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Scene 1: At Dining room

Mrs. Joko looked prepare the breakfast while Mr. Joko
sit in the chair with drink a cup of coffee.
Mr. Joko : my lovely daughters! Come here please!
The breakfast was available (sit in the dining
Malika : waaw..thishis very delicious food. (smell the
Ambara : I wanna try the tofu.
Seruni : the smell his very tease. (take the plate)
Mr. Joko : before we eat, let’s pray together!
Seruni : hah! I want to eat mam not play.
Mr. joko : pray my dear not play. (annoyed).
Mrs. Joko : be patient babe don’t be angry.
Malika : our mam asks to us to pray before we eat
Runi not play. (practice pray).
Seruni : ooo..okay! (accepted).
Mrs. Joko : Ambara please lead the pray!
Ambara : okey mam. Bismillah…….
Add scene I : In the home.
Mrs. Joko : lovely, please help me! May I ask you to go
to market?
Malika : yes mam of course!
Ambara : what should we buy mam?
Mrs. Joko : please buy some goods. Malika please buy
some vegetables. Ambara please buy fish
and Seruni please buy sugar and coffee
(touch Seruni’s neck).
Ambara : okay. We are going to market right now.
Mrs. Joko : Take care!


Scene 2 : In the market.

In the little store, Seruni looks making conversation
with the seller named Mrs. Ningsih.
Seruni : excuse there sugar and coffee here?
Mrs. Ningsih : Yaahh. How much sugar that you want?
Seruni : I ask that do you sell a sugar. (louder
Mrs. Ningsih : yeah..and I ask how much sugar that you
Seruni : I want to buy a pack not one.
Mrs. Ningsih : ahh… what problem with you? Can you
hear me well?
Seruni : yeah.. I tell you that I buy a pack of sugar.
Mrs. Ningsih : oh my God..what his my guilty (close the
face with hand)
Suddenly, Malika and Ambara come
Malika : excuse me, what happen?
Mrs. Ningsih : hah... who are you?
Malika : we are her sister mam, what happen?
Mrs. Ningsih : oh,,, tell to your sister to check her ear. I
think she has a problem with her hearing.
Ambara : sorry mam, actually our sister has problem
with her ear. She has limitation in her
Mrs. Ningsih : OMG! Why so difficult to make conversation
with her (shake of the hand).
Ambara : yes, mam we are so sorry about it!
Mrs. Ningsih : who is your parents?
Malika : our father is Mr. Joko mam.
Mrs. Ningsih : oh I see. Someone who often hang out in
my shop to buy coffee.
Seruni : what happen dear?
Ambara : no problem babe. Let’s go to home!
Malika : come on!


Scene 3 : In The Kitchen

One day in the afternoon, Mr. Joko take off tired after
going back from the field. While Ambara is sweeping the
Ambara : Dad, are you home? (while sweeping)
Mr. Joko : Of course, dear. It is very hot today. (turn on
the fan) Therefore I finished my work quickly,
then hurried go home. (sighing)
Ambara : Oh yeah, dad. Do you want something?
Mr. Joko : (thirsty) I want to drink a cup of coffee. Do
you can make it for me?
Ambara : Sure, dad. Wait a second. (put the broom
next to the door)
Mr. Joko : But Ambara, where is your glasses? Is it
okay if you don’t wear it?
Ambara : It’s okay, dad. I have to get used to it,
because even if I use it, it useless. My
glasses don’t match my minus amount.
Mr. Joko : Oh I see. It’s up to you, dear. But be careful.
Ambara : Of course, dad. Thank you. (smiling)
(Ambara starts to boil the water, then while she
prepare for the coffee powder and the others. She thinks
that she remember when her mother put the sugar, but
she doesn’t aware that she take a salt in the coffee.)
Ambara : This is for you, dad. (smiling)
Mr. Joko : thank you, Ambara. It’s still hot, I will waiting
for several minutes.
Ambara : Yes, dad. You can use the coaster to make
the coffee cold.
Mr. Joko : Of course, mbar. You can continue to
sweep again. (while pour the coffee into a
Ambara : Yes, dad. Take a rest well and enjoy your
Mr. Joko : Okay.
(Mr. Joko starts to drink the coffee and he feel so
Mr. Joko : (saltiness expression) Ambar, what do you
make for me? Why is it so salty??
Ambara : Is it true? I’m sure that I take the sugar in
your coffee, dad. I don’t know if I take the
salt. (shocked and feel guilty)
Mr. Joko : Before you make it, I asked to you where is
your glasses, and you didn’t wear it, and you
said that it will be okay? (snapped)
Ambara : I’m sorry, dad. I didn’t know and didn’t deny
that the salt had been removed. (moody)
Mr. Joko : (badmood) Huuh.. You made my break time
chaotic. Oh, whatever, I want to go to Mrs.
Ningsih tavern to get a cup of coffee.
Ambara : (sad) I’m sorry dad. I feel very sorry to you.
Mr. Joko : Hmm. (left Ambara alone in the kitchen)


Scene 4: Mrs. Ningsih’s store

Mr. joko feels annoyed with Ambara and he decides to
go Mrs. Ningsih’s store to buy a cup of coffee.
Mr. Joko : a cup of black coffee please! (sit down in
the chair)
Mrs. Ningsih : yeah..less sugar alright?
Mr. Joko : yes (nodded and had a flat expression).
Mrs. Ningsih : this is it..( serve the coffee)
Mr. Joko : do you know, I feel annoyed with my
daughter now.
Mrs. Ningsih : who is she? Seruni??
Mr. Joko : No, but Ambara. She serves a cup of salty
Mrs. Ningsih : how can it be?
Mr. Joko : She gaves salt into the cup, she thoughts
that it is sugar. Ambara has limitation with
her sight. Before it, I have asked why she
doesn’t wear her glasses, but she said that it
will be okay without glasses. She is too
careless. (rubbed his face).
Mrs. Ningsih : Oh My God! What’s wrong with your
daughters? Two children have limitation each
other. First child has vision problem ehh..
and the other has hearing problem. Just be
patient sir, you have all the children with
abnormalities. (loudly voice).
Mr. Joko : What do you mean?? (with a sharp gaze
and furrowed his eyebrows).
Mrs. Ningsih : Yesterday your child, Seruni buys sugar in
here but she doesn’t hear what I say. It’s so
embarrassing, there are many people in
here. BTW if I were you, I will be very
embarrassed who have children as like them.
Mr. Joko : (silent, stand and pay the coffee)
(On the way, MrJoko thinks Mrs. Ningsih says.)
Mr. Joko : why I have children as like them? I
embarrassed God. (says in his heart)

Scene 5 : At the Livingroom
That afternoon, the wind blows soothing but the sun
still stings the skin. Mr. Joko arrived at home and opens
the door with annoying heart
Mr. Joko : Hehhh... (sit and slam his hat)
(Suddenly Mrs. Joko came)
Mrs. Joko : What happen with you? (sit beside Mr. Joko)
Ms. Joko : This is very ambarrassing. (annoying face)
Mrs. Joko : What’s make you feel ambarrassed?
Mr. Joko : Do you know about our daugters’ behavior??
I feel ambarrassed have daughters as
like them (breathing deep)
Mrs. Joko : What do you mean? Why you say like that?
Mr. Joko : Did you know?? There is always trouble with
your daughters, exactly Seruni and Ambara.
(Angrily expression)
Mrs. Joko : Yes..... my daughters have limitation, but you
can’t say like that. (cry)
Mr. Joko : I just feel like
Mrs. Joko : Stop. I think you can approve this situation.
In the fact you still have complain (cry)
Ms. Joko : I’m sorry dear... I haven’t intention to make
you sad (touch her shoulders)
(That situation make Mr. Joko realized with his fault.)


Scene 6 : At the children’s room

While Mr. Joko and Mrs. Joko talk about their children,
Ambara and Seruni heard they are talking about.
Ambara : (getting mad) I didn’t expect dad to feel like that
to us (Whispering to Seruni while closing his
Seruni : What’s going on, mbar? I can’t hear their
conversation, why is mom crying? (asked
Ambara : I will explain to you, now we have to leave this
house. No one expects us anymore.
Seruni : Is it true? Why are they like that?
Ambara : (ignore Seruni’s curious) Pack your important
things, and then we leave soon, Seruni.
Seruni : Alright, mbar. But, why are they like that?
Ambara : Oh My God! Why are you always ask the same
Seruni : Oh, sorry. I’m just curious with they are talking
about. And why we have to leave this house.
Ambara : I just talked to you that no one expects us
anymore, it because our disability. They also think
that we just disturb our environment.
Seruni : (she is silent, getting very sad and mad, and
looking for a backpack)
(They pack their things into a backpack, and then they
walk settles get out from house through the back door)
Ambara : Hurry up, sis! You lead me to walk out.
Seruni : Yes, wait a second.
Ambara : Come on, sis! We have to find a place.
Seruni : Alright! I’m beside you
Ambara : Oke, Walk calmly. We can go to the my friend’s
Seruni : Of course.


Scene 7 : At The Home Page

In the evening, Mr. Joko, Mrs. Joko and Malika aware
that Ambara and Seruni were not in the home. They
confuse looking for them to the home page.
Mrs. Joko : Oh My God! Where are they? (cry)
Malika : Calm down, mom. They will meet soon
(calm his mother)
Mr. Joko : They were not in this house, where we have
to find them?
Mrs. Joko : I don’t know anymore, this is all because of
you, dad. I’m sure that they heard your
complaint about them.
Mr. Joko : Oh, no…. I feel sorry (moody)
Malika : Ma, Dad, It’s not time to debate. We should
find them before midnight
Mrs. Joko : You’re right, dear. What we have to do
now? Are you know their friends, Mal?
Malika : I know some of them, mom. But I don’t
know their number.
Mrs. Joko : Try to find it in their room.
Malika : Of course, mom. (Malika enter the house
and find the number in their room)
Mom.. Dad.. Sister’s phone is lag behind. So
we can call their friends one by one.
Mr. Joko : Alhamdulillah, hurry up, dear!
Malika : Alright, dad! (Malika calls Ambar and
Seruni’s friends)
Mrs. Joko : Oh God, I hope they are fine, wherever they
Mr. Joko : Aaamiiin. I feel so sorry to them
Malika : Three are no answer, and two answer don’t
know about them, mom. I also try to call our
Mrs. Joko : OK, dear. Continue to call them
Mr. Joko : What about we go to find them?
Mrs. Joko : Wait..wait.. don’t be rash. We don’t know
them, and right now is dark, and we don’t
have vehicle.
Mr. Joko : Alrigth, then. We have to wait for their
Malika : Why are they go, mom?
Mrs. Joko : I tell you later, dear. Now you have find
Malika : Mom..Dad.. I find my sisters. They in
Dona’s house, she said they are fine.
Mrs. Joko : Alhamdulillah, then ask them to go home. It
almost midnight.
Malika : Dona said that they can stay there for a
night, and Dona also try to persuade them to
go home.
Mr. Joko : Alhamdulillah, they are in the kindness’
house. If like that, we should wait until they
are calm. Now, let’s go in.
(In the early morning, Mr. Joko waiting for them in the
home page, hope they will go home soon)
Mr. Joko : Oh my daughters, hurry home.
(Malika follow him)
Malika : Look, dad. (her finger pointed at the road)
Mom, those are my sister, Ambar and Seruni
go home. (happy)
Mrs. Joko : (run from inside the house) Alhamdulillah…
where are they?
Malika : Look at that.
Mrs. Joko : Oh My God, thank you. (her eyes are teary)
Ambara&Seruni : Assalamu’alaikum.. (shake and kiss
their parents hands)
Mr.&Mrs. Joko : Wa’alaikumussalam.. (Mrs. Joko huges
Mrs. Joko : Alhamdulillah.. you are fine, we are very
worried (her eyes are teary)
Mr. Joko : I’m very sorry to you two. I have mistaken. I
feel very sorry, my daughter.
Ambar : We also feel sorry, dad If we have many
mistaken to you. We also didn’t listen to your
reasons and went straight away from home.
Mr. Joko : It’s alright, dear. You may angry with me.
But don’t go again and make us all worry.
Seruni&Ambar : We understand, dad, mom. We’re
Malika : Alhamdulillah…. (they smile happily)


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