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- The Mongan Method - is a unique method of relaxed, natural

childbirth education, enhanced by self-hypnosis
techniques. HypnoBirthing® provides the missing link that allows women to use
their natural instincts to bring about a safer, easier, more comfortable birthing.
Emphasis is placed on pregnancy and childbirth, as well as on pre-birth parenting
and the consciousness of the pre-born baby. As a birthing
method, HypnoBirthing® is as new as tomorrow and as old as ancient times. It is
presented in a series of five, 2 1/2-hour classes.  

Hypnobirthing allows an expectant mother to give birth in a calm and relaxed way. It allows her to stay in full control
of her body and to work with her unborn baby.

Hypnobirthing has been proven, according to average statistics from the UK, to reduce a standard first labour from 12
to eight hours.

According to Kim Young, hypnobirthing childbirth educator, a special breathing technique is used during hypnobirth
that allows the mother to work with her body. Thus making her contractions more efficient, as well as speeding up the
thinning and opening of the cervix.

Birth Partner

Young said that hypnobirthing was designed with a birthing partner in mind, be it a husband, mother, partner, sister,
close friend or doula.

Read more at Suite101: HypnoBirthing® and Relaxation: Giving Birth in a Calm and Relaxed

Breathing Techniques for Birth

There are three main breathing techniques used that form an essential part of the effectiveness of hypnobirth. There
are breathing techniques for relaxation, during labour and one for the birth itself. (During the crowning phase, no
pushing is needed.)

Drugs Used During Birth

Approximately 70% of women who make use of hypnobirth use no pain relief at all, but any of the drugs offered by
hospitals could be used by a woman in labour, should she feel she needs it.

On the other hand, approximately 15 % of woman who use the hypnobirth techniques use only entonox gas, but there
is no restriction on pain medication. It all depends on the mother.

Hypnobirthing courses run over five classes, each being two and a half hours long. Young also gives group classes to
no more than five couples in a class. Hypnobirthing classes can also be given on a one-to-one basis.
Hypnobirthing can be practiced anytime from 20 weeks of pregnancy onwards. It can lead to a calm and relaxed state
of mind while giving birth, giving the woman full control of her body and working with her unborn baby. It also has
many benefits for the mother and baby.

Read more at Suite101: HypnoBirthing® and Relaxation: Giving Birth in a Calm and Relaxed

Benefits of HypnoBirthing for the Mother

The benefits of hypnobirthing for the mother include being relaxed and calm during birth. It allows the mother control
over her body and to enjoy the experience and work with her unborn child.

Other benefits include:

Read on 

 The Role of a Doula at Birth

 HypnoBirthing® and Relaxation
 HypnoBirthing®

 pre-natal bonding
 improved sleep and health through pregnancy
 informed choices about birth
 shorter labour
 reduces the need for pain-relief or intervention
 calmer babies
 faster recovery
 fewer cases of post-natal depression

Benefits of Hypnobirthing for the Baby

The baby will be received into a calm and relaxed environment and therefore experiences less stress than a baby
who had to endure a traumatic birth.

The endorphins released during a relaxed labour are the body’s own natural relaxant and have a calming effect.
These endorphins are small enough to pass through the placenta to the baby. When the mother learns to breathe
more deeply, she increases the amount of oxygen in the blood, which is beneficial for both her and the baby.

Young said most women who have had a hypnobirth reported that their babies were exceptionally calm and relaxed

Involve Your Partner

Hypnobirthing allows for the close involvement of a birthing partner.

The birthing partner will be the “project manager” of the whole process and support the mother throughout.. The
birthing partner will also liaise with hospital personnel and maintain the surrounding environment to stay calm and

Hypnobirthing can be practiced anytime from 20 weeks of pregnancy onwards. It can lead to a calm and relaxed state
of mind while giving birth, giving the woman full control of her body and working with her unborn baby.

Read more at Suite101: Benefits of HypnoBirthing®: The Benefits for Mom and


Hypnobirthing, known as the Mongan method for hypnobirth, provides a natural childbirth education for mothers who
want to have a hypnosis birth. Learn how it works here.

The history of pain reduction for labor and delivery has a long, documented record. From herbs and tinctures given to
women for centuries to the administration of ether to Queen Victoria of England in the late 1800s to modern
techniques such as the epidural, the goal of these techniques has been to reduce or eliminate pain during labor and
delivery. Hypnobirthing, a form of natural childbirth education that aims for hypnosis birth, is one of the newer
techniques to emerge.

Mongan Method for Hypnobirth

Known as the "Mongan Method" after its creator, Marie Mongan, hypnobirthing is a form of hypnosis birth with the
aim of teaching a birthing mother to shift the way she perceives labor and delivery sensations. While modern
medicine offers a variety of pain reduction options, from injections of narcotics to epidural and spinal blocks, in
hypnobirth the physical experience of dilation, the baby's movement down the birth canal, the stretching of the
perineum, crowning, and vaginal delivery are all carefully treated as sensations to be experienced not as agony to be
suppressed or medicated but as pressure or stretching.


Self-hypnosis is a well-known and well-studied phenomenon, and has been applied to natural childbirth education
since the 1920s. Mongan refers to an early 20th century obstetrician, Dr. Grantly Dick-Read, who championed natural
childbirth education for all women, advocating medication-free births. His basic argument, the center of Mongan's
hypnobirthing philosophy, follows a series of beliefs:

Read more at Suite101: Hypnobirthing - Natural Childbirth Education: Mongan Method for Hypnobirth Helps
Mothers Have Hypnosis Birth

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