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The set of elements of the scalar emission-reception experimental system that you have acquired
under your responsibility is not verified or approved by any official institution or any other type
of institutional organization. You experiment with the under your own responsibility. This set of
elements does not replace any medical or psychological treatment. In case of illness or emotional
disorder you should go to the corresponding doctor.


The set of elements corresponds to a configuration that allows experimenting with wireless
broadcast and reception, allowing testing with different techniques that contemplate
alternative therapies. Before doing any operation, you have to find the resonance between the
two modules. Although it is not necessary to interconnect the two modules over short distances,
it is recommended to do so by means of a communication cable.


It consists of:

- Two modules that can interchange their function of emitter or receiver indistinctly. Description
of the modules:

• Rear panel, on the right, connection plug 3.5, for mono audio input or other types of
devices. In the middle, female BNC connector; it is connected through a male cable of
the same type to the output of the frequency generator. On the left, black female
banana plug for communication between the two modules. One of the modules has two
female banana plugs, in case you want to acquire a third module.

• Front, to the left is a toggle switch with three positions. When the switch is up, the led
lights are activated, nothing is activated in the middle and the vumeters are shown with
the switch at the bottom.

• Top of the module, in the centre there is a pivot with a threaded hole where the rod
that will hold the sphere is adjusted.

- Frequency generator: The explanations included in this manual are for the FeeTech FY3200S
generator. This generator has two channels with BNC female output that are in the front on the
right. Pressing the CH1 or CH2 buttons activates one channel or another. On the screen, when
the CH1 is activated, it shows MF =, if CH2 is activated, it shows SF = on the screen. The values
initially displayed in kilohertz (kHz), you can change the scale hertz or megahertz pressing the
rotary blue button. With the arrows that indicate to the right or to the left can be moved by the
position of the digits, with the rotary knob the value of the digit is increased or decreased. The
type of wave that must be used to find the resonance in sinusoidal, in the second row, to the
right of the screen must put SINE. The voltage can be varied by experienced users, the value
with which the equipment starts is recommended for general uses. On the screen, on the
bottom line, you should set AMPL = 10.00V. To learn the different functions of the frequency
generator, consult the technical manual included in the CD. For informative purposes, at the end
of this explanation an image with the description of each of the functions is included.
- Long BNC cable: Used to connect the generator output to one of the modules. Do not turn this
cable when connecting or disconnecting it from the modules, but adjust it slightly, since there is
a risk of unhooking the connector from its fastening in the box.

- Cable with two black bananas of approximately 1.5 meters. It is used to connect the two
modules through the black rear plug on the left. When the connection and disconnection is
made, it should not be rotated, but pushed forward or backward.

- Two threaded rods, join the brass pivot of the centre of the modules with the sphere. It is
recommended to hold the central pivot of the module while inserting and twisting the rod. The
ball is screwed on the rod once the rod is fastened on the pivot of the module, not being
necessary to screw it completely.

- Two stainless steel balls of 80 millimetres in diameter.

Other elements that the manufacturer of the frequency generator encloses with it and that are
not useful for the purposes described in this manual are included, but for an advanced
experimenter could be interesting, such as: mini CD with program and generator manual, cable
USB, to connect the generator to the computer, two BNC cables with alligator clips.


Although the distance for the two modules to reach resonance can reach up to several meters,
for a first start-up a separation of about 80 centimetres between module and module is
recommended. In addition to the elements that will be used, excessive metal or electronic
elements are not recommended.
Carefully screw the rods into the centre pivot at the top of each module. To screw the sphere, it
is not necessary to insert the rod too much into the sphere, but to remain firm. The height of
both spheres must be similar. It is important to keep in mind that the variation in height or
distance will change the resonance frequency from one time to the next.

Connect the two modules with the black banana cable to the black plug on the left rear side. In
the module that has two pins it is indifferent to connect it in one or the other.

Connect the double male BNC cable between the front female connection of the generator (CH1)
and the central rear female connection of one of the modules. The module to which the cable is
connected to the generator will be the emitter module, while the module that only has the cable
connected to the black plug on the left will be the receiver. Place the lever switch of both
modules in the upper position.

With the generator plugged into the mains, turn it on. The generator will show the figure 2200
on the left of the screen and at the end it will set KHZ, that is 2200 kilohertz. If it does not show
on the right end of the screen (KHZ), press the blue button on the rotary knob until (KHZ)
appears. It is very likely that the lights of the emitter module, which is connected to the
generator, turn on if the distance is recommended. If the upper left line of the generator does
not show 2200, move with the left or right arrow as necessary and move the rotary knob until
you get a 2 in the first digit on the left, then move with the date of the cursor to the second digit
from the left and turning the knob again, place a 2. Move with the date from the right to the
third digit from the left and place a 0, move to the fourth digit from the left and place another

Place yourself in the third digit with the help of

the left and right arrows from the left in the
upper line of the screen and increase the value
until the lights of the module that makes the
emitter function light up and start to light up the
ones in the module what is the receiver You have to get the lights on the receiver are fully lit
and the transmitter module almost turned off or immediately after shutdown point. Although
the adjustment can be made from the third digit on the left of the top line, it is recommended
to do so from the fourth. It is convenient to move a little away from the system to check that it
is the appropriate setting, since any element that interferes alters the resonance frequency. If
both switches are placed in the lower position, it will be seen that the transmitter's vumeter
shows less balance than that of the receiver.
With the previous process we have already obtained the resonance between the two modules,
remember that, if the modules are very close to each other, the resonance frequency can be
lower, in a distance of 20-30 centimetres the resonance can be in 1800 or 1900 kilohertz. The
resonance can be found in different frequencies, the first one found from the lowest is the one
called "Phase conjugation", which is the most suitable for experimentation.

Once the resonance is found, you are ready to perform the different functions. Repeat this
operation several times to ensure that the resonance frequency is easily found. Observe how,
when passing the hands near the modules, the lights or the vumeters, according to the position
of the switch, varies.


WARNING: Although there is no evidence of any side effects or detrimental to the use of scalar
equipment, it is recommended that it is not used by people with a pacemaker or by pregnant
women. The different uses that are specified below are purely experimental and described by
some researchers and users.

Simple use: The simplest way is to place one module in front of another at a distance of about
80 centimetres, get the resonance with the front switch in the upper position. Once the leds of
the module acting as receiver are fully turned on and the LEDs of the transmitter module are
turned off, place the switches in the central position. Hold the communication cable between
the two modules with your hands, the black cable with banana plug that connects the emitter
module with the receiver module. A usage time of 5 minutes to 20 minutes maximum is

Another variation of the procedure described above is to place the two modules on small stools,
tables or objects that elevate them a little from the ground. A non-metallic chair is placed
between the two modules, passing the cable under the chair. It is convenient that the spheres
remain at an approximate height of the neck or chest of the subject to be treated. This same
arrangement can be used with the modules on the floor, the communication cable on the floor
and above this a cushion where the subject sits.

Use of a remedy in scalar actions: While the subject is subjected to the resonance action of the
scalar emitter and receiver, a homeopathic remedy, Bach flower or similar can be placed in the
receiving module. The right space to place the product is the green circle that contains the pivot
of the rods.

Energize a product scalarly: Water, a homeopathy, a Bach flower or even a food can be
subjected to scalar potentiation according to some users of these equipment. Once the
resonance is obtained, the switches are placed in the central position and the element to be
exposed to the scalar influence is placed in the green upper part of the emitter module. Let it
act for about 15 minutes.

Scalar copy of a substance: A neutral element such as water or homeopathic pellets without
charge can be scaled up with the properties of another element, such as Bach flowers, charged
homeopathies, natural essences. With the two modules in resonance and the switches in the
central position, place the element that receives the properties (water, neutral balls, ...) in the
green part of the module that acts as the emitter, and in the module that acts as the receiver
from which you want to transfer the properties (vegetable substances, homeopathies, ...),
leaving it to act for about 15 minutes. Although the distance between the modules can be of
about 80 centimetres, to carry out transfers of properties it can be done at about 30 centimetres
between them.

Use of Rife frequencies with the scalar system: Once

the resonance is obtained, with the interconnected
modules and the BNC cable in the first channel of the
generator connected to the module that acts as the
emitter, another BNC cable is connected to the second
channel of the generator (cable not included) joining it
to the receiver module. The second channel button
(CH2) is pressed, with the cursor arrows and the rotary
knob the appropriate frequency is selected. Remember
that pressing the rotary knob changes the scale of
megahertz, kilohertz and hertz, (Mhz, Khz and Hz).
Once selected the frequency to be output, one channel button (CH1) is pressed and the
resonance frequency is adjusted until the LEDs are fully powered at the receiver and out or
almost out in the transmitter; the switch is placed in the central position and the different
possible actions are carried out as described above.

Use of other auxiliary elements in the receiver module: Through the BNC connector or the
female audio jack of the module that acts as a receiver, frequencies can be introduced from
other types of equipment (bioresonance, radionics, Rife generators, ...), applications computer
(mobile, tablet or computer). If the device which you want to use for the emission of frequencies
has an audio output through an appropriate audio cable, but with mono final connection, it is
connected to the receiving module in the 3.5 mono audio input. If the device from which the
signal is to be obtained has a BNC connection with a cable of the same type, it is connected to
the receiver module. Previously, the resonance between the two modules has been obtained
and it is adjusted again when the connection with the auxiliary transmitter is made.

Remote action: Some users use the equipment as a remote action instrument similar to radionic
processes, but based on the principle of quantum entanglement. For this, the resonance is
obtained in the usual way, a witness of the subject to be treated is placed in the transmitter
(hair sample, saliva or analogical photograph) and the substance is put to be transferred, if
appropriate, in the receiver, allowing to act for a time. This procedure has been used both with
an element to transfer (Bach flower, homeopathy, ...), or with auxiliary frequencies. It is also
possible to combine substance and frequency in the receiver.


Care must be taken in the assembly and disassembly of the modules, both in the rear BNC
connection and in the black female banana, also in conjunction with the rods with the modules
and the spheres. Previously it was mentioned how to proceed. Save the equipment with the
spheres and the rods removed. Some users recommend exchanging the function of the modules
at the end of a day's sessions. To do this, with the modules in resonance, the BNC cable is
disconnected from the module that acts as the emitter and is connected to the receiver module
for a few seconds, maintaining the resonance; when changing from one module to another, if
they do not move, they tend to keep the resonance. Practice moving the modules at different
distances in order to learn how to obtain resonance and phase conjugation in different
situations. The cable that connects the two modules to each other, black bananas, can be
replaced by a longer one, for this it is only necessary to buy a cable of a single pole of the desired
size and two bananas, screwing each end to their respective connectors.

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