics of the
from BIM implementation. U.S. and Canadian data were combined
data collected from mechanical construction companies.
for the purpose of this analysis.

Data Characteristics Overall BIM Use at Company Level

In this focus area of this study, five different aspects were inves-
The survey consisted of 27 questions divided into three divisions: tigated to gauge overall BIM use at the company level. These five
(1) company background, (2) current BIM use, and (3) future BIM aspects are: the contractors’ level of involvement, the relationship
use. The general format of the survey is further expanded in the between company size and BIM usage, the contractor’s amount of
Appendix. The majority of respondents were from the U.S. (68%) experience and expertise with BIM, a comparison between their
and the remaining respondents were Canadian mechanical con- amount of experience and level of BIM expertise, and the value
tractors (32%), the division per region is shown below in Table 1. that BIM has provided to their projects.
Table 2 shows the comparison between the two countries, 39% of
Canadian contractors are implementing BIM, compared to 56% Contractors’ Level of Involvement
of U.S. contractors. This might indicate a lag in the adoption of The first part under overall BIM use is the contractors’ level of
BIM within the Canadian mechanical construction industry com- involvement with BIM. Out of all 75 respondents, 49% are not cur-
pared to in the U.S. Another characteristic is that 55% of respond- rently implementing BIM, as shown in Fig. 1. The remaining 51%
ents were presidents or CEO’s, whereas the remaining 45% were of respondents using BIM can be categorized as follows: about 1%
project managers, operations managers, estimators, and CAD are creating BIM tools in-house; 27% are using existing tools but


J. Manage. Eng., 2014, 30(1): 78-85

had more than five years of BIM experience, 5% had four years of
experience, 21% had three years of experience, 11% had two years,
and 26% had one year of experience. This result suggests that
mechanical contractors are relatively new in their experience in
implementing BIM, since 58% of BIM users have only been using
BIM for less than three years. When combining non-BIM users to
evaluate the results more holistically, only 32% of the total respond-
ents have more than three years of experience in using BIM.
In addition, companies were asked to measure their expertise
with BIM in four categories: ‘Just Started’, ‘Started but Not Effi-
cient’, ‘Advanced’, and ‘Expert’. The results indicated that 32% of
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the respondents have started but are still not efficient in implement-
ing BIM, and 22% have ‘Just Started’. The remaining respondents
were divided between ‘Advanced’ and ‘Expert’, at 30% and 16%,
respectively. When the data is combined in two groups—beginners
Fig. 1. Percent response of contractors’ level of involvement
and advanced—54% indicated that they are beginners in their level
of expertise in using BIM compared to the 46% who consider them-
selves advanced.
not necessarily creating their own, whether it is internal libraries or
family of components; and 21% are using and creating their own Comparison between Number of Years Company Has Been
in-house BIM tools. Using BIM and Their Level of Expertise
Fig. 3 illustrates the relationship between the level of BIM expertise
Relationship between Company Size and BIM Usage and the number of years of BIM experience. This figure indicates
Company size is measured in amount of billings (the amount the that beginner users of BIM typically have one to three years of
contractor bills the client) in millions of dollars within the last experience implementing BIM, while advanced users of BIM typ-
12 months. Fig. 2 shows the relationship between company size ically have five or more years of experience implementing BIM.
and whether or not the respondents are implementing BIM. This These results indicate that mechanical contractors need to put in
figure indicates that 83% of contractors using BIM have annual place a management plan that allows for more time to advance their
billings of $10 million to over $50 million. However, non-BIM expertise when implementing BIM.
users are almost evenly divided between two ranges of annual bil-
lings: $1 million to $10 million, and $10 million to $50 million. Mechanical Construction Companies’ Characterization of
This indicates some level of correlation between the size of com- the Business Value of BIM
pany and BIM usage. Larger companies tend to have the investment The characterization of the value of BIM in this paper is defined
capital to purchase BIM tools and train staff for implementing as the overarching business perception of BIM through company
BIM, while smaller companies might have difficulty in creating the experience. The results are divided into three main categories:
proper infrastructure to use BIM as a standard company process. (1) 61% of the respondents indicated BIM has a business value
For the remaining sections of this paper, only the responses of but still believe there is more to learn; (2) 34% believe that they
current BIM users are considered. have just begun to understand the business value of BIM and the
benefits it provides; while (3) the remaining 5% indicated no mean-
Company Experience with the Use of BIM
ingful value of BIM. These results indicate that implementation of
Respondents were asked about the number of years that their com-
BIM has larger effects on the business of mechanical construction
pany has been involved in implementing BIM. These questions
were directed towards the mechanical construction firms and not firms, such as increases in profitability and resource efficiency, and
individual managers within the firm. Of companies surveyed, 38% higher returns on investments (ROIs). Moreover, this response em-
phasizes the steep learning curve, since the majority of respondents

Fig. 2. Relationship between company size and implementation Fig. 3. Relationship between years of experience in using BIM and
of BIM level of expertise in implementation of BIM


J. Manage. Eng., 2014, 30(1): 78-85

indicated that there is still much to learn to properly implement
BIM in their projects and achieve perceived value to their company.
The five aspects in this focus area discussed provide detailed
analysis of the results for the overall use of BIM among mechanical
construction firms. In order to further understand the connecting
factors to these results, the following focus area will investigate
the state of practice when mechanical contractors implement BIM.

State of BIM Practice

State of practice of BIM includes many factors that influence
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project outcome for mechanical construction firms. In this section,

five main factors of the state of BIM practice will be discussed.
These five factors are: (1) the leadership of BIM coordination
among different parties to the project; (2) the amount of staff mem-
bers needed to implement BIM and its relationship to project size;
(3) the predominant BIM tools; (4) the cost of using BIM on a
Fig. 4. Relationship between project size and number of BIM staff
project; and (5) the associated risks when implementing BIM.
Leadership of BIM Coordination among Different Parties to
the Project
The first factor of the state of practice of BIM is identifying the
between one and two to three staff members, respectively. One can
appropriate project team members to lead BIM coordination mod-
clearly see that projects with sizes less than 50,000 man-hours
eling during the construction process. At a 51% response rate,
typically need a maximum of three staff members, while projects
mechanical contractors indicated that MEP specialty trades usually
with sizes greater than 50,000 man-hours typically need more than
lead the modeling coordination processes with general contractors
only leading 27% of the time. The remaining responses were di- three BIM staff members. This key relationship is important to
vided by mechanical design consultants (16%), project architects assist mechanical contractors in determining efficient resource and
(3%) and outside consultants (3%). These responses indicate that budget allocation before starting a project.
mechanical contractors play a vital role in model coordination with
Predominant Software Used by Mechanical Construction
the assistance of the general contactor.
After conducting several interviews, this study found that under
The respondents were given choices among most popular BIM
contractual BIM protocol obligations, general contractors often
software and they were allowed to provide their own answer if
guide the MEP coordination processes, while allowing mechanical
contractors to lead the direct modeling efforts. General contractors they were using other software. The respondents were also allowed
are involved since they control the overall operations in executing to choose more than one answer. Fig. 5 shows the top five soft-
the project. It was obvious from the interviews that a relationship ware tools used by the MEP industry are Autodesk Revit MEP,
does exist between those who benefit from using BIM and the team Autodesk AutoCAD MEP, Autodesk Navisworks, CAD-Duct,
members leading the effort. When mechanical contractors lead co- and CAD-PIPE. It is interesting that a single software company
ordination, it is usually done in order to assure that there is enough (i.e., Autodesk) controls about two thirds of the market for mechan-
space for their systems. ical construction firms. These results were confirmed through
interviews with Autodesk software specialists. They indicated that
Appropriate Number of Staff Needed for BIM mechanical contractors across North America have in recent
Implementation on a Project years been demanding greater improvements to 3D MEP software
The responses in this case are divided into three main categories:
(1) 41% indicated one individual is adequate; (2) 41% indicated
between two to three individuals; while (3) the remaining 18% in-
dicated between four to five staff members. From this data, it is safe
to assume that the majority of staffing for BIM implementation
should be three or fewer. During the interviews, mechanical con-
tractors have raised questions related to the allocation of man-
power to properly implement BIM. Therefore this result addresses
such industry concerns.

Relationship between Project Size Measured in Total

Man-Hours and the Number of Staff that Are Dedicated
to BIM Implementation
The results from this analysis are divided by project size in
man-hours and reported in Fig. 4. For projects that are smaller than
10,000 man-hours, 64% of respondents indicated that they employ
one staff member for BIM while 36% employ two to three staff
members. For projects ranging from 10,000 to 50,000 man-hours,
36% of respondents employ one staff member for BIM and 50%
Fig. 5. Top rated software tools used by mechanical construction
employ two to three staff members. For projects ranging between
50,000 to 100,000 man-hours, the responses were evenly allocated


J. Manage. Eng., 2014, 30(1): 78-85

technologies to include enhancements in component libraries for remaining respondents (18%) stated that cost overrun was a
more efficient modeling and interoperability. risk when using BIM. These important findings point to potential
The use of other BIM tools to enhance the modeling of the solutions to reduce project risks related to BIM, including the
construction process is also investigated under the same factor. development of comprehensive standards and training modules
Respondents were asked to state one related BIM tool that they for mechanical contractors to adequately implement BIM on their
use during the construction process. Total Station technology is the projects.
most widely used BIM tool for 43% of respondents. Total Station The five factors discussed above provide clear insights regard-
technology is commonly referred to as the link between the office ing the state of practice for BIM implementation among mechanical
BIM model and the field personnel, allowing for the transfer of construction firms. After evaluating these factors, the next section
the coordinated BIM model into the field. Total Station uses laser will investigate the future implementation of BIM.
technology and global positioning system (GPS) in unison with
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the BIM model to ensure accurate installation of systems and Future Use of BIM
Of the remaining respondents, 43% stated they are not us- Two main aspects were evaluated to determine the future use of
ing additional BIM tools to enhance the construction process, BIM by mechanical construction firms. These include the percent-
while the remaining 14% implement Trimble technology. Trimble age of projects that will be implementing BIM in the next two
technology is a commercial product that integrates positioning years, and the comparison of future BIM investments by both cur-
technologies such as GPS, laser, optical, and inertial system with rent BIM users and non-BIM users.
application software and wireless communication to assist in build- Evaluating Percentage of Projects that Will Implement BIM
ing component installation accurately (Limited 2012). Total Station in the Next Two Years
technology for BIM uses its traditional survey electronics to convey Fig. 7 shows how companies who are currently using BIM in
data points, whether it is distance or elevation, for a more coordi- their project perceive their future and continued use of the tech-
nated model. In the case of Trimble technology, it is another varia- nology in their projects in the next two years. The results indi-
tion of survey electronic equipment from traditional Total Station, cate the 59% will be implementing BIM on less than 30% of
which relies on special BIM software capabilities for a higher level projects in the next two years, and 16% indicated they will
of model coordination. be implementing BIM on 30% to 60% of projects. At first glance
this may appear to be a low percentage of project BIM use.
Average Cost of Implementing BIM Measured in Percent of However, it is important to note that owners and clients tend
Total Project Cost to drive much of BIM implementation on projects. Thus, these
Total project cost is defined as the mechanical contractors’ total responses might be a projection by the mechanical contractors
cost to execute the project. Fig. 6 shows the response rates for all based on their knowledge of their client base and how likely they
ranges of BIM cost. A full 53% of respondents indicated that im- are going to be asked to implement BIM. For example, two years
plementing BIM cost them less than 2% of their total project cost. ago the state of Wisconsin made it law for all state construction
These results will assist in bidding process when allocating costs projects to implement BIM. As for those who are not using BIM,
related to BIM implementation. all (37) of the respondents indicated that they expecting to slowly
start implementing BIM but expect to use on less than 15% of
Risk Associated with the Use of BIM their projects. As well, the respondents in this case, might not
The highest risk item identified by 61% of the contractors is the have sufficient resources to bid or implement BIM on a larger
lack of BIM protocols during the construction cycle. A BIM pro- amount of projects.
tocol can be defined as a contractual guide to the BIM process such
as file sharing, model ownership, model file formats, personnel Comparison of Expected Future BIM Investments for
leading specific trade models, scheduled model submissions for Current BIM Users and Non-BIM Users at the Company
review, and responsibility of model changes on a specific project Level
basis. Interestingly, the second highest response, at 21%, was the Respondents were asked to rate each investment type based on
lack of competency that team members have in using BIM. This five possible scores: (1) none, (2) a little, (3) some, (4) quite a
response was not provided as one of the choices but was provided bit, and (5) a great deal. Current BIM users were asked to report
by respondents under the “other” item in the survey. Finally, the their current and expected future level of investment in BIM,
while non-BIM users were asked to rate their expected future

Fig. 6. Percent cost when implementing BIM from total project cost Fig. 7. Percent of projects to implement BIM in the next two years


J. Manage. Eng., 2014, 30(1): 78-85

Table 3. Statistical Comparison between Current and Future Investment of BIM
Investment in BIM
BIM users BIM users Non-BIM
current MW (1) ↔ future MW (2) ↔ users future
Type of investment Mean value p-value Mean value p-value Mean value
Purchasing software 3.106 0.573 3.00 0.0004 2.00
Creating BIM procedures in company 2.553 <0.001 3.32 <0.001 1.39
Creating BIM libraries 2.711 0.0105 3.13 <0.001 1.36
Creating BIM procedures with other companies 2.211 0.0487 2.66 <0.001 1.28
Training staff 2.921 0.0099 3.29 <0.001 1.47
Marketing BIM to customers 2.921 0.0011 3.47 <0.001 1.28
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Note: Bold p-values are below 0.05, which implies a significant difference between the means.

investments. These ratings are further statistically analyzed in customers show significant differences between current and future
Table 3 in order to gain insights in comparing the important in- investments at the 0.001 significance level.
vestment types. When evaluating the responses, it is clear that Second, another Mann-Whitney test, expressed as MW
there are two main investment types related to the implementation (2) Table 3, was performed to compare future types of investment
of BIM among mechanical construction companies. Purchasing between current BIM users and non-BIM users. The results indi-
software is the largest investment at a 50% response rate, while cate very significant differences in future BIM investments (at the
the marketing of BIM to customers is the second largest with 38% 0.001 significance level) between current BIM users and non-BIM
of responses. The remaining 13% of responses are divided evenly users. These findings reinforce the conclusion made earlier that
among the other investment areas shown in Table 3. Contradictory there is little future investment being made by non-BIM users com-
to other research results (Jones et al. 2008; Young et al. 2009), the pared to current BIM users. This warrants further investigation to
survey data shows that little investment is being made in creating understand the perspective of non-BIM users on the value and ben-
BIM procedures in-house and creating BIM procedures with other efits, if any, they might perceive from implementing BIM in their
companies. projects.
The results indicate that current BIM users project an increase in This second part of the focus area highlighted key BIM invest-
their future investments to facilitate the implementation of BIM. ment areas that mechanical construction companies can consider
This increase in investment is expected for all categories shown for future implementation of BIM. Since current BIM users ex-
in Table 3 except for the purchase of software category. The latter pect to increase their future investment in BIM, one can assume
has an expected decrease in investment with a 34% response rate. that BIM is providing value for these companies. As mechanical
This result indicates that these companies have already heavily in- construction firms begin to gain confidence in their implementa-
vested in software purchases or they expect the cost to decrease tion of BIM, they are more encouraged to increase the resources
with more widespread use. On the other hand, the increase of in- they allocate for this process. This assumption will be further
vestment in the marketing of BIM to customers is greater, with a tested in the final focus area of this paper: the value added
50% response rate, compared to 37%, and the investments in the by BIM.
creation of BIM procedures in-house are also increasing, with a
43% response rate compared to the current response rate of 21%.
An evaluation of mechanical construction firms that are non-BIM Added Value of BIM
users currently shows an interesting contrast to these results. An Current BIM users were asked about the value generated by BIM
overwhelming 87% of respondents indicated very little future regarding three different factors of the construction project cycle:
investment with BIM. These results again emphasize the variation project phases, project activities, and project performance indica-
between BIM users and non-BIM users. tors. Findings from this focus area will highlight the influence of
To further analyze the survey data, Table 3 shows the results BIM on construction operations and are presented in the following
of the statistical analyses conducted on the differences in invest- three parts.
ment types. Mean values corresponding to each type of investment
and BIM users are provided. The mean values are calculated on a Evaluating the Added Value of BIM to Major Project
5-point Likert scale. The Likert scale is a psychometric scale Phases
commonly involved in research that employs questionnaires (Hadi Table 4 shows the percent response rates and the mean values for
and Chatterjee 2006). Table 3 also shows statistical significance each phase of the construction project, which are calculated using
through p-values, expressing non-parametric values without any a 5-point Likert scale. There are five phases that show high values:
assumptions on the distribution of the data. A p-value below (1) final design, (2) construction documentation, (3) fabrication,
0.05 implies a significant difference between the means. A Mann- (4) construction, and (5) shop drawings. All of these five phases
Whitney (MW) test was performed for this part of the study in are part of the construction process. Since mechanical construction
evaluating the ranking of the data rather than the raw values. companies are typically only involved during the construction
First, a Mann-Whitney test, expressed as MW (1) in Table 3, phase, it is understandable that they only see the benefits BIM
was performed to compare current and future investment types brings to these phases. The other phases that had lower values are
for current BIM users, since both responses were provided from typically phases where the mechanical construction firms are not
each surveyed company. The results indicate an increase in all areas involved in the project, and therefore they do not see the added
of future investment with the exception of purchasing software. value of BIM to these phases. However, this highlights the need to
These results are statistically significant at the 0.05 level. Further- get mechanical contractors involved early in some types of delivery
more, creating BIM procedures in-house and marketing BIM to systems, and for high-complexity facilities.


J. Manage. Eng., 2014, 30(1): 78-85

Table 4. Level of Value BIM Generates on 11 Construction Project Phases Table 6. Level of Value BIM Generates on 10 Construction Project
Performance Indicators
None A little Some Quite a A great Mean
Project phase (%) (%) (%) bit (%) deal (%) value (%) None A little Some Quite a A great Mean
Performance indicator (%) (%) (%) bit (%) deal (%) value
Feasibility 38 24 11 19 8 2.35
Preliminary design 11 41 27 11 11 2.70 Reduction in request 14 22 30 24 11 2.97
Final design 11 14 22 30 24 3.43 For information
Construction 11 22 22 24 22 3.24 Reduction in 19 24 32 24 0 2.62
documents re-submittals
Bidding 57 19 11 11 3 1.84 Reduction in field 3 5 11 57 24 3.95
Fabrication 5 11 16 24 43 3.89 conflicts
Construction 3 0 27 41 30 3.95 Reduction in deficiency 14 19 25 25 17 3.11
Shop drawings 19 5 24 32 19 3.27 issues
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Submittals 43 16 22 16 3 2.19 Reduction in punch list 16 24 30 19 11 2.84

closeout 35 16 22 19 8 2.49 items
O&M of facility 38 19 19 16 8 2.38 Reduction in the cost of 14 5 41 22 19 3.27
Reduction in cost of 16 11 19 41 14 3.24
as-built drawings
Evaluating the Added Value of BIM on Key Project Reduction in change 14 24 35 16 11 2.86
Activities orders
The choice of project activities was based on previous literature, the Shorter processing time 35 24 16 16 8 2.38
for change orders
authors’ experience, and input from mechanical construction firms.
Better coordination 3 0 22 41 35 4.05
Table 5 shows the percent response rates and the mean values for
each project activity. Responses for the first activity listed in the
table indicate the high added value of clash detection coordination
when implementing BIM. Additionally, the responses for the last process. These contradictory results may be to the fact that only
activity listed in the table indicate that visualization is another key mechanical contractors were surveyed in this research, and hence
component when using BIM, especially given the complexity of their perception that the real added value to them lies in clash
mechanical systems. These two results are not surprising, since pre- detection and visualization. Further interviews conducted by the
vious research has indicated that better visualization and clash authors of this paper indicate that project activities including energy
detection is generated when using BIM. The ten remaining project analysis and facility space planning are usually completed by the
activities have much lower values indicating less value added with design team, unless otherwise contractually defined by the client
the use of BIM. These results were unexpected, since literature or owner.
has shown that BIM does bring value to project activities such as
scheduling, quantity take-off, shop-drawing process, and cost esti- Evaluating Added Value of BIM as Measured by Project
mation (Jones et al. 2008; Young et al. 2009; Korman et al. 2008). Performance Indicators
As an example, Young et al. (2009) reported that MEP contractors Key performance metrics were first identified based on literature
are much more likely to find value in quantity takeoff with BIM describing performance indicators widely used by mechanical con-
compared to others. In the same report, MEP contractors indicated struction companies (Issa and Suermann 2009; Jones et al. 2008).
that one of the top three benefits of BIM is the shop-drawing The list of metrics was finalized through the authors’ interactions
with the mechanical construction industry. Out of the 10 final per-
formance metrics used for this study, Table 6 shows five project
performance measures were significantly improved when mechani-
Table 5. Level of Value BIM Generates on 12 Construction Project cal construction firms implemented BIM: (1) reduction in field
conflicts, (2) reduction in deficiency issues, (3) reduction in cost
None A little Some Quite a A great Mean of rework, (4) reduction in cost of as-built drawings, and (5) better
Project activity (%) (%) (%) bit (%) deal (%) value systems coordination. Moreover, the two greatest improvements
Clash detection 3 0 19 41 38 4.11 as shown by mean values are reductions in field conflicts and bet-
Cost estimation 41 16 35 8 0 2.11 ter systems coordination. This last statement confirms findings
for project from previous literature underlining the significant improvements
Energy analysis 62 24 8 5 0 1.57 BIM brings to resolving field conflicts and improving systems co-
Facility space 46 22 24 8 0 1.95 ordination. When conducting interviews, many mechanical con-
planning tractors who quantitatively measure performance stated that BIM
More efficient 24 30 30 16 0 2.38 positively impacted their labor productivity and material efficiency.
use of time
Project turnover 32 27 22 14 5 2.32
The findings of this study highlight major performance improve-
and closeout ments related to BIM, and help build momentum to motivate more
Quantity take-off 36 28 19 8 8 2.25 mechanical contractors to adopt BIM.
Scheduling 32 41 19 5 3 2.05
Shop-drawing 27 19 14 27 14 2.81
process Conclusion
Stakeholder 37 26 14 20 3 2.26
engagement The “Survey Results” section highlights some key factors. The
Submittal process 38 22 27 14 0 2.16 first factor is that three robust correlations exist as follows: (1) com-
Visualization of 8 8 32 30 22 3.49 pany size and BIM usage, (2) project size and number of staff to
facility design
implement BIM, and (3) BIM experience measured in years versus


J. Manage. Eng., 2014, 30(1): 78-85

level of expertise. These correlations assist mechanical construction of developing the BIM model relative to the total project cost, ex-
firms in understanding current industry divisions. The second fac- pected risks of implementing BIM in the project and phase within
tor is that the majority of mechanical firms apply a 1% to 2% of the project life-cycle that benefits most from BIM implementation.
total project cost to BIM implementation. The third factor is that
there are two focus areas that majority of respondents will be in-
vesting in for BIM usage: creating BIM procedures in-house and Future BIM Use
the marketing of BIM to customers. These two factors will help This section includes two questions that focus on understanding
mechanical construction firms to better allocate resources and how the company intends to expand its use BIM in the future.
budgeting. The fourth factor is the added value of BIM on proj- These two questions focused on expected level of investment in
ect execution. There are six main benefits for project execution: BIM software and tools, and the percentage adoption of BIM by
(1) reduction in field conflicts, (2) better coordination, (3) easier the company.
Downloaded from by UFC - Universidade Federal do Ceara on 09/06/17. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

clash detection, (4) enhanced facility design visualization, (5) effi-

ciency in construction, and (6) fabrication. All of the key factors
discussed, illustrate important practices and characteristics of the References
way BIM is used in the mechanical construction industry.
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Managing integrated project delivery, CMAA, McLean, VA, 105.
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Questions included years of experience with using BIM, total ability in the construction industry, McGraw Hill, Bedford, MA, 36.
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J. Manage. Eng., 2014, 30(1): 78-85

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