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Hyperscale on Azure Database for PostgreSQL

Build applications that scale simply from one tenant to 100,000s

Ensure performance Query events in real Run everything in Stay current thanks to
and flexibility with time with sub- one database to compatibility with the
unmatched scalability second responses save resources latest versions and tools

Sharding data across multiple nodes

Table metadata


4 vCores

Tips and tricks Get started

Multi-tenant & SaaS apps Handling worker node failure View the Quickstart guide to learn how to create
Hyperscale supports two modes of replication an Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Hyperscale
Support fast-growing SaaS apps and isolate
– streaming replication on the entire worker server group using the Azure Portal.
large tenants on their own hardware
node and specific shard replication
If you don’t have an Azure subscription, create a
free account before you begin
Real-time operational analytics Cluster node failover
Ingest billions of transactions and enable Regular PostgreSQL synchronous replication
sub-second query responses and failover can be used for higher availability
and resilience

High throughput transactional apps Joining distributed and

Distribute transactions across multiple nodes non-distributed tables Learn more
and avoid single points of failure To do joins between small dimension tables and
large tables, wrap the local table in a subquery Explore tutorials and other key information in the
Azure Database for PostgreSQL documentation page
Some workloads do not need a powerful
distributed database. Single node PostgreSQL is Ingesting a query into a distributed table
appropriate in scenarios where there are few Hyperscale supports INSERT/SELECT syntax for
concurrent users, when analytics are offline, and copying the results of a query into a distributed, Hyperscale your PostgreSQL
when scalability isn’t required. co-located table database today!

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