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Operational evaluation of rotary drum vacuum

filters for brownstock washing using basic
filtration parameters

ABSTRACT: A calculation procedure was developed for a rotary drum vacuum filter used in brownstock
washing. In the model of a rotary drum vacuum filter, brownstock washing is split into a set of basic unit
operations. These operations are described, combining mass balance equations with constant-pressure
filtration equations. This set of equations is solved using the system/engineering methodology. The results
for a typical rotary drum vacuum filter are presented.
Application: A computer program using these calculations will facilitate the management of brownstock
washing operations.

rownstock washing is the pulping Several studies have dealt with the sci- phenomena could be introduced as sug-
B process operation in which the
organic and inorganic substances dis-
entific fundamentals of brownstock
washing [2–9]. The knowledge devel-
gested by Cullinan [7].
The RDVF process was split into a set
solved in the black liquor are removed oped in these examples has enabled engi- of basic unit operations, as proposed by
from the cellulose pulp. The pulp is neers to design improved filtering equip- Edwards [8]. Mass balances and specific
decontaminated of those substances, the ment. However, there have been very few RDVF equations were applied to these
valuable inorganic chemicals are recov- studies aimed at aiding process managers unit operations, providing a set of equa-
ered, and the organic material is burned in their daily routine. In Brazil, which is a tions that describe the entire RDVF
in the recovery steam boiler. major producer of pulp and paper, this operation.
Brownstock washing is one of the type of knowledge is essential to improv- We treated this set of equations by the
most important operations in the pulping ing operational efficiency, a requirement system/engineering analysis as proposed
process [1]. Efficient washing requires for maintaining competitiveness in this by Barton [10,11].The purpose was to set
accurate control of the amount of wash- market. the values of all variables available to the
ing fluid. Greater quantities of washing Our objective was to develop a practi- brownstock washing manager for per-
fluid result in cleaner pulp but lead to cal calculation procedure in the form of a forming the operational RDVF diagnostic.
higher steam consumption in the evapo- computer program. This program would Basic unit operations for RDVF
rator system. Lower quantities of washing Figure 1 is a diagram of the main streams
fluid result in lower energy consumption Unwashed Pulp Washed Pulp of an RDVF. The entering streams are
in the black liquor concentration but Washer unwashed pulp and wash liquor, and the
entail a greater expenditure of bleaching exiting streams are washed pulp and
chemicals. In short, efficient brownstock Black Liquor Wash Liquor black liquor.
washing contributes to greater energy 1. The main streams of a rotary drum Figure 2 illustrates the division of the
conservation, decreased water usage, and vacuum filter. RDVF process into six basic unit opera-
lower expenditure of chemicals. It also tions.The feed suspension (1) is diluted in
helps to limit the discharge of polluting furnish brownstock washing managers a mixing tank that feeds (2) the suspen-
effluents. with information complementary to that sion trough of the RDVF with pulp of a
A brownstock washing set uses a series available on the instrument panel and to specific consistency.
of filters through which the filtrate flows that obtained through chemical analysis. In the cake formation zone, the liquid
countercurrent to the brownstock being phase (5) is separated from the cake (4).
washed. The rotary drum vacuum filter In the washing zone, the washing fluid (7)
(RDVF) is one of the earliest filtering sys- METHODOLOGY
is sprayed over the cake, resulting in a
tems and is still in use in many pulping Overview
washed cake (6) and contaminated wash-
plants. In brief, a perforated drum rotates In early studies [7–9], the brownstock
washing operation was described using a ing fluid (8).
partially immersed in the pulp suspen-
mass balance approach to correlate In the cake dewatering zone, the
sion. Its surface is covered with a filter
medium, over which the cake is formed brownstock washing variables. Our study washed cake is dried into a dried cake (9).
by the effect of a vacuum applied within complements those earlier studies by The liquid removed (10) is drained into
the drum.A set of sprinklers disperse the including the variables and equations the sewage tank, where two of the other
washing fluid over the cake surface to that describe the macroscopic behavior streams (5 and 8) are also collected.At the
wash the pulp. The cake is finally dis- of the RDVF. In a subsequent step, micro- split, Stream 11 is divided into a recycling
charged when the vacuum is interrupted. scopic aspects related to mass transport stream (3) and an outlet stream (12).

Wash liquor Unit Operation Mass Balance Equation No.

Dilution tank
1 2 Cake 4 6 9 Cellulose pulp MP2 = (1-f1)MP1 (2)
Dilution Washing Dewatering
formation Water MP1WP1 + MW3 = MP2WP2XS2 (3)
Solids MP1WP1XS1 + MW3XS3 = MP2WP2XS2 (4)
3 5 8 10
11 Sewage Cake formation zone
tank Cellulose pulp MP4 = (1-f2)MP2 (5)
Water MP2WP2 = MP4WP4 + MW5 (6)
2. Basic unit operations for the rotary drum vacuum filter. Solids MP2WP2XS2 = MP4WP4XS4 + MW5XS5 (7)
Washing zone
Basic equations Cellulose pulp MP6 = (1-f3)MP4 (8)
Each stream, identified by index i in Fig. 2, can be characterized Water MP4WP4 + MW7 = MP6WP6MW8 (9)
by the following parameters: Solids MP4WP4XS4 + MW7XS7 = MP6WP6XS6 + MW8XS8 (10)
Cake drying zone
• Mass flow rate of pulp, MPi Cellulose pulp MP9 = (1-f4)MP6 (11)
• Mass flow rate of water, MWi Water MP6WP6 = MP9WP9 + MW10 (12)
• Consistency of the brownstock, SSPi Solids MP6WP6XS6 = MP9WP9XS9 + MW10XS10 (13)
• Ratio between the mass of water and the mass of pulp, WPi Sewage tank
• Ratio between the mass of (pulp free) soluble solids and Water MW5 + MW8 + MW10 = MW11 (14)
the mass of water, XSi. Solids MW5XS5 + MW8XS8 + MW10XS10 = MW11XS11 (15)
WPi, SSPi, and XSi are related by Eq. 1: Split
1 − S SPi Water MW3 + MW12 = MW11 (16)
WPi = Solids MW3XS3 + MW12XS12 = MW11 (17)
[S SPi (1 + X Si )− X Si ] (1)
I. Mass balances for rotary drum vacuum filter.
Table I shows the mass balances for each of the basic unit
operations in steady-state flow. The low limit for YL is YLi, presuming that there is a perfect
Table II shows the parametric equations for the cake forma- mixture between the washing fluid and the brownstock liquor.
tion zone of the RDVF operating under constant pressure [12]. Therefore, the perfect mixture model is XS6 = XS8, and Eq. 35
Table III lists the equations for the washing zone [12]. In the becomes Eq. 36:
calculation of washing time, the conditions of the fluid flow are MW 8
YLi =
assumed to be the same as those at the end of the cake forma- M P 6WP 6 + M W 8 (36)
tion.This means that the cake structure is unaffected when the
washing fluid displaces the liquid originally inside the cake. The upper limit for YL is YLS, presuming that there is plug
Washing efficiency flow of the washing fluid and total displacement of the brown-
The performance of the washing system is usually described by stock liquor. So, XS6 = XS7, and Eq. 35 becomes Eq. 37:
the dilution factor DF and the displacement ratio DR [13,14]: M P 6WP 6 X S 7
YLs = 1 −
⎛M ⎞ M P 4WP 4 X S 4 + M W 7 X S 7 (37)
DF = ⎜⎜ W 7 ⎟⎟ − WP 9
⎝ M P2 ⎠ (31) In conclusion, it is possible to combine these two limit con-
ditions to express the washing efficiency YL with a parameter
⎛ X − X S9 ⎞ xF, where 0 ≤ xF ≤ 1 as Eq. 38:
DR = ⎜⎜ S 2 ⎟⎟
⎝ X S2 − X S7 ⎠ (32)
YL = YLsxf + (1 − xf )YLi (38)
In addition,the concept of overall washing system efficiency, Y,
expresses the fraction of dissolved solids removed in the system: where xF = 0 indicates the perfect mixture model and xF = 1
indicates the plug flow model.This concept will be used in the
M W 12 X S 12 − M W 7 X S 7 calculation procedure.
M P1WP1 X S 1 (33) Norden proposed the parameter of the Norden efficiency
factor to evaluate the washing system performance [13]. For the
The local washing efficiency, YL, expresses the fraction of “black box” composed of all of the unit operations evaluated in
dissolved solids removed in the washing zone: this study, Norden efficiency, E, is expressed as:
M P 4WP 4 X S 4 + M W 7 X S 7 − M P 6WP 6 X S 6
YL = ⎛ W ⎛ X − X S 12 ⎞ ⎞
M P 4WP 4 X S 4 + M W 7 X S 7 log⎜⎜ P1 ⎜⎜ S 1 ⎟⎟
WP 9 ⎝ X S 9 − X S 7 ⎟⎠ ⎟⎠
E= ⎝
Using Eq. 10 in Eq. 34 allows YL to be expressed as ⎛ MW 7 ⎞
log⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
MW 8 X S8 ⎝ M P 9WP 9 ⎠ (39)
YL =
M P 6WP 6 X S 6 + M W 8 X S 8 (35)



Operational Conditions
(18) (25) Dilution factor, DF
Fiber consistency at system inlet, SSP1
Fiber consistency at system outlet, SSP9
(19) (26) Solids at system inlet, XS1
Solids at washing fluid inlet, XS7
Angular velocity of the filter’s drum, ω
(20) (27) Cake Formation Zone
Cake humidity, FWS
Pressure drop, ΔPC
(21) Filter media resistance, RMF
Fiber consistency in the suspension
trough, SSP2
Specific cake resistance, α
(29) Filtrate viscosity in Stream 5, μ5
Filtrate density in Stream 5, ρ5
(23) Washing Zone
Fluid density in Stream 8, ρ8
(24) In the RDVF, the washing area AL is different RDVF Geometry
from cake formation area AF, requiring that Filtration area, AF
Eqs. 22 and 23 connect cake formation zone
parameters with mass balances variables. Eq.
the coefficients KCL and KMFL be adjusted for Filtration sector angle, θF
24 connects WP4 with the ratio of wet cake this in Eqs. 28 and 29. Eq. 30 connects the
Washing sector angle, θL
mass to dry cake mass (FWS). washing time and washing fluid volume with
mass balance variables. Local Washing Efficiency
II. Equations for the cake formation xF factor
III. Equations for the washing zone.
IV. Subcategories for the five major
Fourth, the quantity of solids (MW5XS5
where E = ∞ corresponds to the plug and MW8XS8) in Streams 5 and 8 is consid- categories.
flow model applied to the black box, and ered negligible when compared with the
E = 1 corresponds to the perfect mixture WP4 = FWS − 1 (51)
amount of water (MW5 and MW8).
model applied to the black box. Therefore, Eqs. 22 and 30 can be simpli- Finally, the specific cake resistance (α)
Note that RD, Y, and E are parameters fied to Eq. 42 and 43: is assumed to be determined experimen-
defined for the overall system and that YL
V tally by the Leaf Test Procedure [15].
and xF are defined for the washing unit M W 5 = ρ5 F For compressible cellulose pulp cakes,
only. tF (42)
this value could be estimated for several
Assumptions of the calculation filtering pressures using the equation
procedure M W 8 = ρ8 proposed by Reynol [16]:
A number of assumptions were made in tL (43)
this version of the calculation procedure. α = 7.76•105 ΔPC0.77 (52)
Fifth, the following equalities hold:
First, we assume there is no loss of cel-
lulose pulp in the basic RDVF unit oper- XS4 = XS2 (44) SYSTEM/ENGINEERING
ations.Therefore, the fraction of pulp lost ANALYSIS
in each case is equal to zero, or f1 = f2 = XS5 = XS2 (45) The set of equations can be managed
f3 = f4 = 0. using the system/engineering analysis
Second, the pressure drop in the
XS9 = XS6 (46) method [10,11] to obtain the desired cal-
washing zone (ΔPL) is assumed to be the XS10 = XS6 culation procedure. The procedure is
same as that in the cake formation zone (47) obtained through the following steps.
(ΔPF): XS11 = XS3 1. Determine the degrees of freedom.
Number of variables at the set of equa-
ΔPL = ΔPF (40) tions = 61. Number of independent equa-
XS12 = XS3 (49)
Third, the amount of solids in Stream tions = 43. Degrees of freedom = 61 – 43
Sixth, since the value of XSi is very = 18 (design variables).
4 (MP4WP4XS4) is considered negligible
small in comparison to the value of WPi, 2. Select the design variables. These
when compared with the amount of cel-
Eqs. 1 and 24 can be simplified to Eq. 50 18 variables were chosen by the follow-
lulose pulp (MP4). Therefore, Eq. 23 can
and 51: ing major categories: operational condi-
be simplified to Eq. 41:
1 − SSPi tions, cake formation zone, washing
S SP 2 ρ 5 VF W Pi = zone, RDVF geometry, and local washing
M P4 = S SPi (50)
(1− S SP 2 FWS ) t F (41) efficiency. Subcategories are listed in
Table IV.



The other 43 state variables are calculated by solving

Step Eq. Calc. Comments
the nonlinear algebraic system composed of the 43
1 21 tF —
equations presented.
2 25 tL —
3. Construct the structural array. One line is used for
3 19 KC —
each equation, and one column is used for each variable.
4 20 KMF —
An “X” in a variable column indicates that the variable
5 26 AL —
belongs to that equation.
6 28 KCL take KC
4. Construct of the precedence diagram. From the
7 29 KMFL take KMF
structural array, equations are chosen for calculating spe-
8 40 ΔPL —
cific variables.A block is drawn around the equation num-
9 18 VF take KC, KMF, tF
ber. Arrows pointing to the block represent the variables
10 27 VL take KCL, KMFL, tL, ΔPL, VF
that must be supplied to calculate the chosen variable,
11 41 MP4 take VF, tF
which is represented by an arrow exiting the block.
12 2 MP2 take MP4
The line for the equation is removed from the structural
13 5 MP1 take MP2
array, together with the column for the variable.
14 8 MP6 take MP4
This step is repeated until the remaining structural
15 11 MP9 take MP6
array has been removed.The result is a diagram connect-
16 42 MW5 take VF, tF
ing all variables. It would be practically impossible to
17 43 MW8 take VL, tL
solve the system directly using only the input data for the
18 50 WP1 i=1
18 design variables.
19 50 WP2 i=2
5. Identify the recycles. Recycles within the prece-
20 50 WP9 i=9
dence diagram are identified, and the variables whose ini-
21 51 WP4 MP2
tial values must be assumed in order to solve the system
22 31 MW7 take MP2, WP9
are selected.
23 9 WP6 take MP4, WP4, MW7, MP6, MW8
6. Calculate values. All values are calculated, and the
24 12 MW10 take MP6, WP6, MP9, WP9
assumed values are checked for agreement with the
25 14 MW11 take MW5, MW8, MW10
results of the calculation. If the calculated values are not
26 3 MW3 take MP1, WP1, MP2, WP2
equal to the assumed values, the convergence subroutine
27 16 MW12 take MW11, MW3
is used to generate new initial values until the entire sys-
28 — XS4 assumed initial value
tem converges.
29 — XS8 assumed initial value
Calculation procedure. Performing these steps results
30 — — start of the calculation loop for XS8
in the calculation procedure shown in Table V.
31 — — start of the calculation loop for XS4
32 36 YLi take MP6, WP6, MW8
33 37 YLs take MP4, WP4, XS4, MP6, WP6, MW7
34 38 YL take YLi, YLs
The results of a sample calculation procedure for condi-
35 34 XS6 take MP4, WP4, XS4, MP6, WP6, MW7, YL
tions typical of industrial brownstock washing indicated a
36 46 XS9 take XS6
fiber production of 0.13 kg/(s•m²).This outcome is simi-
37 47 XS10 take XS6
lar to the results obtained by Kukreja [17], considering
38 10 XS4C take MP4, WP4, MP6, WP6, XS6, MW7, MW8, XS8
the different conditions of rotation, pressure, and the
39 — XS4 take XS4 assumed value and XS4C anda
compressibility of the cake.
40 44 XS2 take XS4
41 45 XS5 take XS2 DISCUSSION
42 4 XS3 take MP1, WP1, MP2, WP2, XS2, MW3 Figure 3 shows the correlation, for typical DF values,
43 48 XS11 take XS3 between the traditional DR parameter and the xF parame-
44 49 XS12 take XS3 ter proposed in this study.The plug flow model is evalu-
45 15 XS8C take MW5, XS5, MW8, MW10, XS10, MW11, XS11 ated under ideal washing conditions (DF ≥ 1), so xF = 1,
46 — XS8 take XS8 assumed value and XS8C andb and DR = 1. However, because of the heterogeneity of the
47 32 RD take XS2, XS9 fiber bed under typical operational conditions, plug flow
48 33 Y take MP1, WP1, MW7, MW12, XS12 may never occur. Therefore, efficient washing requires a
49 39 E take MP9, WP2, XS2, MW7, XS9 volume of washing liquid much higher than the ideal, and
the practical dilution factor may range from 2 to 4.
Using the convergence subroutine for the new value of XS4, repeat Step 31 until Figure 4 illustrates the relationship between Norden E
convergence is attained. After the first convergence calculation, the assumed
value at Step 28 is no longer used. bUsing the convergence subroutine for the
(usually thought to evaluate washing system perform-
new value of XS8, repeat Step 30 until convergence is attained. After the first con- ance) and the xF factor at various DF values.The Norden
vergence calculation, the assumed value at step 29 is no longer used. E value increases in parallel with the xF factor. For the
plug flow model, xF = 1, and E → ∞. For the perfect mix-
V. Calculation procedure. ture model, taking into consideration the washing unit
only, xF = 0 and E = 1.39.




100 0.5


DF = 2 DF = 2
0.9 DF = 3 DF = 3
DF = 4 0.4
0.8 DF = 4
DF = 5 DF = 5
0.7 DF = 6 DF = 6 0.3
0.6 DF = 2
0.5 DF = 3
DF = 4
0.4 DF = 5
DF = 6
0.3 1 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
3. Displacement ratio in relation to 4. Norden efficiency in relation to the 5. Washing losses in relation to the
the washing mechanism parameter at washing mechanism parameter at dif- washing mechanism parameter at dif-
different dilution factors. ferent dilution factors. ferent dilution factors.
E is defined for the entire system, and microscopic aspects of mass transport
xF is defined for the washing unit alone. 0.006
phenomena in the washing operation
For this reason, E does not take on the constitute an important topic for future 0.005
value of 1 for the perfect mixture model study. 0.004
when applied only to the washing unit. This study was aimed at developing a

As Fig. 5 shows, the loss in washing practical calculation procedure in the
DF = 2
(1 – Y) is related strongly to the xF factor. form of a computer program that could 0.002 DF = 3
At xF = 1, washing system efficiency is be a useful tool in the management of DF = 4
high but limited by the concentration of 0.001 DF = 5
the brownstock washing operation. DF = 6
washing liquid used. In our case, XS7 = We plan to present a detailed application 0
1 2 4 6 9
0.0005. For the perfect mixture model of this calculation procedure in the near INDEX I
(xF = 0), washing system efficiency is future. TJ
lower and depends on the DF. 6. Ratio between the mass of soluble
Figure 6 presents the concentration solids and the mass of water in the
of solids (XSi) in the pulp stream in the suspension (XSi), by dilution factor,
The authors would like to thank the
different steps of the system, assuming xF for the pulp stream for the system
Brazilian Conselho Nacional de
= 0.7, XS1 = 0.005, and XS7 = 0.0005. depicted in Fig. 2. (The index I corre-
Desenvolvimento Científico e
The results illustrate that the dilution
Tecnológico (CNPq, Council for sponds to the stream number.)
unit is as important as the washing unit
Scientific and Technological
in determining the system efficiency. 4. Kukreja, V.K., Ray, A.K., and Singh,
Development) for partially funding this
study (Grant No. 131359/03-7). We are V.P., Indian J. Chem. Tech. 5(3):
CONCLUSIONS also grateful to the staff of Papel Ripasa 276(1998).
A calculation procedure is presented for 5. Hagen, N., and Berg, J.E., Tappi J.
S.A. for their assistance with the RDVF 72(6): 93(1989).
rotary drum vacuum filters used in data.
brownstock washing. The RDVF opera- 6. Kovasin, K., Norden, H.V., and
tion is split into basic steps that repre- Ahonen, L., Filtration & Separation
LITERATURE CITED 25(1): 42(1988).
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in isolation, independent of the other et al., “Evaluation of filtration rates 11. Barton, P.I., “Modeling and analy-
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12. Svarovsky, L., Solid–Liquid E = Norden efficiency WPi = ratio between mass of water and
Separation, 3rd edn., Butterworth, fi = fraction of pulp lost mass of pulp in the suspension,
Elsevier, New York, 1990. FWS = ratio between wet cake mass and kg/kg
13. Gullichsen, J., and Paulapuro, H. dry cake mass, kg/kg Y = overall washing system efficiency
(Ed.), Papermaking Science and KC = characteristic coefficient of the YL = local washing efficiency
Technology, Fapet Oy, Jyäskylä,
filtration zone, N•s/m8 YLi = lower limit of local washing effi-
2000, 1 CD-ROM.
14. Casey, J.P., “Brownstock washing,” KCL = characteristic coefficient of the ciency
in Pulp and Paper Chemistry and washing zone, N•s/m8 YLS = upper limit of local washing effi-
Chemical Technology, Wiley KMF = characteristic coefficient of filter ciency
Interscience, New York, 1980, p. media in the filtration zone, α = average specific cake resistance,
443. N•s/m5 m/kg
15. Perry,R.H., and Green, D.W., KMFL = characteristic coefficient of filter µ5 = filtrate viscosity in Stream 5,
Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ media in the washing zone, kg/(m•s)
Handbook, 7th edn., McGraw-Hill, N•s/m5 ω = RDVF angular velocity, radians/s
1997. MPi = mass flow rate of pulp, kg/s ρ5 = filtrate density in Stream 5, kg/m3
16. Reynol, A.S., Jr., “Estudo da
MWi = mass flow rate of water, kg/s ρ8 = filtrate density in Stream 8, kg/m3
Lavagem da Polpa Marrom do
Processo Sulfato: Mecanismos da ΔPC = pressure drop of cake, Pa ρ10 = filtrate density in Stream 10,
Filtração e Balanços de Massa,” ΔPF = pressure drop of filtering zone, Pa kg/m3
M.S. dissertation, Escola ΔPL = pressure drop of washing zone, Pa θF = filtration zone angle, radians
Politécnica, Universidade de São RMF = Filter medium resistance, m-1 θL = washing zone angle, radians
Paulo, São Paulo, 2005. SSP = consistency of the brownstock,
17. Kukreja, V.K., Ray, A.K., Singh, V.P., kg/kg This paper was originally published in
et al., Indian Chem. Engr., Section tF = filtration time, s P o r t u g u e s e i n O Papel , A p r i l , 2 0 0 5 .
A 37(3): 113(1995). tL = washing time, s This edited version is published through
vF = filtrate volume collected during a cooperative agreement between
NOMENCLATURE filtration time, m3 ABTCP /O Papel a n d T A P P I / TAPPI
AF = filtration zone area, m2 vL = washing liquid volume collected JOURNAL .
AL = washing zone area, m2 during washing time, m3
CSP = concentration of solids in suspen- xF = washing parameter This paper is also published on TAPPI’s
sion, kg/m3 XSi = ratio between mass of soluble web site <> and
DF = dilution factor, kg/kg solids and mass of water in the summarized in the March Solutions! for
DR = displacement ratio suspension, kg/kg People, Processes and Paper magazine
(Vol. 89 No. 3).

INSIGHTS FROM THE AUTHORS dilution unit is as important as the washing unit with
Several studies have been published that deal with the regard to system efficiency.
scientific fundamentals of brownstock washing. Our next step is to present a detailed application of
However, there have been very few studies on this calculation procedure in terms of a parametric
brownstock washing that are aimed at aiding process analysis of the rotary drum vacuum filter.
managers in their daily routines.
In early studies the brownstock washing operation Pacheco and de Paiva are with the Chemical Engineering Dept.
was described using a mass balance approach to of Escola Politécnica at São Paulo University, Travessa 3 nº 380,
correlate the variables. Our research complements Caixa Postal 61548 – CEP 05424-970, São Paulo, Brazil. Reynol is
those earlier studies by including the variables and with Air Products Brazil in the Global Application Development
equations that describe the macroscopic behavior of Dept. Email Pacheco at, de Paiva at
the rotary drum vacuum filter and the xF parameter that, and Reynol at
defines the efficiency of the washing operation.
In addition, the equations are solved in our study by the
system/engineering analysis methodology.
We discovered that the washing parameter xF is
useful in defining the efficiency of the washing
operation. It was correlated to the commonly used
parameters of dilution factor, displacement ratio, and
Norden efficiency. An interesting point is that the Pacheco de Paiva Reynol


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