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Sl. No Ultimate Environmental Planning Reviewer No. 3 Answer Correct

A central business district usually has a
a. High daytime population
b. Large concentration of office and retail activities
c. Large daily inflow and outflow of commuters
C Correct
d. All of the above

It isa universal humain activity that consists of making choices among options that appear to be
open to the future.
a.Scheduling b. Designing c. Planning d, None of the above f. the above

A Planning process that involves a single project and predominantly physical in-nature.
3 a. Site Planning b. Urban Planning c. Urban & Regional Plaflning d. Urban Design

Urban developm nt tends to occur along major transportation routes regions

a. Population tends to concentrate where transportation routes regions
4 b. Transportation facilities tend to service areas where there Is population
c. Both A and B

5. Is a technical and political process concerned with the U5e of land, protection and u:>e of the
environment .­public welfare, and the design of the urban environment, incll!ding air, water, and
the infrastructure passing into cind out of llrban areas such as tra_nsportation, communications,
and distribution_.
a. Site Planning b. Urban Planning c. Urban & Regional Planning d. Urban Design

Is the process by which communities attempt to control and/or design change and devedopment in
thair physical environments. Its also known as town planning, cit/ planning, community planning,
6 land use planning, and physical environment planning
a. Site Planning b. Urban Planning c. Urban & Regional Planning d. Urban Design

Luneta And Baquio was design by.

7 a. Daniel Burnham b:.Feliciano Palafox c. Harry T. Frost d. Louis Croft

It is used to refer to massive urban concentrations created from strong physical linkages between
three or more large cities.
a. Global Cify b. Great City c. Primate City d, None of the above

The author of the book "The Citjes of Tomorrow"

9 a: Le Corbusier b. Sir Edward Lutyen c.Baron Hausmann d. Frank Lloyd Wright

The concept of Broadarces where every family must have one acre of land holding was introduce
by ?
a. Le Corbusier b. Sir Edward Lutyens c. Baron Hausmann d. Frank Uoyd Wright

Neighborhood Unit is defined as the Physical Environment wherein social, cultural, educational, and
commercial are within easy ream of each other.And this concept was introduce by.
a. Clarence Perry b. Ciarence Stein c. Clarence Perry and Clarence Stein d. None of the Above

The Plaza Complex being implemented during Spanish colonialization of Philippines was in
accordance with what law
a. Treaty of Paris b.Laws of the lndles c.Laws of King Of Spain d .None of the Above

Date where Manila was deciared as first chartered dty of the Philippines by the Americans. a.
July 13, 1930 b. July 31, 1930 c. July 31, 1902 d. July 13, 1903

A place oriented approach to regional analysis that can be used to supplement sectoral and
technical planning as well as people-oriented approaches to social services.
a. Approaches to.Planning
14 b. Comprehensiv.e Land Use Planning
c. Site Planning
d. Civil engineering and Architectural design

An approach based on the argument that urban growth centers, event market towns and intermed
te size cities are parasitic, that they allow town base elites, large corporations and central
government agencies to exploit the rural population and to drain rural areas of the!r resources.
a. Decentralized Territorial Approach
b. Growth Pole Concept
c. Site Pianning
d. Urban Renewal
A spatial development concept that suggest that by in"'esting heavily in capital intensives industries
in the largest urban centers, government in developing countri s can stimulate economic growth that
will Spread outward to gene.rate regionai development the economies of scale found in the largest
a. Growth Pole Concept
b. Neo Classicism
c. Gentrification
d. Sprawl

A type of ecozone that's nearby ports of entry, such as seaports and airports. Imported goods may
be unloaded, repacked, sorted a d manipulated without being subjected to import duties.
a. Tourism and Commercial
17 b. Export processing Zone
c. Freeport Zones
d. None of the-Above

Ian.Bentley's Responsive Environments describe ________ as designing the massing of the

buildings and the enclosure of public space.
a. Permeability b. egibility c. robustness d. personalization

Ian Bentley's Responsive Environments describe _________ as making the design encourage
people to put their own mark on the places where they live and work.
a. Permeability b. egibility c. robustness d. personalization

An urban form and function that characterize by a large circle with radial corridors of intense
development emanating from the center
a. star b. radio-centric c. rectilinear d. ring

An urban form and function that characterize by a city built around a large open space
21 a. star b. radio-centric c. rectilinear d. ring

An urban form and function that characterize by a series of nearly equal sized cities in close
a. star b. constellation c. satellite d. ring

An urbain form and function that characterize by a constellation of cities around a main center a:
star b. constellation c. satellite d: ring

The propo.rtions-be!Ween !he built-ai"ea and th_e lot area_

24 a. Floor Area Ratio b. Plot Ratio c. a & b d. Floor Space Index

Established by dividing the area of the total floor-space of the buildings on any by the site- area,
including half the area of any roads adjoining it
a. Floor Area Ratio b. Plot Ratio c. a & b d. Floor Space Index

Defined as the legal regulation of the use of land. Also allocating types of uses based on growth
a . Land Use Planning and Zoning b. Cluster Zoning c.
Incentive Zoning d. Zoning

Creating special zoning policies and regulations for medium to large siz d contrclled developments
27 a. Land Use Planning and Zoning b.Cluster Zoning c. lncerrtive Zoning d. Zoning

Protecting the environment from urban growth by restricting development in certain areas,
especially in sensitive areas sych as wetlands, coastal areas, and mountain environments
28 a . Environmental Impact Statement b. Environmental Preservation
c. Urban Renewal d. Adaptive Reuse

Converting old, usually historic buildings, sections of, or entire district, to new uses other than their
original purpose
29 a. Environmental Impact Statement b.Environmental Preservation
c. Urban Renewal d. Adaptive Reuse

A general term to describe the idea of consciously renewing the outworn areas of towns and cities;
covers most aspects of renewal, including oth redevelopment and rehabilitation.
30 a. Environmental Impact Statement b. Environl)lental Preservatlon.
c. Urban Renewal d. Adaptive Reuse

A type of urban ecological process defined as the entrance of a new population and I or facilities in
an already occupied area.
31 a. Rehabilitation b. Invasion c. Centralization d.

The adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or
their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities.
a. Adjustment b. Adaptation c. Climate Change d. None of the Above
He initially developed the concept of "growth pole of regions"
33 a. Christaller b. Perroux c. Lennoix d. Howard

A change in climate that can' be identified by changes in the mean and/or variability of its properties
and that persists for an extended period typically decades or longer, whether due to natural
34 variability or as a result of human activity.
a. Climate Change b. Global Warming c. Climate Warming d, None of the Above

One of the following consists of an area of land, which is generally developed based on a
comprehensive plan, allocated factory buildings either sold or leased for manufacturing purposes
a. Industrial estate
35 b. Integrated area development
c. lndustria I subdivision
d. Commercial/industrial estate

In many metro-politan centers in the developing world, the largest component of urban population
growth is
36 b. In-migration
c. Increase in t irit rial
d. None of the above

Metro Manila is considered a primate city because

a. It is the largest urban center of 'he country
b. It contains the country's primary central business district
c. It has a very large population compared to all other urban centers of the country
d. It is a metropolitan center

The factors for analyzing traditional location theory are:

a. The costs of marketing and advertising
38 b. Labor wages
c. The cost of transporting raw materials to the factory and ftnished goods to the market
d. A:t of tni: above

This strategy refers to a situation where an industry through the flow of goods and income timulates
that development and growth of the industries that are technicaliy related to it, and determines the
prosperity of the tertiary sector or stimulates an increase of the regional income
a. Growth pole
b. Industrial polarization
c. Industrial decentralization
d. lndustrial location

Kevin Lynch stresses

a. A conceptual system focusing on urban form
b. A communications theory approach to urban growth
40 c. Accessibility concepts and t;rban structure
d. Urban spatial structure in the framework of equilibrium theory (an economic model ofspatial

Which of the following is not a suggested member of a full blown institutional development sectoral
41 b) Religious Groups
c) Good Governance Advocates
d) Other interested groups and individuals
e) LDC Rep. Brgy.

Which of the following statements is not part of preparing a comprehensive development plan?
a) Formulation of sectoral goals, objectives and targets.
b) Prioritization of sectoral programs, projects and activities
c) Preparation of the local development investment program
d) Identification of new legislation needed to carry out the sectoral plans.
e) Preparation of institutional staffing requirements.

Which of the following statements is false?

a) A CLUP and ZO are deemed compliant when it covers the entire territorial jurisdiction of the
LGU, including its waters.
b) A CDP is deemed non-compliant if it includes all the development sectors – social,
43 economic, environment, and institutional.
c) The entire CDP preparation is estimated to take at least four months and 2 weeks, assuming that
the planning process is targeted to also yield a CLUP.
d) A vision is stated in the form of an infinitive
e) A vision is a desired state or scenario of the LGU and its people.
In setting the vision of LGU, a good vision statement should posses the following characteristics
except one?
a) Achievable
44 b) Thoughtful
c) Inspiring
d) Easily Understood
e) Distinctive

Which of the following is not a descriptor for a local economy vision element?
a) Competitive
b) Self-reliant
c) Diversified
d) Environment friendly
e) Balanced

A contractual arrangement whereby the public sector contract out the building of an infrastructure
facility to a private entity such that the contractor build the facility on a turn-key basis, assuming cost
overrun, delay and specified performance risks. a. Build,
46 transfer and operate
b. Build own and operate
c. Build and transfer
d. Build, operate and transfer
Those persons who may be significantly affected by the project or undertaking are called
a. Indigenous people
47 b. Stakeholders
c. Squatters
d. Proponent
Which of these projects requires an EIS?
a. Gold courses and residential subdivisions above 10 hectares
48 b. Drugstores and backyard piggery
c. Projects under Kalakalan 20
d. All of the above

It embodies what the local government intends to do to create a favorable climate for private
investments through a combination of policies and public investments to enable business and
industry to flourish.
a) Social development plan
b) Economic development plan
c) Institutional development plan
d) Environmental development plan
e) Infrastructure development plan

How many sections does a sectoral development plan have?

a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7
e) 8

The planning tool that analyzes success indicators of how much or to what extent are these desired
future states are already attained.
a) Problem Solutions Matrix
51 b) Goals Achievement Matrix
c) Vision Reality Gap Analysis
d) Overlay
e) Visioning

The translation of an organization‟s vision into more concrete and measurable terms. Simply
clearer, they are the end toward which design or action tends.
a) Sectoral Goal
52 b) Goals
c) Objectives
d) Targets
e) Strategies

Which of the following is not a suggested source of development goals?

a) Universal concept of public interest
b) General welfare goals
c) Regional Physical Framework Plans
d) Local Chief Executive
e) Local Communities

Type of regulatory measure that gives encouragement or rewards for acts that are socially desirable
and that help promote the general welfare.
a) Zoning Ordinance
54 b) Positive Regulation
c) Services
d) Programs
e) Projects

Which of the following does not define a program?

a) A cluster of projects
b) 3 to 6 year time frame
c) Comprises the operational components of a long term plan
d) A cluster of activities
e) Specific but complex effort
The planning tool that is essentially a listing of the LGUs social and political goals, weighed
according to the local administration‟s priorities and commitments.
a) Problem Solutions Matrix
56 b) Goals Achievement Matrix
c) Vision Reality Gap Analysis
d) Overlay
e) Visioning
How long is the process to prepare an Executive – Legislative Agenda?
a) 1 to 4 months
57 b) 4 to 6 months
c) 3 to 6 months
d) 2 to 5 months
It is a continuous process of data collection and analysis to check whether a project running
according to plan and to make adjustments if required.
a) Monitoring
58 b) Evaluation
c) Advocacy
d) Learning
e) Research

  _______________ aims to address a general problem situation of a municipality/city as derived

from the situation analysis.
a. objectives
b. sub-goal
c. Goals
d. activities
e. all of the above
f. none of the above

 ____________________ a logically consistent set of individual actions, combined to create a

comprehensive plan or policy response.
a. Strategy
b. Activities
c. Goals
d. Objectives
e. All of the above
f. None of the above

APP in RA 9184 stands for

a. Annual Procurement Plan
b. Annual Project Plan
c. Annual Physical Plan
d. Annual Plans and Programs
e. None of the above

Under the IRR of RA 9184, what is one of the evaluation procedures may be used for Consulting
a. Direct Contracting
62 b. Quality-Cost Based
c. Shopping
d. Repeat Order
e. Limited Source Bidding

The Umbrella Organization of Consultants recognized by the GPPB.


Recognized as „father of landscape architecture,‟ he also began the „Parks and Conservation
Movement‟ in the United States which advanced the idea that city parks and greenways can
structure urban space, stimulate mixed uses, dampen class conflict, heighten family and religious
values and serve as aid to social reform.
a. Frederic Law Olmstead Sr
b. John Muir
c. Glifford Pinchot
d. George Perkins Marsh

He proposed the „neighborhood unit‟ (1929) as a self-contained „garden suburb‟ bounded by major
streets, with shops at intersections and a school in the middle; its size would be defined by school‟s
catchment area with a radius of quarter mile or 402 meters. This incorporated Garden City ideas
and attempted at some kind of social engineering.
a. Clarence Perry
b. Clarence Stein
c. Clarence Thomas
d. Clarence Mckay

If „World Heritage Day‟ is marked each year on April 18, „World Biodiversity Day‟ is observed on
May 22,
„World Ocean Day‟ on June 8, when is the „World Water Day‟ celebrated?
66 a. January 19
b. March 22
c. June 12
d. October 26
Which of the following is not part of the technical component of comprehensive development
a) Local planning development office
67 b) Local special bodies
c) Civil Society Organizations
d) Local Finance Committee
e) All of the above

Which of the following statements is true about CDP?

I. The comprehensive development plan is the people‟s plan.
II. The comprehensive development plan is implemented through a local zoning ordinance.
III. The comprehensive development plan is delegated to the local development councils
IV. The comprehensive development plan is implemented through the local development
68 implementation plan.
a) I and II
b) I and III
c) III and IV
d) III only
e) None of the above

After two (2) failed biddings, the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) may be adjusted up to
what percentage of the ABC for the last failed bidding.
a. 5%
69 b. 10%
c. 15%
d. 20%
e. 25%

Consultancy Contracts shall be awarded to the bidder with the :

a. Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bid
b. Highest Rated and Responsive Bid
c. Highest Responsive Technical Proposal
d. Lowest Responsive Financial Proposal
e. None of the above

Advertisement of Request for Expression of Interest shall not be required for the
procurement of Consulting Services with duration of :
a. Four months or less
71 b. Five months or less
c. Six months or less
d. Seven months or less
e. All of the above

What is the allowable amount of Advance Payment or Mobilization Fee for Consulting Services?
a. 5%
b. 10%
c. 15%
d. Any of the above
e. None of the above

Under the IRR of RA 9184, foreign consultants may be hired even when Filipino consultants have
the expertise to render the services.
a. Yes
73 b. No
c. No such provision
d. Not applicable
e. None of the above

Which of the following is part of the “Class A” documents for Consulting Services.
a. DTI Registration
b. Mayor‟s Permit
c. Audited Financial Statement
d. Computation of the Net Financial Contracting Capacity
e. All of the above are part of the Class “A” documents
The number of shortlisted firms shall consist of:
a. 3 to 5 Consultants
b. 5 to 7 Consultants
c. 3 to 7 Consultants
d. 4 to 6 Consultants
e. None of the above

Pursuant to the revised IRR of the RA 9184, posting of the Advertisement of the Invitation to bid in
the newspaper of general nationwide circulation is required for the procurement with the following
a. Above PhP3M for goods; Above PhP2M for consulting services and Above PhP5M for
infrastructure projects
b. Above PhP1M for goods; Above PhP1M for consulting services and Above PhP3M for
76 infrastructure projects
c. Above PhP2M for goods; Above PhP1M for consulting services and Above PhP5M for
infrastructure projects
d. Above PhP3M for goods; Above PhP2M for consulting services and Above PhP5M for
infrastructure projects
e. At least PhP2M for goods; At least PhP1M for consulting services and At least PhP5M for
infrastructure projects
Which of the following are examples of the modes of negotiated procurement:
a. Limited Source Bidding, Emergency Cases and Small Value Procurement
b. Lease of Venue, Small Value Procurement and Agency-to-Agency
c. Limited Source Bidding, Direct Contracting and Shopping
d. Repeat Order, Direct Contracting and Agency-to-Agency
e. None of the above
The purpose of post-qualification is to determine:
a. Highest calculated and responsive bid
b. Lowest calculated and responsive bid
c. Middle calculated and responsive bid
d. Highest rated bid
e. Lowest rated bid

The Notice of Award is approved/signed by ______ before issuing to the winning bidder by the:
a. Bids and Awards Committee
b. Head of Procuring Entity
c. End-user
d. BAC – Technical Working Group
e. BAC Secretariat

An activity aimed to become ready with the advertisement or posting of bid opportunities is .
a. Pre-procurement conference
b. Advertisement
c. Pre-bid conference
d. Post-qualification
e. None of the above

Who should not be allowed to attend during the Pre-Procurement Conference?

a. End-user
b. Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) members
c. BAC – Technical Working Group
d. Bidders
e. BAC Secretariat
“Refers to activities connected with the management and development of land, as well as
the preservation, conservation and management of the human environment.”
a. RA 9729
b. RA 10587
c. PD 1308
d. PD 1096

Which of the following are some transitions in modern planning (after)?

I. Bottom-up
II. Integrated
III. Process-Oriented
IV. Open Participation
a. I, II
b. II, IV
c. I, II, IV
d. I, II, III
e. None of the Above

“Whatever it takes to kill the cat.”

a. Socrates
b. Daniel Burnham
c. Peter Calthorpe
d. Niccolo Machiavelli
e. Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris

The output of the first stage activities in the preparation of a development plan. It consists of an
overall growth pattern, strategy, sectoral policies and population and employment target and
a. Project
b. Concept Plan
c. Program
d. Goals
e. Objectives

It is a self-contained unit of investment aimed at developing resources and facilities within a limited
area within a given time period. It deals with goods and services significant to the accomplishment
of national, regional and local development plans.
a. Project
b. Concept Plan
c. Program
d. Goals
e. Objectives

It is a broad, long-term ends towards which a collectivity should aim; always related to
community/group situation or organizational structure.
a. Project
87 b. Concept Plan
c. Program
d. Goals
e. Objectives
It is a major school of thought in planning wherein [planning] is a State function that aims to create
purposive change by directing human behavior through a combination of persuasive and coercive
a. Planning as Social Physics
b. Critical or Radical Planning
c. Planning as Social Engineering
d. Systems Theory of Planning
e. Planning and Social Darwinism

“Plan is determined through politics; Planner acts as mediator to determine common interest.”
a. George Chadwick
b. Norbert Weiner
c. Peter Calthorpe
d. Charles Lindbloom
e. Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris
Activist/Advocacy Planning
a. Daniel Burnham
b. Paul Davidoff
c. Peter Calthorpe
d. Charles Lindbloom
e. Sir Patrick Geddes

A sphere of citizen groups, civic institutions, civic values; facilitates political and social interaction by
mobilizing groups to participate in economic, social, political activities
a. People Power
91 b. Revolution
c. Forum
d. Civil Society
e. Academe

“Urban and Regional Planning refers to the scientific, orderly, and aesthetic disposition of land,
buildings, resources, facilities and communication routes, in use and in development, with a view to
obviating congestion and securing the maximum practicable degree of economy, efficiency,
convenience, sound environment, beauty, health and well-being in urban and rural communities"
92 a. Board of Environmental Planning
b. Philippine Institute of Environmental Planners
c. American Institute of Certified Planners
d. Canadian Institute of Planners
e. Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

“URP is the unified development of urban communities and their environs and of states, regions,
and the nation as a whole, as expressed through determination of the comprehensive arrangement
of land uses and land occupancy and their regulation.”
a. Board of Environmental Planning
b. Philippine Institute of Environmental Planners
c. American Institute of Certified Planners
d. Canadian Institute of Planners
e. American Planning Association

Which of the following is an example of a medium-term plan?

a. CLUP of San Mateo, Rizal
94 b. Philippine Development Plan
c. Local Development Investment Plan
d. Resort Masterplan
Under what Article of the 1987 Philippine Constitution stipulates that the protection and
advancement of the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the
rhythm and harmony of nature
a. Article I b. Article II c. Article III d. Article IV e. Article V
The topography of the forest land not allowed for pasture purposes, as stipulated in Revised
Forestry Code
a. 50% slope and above b. 18% and above c. 50% and below
d. 50% and below e. None of the Above
This plan may include proposals for the redevelopment of old and declining sections of the locality
opening up new settlement areas or development of new growth centers in conformity with the
chosen spatial strategy.
a) Institutional development plan
b) Comprehensive development plan
c) Infrastructure development plan
d) Social development plan
e) Economic development plan

It embodies programs for maintaining cleanliness of air, water, and land resources and rehabilitating
or preserving the quality of natural resources to enable them to support the requirements of
economic development and ecological balance across generations.
a) Social development plan
b) Economic development plan
c) Institutional development plan
d) Environmental development plan
e) Infrastructure development plan
Executive Order No. 26 series of 2011 required the planting of _________ million trees
a. 1.0
b. 1.5
99 c. 2.0
e. 3.0
It is the classification and administration of all designated protected areas to maintain essential
ecological processes and life-support systems, to preserve genetic diversity, to ensure sustainable
use of resources found therein, and to maintain their natural conditions to the greatest extent
a. Protected Area b. National Park c. NIPAS d. Natural Park
e. Strict Nature Reserve
The counterpart of Geddes in the University States is Lewis Mumford. Hiss treatise is entitled:
􀀀 a. Culture and Cities
􀀀 b. Cities and Culture
􀀀 c. The Cities of Culture
􀀀 d. The Culture of Cities
􀀀 e. The Culture of the Cities
The advocates of the systems view planning does not include one of the following:
􀀀 a. G. Wilson
􀀀 b. George Chadwick
􀀀 c. J.B. McLoughlin
􀀀 d. Stuart Chapin
􀀀 e. Andreas faludi

What does reviews Comprehensive Land Use Plans (CLUPs) of component cities and
􀀀 a. RLUC
103 􀀀 b. PLUC
􀀀 c. HLURB
􀀀 d. None of the above
􀀀 e. All of the above

What body ratifies CLUPs of highly urbanized cities?

􀀀 a. RLUC
􀀀 b. PLUC
􀀀 c. HLURB
􀀀 d. None of the above
􀀀 e. All of the above
What body reviews CLUPs of independent component cities?
􀀀 a. RLUC
􀀀 b. PLUC
􀀀 c. HLURB
􀀀 d. None of the above
􀀀 e. All of the above
What Body ratifies CLUPs of Metro Manila Cities and Municipalities?
􀀀 a. RLUC
􀀀 b. PLUC
􀀀 c. HLURB
􀀀 d. None of the above
􀀀 e. All of the above
What body reviews CLUPs of provinces?
􀀀 a. RLUC
􀀀 b. PLUC
􀀀 c. HLURB
􀀀 d. None of the above
􀀀 e. All of the above
A comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) must meet the following criteria:
􀀀 a. Technical feasibility
􀀀 b. Socio-economical and financial possibility
􀀀 c. Political viability
􀀀 d. Administrative operability
􀀀 e. All of the above

Choose the relevant criteria for he best strategic option

􀀀 a. Sustainability
􀀀 b. Feasibility
109 􀀀 c. Desirability
􀀀 d. Critical and urgent
􀀀 e. None of the above
􀀀 f. All of the above

What are the techniques relevant to land use planning?

􀀀 a. Sieve Mapping
􀀀 b. Area Ecological Profiling
110 􀀀 c. Land Use Accounting
􀀀 d. Critical and urgent
􀀀 e. None of the above
􀀀 f. All of the above
What technique is useful for determining strategies?
􀀀 a. Situational analysis
􀀀 b. SWOT analysis
111 􀀀 c. Land use survey
􀀀 d. Critical and urgent
􀀀 e. None of the above
􀀀 f. All of the above
What are the legal basis for the state’s regulation of land use?
􀀀 a. Police power
112 􀀀 b. laws against nuisance and pollution
􀀀 c. The policy that property has social function
􀀀 d. The rule that a person must not do wrong to another person
What kind of project requires an environmental compliance certificate?
􀀀 a. Environmentally critical projects
113 􀀀 b. Projects in environmentally critical areas
􀀀 c. a and b
􀀀 d. All projects
Where can we find the highest level policy statements on environmental protection?
114 􀀀 a. Constitution
􀀀 b. PD 1151
What projects require an environmental impact statement (EIS)
􀀀 a. Environmentally critical projects
􀀀 b. Projects in environmentally critical areas
􀀀 c. Gold courses, major roads and bridges, infrastructure
􀀀 d. All of the above
􀀀 e. None of the above

What law lays down the mandates and functions of the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board?
􀀀 a. EO 949
116 􀀀 b. EO 90
􀀀 c. PD 933
􀀀 d. PD 957

A local legal measure which embodies regulations affecting land use is:
􀀀 a. Comprehensive Land Use Plan
117 􀀀 b. Zoning Ordinance
􀀀 c. Cadastral Survey
􀀀 d. tax Declaration

A special locational clearance which grants a property owner relief from certain provisions of the
zoning ordinance where, because of the particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical
conditions of the property, compliance with height, area, bulk, setback and/or density would result in
particular hardship upon the owner is called:
􀀀 a. Certified of Non-Conformance
􀀀 b. Exception
􀀀 c. Variance
􀀀 d. None of the above

A device which grants a property owner relief from certain provisions of a Zoning ordinance where,
because of the specific use would result n a particular hardship to the owner.
􀀀 a. Variance
􀀀 b. Certificate of Non- Conformance
􀀀 c. Exception
􀀀 d. Development

This refers to all barangays or portion/s of which comprise the poblacion and other built-up areas
including the urbanizable land in and adjacent to said areas and whereat least 50% of the
population area engaged in non-agricultural activities:
120 􀀀 a. Central business district
􀀀 b. Urban area
􀀀 c. City center
􀀀 d. Suburban area

The process of arranging activities and plans among different interest or planning groups for the
purpose of systemizing, harmonizing and facilitating operations is called:
􀀀 a. Public hearing
􀀀 b. Consultation
􀀀 c. Coordination
􀀀 d. Scooping
The process of obtaining technical advice or opinion which may not be followed is called.
􀀀 a. Consultation
122 􀀀 b. Coordination
􀀀 c. Public hearing
􀀀 d. Citizen participation
This document is a series of written statements accompanied by maps,
illustrations and diagrams which describes what the community wants to
become and how it wants to develop. It is essentially composed of community goals, objectives,
policies, programs and physical development plan which translates the various sectoral plan:
􀀀 a. Land Use Plan
􀀀 b. Action Plan
􀀀 c. Strategic Plan
􀀀 d. Development Plan

The agency that implements the laws, rules and regulations that support policies of Government
with regard to optimizing the use of land as a resource is:
􀀀 a. NEDA
􀀀 b. DAR
􀀀 c. HLURB
􀀀 d. DPWH
What is zoning?
􀀀 a. It is the designation of species areas of a community as functional and uses of land may be
allowed or regulated on accordance with the development plan.
􀀀 b. It is a tool to implement the development plan
􀀀 c. It is a means of redistributing land acquisition and disposition
􀀀 d. None of the above
What are the tools for plan implementation?
􀀀 a. Zoning ordinance, taxation and eminent domain
126 􀀀 b. Zoning, subdivision and building ordinance
􀀀 c. Zoning ordinance, local investment
􀀀 d. Urban land reform
What higher level plans guides Local Government Units (LGUs) in preparing their own
comprehensive land use plans (CLUPs)?
􀀀 a. National Physical Framework Plans and Medium-Term Development Plans
127 􀀀 b. Regional Physical Framework Plans and Regional Development Plans
􀀀 c. Provincial Physical Framework and Provincial Development Plans
􀀀 d. All of the above
􀀀 e. None of the above

What is the highest planning body at the regional level?

􀀀 a. NEDA
􀀀 b. The Regional Development Council
􀀀 c. HLURB
􀀀 d. None of the above
􀀀 e. All of the above
The law requiring LGUs to prepare their comprehensive, multi-sectoral development plains initiated
by their development councils and approved by their Sanggunian is:
􀀀 a. PD 399
􀀀 b. Executive Order No.72
􀀀 c. RA 7160
􀀀 c. PD 1517
The new law regulating the practice of environmental planning is:
􀀀 a. RA 10587
130 􀀀 b. PD 1517
􀀀 c. PD 957
􀀀 d. None of the above
The law proclaiming certain areas and types of projects as environmentally critical and within the
scope of the EIS system:
􀀀 a. PD 1586
􀀀 b. Proclamation No. 2146
􀀀 c. PD 1152
􀀀 d. DAO 96-37
Reclassification of the land highly in urbanized areas, after conducting public hearings for the
purpose, shall be limited to:
􀀀 a. 10%
􀀀 b. 15%
􀀀 c. 20%
􀀀 d. 25%
Under the Local Government Code, reclassification of agricultural land in component cities and to
first to third class municipalities shall be limited to:
􀀀 a. 10%
􀀀 b. 15%
􀀀 c. 20%
􀀀 d. 5%
The enforcement of PD 1308 as well as the monitoring and inspection of educational institutions
offering courses in environment planning is the responsibility of the :
􀀀 a. Commission on Higher Education
􀀀 b. Philippine Institute of Environmental Planners
􀀀 c. Board of Environmental Planning
􀀀 d. School of Urban and Regional Planning
A consulting firm, partnership, company, corporation, or association may engage on the practice of
environmental planning in the Philippines, provided that:
􀀀 a. At least 75% of the entire membership of the Board of the entity shall be registered
environmental planners
􀀀 b. At least 70% of the total capitalization of the entity is owned by registered environmental
􀀀 c. At least 70% of the entire membership of the Board is composed of ENPs and 75% of the
capitalization is owned by them
􀀀 d. At least 75% of the entire membership and 75% of the capitalization is owned by registered
environmental planners

Ancestral domains refer to areas that:

􀀀 a. Belong to ICCs/iPPs compromising lands. Inland waters, coastal areas and natural resources
􀀀 b. Bare within protected areas which have actually been occupied by communities for 5 years
before the designation of the same as protected areas in accordance with the NIPAS Act.
􀀀 c. Are set aside to allow the way of life of societies living in harmony with the environment adapt
to modern technology at their pace
􀀀 d. Are extensive and relatively isolated and uninhabited, are normally with difficult access.

This law provides for the establishment and management of National Integrated Protection Areas
􀀀 a. RA 8371
􀀀 b. RA 7586
􀀀 c. RA 7279
􀀀 d. None of the above

RA 8435 or the Agriculture and Fishery Modernization Act (AFMA) of 1997 strives to provide full
and adequate support to the sustainable development of a highlt modernized agriculture and fishery
industry in the Philippines. Under AFMA, one of the following has been d-prioritized
138 􀀀 a. Identification and establishment of model farm
􀀀 b. On-farm production enhancement technologies
􀀀 c. Small-scale irrigation systems
􀀀 d. Research, development and training facilities

Along with the Network of Protected Areas for Agriculture and Agro-Industrial Development
(NPAAAD), it provides the physical basis for the proper planning of sustainable agriculture and
fishery development and in the identification of suitable crops, livestock for local and international
markets without creating irreversible environmental and human health problems.
􀀀 a. The watershed areas
􀀀 b. Comprehensive Land Use Plan
􀀀 c. Integrated Area Development
􀀀 d. Strategic Agriculture and Fishery Development Zone

Land use conversion is limited by reclassification ceiling under various legal issuances, e.g. Local
Government Code. Under the AFMA, only 5% of the SAFDZ areas may be converted to other uses,
while the LGC limits to:
140 􀀀 a. 15% of total arable lands on chartered cities and 1st class Municipalities
􀀀 b. 10% of total arable lands in any town
􀀀 c. 5% of total arable land in any city
􀀀 d. All of the above

The 1987 Constitution seeks to classify all lands in the public domain onti four categories. Name pf
the one that is not among four
􀀀 a. Agricultural land
141 􀀀 b. Mineral land
􀀀 c. National park
􀀀 d. Ancestral domain
􀀀 e. Forest land

Based on the principle of devolution of powers to local government units, the National Government
transfers these funds to LGUs for their administrative, public order and safety operations
􀀀 a. International Revenue Allotments
􀀀 b. Budgetary Allocation
􀀀 c. Local Development Allotment
􀀀 d. LGU Budgetary Allotment

As provided for in the Water Code and the HLURB zoning guidelines, the required easement in
urban areas from the banks of rivers/streams, seas and lakes is:
􀀀 a. 3 meters
􀀀 b. 20 meters
􀀀 c. 40 meters
􀀀 d. 100 meters
Variances and exemptions from the land use plan/zoning map are secured from the:
􀀀 a. Zoning Administrator/Officer
144 􀀀 b. Municipal Mayor
􀀀 c. Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator (MPDC)
􀀀 d. Local Zoning Board of Adjustments and Appeals (LZBAA)
A kind of ad-hoc zoning that allows a small piece of land to deviate from the approved zone of the
area for certain reason is called:
􀀀 a. Spot zoning
􀀀 b. Flexible zoning
􀀀 c. Euclidean zoning
􀀀 d. large lot zoning
Any amendment to the provisions of the zoning ordinance for component cities and municipalities
can only take effect approval and authentication by the:
􀀀 a. Sangguniang Panlalawigan
􀀀 b. HLURB
􀀀 c. Local Zoning Review Committee
􀀀 d. local Zoning Board of Adjustment and Appeals (LZBAA)
Alarm over increasing world population may be traced to Thomas Malthus’ theory that states
􀀀 a. Population grows geometrically while food supply grows arithmetically
147 􀀀 b. Population grows arithmetically while food supply grows geometrically
􀀀 c. Population and food grows geometrically
􀀀 d. Population and food grows arithmetically
Many industries want to locate near urban cities because they want to be
􀀀 a. Close to large market
148 􀀀 b. Close to a major transportation hub
􀀀 c. Avail of urban services and facilities
􀀀 d. All of the above

In general, an Economic Base ration or Economic Base Multiplier expressed in terms of

employment indicates:
􀀀 a. A total number of jobs created in a region as a result of a number of jobs created in an industry
􀀀 b. The total number of jobs created in a region as a result of number of jobs created in the entire
149 country
􀀀 c. The total number of jobs created in a region as a result of a number of jobs created in the
entire region
􀀀 d. The total number of jobs created in a set of industries as a result of a number of jobs created in
an industry.

Traditional location theory analyzes the location of industries by considering

􀀀 a. The cost of marketing and advertising
150 􀀀 b. labor wages
􀀀 c. the cost of transporting raw materials to the factory and finished goods to the market
􀀀 d. The costs of transporting consumers to market centers
Urban population growth in developing countries is unprecented because
􀀀 a. There are more urban areas in the developing world than in industrialized countries
􀀀 b. Urban population growth in developing countries is based on agriculture
151 􀀀 c. The population of large urban centers in developing countries is becoming much larger than
those of industrialized countries
􀀀 d. Large urban centers in developing countries account for a larger share of the total population
than in industrialized countries

In many metropolitan centers in the developing world, the largest component of urban growth
population is
􀀀 a. Birth
􀀀 b. In-migration
􀀀 c. Increased territorial jurisdiction
􀀀 d. None of the above
In the Philippines, the total urban population is expected to become
􀀀 a. Larger than the total rural population
153 􀀀 b. Equal and will stabilized at the level of the rural population
􀀀 c. Maintain its ratio with rural population
􀀀 d. Decline until it equals rural population
Historically, in contrast to Thomas Malthus theory
􀀀 a. Population has grown faster than food supply
154 􀀀 b. Population has grown slower than food supply
􀀀 c. Population and food supply have grown at approximately the same pace
􀀀 d. Population and food supply have not grown
Metro Manila is considered a primate city because
􀀀 a. It is the largest urban city of the country
155 􀀀 b. It contains the country’s primary central business district
􀀀 c. It has a very large population compared to all the urban centers of the country
􀀀 d. It is a metropolitan center
Population growth is usually measured as a function of
􀀀 a. The number of deaths, birth and fertility
156 􀀀 b. The number of deaths, births, and out-migrants
􀀀 c. The number of deaths, births and in-migrants
􀀀 d. the number of deaths, births and net migrants
In central business districts, the highest land values are usually the areas where
􀀀 a. Zoning is for commercial land use
157 􀀀 b. Density is highest
􀀀 c. Both A and B
􀀀 d. None of the above
A Lorenz Curve can give a graphical indications of how
􀀀 a. An industry’s output has grown in a region
158 􀀀 b. An industry’s forward and backward linkages have expanded in a region
􀀀 c. An industry is distributed in a region
􀀀 d. An industry’s exports compares with its imports in a region
If the location quotient in a region is high, it suggests that
􀀀 a. The distribution of the industry in the region is very concentrated
􀀀 b. The distribution of the industry in the region is dispersed
􀀀 c. The distribution of the industry in the region does not deviate much from the distribution of
other industries
􀀀 d. the region has a larger share of the industry relative to other regions
The Export Base theory argues that
􀀀 a. The economic growth of a region is dependent on the growth of its export sector
􀀀 b. Regional exports should not exceed regional imports
􀀀 c. The ratio between regional exports and regional imports is the basis for determining economic
􀀀 d. Regional exports should equal regional imports
An urban area becomes a central business district because this is an area where
161 􀀀 a. Infrastructure is most concentrated
􀀀 b. Economic
_________ initially developed the concept of “growth pole” of regions
􀀀 a. Christaller
162 􀀀 b. Perroux
􀀀 c. Lennoix
􀀀 d. Howard
What is the main foundation of the theory of growth pole of regions?
􀀀 a. Concept of leading industries
163 􀀀 b. Concept of polarization
􀀀 c. Concept of spread effects
􀀀 d. All of the above
What does the concept of leading industries mean in the growth pole theory?
􀀀 a. Manufacturing sector
164 􀀀 b. Propulsive industries
􀀀 c. Comparative sector
􀀀 d. Agricultural sector
What is the LQ ratio that would indicate an export or basic activity in a region?
􀀀 a. LQ>1
165 􀀀 b. LQ=1
􀀀 c LQ<1
􀀀 d. LQ=0
In economic base studies, economic activities are generally classified into three (3) activities,
􀀀 a. Basic, non-basic, retail
􀀀 b. Basic, non-basic, mixed
􀀀 c. Basic, intermediate, retail
􀀀 d. Basic, sectoral, ntermediate
The most frequently used unit of measure for computing the LQ of an economy is
􀀀 a. Basic, non-basic, retail
167 􀀀 b. Basic, non-basic, mixed
􀀀 c. Basic, intermediate, retail
􀀀 d. Basic, sectoral, intermediate
The most frequently used unit of measure for computing the LQ of an economy is
􀀀 a. Employment
168 􀀀 b. Income
􀀀 c. Sales
􀀀 d. Production
______ is a set of accounts, usually in monetary from, prepared for an economy and widely used in
the analysis of inter-industry relationships.
􀀀 a. Regional accounts matrix
􀀀 b. Input-output table
􀀀 c. Economic base table
􀀀 d. Location quotient ratio

A tool of analysis developed as an effective way of choosing between alternative planning options
by ensuring the optimum allocation of available resources and maximum welfare to the community
􀀀 a. Cost-benefit analysis
􀀀 b. Linear programming
􀀀 c. Shift-share analysis
􀀀 d. Sensitivity analysis

The portion of the feasibility study (FS) that determines the project’s net contribution to the national
economy and social welfare is
􀀀 a. Economic study
􀀀 b. Demand analysis
􀀀 c. Financial analysis
􀀀 d. Technical evaluation
The standard distance of a commercial activity from an education center should be
􀀀 a. 15 minutes by public transport
172 􀀀 b. 15 minutes by private transport
􀀀 c. 30 minutes minimum travel time by public transport
􀀀 d. 60 minutes travel time by public transport
represents the earning power of money invested in the project
􀀀 a. Internal rate of return
173 􀀀 b. Net present value
􀀀 c. Annuity
􀀀 d. Discounting
The process of finding the present value of future amount is called
􀀀 a. Discounting
174 􀀀 b. Acid test
􀀀 c. Payback
􀀀 d. Return of investment
The best measure of the project’s economic worthiness and its adaptation as a basis for project
acceptability is
􀀀 a. Net present value
􀀀 b. Discounted rate
􀀀 c. EIRR
􀀀 d. FIRR
The hurdle rated used by NEDA is
􀀀 a. 15%
176 􀀀 b. 18%
􀀀 c. 12%
􀀀 d. 20%
Patterned after the Batem/Johore/Singapore growth triangle, another growth triangle in Southeast
Asia is being considered which involves
􀀀 a. Mindanao/Sulawesi/Sabah-Sarawak
􀀀 b. Mindanao/Sarawak/Borneo
􀀀 c. Zaboanga/Sulawesi/Sabah
􀀀 d. Zamboanga/Sabah/Sarawak

This concept refers to the necessary combination of agricultural, industrial and institutional activities
in ways that are mutually reinforcing- fostering of small regional towns which are attractive enough
with regards to services, housing
and cultural/social amenities to stabilized the population and industries closely tied to agricultural
178 production
􀀀 a. Integrated area development
􀀀 b. Agro-industrial development
􀀀 c. Regional development
􀀀 d. Rural development

Based on the principle of devolution of powers to local government units, the National Government
transfers these funds to LGUs for their administrative, public order and safety operations
􀀀 a. Internal Revenue Allotments (IRA)
􀀀 b. Budgetary Allocations (BA)
􀀀 c. Local Development Allotments (LDA)
􀀀 d. LGU Budgetary Allotments (LBA)

An urban area which has the following characteristics: It has a strong linkage with economy; it is the
center of the labor market; it is a major wholesale and retail trade area; it has a high level of tertiary
functions; has a good urban system; and has a population less that 250,000 is called
180 􀀀 a. Growth center
􀀀 b. Metropolitan area
􀀀 c. Major urban area
􀀀 d. Minor urban area

A ratio that measures output per worker is called

􀀀 a. Labor intensity
181 􀀀 b. Labor productivity
􀀀 c. Efficiency
􀀀 d. Minor urban area
A measure that indicates the intensity of the factors of production is known as
􀀀 a. Capital-labor ratio
182 􀀀 b. Return of investment
􀀀 c. Net cash flow
􀀀 d. Capital efficiency

This concept refers to a situation where an industry through the flow of goods and incomes
stimulates the development and growth of the industries, that are technically related to it, and
determines the prosperity of the tertiary sector or stimulates an increase of the regional income
183 􀀀 a. Growth pole
􀀀 b. Industrial polarization
􀀀 c. Industrial decentralization
􀀀 d. Industrial location
Complementing industrial estates, these area are being established in order to accelerate
industrialization in the regions through small ad medium enterprises and people’s industrial
184 􀀀 a. Regional industrial centers
􀀀 b. Core industries center
􀀀 c. Industrial corridors
􀀀 d. Industrial diffusion
This strategy aims to promote greater complementarity between agriculture and industry and
between urban and rural sectors
185 􀀀 a. Countryside agro-industrial development
􀀀 b. National council for integrated area development
􀀀 c. Nationwide agro-industrial area development
Specific physical planning standards followed in the design and construction of industrial estates on
the Philippines are generally based on
􀀀 a. National Building Code
􀀀 b. Architectural Graphic Standards
􀀀 c. Physical Planning Code
􀀀 d. BP 344
These are free ports where export trade is the exclusive activity
􀀀 a. Free trade zones
187 􀀀 b. Free trade areas
􀀀 c. Industrial estates
􀀀 d. Export processing zones
The rate used to discount the future streams of estimated costs and benefits is known as
􀀀 a. Social discount rate
188 􀀀 b. Inflation rate
􀀀 c. Financial rate of return
􀀀 d. Economic internal rate of return
Urban development tends to occur along major transportation routes because
􀀀 a. Population tends to concentrate where transportation is available
189 􀀀 b. Transportation facilities tend to services areas where there is a population concentration
􀀀 c. Both A and B
􀀀 d. None of the above
Land use changes in large and development cities is largely a function of
􀀀 a. Government and land use and zoning policies
190 􀀀 b. Existing and expected land values
􀀀 c. Demand for housing
􀀀 d. Foreign investments
The most efficient type of hierarchy of settlements is one wherein
􀀀 a. There is no single, dominant urban center
191 􀀀 b. All settlements are equal in size
􀀀 c. All settlements are distributed equally in space
􀀀 d. None of the above
Often, a hierarchy of settlements is characterized by the presence of
􀀀 a. A few large cities, some medium-sized cities, and many small settlements
192 􀀀 b. Only medium-sized and small settlements
􀀀 c. Equally-sized large cities in every region
􀀀 d. Only one large city and many smell settlements
The larger the population of a city, the more likely its economy allows for
􀀀 a. More specialization
193 􀀀 b. Increased self-sufficiency
􀀀 c. Environmental protection
􀀀 d. Higher demand for indigenous products
As a region urbanizes and expand economically, the dominant economic activities become those
from the
􀀀 a. Mining and other extractive activities
􀀀 b. Manufacturing sector
􀀀 c. Services sector
􀀀 d. None of the above

One of the following consists of an area pf land. Which is generally developed based on a
comprehensive plan, allocated for factory buildings either sold or leased for manufacturing purposes
􀀀 a. Industrial estate
􀀀 b. Integrated area development
􀀀 c. Industrial subdivision
􀀀 d. Commercial/industrial estate

This type of industrial estate intends to advance, improve or increase the level of industrial activity
in the area, particularly lagging regions
􀀀 a. Developmental
􀀀 b. Promotional
􀀀 c. Relocational
􀀀 d. Private
This type of industrial estate refers to those established for developing new industries
􀀀 a. Promotional
197 􀀀 b. Developmental
􀀀 c. Relocational
􀀀 d. Private
This type of industrial estate is one where the functions of one type of industry are subdivided into
smaller specialized units to provide parts or components to the main industrial manufacturing unit
􀀀 a. Ancillary
􀀀 b. Composite
􀀀 c. Specialized
􀀀 d. Promotional

This type of industrial estate is usually large and built for heavy industry
􀀀 a. Coastal
199 􀀀 b. Rural
􀀀 c. Specialized
􀀀 d. Inland
This type of industrial estate is generally built for assembly and processing types of industries
􀀀 a. Inland
200 􀀀 b. Coastal
􀀀 c. Specialized
􀀀 d. Rural
The first estate in the country which became operational in 1972, was the
􀀀 a. Bataan IE
201 􀀀 b. Dasmariñas IE
􀀀 c. Mactan IE
􀀀 d. Sapang Palay IE
Industrial density refers to
􀀀 a. Number of manufacturing employees per gross industrially used hectarage
202 􀀀 b. Number of manufacturing employees per net industrially used hectarage
􀀀 c. Number of industries per gross land hectarage
􀀀 d. Number of industries per net land hectrage
The slope range that is prescribed as production land use is
􀀀 a. 0-18%
203 􀀀 b. Above 50%
􀀀 c. 16-50%
􀀀 d. 0-8%
The elevation reserved for protection land use is
􀀀 a. Above 500
204 􀀀 b. Above 100
􀀀 c. Above 2,000
􀀀 d. Above 1,000 mtrs.
Under the 1998 Evolutionary Soil Classification System, the classification level depicted in the
Bureau of Soils and Water Management is the
􀀀 a. Soil order
􀀀 b. Soil type
􀀀 c. Soil great group
􀀀 d. Soil series

A Philippine climatic type characterized by rainfall evenly distributed throughout the years refers to:
􀀀 a. Type III
206 􀀀 b. Type II
􀀀 c. Type IV
􀀀 d. Type I

The Philippine forest type that is adapted to growing in steep slopes and in places with a distinct
wet and dry season is the
􀀀 a. Pine/saleng
􀀀 b. Diptrocarp
􀀀 c. Molave/molawin
􀀀 d. Mangrove
The aw requiring LGUs to prepare their comprehensive, multi-sectoral development plan initiated by
their development councils and approved by their Sanggunians is:
􀀀 a. PD 399
􀀀 b. Executive Order No. 72
􀀀 c. RA 7160
􀀀 d. PD 1517
The law regulating the practice of environmental planning is
􀀀 a. PD 1308
209 􀀀 b. PD 1517
􀀀 c. PD 957
􀀀 d. None of the above
The Law proclaiming of land certain areas and types of projects as environmentally critical and
within the scope of the EIS system
􀀀 a. PD 1586
􀀀 b. Proclamation No. 2146
􀀀 c. PD 1152
􀀀 c. DAO 96-37
Reclassification of land in highly urbanized areas, after conducting public hearing for the purpose,
shall be limited to
􀀀 a. 10%
􀀀 b. 15%
􀀀 c. 20%
􀀀 d. 25%
A local legal measure which embodies regulations affecting the land use is
􀀀 a. Comprehensive Land Use Plan
212 􀀀 b. Zoning Ordinance
􀀀 c. Cadastral Survey
􀀀 d. tax Declaration

A special locational clearance which grants a property owners relief from certain provisions of the
zoning ordinance where, because of the particular physical surrounding, shape or topographical
conditions of the property, compliance with height, area bulk, setback and/or density would result in
a particular hardship to the owner
􀀀 a. Certificate of Non-Conformance
􀀀 b. Exception
􀀀 c. Variance
􀀀 d. None of the above

A device which grants a property owner relief from certain provisions of a Zoning ordinance where,
because of the specific use would result in a particular hardship to the owner
􀀀 a. Variance
􀀀 b. Certificate of Non-Conformance
􀀀 c. Exception
􀀀 d. Development

This refers to all barangays or portion/s of which comprise the poblacion and other built-up areas
including the urbanizable land in and adjacent to said areas and whereat least 50% of the
population area engaged in non-agricultural activities:
215 􀀀 a. Central business district
􀀀 b. Urban area
􀀀 c. City center
􀀀 d. Suburban area

Cities with a minimum population of 200,000 inhabitants as certified by the National Statistics Office
and with latest annual income of at least P 50,000,000 based on 1996 constant prices as certified
by the City Treasurer are called
216 􀀀 a. Independent component cities
􀀀 b. regional centers
􀀀 c. Highly urbanized cities
􀀀 d. Component cities
Urbanized began around 4,000 B.C. in the area known as the
􀀀 a. Fertile Crescent
217 􀀀 b. Mediterranean
􀀀 c. Babylon
􀀀 d. Asia

The primary factor/s in the location of cities during the Bronze Age along the Indus Valley is/are:
􀀀 a. Transport
􀀀 b. Agriculture
􀀀 c. Defense
􀀀 d. None of the three
􀀀 e. All of the above

He developed the first theoretical basis for physical planning

􀀀 a. Hippodamus
219 􀀀 b. Nicodemus
􀀀 c. Nostradamus
􀀀 d. Aristotle
They understood the importance of transportation and thus emerges as the first regional planners of
the world.
􀀀 a. Greeks
􀀀 b. Romans
􀀀 c. Sumerians
􀀀 d. Egyptians
It was during this period that the concept of urban design was established
􀀀 a. Renaissance
221 􀀀 b. Bronze Age
􀀀 c. Medieval Period
􀀀 d. Atomic Age
The garden City as a solution to urban planning problems
􀀀 a. Malthus
222 􀀀 b. Ebenezer Howard
􀀀 c. Nicodemus
􀀀 d. Adam Smith
He theorized that physical planning could not improved urban living conditions unless it was
integrated with social and economic planning in a context od environmental concerns.
􀀀 a. William penn
􀀀 b. Patrick Geddes
􀀀 c. Peirre L’ Enfant
􀀀 d. None of the three
The architect planner who designed Luneta, Tgatay and Baguio
􀀀 a. Burnham
224 􀀀 b. Concio
􀀀 c. Faithful
􀀀 d. None of the above
Rectangular streets are examples of the
􀀀 a. Grid iron pattern
225 􀀀 b. Axial
􀀀 c. Radial
􀀀 d. Ribbon-type
What was the most important factor in designing settlement patterns during the Spanish Period in
the Philippines?
􀀀 a. Plaza
􀀀 b. Economy
􀀀 c. Transportation
􀀀 d. Religion
Aside from volume and growth, what is the other key point that a tourism analyst should consider in
analyzing tourist arrivals?
􀀀 a. Qualitative changes in tourist arrivals
􀀀 b. Socio-cultural changes
􀀀 c. Political changes
􀀀 d. None of the above
The tourist market can be classified into business, mass holiday, and _____ markets.
􀀀 a. Eco-tourism
228 􀀀 b. Historical
􀀀 c. Location specific natural and cultural
􀀀 d. None of the above
Tourist may create the type of employment opportunities in the area. These are direct, indirect and
____ jobs.
􀀀 a. Multiplier
􀀀 b. Induced
􀀀 c. Locational
􀀀 d. Service
The four in typical economic cycle are recession ______, recovery and boom.
􀀀 a. Slump
230 􀀀 b. Deflation
􀀀 c. Inflation
􀀀 d. Sustainable growth
In formulating its industrial program, the government should consider equity, technical efficiency
and ______
􀀀 a. Allocative efficiency
􀀀 b. Comparative advantages
􀀀 c. Resource collection
􀀀 d. Availability of skilled labor

Republic Act 9003, otherwise known as the National Ecological Solid Waste Management Program
seeks to:
􀀀 a. Promote public health and environment protection
􀀀 b. Encourage greater private sector participation while retaining the primary enforcement and
232 responsibility with the LGUs
􀀀 c. mandates all LGUs to divert at least 25% of all solid wastes from disposal facilities through
reuse, recycling, composting and other resource recovery activities
􀀀 d. A and C only.
􀀀 E. All of the above

Under RA 9003, LGUs are required to divert at least 25% of their solid wastes from existing
disposal facilities within a period of:
􀀀 a. 10 years
􀀀 b. 2 years
􀀀 c. 5 years
􀀀 d. 1 year
At the national level, RA 9003 mandates the creation of National Solid Waste Management
Commission under the office of:
􀀀 a. President
􀀀 b. DENR
􀀀 c. DILG
􀀀 d. NEDA
The National Solid Waste Management Framework shall be formulated and shall include the
􀀀 a. Analysis and evaluate of the current state, trends, projections of solid waste management on
the national, provincial, ad municipal levels
􀀀 b. Identification of critical solid waste facilities
􀀀 c. Characteristics and conditions of collection, storage, processing, disposal, operating methods,
techniques and practices are conducted, taking into account the nature of the waste
􀀀 d. Proposed sites for sanitary land fill
􀀀 e. All of the above
􀀀 f. A and C only

It refers to the discipline associated with the control of generations, storage, collection, transfer and
transport, processing and disposal of solid wastes in a manner that is in accord with the best
principles of public health, economies, engineering, conservation, aesthetics, and other
environmental considerations and
236 which is also responsive to public attitudes
􀀀 a. Environmental Impact Assessment
􀀀 b. Development Planning
􀀀 c. Waste Segregation
􀀀 d. Solid Waste Management

The Local Government Solid Management Plan shall include, but not limited to the following
􀀀 a. City or Municipal profile
􀀀 b. Waste characterization
􀀀 c. Collection and transfer
􀀀 d. Source reduction
􀀀 e. All of the above
􀀀 f. B and D only

Article 2, Sec 21 of RA9003 provides for the mandatory segregation of solid wastes. Specifically,
the LGUs shall promulgate regulations, requiring the owner or person in charge of premises
238 􀀀 a. Five residential units
􀀀 b. Six residential units
􀀀 c. Six or more residential units
􀀀 d. At least ten residential units

The following are the minimum criteria siting of sanitary land fills
􀀀 a. The site selected must be consistent with the overall land use plan of the LGU
􀀀 b. The site must be accessible from major roadways or thoroughfares
􀀀 c. the site should have adequate quantity of earth cover material that is easily handled and
􀀀 d. The site must be large enough to accommodate the community’s wastes for a period of ten
(10) years during which the people must internalize the value of environmentally sound and
sustainable solid waste disposal
􀀀 e. All of the above
􀀀 f. All except D

Guidelines for identification of common solid waste management problems and are appropriate for
clustered solid waste management services shall be based on the following:
􀀀 a. Preference of political leaders
􀀀 b. Size and location of areas which should be included
􀀀 c. Volume of solid waste which should be generated
􀀀 d. Available means of cording local government planning between and among LGUs and for the
integrated of such with the national plan
􀀀 e. Possible life span of the disposal facilities
􀀀 f. A to E
􀀀 g. B to E

The LGU shall impose fees in amounts sufficient to pay the cost preparing, Adopting, and
implementing a solid waste management plan. Such fees shall be based on the following minimum
􀀀 a. Type of solid waste
241 􀀀 b. Amount/volume of solid waste
􀀀 c. Distance of transfer station to the waste management facility
􀀀 d. Capacity to pay
􀀀 e. A, B, C, D
􀀀 f. A to C

Areas with high biodiversity value which shall be closed to all human activity except for scientific
studies and/or ceremonial or religious use by indigenous communities
􀀀 a. Restoration Zone
􀀀 b. Habitat Management Zone
􀀀 c. Bypass Zone
􀀀 d. Strict Protection Zone
Each establishment protected area shall be administered by:
􀀀 a. Office of the Mayor
243 􀀀 b. Sanggunian Bayan
􀀀 c. Planning Officer
􀀀 d. Protested Area Management Board
This is an organizational process for determining systematically and objectively the relevance,
efficiency, effectiveness and impact of activities in the light of their objectives
􀀀 a. Planning
􀀀 b. Project Identification
􀀀 c. Resource Generation
􀀀 d. Evaluation
This is undertaken at full development, i.e. some years after project completion when full project
benefits and impact are expected to have been realized.
􀀀 a. Terminal Evaluation
􀀀 b. On-going Evaluation
􀀀 c. Ex-post Evaluation
􀀀 d. Pre-Evaluation
The M&E strategy should carefully examine
􀀀 a. The contents, i.e. the date and indicators used
246 􀀀 b. The format
􀀀 c. The frequency of existing reports
􀀀 d. All of the above
A project with negative NPV means;
􀀀 a. Benefit cost ration is higher that 1
􀀀 b. Present value of benefits is higher than present value of roots
􀀀 c. IRR is higher than prevailing interest rate
􀀀 d. discount rate used is higher that IRR
􀀀 e. none of the above

When projecting market demand for a project, which of the following combination of techniques is
not advisable:
􀀀 a. Survey/planning standards
248 􀀀 b. Market testing/time series analysis
􀀀 c. Experts’ opinion/census
􀀀 d. Statistical demand analysis/time series analysis
􀀀 e. None of the above

This indicate the number of years it would take to recoup the investments in he project
􀀀 a. payback period
􀀀 b. retention period
􀀀 c. return on investment
􀀀 d. profit margin
􀀀 e. none of the above
Money is more valuable now that tomorrow not because of
􀀀 a. uncertainty of risk
􀀀 b. income opportunities now
􀀀 c. better prospects in the future
􀀀 d. present consumption
􀀀 e. none of the above

Engr. Juanito C. Ricohermoso, CE, AASEAN Engr

0.40% Score:

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