World Englishes and Global Communication: Lesson 8-9

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Lesson 8-9

World Englishes and Global Communication

Seat Work # 5 (June 22, 2020 )


ACTIVITY #1: Answer any questions below. CHOOSE ONLY ONE. Support your
answers with evidence from the reading materials read. (Observe a maximum of 2
paragraphs with 7- 15 sentences each) (15 pts.)

C. Do you believe it is possible to retain your L1 (first language) accent in another

language(s) and still be intelligible to native speakers of that language? Have you had any
personal experiences that support your view?

According to Smith (1942), not all variations of the English language is intelligible to
each other. Although, in the case of Filipino speakers of English, I think that it is possible to
be intelligible to native speakers even with the use of our accent. This is because English was
introduced to us by the natives making our variation of English fluent and similar to them. It
has also been decades since we are freed from America’s colonization, but our educational
system is still influenced by theirs. Another reason is that, Filipinos are confronted with
English media every day from television or social media. It is also due to the fact that
Filipinos have limited opportunities in the country so their last resort is going abroad. And in
order to find work abroad, they need to have decent English skills. The said reasons are the
answer to why I think Filipinos are intelligible not only to native speakers but also to other
English speakers.

I don’t have a personal experience, but I remember my friend, who works as a call
center agent, telling me that at work, clients prefer talking to a Filipino. It is because Filipinos
are seen more fluent, especially compared to other call center agents. Filipino are well versed
and are able to maintain an English conversation, even with a first language accent that can
be easily understood by their clients. In conclusion, we, Filipinos, the moment we are born
are exposed to English. We are also forced to learn it at school and are required to have skills
in it at work. So it is not surprising that a lot of Filipinos are fluent at it which I think is
equitable to being intelligible.

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