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Experiment 11

Aim:- Verilog implementation of binary multiplier and pulse counter.

Important Concepts/Theory:-
Binary multiplier:- A binary multiplier is a combinational logic circuit or digital device used
for multiplying two binary numbers. The two numbers are more specifically known
as multiplicand and multiplier and the result is known as a product. The multiplicand &
multiplier can be of various bit size. The product’s bit size depends on the bit size of the
multiplicand & multiplier. The bit size of the product is equal to the sum of the bit size of
multiplier & multiplicand. Binary multiplication method is same as decimal multiplication.
Binary multiplication of more than 1-bit numbers contains 2 steps. The 1 st step is single bit-
wise multiplication known as partial product and the 2 nd step is adding all partial products
into a single product.
Partial products or single bit products can be obtained by using AND gates. However, to add
these partial products we need full adders & half adders.

Fig. 1: Logic diagram of 4x4 multiplier using 4 bit full adder

Pulse counter:-
Counters, consisting of a number of flip-flops, count a stream of pulses applied to the
counter’s CK input. The output is a binary value whose value is equal to the number of pulses
received at the CK input.
Design Analysis:-
1. Binary Multiplier:

2. Pulse counter:
Simulation (Waveform):
1. Binary Multiplier:

Fig.2: Simulation of Binary multiplier

2. Pulse counter:

Fig.3: Simulation of pulse counter

Report Results:
1. Binary multiplier:
RTL Schematic:

Fig.4: RTL Schematic of binary multiplier

Tech Schematic:

Fig.5: Tech Schematic of binary multiplier

Area Report:

Fig.6: Area Report of binary multiplier

2. Pulse Counter:
RTL Schematic:

Fig.7: RTL Schematic of pulse counter

Tech Schematic:

Fig. 8: Tech Schematic of pulse counter

Area Report:

Fig. 9: Area report of pulse counter

Verilog HDL code for binary multiplier and pulse counter has been implemented and their
simulation with signals has been tested.

Criteria Total Marks Marks Obtained Comments

Concept (A) 2

Implementation (B) 2

Performance (C) 2

Total 6

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