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Now on, you will be able to trigger a weight gain in yourself by simply saying Gain

a number of pounds of fat or muscle, either/or, you can choose which, it can be any
amount you desire. As soon as you say those words, you will begin immediately
feeling your body increasing the amount of muscle or fat on your body until you
have added that much weight. That is simply what is going to happen from now on.
Every time you say Gain a number of pounds of fat or muscle, you will immediately
begin feeling your body changing. It will take a few minutes, maybe 5 or 10
minutes, your body will simply begin growing to the new size that you have chosen.
Growing larger and larger. You will feel, in the event that you have decided to
add fat, you will feel the folds of fat growing in your stomach, you will feel your
arms getting larger and your face expanding, depending on exactly how much fat you
add. You will get up to as large a size as you say, no matter how much weight you
add, you will simply blow up to that size. If it is an incredibly large amount,
you could end up not able to move at all, because that is simply what is going to
happen every time you say Gain, a number of pounds, of fat or muscle. If you say
muscle, then you will find yourself gaining that much muscle, adding that much
muscle to your body. As opposed to gaining fat, where you will just look huge and
chunky, you will instead find yourself growing in muscle mass. Your legs rippling,
the muscles of your arms rippling, growing stronger and stronger. You will look
like a bodybuilder, someone who has been working out, depending on exactly how much
muscle you add. The more muscle you add, the stronger and stronger you will look.
If you choose too much muscle, if you choose hundreds of pounds or more, you will
start looking almost like a cartoon character because you will have so much muscle,
you will have muscles on top of muscles. You will still be able to move, but you
will be so muscular, you will almost look freakish or like a cartoon character
because there will be that much muscle involved. That is simply the way it is and
the way it is going to be from now on, and whenever you say this trigger, you will
also be able to say Revert to Normal at the end and you will return to the way you
were. That is one of the two ways you can change your weight. The only way you
can return yourself to normal is by saying Revert to Normal. However, you can also
change your weight by masturbating. If you play with yourself, you will continue
gaining 3 pounds every time you either stroke your clit or pump your cock, every
single stroke will add three pounds to your body, either of muscle or fat. This
will only happen once you've already been triggered by adding either fat or muscle.
You cannot trigger it without having added some fat or some muscle, but as you play
with yourself, the amount of fat or muscle on your body will begin increasing,
there will be more and more of it every single stroke until you orgasm. Every
single stroke will make you larger and larger. Just as the trigger will make you
larger and larger over a period of five to ten minutes, playing with yourself will
make you larger and larger much, much faster. Since you will be getting fatter,
you will begin to feel like the clothes you are wearing will get tighter and
tighter, tighter and tighter, because your body is getting bigger and bigger,
stretching into your clothes, causing them to ripple, and stretch against your
skin, possibly causing them to rip away. It will just depend on how much weight
you add, so you may decide to add the weight while wearing as little clothing as
possible. That is entirely up to you. You may also trigger yourself to lose
weight. You can lose weight by saying Lose fifty pounds, hundred pounds, one
pound, of fat or muscle now. If you say those words, you will get smaller and
smaller. You will lose more and more weight of fat or muscle, until you are very
thin and skinny. You cannot go below a weight which would be impossible for you to
have. You cannot become a skinny stick figure, although you can become very very
close, getting to the point where you look like someone who has been starving
themselves, someone like Calista Flockhart, or somebody else who just has no real
bodyweight. That is how thin and skinny you will get. If you are a woman, you
will discover that if you make yourself skinnier and skinnier, that your breasts
will shrink as well if you make yourself too skinny, as you will lose fat from them
as well as other parts of your body, if you reduce the amount of fat. If you
reduce the amount of muscle, it will not affect anything. If you lose too much
muscle, you will find it very hard to stand up or to move around just because you
will simply be too weak. You can trigger yourself either way as many times as you
want, adding in stages as you would like, removing in stages as you would like, the
choice is entirely up to you. Masturbating will always add weight, it will never,
ever remove it. If you play with yourself, you will simply find yourself getting
bigger and bigger, growing either because of the amount of muscle you added last or
the amount of fat you added last, every single stroke making you larger and larger
than the one before, until you simply cannot move any longer. The growth will
stop, of course, once you orgasm, and you will add three pounds for every single
stroke until you do orgasm. That is simply the way it is and the way it is going
to be. You can trigger yourself to get smaller, even while you are masturbating,
if you wish to be smaller and masturbate at the same time. That is entirely up to
you, but playing with yourself will simply add mass, it will not remove it. That
is the way it is and the way it is going to be from now on. Doesn't matter what
you're doing, you will just simply find these things happening to you if you
trigger yourself to do these things. It isn't a choice, it isn't something that
you will be able to control once you trigger yourself. The gain will feel
completely, utterly real. If you add weight, you will get larger, heavier. It
will be harder to move. You will feel your flesh stretching out and getting
larger. You will feel the folds of fat being added to your body, if you choose to
add fat. If you choose to add muscle, you will feel the muscles begin to ripple
and grow. If you add both fat and muscle, then you will get even huger, even more
immense and enormous. That is simply the way it is and the way it is going to be.
If you masturbate, every single stroke will add three pounds of either fat or
muscle, depending on which you added last. If you choose, you can choose to lose
a number of pounds of either muscle or fat at which point in time, you will lose
all of that and you will shrink down, shrinking as much as you have chosen to. No
matter how many pounds you choose to lose, that is how much you will shrink, until
you are so thin or so free of muscle that you simply cannot move. That is how thin
you can get yourself, you can get yourself almost as thin as a stick figure, as
some of the starving people you've probably seen in various shows, the people where
you can practically see their bones poking through. That is how thin you can get
if you lose enough muscle, and enough fat. It is entirely up to you how much you
lose or add. You may trigger yourself whenever you want, however often you want,
and the change will only end when you say Revert to Normal. That is simply the way
it is and the way it is going to be from now on, and you will keep coming back to
this file as it sets this trigger in your mind, setting it deeper and deeper, every
single time you return to the file. Every single time you return to the file and
hear my words, it will take you deeper than it did the last time you listened. You
will return to this state, you will remember your trigger, and it will get a little
bit stronger every single time you listen, it will get stronger and stronger until
you simply cannot resist the triggers, until you cannot deny them in any shape, any
way, any form, at all, until the triggers are completely and utterly a part of you
that you simply cannot turn off. That is how it is going to be from now on. Each
and every time you listen to the file, the triggers will become stronger and
stronger. Remember, if you say Gain, then a number, then pounds of fat or muscle,
that is exactly hwo much fat or muscle that will be added to your body. It could
be any amount. You can make yourself as huge or enormous as you desire to be. You
may also remove as much weight as you desire by saying Lose, and a number, of
pounds, and either fat or muscle, at which point in time, the fat or muscle will
simply disappear again. The changes will take place over a period of five to ten
minutes, they will not be instant. You will feel yourself inflating with either
muscle or fat or deflating, losing muscle and fat over those five to ten minutes.
The time frame is entirely up to you, whatever you feel comfortable with. Then
once you've got to that weight, you change change it in any way, shape, or form, by
triggering yourself more, or masturbating, which will always add more, either fat
or muscle, depending on which you triggered yourself with last. That is simply the
way it is and the way it is going to be from now on. Whenever you say Revert to
Normal, all of the weight gain or weight loss will go away, and you will return to
your normal body.

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