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Lesson 8-9

World Englishes and Global Communication

Seat Work # 6 (June 22, 2020)


Think of a concept which caters to the idea of development or origin (ex. development of a
mobile phone, human embryo, tree, flower, pupa, or anything that has progress and life. The
more unique and well- thought the better) Use this conception for a metaphorical comparison
to the origin of World Englishes. A chosen concept should match the description. You may
draw or borrow images for enhancement from the net. Be sure to attach the source. (Picture
borrowed from


I. Ability to use Metaphor and Analogy (10pts)

II. Creativity in choosing the object/ concept (10pts)
III. Clarity and suitability of description per parts/ items in the chosen subject to the
concept compared (10 pts.)

Photo borrowed from
Evolution of dogs

Long-ago, before the so-called man’s best friend learned to play fetch, his ancestors
were wild and vicious. Until thousand years ago, humans domesticated wolves that turned
into what we know as dogs. As human cultures and occupations became more diverse and
specialized so did the dogs. Some became short and stocky to herd livestock, some became
thin and sleek for racing and some became large and muscular for guarding. During
England’s Victorian era, the dogs were standardized into breeds. And now, people are
breeding dogs, according to their wants and needs. For instance, hunting dogs were bred to be
smaller in stature, racing dogs were bred to be sleek and fast, and pet dogs, like Chihuahuas,
were selectively bred for their tiny size. Comparing it to English, it all came from Western
Germanic Language and over time it evolved and people started to have different variations
of the English language just like how there are different dog breeds. These variations are
shaped to fit the people speaking it. For example, Singaporean English uses pragmatic
particles to indicate their attitude to what they are saying. But regardless of these variations,
they are all called the English language.

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