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1) (D) The Mansabdars did not have the power of administering their Jagirs. 1

2) (C) 1

3) (B) Kunbis 1

4) (A) when there was Emergency in 1975-77. 1

5) (D) Delhi 1

6) (C) Creating awareness among the masses. 1

7) (C) Insolation 1

8) (A) A tsunami caused huge destruction in the Pacific Ocean on 26 December 2004. 1

9) (B) Temperate evergreen forests 1

10) Sulh-i Kul 1

11) Khalsa 1

12) Chitrakoot 1

13) Credit 1

14) Humid 1

15) Savanna 1

16) Because their great ancestor had captured Delhi in 1398. 1

17) Aurangzeb had depleted the military and financial resources of his empire by fighting a long war in the
Deccan. 1

18)Writing letters to the concerned minister, organizing a public protest, starting a signature campaign,
asking the government to rethink its programme, etc. (any 1) 1

19) This is due to poverty, social discrimination and the lack of good quality school facilities for these
communities. (any 1) 1

20)1. The upper most layer of the atmosphere is known as exosphere.

2. This layer has very thin air.

3. Light gases like helium and hydrogen float into the space from here. (any one) 1

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Answer the following for 3 marks questions:

21)1)Akbar's revenue minister, Todar Mal carried out a careful survey of crops yields, prices and areas
cultivated for a 10 year period , 1570-1580.

2) On the basis of this data, tax was fixed on each crop in cash. Each province was divided into revenue
circles with its own schedule of revenue rates for individual crops.

3) This revenue system was known as zabt. It was prevalent in those areas where Mughal administrators
could survey the land keep very careful accounts. (3 points) 3

22)1.Shah Jahan's audience halls were specially constructed to resemble a mosque.

2. The pedestal on which his throne was placed was frequently described as the qibla, the direction faced
by Muslims at prayer, since everybody faced that direction when court was in session.
3. The idea of the king as a representative of God on earth was suggested by these architectural features.
(3 points) 3

23)1.Very recently, the media drew our attention to alarming levels of pesticides in cola drinks.
2. They published reports that indicated the high level of pesticides and, thus, made us aware of the need
to regularly monitor these colas according to international quality and safety standards.
3. They did this despite the government's resistance by boldly declaring that colas were unsafe.
4.In covering this story, the media positively helped us focus on an issue that affects our lives and one that
we might not even have been aware of it had it not been for media reporting. (3 points) 3

24) 3
Hawker Shopkeeper
1. The hawkers are small traders who run their 1. The shop owners are big parties. They have
shop with little money. comparatively more money to spend on their

2. The hawker earns less with little profit margins. 2. The shop owner earns more with higher profit

3. The hawker does not have a permanent shop. 3. The shop owners have permanent shops.
He keeps changing/moving at intervals.

(3 points each)

25)1.When dams are built or forest areas declared sanctuaries for animals, thousands of people are
2. Whole villages are uprooted and people are forced to go and build new homes, start new lives
elsewhere. Most of these people are poor. In urban areas too, bastis in which poor people live are
often uprooted. Some of them are relocated to areas outside the city.
3. Their work as well as their children's schooling is severely disrupted because of the distance from the
outskirts of the city to these locations. 3

26) a. Permanent winds-The trade winds, westerlies and easterlies are the permanent winds. These blow
constantly throughout the year in a particular direction.
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b. Seasonal winds- These winds change their direction in different seasons. For example monsoons in

c. Local winds -These blow only during a particular period of the day or year in a small area. For example-
land and sea breeze. (Refer pg. no- 25) 3

27) 1.High tides help in navigation. They raise the water level close to the shores. This helps the ships to
arrive at the harbour more easily.
2. The high tides also help in fishing.
3. The rise and fall of water due to tides is being used to generate electricity in some places. 3

28)1.The thick forests occur in the regions near the equator and close to the tropics.
2. These regions are hot and receive heavy rainfall throughout the year.
3. The trees do no shed their leaves altogether, this is the reason they are called evergreen.
4. Hardwood trees like rosewood, ebony, and mahogany are common here. (Any 3 points) 3

Answer in detail

29)a. The kandariya Mahadeva temple dedicated to Shiva was constructed by the king Dhangadeva of the
Chandela dynasty. 1

b. An ornamented gateway led to an entrance, and the main hall (Mahamandapa) where dances were
- The image of the chief deity was kept in the main shrine (Garbhagriha).This was the place for ritual
worship where only the king, his immediate family and priests gathered. (2 points) 2

c. Constructing places of worship provided rulers with the chance to proclaim their close relationship with
God, especially important in an age of rapid political change.
-The temple was a miniature model of the world ruled by the king and his allies. As they worshipped their
deities together in the royal temples, it seemed as if they brought the just rule of the gods on earth. 2
(2 points)

30)1) During the 17th century the Sikhs got organized into a political community. This led to the regional
state building in Punjab.
2) GuruGobind Singh fought many battles against the Rajputs as well as Mughal rulers, both before and
after the institution of the Khalsa in 1699.
3) After the death of Guru Gobind Singh in 1708, the Khalsa revolted against the Mughal authorities under
the leadership of Banda Bahadur and declared their sovereign rule.
4) BandaBahadur was captured in 1715 and executed in 1716. In the 18th century, the Sikhs organized
themselves into a number of bands called Jathas and later on misls.
5) Their well-Knit organization enabled them to put up successful resistance to the Mughal governors first
and then to Ahmed Shah Abdali who had seized the rich province of the Punjab and the Sarkar of Sirhind
from the Mughals. (5 points) 5

31)1. The people in between the producer and the final consumer are the traders. The wholesale trader
first buys goods in large quantities.
2. For example, the vegetable wholesale trader will not buy a few kilos of vegetables, but will buy in large
lots of 25 to 100 kilos.
3. These will then be sold to other traders. In these markets, buying and selling takes place between

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4. It is through these links of traders that goods reach faraway places.

5. The trader who finally sells this to the consumer, is the retailer. This could be a trader in a weekly
market, a hawker in the neighbourhood or a shop in a shopping complex. 5

32) a) The Indian Constitution recognizes all Indians as equal before the law and states that no person can be
discriminated against because of their religion, sex, caste or whether they are rich or poor. 1
b) All adults in India have the equal right to vote during elections and this 'power over the ballot box' has
been used by people to elect or replace their representatives. 1

c)The increasing privatization of health services and the neglect of government hospitals have made it
difficult for most poor people to get good quality health care.(any 1) 1
d) Poverty and the lack of resources continue to be a key reason why so many people's lives in India are
highly unequal. 1

Examples- (Consider any ONE)

1. The man who sells juice does not have the resources to compete with all of the major companies who sell
branded drinks through expensive advertising.
2. Swapna does not have sufficient resources to grow cotton and, so, has to take a loan from the trader to
grow her crop. This forces her to sell her cotton at a lower price.
3. Melani, like the millions of domestic workers across the country, is forced to endure the insults and
hardship of working as a domestic help because she has no resources to set up something on her own.
33) Spring tide- During the full moon and new moon days, the sun, the moon, and the earth are in the
same line and the tides are highest. These tides are called spring tides.
Neap tides- When the moon is in its first and last quarter, the ocean waters get drawn in diagonally
opposite directions by the gravitational pull of Sun and earth resulting in low tides. These tides are called
neap tides.

34)1.The Growth of natural vegetation is very limited here. (5 points) [5]

2. Moses, lichens and very small shrubs are found here. It grows during the very short summer.
3. This vegetation is found in the polar areas of Europe, Asia, and North America.
4. The animals have thick fur and thick skin to protect themselves from the cold climatic conditions.
5. Seal, walruses, musk-oxen, Arctic owl, Polar bear and snow foxes are some of the animals found here.

35) India map (Refer The Mughal Empire & 18th century political formations map work done in class) [3]

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36) World map (Refer Water and Natural vegetation & wild life chapter map work done in class) [3]

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