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By: Janah Shakira V. Gallardo

Laro ng Lahi; An Important Delicate?
These are often the games we played at the times of being a Filipino kid. Running around playing
siniban, throwing sandals playing tumbang preso, kad and even playing sipa. Some Filipino kids don’t
even know what these are or doesn’t get to experience them anymore due to latest technologies
coursing their minds all the time. Instead of playing gadgets we must inspire millennials to engage
physical activities such as laro ng lahi.

Being involve in these games helps them to enjoy and contribute in their holistic development.
Also, laro ng lahi is important because when children are exposed to indigenous games, it will help in the
preservation of our culture and traditions that is literally dying in silent, we must not let our culture and
tradition die, instead we must help preserve it hand in hand. For me experiencing these as a kid made
me feel free and alive, every Filipino kid must experience this joy because it will leave a mark on their
minds which will say “I am a Filipino”. So yes, Laro ng Lahi is still important. It is always a good feeling to
look back and reminisce our memories of the past.

Nicole Ivan Jeff Pimentel and Junex Clyde Pimentel harvested the spot in men’s basketball in provincial
meet will be held in Iba, Zambales on October 23, 24, and 25.

Ivan and junex are ready to compete in provincial meet because of their massive training with the help
of their coach Mr. Noel Muyco.

Mr. Muyco said “I Ivan Pimentel and Junex Pimentel are obedient because they follow all my command
and they are kind to their teammate, active to the training, attentive to all my order and they are both
hardworking person to cop the victory in the provincial meet”.

Ivan Pimentel is first timer provincial meet qualifier and Junex Pimentel is a second timer provincial
meet qualifier.

Ivan and Junex wants to enter in CLARAA that is their inspiration to get out all the pain when they are
put in the training.

Ivan and Junex sacrifice all their time and fortitude in training to attain victory they want when they are
young because” hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard” talent is useless without hard

“nothing is given. Everything is earned” spot in provincial meet is not easy to get only hardworking
person and deserve to earn on the spot.

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