Tender Advert - Tarura Arusha PDF

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08th July, 2019
1. This Invitation for Tenders follows the General Procurement Notice for
this Project which appeared in Tanzania Tender Portal dated 6th June,
2. The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has set fund for
operation of road maintenance through TARURA- Arusha Regional
Coordinator during the financial year 2019/2020. It is intended that part
of the proceeds of the fund will be used to cover eligible payment under
the contracts for executions of the following works.


AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/01 Periodic maintenance jacaranda
0.2km, goliondoi 0.4km and kijenge V and Above
juu-ngulelo 0.5km roads.

Routine Maintenance, Spot

AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/03 Improvement, Periodic VI and Above
maintenance and construction of
drainage system along Lodhia
2.2km, Makaburini 0.6km,
Mwanama-Kanisa 1.4km, Ebeneza
2.0km, Moshono kati 0.6km,
Olkerian-Kanisa 2.0km and Masista
mbonika 2.5km roads.

Spot Improvement, Periodic

Maintenance and structures along VI and above
AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/04 Meshuko 0.9km, Green Valley
0.6km, Kisimani-maweni 7.7km,
Bar mpya 0.8km, BBC 4.5km roads
VI and Above
Spot Improvement and
AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/05 Construction of box culverts along
Mkonoo 7.9km and Safina-
Lolovono roads
Routine maintenance, Spot VI and Above
Improvement, Periodic
AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/06 maintenance and Construction of
drainage system along Moshono-
PPF 2.8km, Onsea-Moivaro 1.5km,
Relini-Kambi ya Chupa 3.8km,
Olepolosi 1.9km, Suye-Nazareti
2.3km, Tbl-Tanesco(Lemara)
2km,Moshono-kwa mrefu
2.3km,Ilboru 0.1km Boma siara
Routine Maintenance,Spot VI and above
Improvement and Structures along
AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/07 Esso-Longdong 2.1km,Olmatevezi
4.6km,Bero 3.5km,Shamsi-Kibanda
maziwa 1.6km,Urundini
1.3km,White rose 0.2km,Kibo 3.1km
,Majengo-Bumiko,White rose roads.
AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/08 Spot Improvement and Structures VII and above
along Murriet-Sojema 2km, Oljoro-
Kisimani 4.1km, Gambo and
Murriet-Sojema roads.
AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/09 Periodic maintenance along VI and above
Kisongo-Musa roads,Haki
roads,Mateves-Musa -Mwandet
roads, Spot improvement along
Haki roads, Routine maintenance
along Kisongo-Musa roads and
TPRI- Likamba-Monduli roads
AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/10 Periodic maintenance works, Kwa VII and above
Idd- Narumo roads, Spot
improvement works along
Oltruroto- Mringa roads,

AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/11 P0e00r0iodic maintenance along VI and above

Sekei-Olgilai roads,Sokoni ll-
Bangata-Midawe roads,Silent Inn -
Freedom Hotel roads,White Rose-
Ngaramtoni roads ,KKKT-Ilboru-
Kwa Adiel, Spot improvement
along Sanawari - oldonyosapuk
roads,Sekei-Olgilai roads, Ilboru-
Selian-loning'o- Ngaramtoni and
Routine maintenance along Silent
Inn-Freedom Hotel roads

AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/12 Periodic maintenance along VI and above

Simanjiro roads,Gomba Estate-
Msitu wa Mbogo roads,Mbuyuni-
Mirongoine roads, Spot
improvement along Gomba Estate-
msitu wa Mbogo roads, Ojoro-
Duka la mabo-Laroi roads and
Routine maintenance along
Simanjiro roads

AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/13 Routine Maintenance,Spot VII and above

improvement, Periodic
Maintenance & Construction of
structures along Njiapanda -
M/Barazani and M/Barazani -
Qangdend -Mang'ola ,Mkwajuni-
Endamaghang and Changarawe -
Endashangwet (21.4km).

AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/14 Routine Maintenance, Spot VI and above

Improvement, Periodic
Maintenance, along DDH -Bashay,
Karatu -Qurus, & Charm -
G/Arusha road 8.5km

AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/15 Routine maintenance, Spot VI and above

Improvement, Periodic
Maintenance and construction of
structures along Manyara -
Lositete,Rhotia -K/Simba, K/Simba
-Slahamo, K/Simba -U/Kitete road
22.0 km

AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/16 Routine Maintenance, Spot VII and above

Improvement,Periodic Maintenance
along Endash -Manyara ,Endabash
--Kansay, Basodawish -

AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/17 Routine Maintenance, Spot VI and above

improvement and Periodic
maintenance along Longido -
Mairouwa - Matale (7.24Km),
Lesing'ita - Mundarara (1.7KM) and
Namanga - Sinoniki - Mairouwa
(6KM) Roads, Bridge protection
along Lesing'ita - Mundarara and
construction of Solid drift along
Longido-Mairouwa - Matale Roads.

AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/19 Routine maintenance, Spot VI and above

Improvement and periodic
Maintenance along Namanga -
Sinya 10Km and Namanga NMB -
Eworendeke Health Centre Road
(0.48 Km)

AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/20 Routine and Periodic maintenance VII and above

works along Ketumbeine -
Elang'atadapash - Noondoto Road

AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/22 Periodic maintenance along VI and above

Ambureni - Nkoanrua 3.27Km,
Nkoanrua - Kimundo 2.15Km,
Kimundo - Seela 1.35Km, Routine
maintenance along Machumba -
Nkoanrua 2Km, Nkoaranga - Sura
2Km and Drainage works along
Ubungo - Irikolanumbe road.

AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/24 Routine maintenance along VII and above

Ngarenanyuki - Ngabobo road
2.5Km, Malula - Nkoansio -
King'ori road 9.2Km, Maji ya Chai -
Sakila road 6Km and Construction
of 1Nos of Bridge along Kisimiri
Sec Road

AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/25 Periodic maintenance work along VI and above

Monduli - Lendikinya - Mti mmoja
4.14km road, Periodic and routine
maintenance works along Monduli
- Lashaine - Arkatan 7.5km road.

AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/26 Periodic maintenance work along VII and above

Regional road - Lashaine road
(Kuyoa road) 1.05km, Routine
maintenance and Construction of 2-
Cell Box Culvert along Monduli -
Olarash - Kosovo road 12km.

AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/27 Spot improvement works along VII and above

Kisongo - Moita Bwawani 5km,
Periodic maintenance work along
JKT Oljoro - Moita Bwawani 2km
and Periodic maintenance work
3km along Meserani chini -
Naalarami 3Km roads.

AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/29 Spot improvement work along VII and above

Naitolia - Tree Top - Lemooti 5Km
road and Periodic maintenance
work along Makuyuni -Lemioni-
Lemooti 4.14km road.

AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/30 Spot improvement work along VII and above

Barabarani - Jangwani 3Km road,
Spot improvement works along
Barabarani - Migungani 3km road,
periodic maintenance works along
Kigongoni/Trunk road - Konoike
road(Mto wa mbu Hospital road)
0.77km and Periodic maintenance
work along Selela - Mbaashi 2km

AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/31 Periodic Maintenance works along VI and above

Wasso Hospital road,Halmashauri
road,NMB Bank-Prison road, LR 19
road and Spot Improvement works
along Wasso-Sakala-Loliondo road.

AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/32 Routine Maintenance works along VII and above

road,Kibaoni-Arash, Oldonyowas
Shule ya Msingi and Spot
Improvement works along
Ormania-Olalaa-Malambo road.

AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/33 Periodic Maintenance works along VI and above

Samunge road and Spot
Improvement works along Sale-
Malambo road.
AE/092/2019/2020/AR/W/35 Routine Maintenance works along VII and above
and Spot Improvement works
along Wasso-Oloipiri-Soitsambu
3. The Tanzania Rural and Urban Roads Agency (TARURA) Arusha Region
on behalf of chief Executive Officer (CEO)-TARURA now invites sealed
Tenders from eligible and qualified Local Contractors registered by the
Contractors Registration Board (CRB) in the above-mentioned Classes.

4. Tendering will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding

specified in the Procurement Regulations, 2013 – Government Notice
No.446 and is open to all Tenderers as defined in the Regulations unless
otherwise stated in the Tender Data Sheet.
5 Interested eligible Tenderers may obtain further information from and
inspect the Tendering Documents at the office of The Secretary,
Delegated TARURA – Arusha Regional Tender Board, P.O. Box 1970,
Arusha. Located at Arusha International Conference Centre Building,
(AICC) Kilimanjaro wing 3rd Floor, Room No. 321, between 07:30 am and
03:30 pm from Monday to Friday inclusive, except on public holidays.

6 A complete set of Tendering Document(s) in English and additional sets

may be purchased by interested Tenderers on the submission of a written
application to the address given under paragraph 5 above and upon
payment of a non-refundable fee of Tsh 100,000.00 (Tanzania Shillings
One Hundred Thousand only) for each set, payable either by Banker’s
Cheque or Banker’s Draft to TARURA COLLECTION ACCOUNT,
THROUGH MOBILE NO.+255 763 362 670.

7 All Tenders must be accompanied by a Tender securing declaration in the

format provided in the Tendering documents unless otherwise stated in
the Tender Data Sheet.

8 All Tenders in one (1) original plus (three) 3 copies properly filled in, and
enclosed in plain envelopes must be delivered to the address The
Secretary, Delegated TARURA – Arusha Regional Tender Board, P.O.
Box 1970, Arusha. Located at Arusha International Conference Centre
Building, Kilimanjaro wing 3rd Floor, Room No. 321, on 22nd July, 2019.
before 10:00 hours local time. Tenders will be opened promptly thereafter
in public and in the presence of Tenderers’ representatives who choose to
attend in the opening at the AICC Compound at the Arusha International
Conference Center, Arusha immediately after submission deadline and in
the presence of Tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend

9 The arranged site visit shall be conducted on 11th - 20th July, 2019 at 09 00
hours local time (Mandatory) . Participants will meet at the offices of the
TARURA Council Managers.(for more detail you will find in a specific
tender document)

10 Late Tenders portion of Tenders, electronic Tenders, Tenders not received,

Tenders not opened at the Tender opening ceremony shall not be accepted
for evaluation irrespective of the circumstances.

Regional Coordinator, Arusha Region on behalf of

Chief Executive
Tanzania Rural and Urban Roads Agency.

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