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Course code & title : MNE3119 Manufacturing Technology

Session : Semester B 2019/20

Time allowed : Two and a half hours

This paper has TWO pages (including this cover page).

1. There are 2 sections, Section A and B, in this paper.

2. Answer ALL questions in Section A and in Section B.

This is an open-book examination.

Academic Honesty Pledge

“I pledge that the answers in this exam are my own and that I will not seek
or obtain an unfair advantage in producing these answers;

I will not plagiarize (copy without citation) from any source;

I will not communicate or attempt to communicate with any other person

during the exam; neither will I give or attempt to give assistance to another
student taking the exam; and

I will use only approved devices (e.g., calculators) and/or approved device

I understand that any act of academic dishonesty can lead to disciplinary


Please reaffirm the honesty pledge by writing “I pledge to follow the Rules
on Academic Honesty and understand that violations may led to severe
penalties” onto the first exam answer sheet.

For any enquiry regarding the exams, please do not hesitate to contact us at MNE
hotline 3442-6669.

IMPORTANT: Penalty for late submission – 4% per minute reduction of achieved

examination mark is imposed.
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Section A (60%)

Attempt ALL questions from this Section in CANVAS QUIZ.

3 marks is scored for each correctly answered question.
The submission deadline is 3:10pm.

Section B (40%)

Attempt ALL questions from this Section in CANVAS ASSIGNMENTS.

The start time is 3:30pm. The submission deadline is 4:30pm.

1. (8 marks) The following figure contains a metallic part with a hollow structure. Explain
how the hollow structure can be produced by sand casting.

Figure B1

2. (12 marks) In an orthogonal cutting operation, the depth of cut is 0.2 mm, cutting speed is
3 mm/s, rake angle is 3°. It is observed in measurement of the operation that chip
thickness is 0.3 mm and cutting force and thrust force are 550 N and 350 N respectively.
Calculate the percentage of the total energy that goes into cutting the part.

3. (8 marks) Tandem rolling is planned for rolling of steel plates. Roll stands are assumed
the same and all rolls have the same diameter of 800 mm. The coefficient of friction
between the rolls and the plate is 0.15 . In order to reduce the plate thickness from 40 mm
to 12 mm. How many roll stands should be used?

4. (12 marks) Bead is formed by pushing a 1 mm thick metal sheet in a die. Supposing yield
stress 𝑌𝑌 = 900 MPa and Young’s modulus 𝐸𝐸 = 100 GPa, determine the diameter of the
die so that the outer bead diameter after unloading from the die is 10 mm. [The answer
should be accurate to 2 significant figures.]

Figure B4

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