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World Electric Vehicle Journal Vol.

5 - ISSN 2032-6653 - © 2012 WEVA Page 0708

Los Angeles, California, May 6-9, 2012

Developing a Test Procedure to Evaluate

Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment and Chargers
Richard Hodson1, Jordan Smith2
Southern California Edison, 265 N East End Ave Pomona California 91767 USA,
Southern California Edison, 265 N East End Ave Pomona California 91767 USA,

This paper describes the processes used and the choices made while developing a procedure to evaluate
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) and Plug-in Electric Vehicle (PEV) chargers and provides
some results of the testing process. The procedure defines the battery charging system (i.e., the battery
charger, EVSE, battery storage system, auxiliary loads, and vehicle). Each test element is evaluated in
terms of function, reliability, safety, quality, cost, efficiency and power quality.
The development of a charging system evaluation procedure comes from Southern California Edison’s
(SCE) responsibility to ensure safe and reliable function and to minimize system impact. Up to one million
PEVs have been projected to be operating in SCE’s service area by 2020. SCE must not only serve these
PEVs, but must ensure that they do not have a negative impact on the utility grid. Therefore it is critical
that SCE understand the impact of those battery charging systems. SCE also supports the creation of
standards to limit wasted energy and negative power quality impacts that these battery charging systems
may create.
SCE is also using the test procedure to evaluate EVSEs and PEV charging systems for implementation in
SCE’s fleet. The results of this procedure are used to give fleet managers the information needed to
acquire the most effective and efficient PEV charging equipment. The results will also tell a fleet manager
or PEV owner what EVSE would work best with their selected vehicle or vice versa. The procedure
provides for the discovery of PEV and EVSE individual and compatibility issues before the PEV is
deployed. The final result ensures optimum performance of the PEV system.
Through this process, SCE has been able to work with manufacturers of PEVs and EVSEs in order to
improve the functionality, robustness, and interoperability of the products.

Keywords: Charging, Infrastructure, Fleet, Reliability, Safety

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World Electric Vehicle Journal Vol. 5 - ISSN 2032-6653 - © 2012 WEVA Page 0709

1.3 California Energy Commission

1 Background According to a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The importance of this procedure can be sheet published by the California Energy
overlooked easily when looking at the impact of Commission (CEC) in January 2012 [2], as of
a single charging system. However, when the 2009 there were approximately 170 million battery
individual results are looked at in the light of chargers in California households. Per the graph
possibly large numbers of these systems published in the same FAQ sheet, battery chargers
connected to the utility electric grid it shows a in California currently consume approximately
different picture. For example, Electric Vehicle 7,700 GWh/year. Without any standards imposed
Supply Equipment (EVSE) is comparable in on battery chargers, this number is expected to
impact to recently regulated small battery almost double over the next 10 years.
chargers and power supplies when in no-battery The CEC has enacted standards to require a certain
mode. There is growing concern for the energy level of efficiency from the covered battery
wasted by inefficient battery chargers and other charger systems (not including on-road vehicles).
devices. The standards apply to active charging mode,
maintenance mode, and “no-battery” mode, when
1.1 Southern California Edison no-battery is connected to the charger. They
divide battery chargers into two main groups:
Southern California Edison has a service area of small and large, with large battery chargers having
50,000 square-miles with five million meters for an input rating of grater then 2 kW. The CEC
its customers. SCE’s renewable energy portfolio estimates that the new standards could generate a
includes approximately 20% of energy from savings of 2,200 GWh per year in California, for
renewable sources, such as wind and solar. an electrical cost savings of $306 million per year.
SCE operates a fleet of over 6,000 assets to
develop and maintain its systems, ranging from
powered trailers to Class 8 trucks, and we have 2 Developing the Procedure
demonstrated the largest and most successful
PEV fleet with over 20 million electric miles 2.1 Scope
driven. At SCE our number one job is to provide The first step in developing the procedure was to
safe and reliable electric service, and the fleet identify the scope and test system boundary. The
managers make sure that the fleet assets are scope of the procedure is to evaluate Electric
reliable and effective tools for ensuring that the Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) and Plug-in
job gets done. A key part of this process is Electric Vehicle (PEV) battery charging systems in
SCE’s Electric Vehicle Technical Center terms of function, reliability, safety, quality, cost,
(EVTC). The EVTC evaluates advanced efficiency, and power quality. It is also important
technology solutions that meet the fleet’s to define specifically what is measured and how,
missions, optimize energy, and reduce emissions. and this is depicted with the system boundary. The
boundary of the system under test is shown in
1.2 Energy Star Program Figure 1. The figure shows an on-board charger,
The Energy Star program [1] was started in 1992 however an off-board charger would be tested in
by the EPA in an effort to assist consumers in the same way except that the charger and EVSE
making energy-wise purchasing decisions. The would be one block and would be in the place of
Energy Star program is a voluntary labelling the EVSE box. Data is collected at the various
program that began with just a few electronic monitoring points based on the specific test being
products, and has since expanded to include performed.
major appliances, lighting, office equipment,
home electronics, residential heating and cooling, 2.2 Current Standards
and even new homes and commercial and Southern California Edison (SCE) researched the
industrial buildings. The most recent additions applicable codes as its second step in developing
included small power supplies and small the test procedure. The research included the
consumer appliance battery charger systems. Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) J1772™
This program, however, does not Recommended Practice; the National Electric
comprehensively address larger battery chargers Code (NEC), Article 625; various Underwriters
or vehicles, and does not address EVSEs at all. Laboratory (UL) standards; Electric Power

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World Electric Vehicle Journal Vol. 5 - ISSN 2032-6653 - © 2012 WEVA Page 0710

Figure 1: System Boundary Diagram

Research Institute’s Infrastructure Working the technician in mind. After the procedure was
Council (EPRI IWC) documents; IEEE initially completed an initial test was performed to
standards; CEC charging test procedures; and review and validate the procedure and to discover
SCE internal documents. any errors or areas for improvement.

2.3 Test Criteria 2.5 Review

The next step was to identify the aspects of the The individual procedures for each attribute were
researched codes and standards that applied combined and organized into a cohesive test
within our defined system boundary and the procedure. The completed procedure was then
scope of the evaluation goals. reviewed with engineers and managers. A few
SCE devised several groups of tests tests were added after the initial completion of the
incorporating safety, functionality, grid events, procedure. It was determined by SCE engineers
power quality, and ergonomics. For each of that certain aspects of the charging system were
these categories a number of tests were created. not being fully represented by the current results.
The Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratories This model of continuous improvement is a key
(NRTL) perform safety and function testing on aspect of SCE.
commercial products. There was not a need to After the procedure was reviewed and approved,
duplicate all of the testing that had been SCE began using it for testing.
performed by them. Some testing was
designated to be important enough that a similar 3 Executing the Procedures
test was developed to be performed at SCE; these
were mostly tests that involved safety. Once the SCE began using the procedure for testing with six
tests were designated, specific procedures were EVSEs, one off-board charger, and seven vehicles.
developed for each using the specific parameters The PEVs and EVSEs used the SAE J1772
identified in the researched codes and standards. connector and the off-board charger used the
CHAdeMO DC connector. The components were
tested individually and in various combinations.
2.4 Designing Tests The procedure includes testing of both individual
After the specific aspects of each test were components and whole systems since the results
selected, acceptable limits were determined from would be affected if one component of a system
the researched materials. Test procedures were were changed.
created and revised. Data sheets were created to As the testing progressed through the various
record the results of the tests. Good data sheets EVSEs and PEVs, it was found that one test or
are vital to an effective procedure, as they guide another could not be performed as it was written
the test technician through the process of either because of the EVSEs’ design or the
properly executing the procedure. directions of the test. The specific test was then
For each procedure the steps were determined reviewed and possibly revised to improve the test’s
with the specific results expected and safety of

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World Electric Vehicle Journal Vol. 5 - ISSN 2032-6653 - © 2012 WEVA Page 0711

clarity annd ease of usee. The sequeence of the tests Theese discovereed issues weere then ressolved by
was reorddered when a setup was toorn down andd a worrking with the mannufacturer to make
new setuup built only to then go back b to the fiirst corrrections.
setup forr a second teest. It was also a found thhat
several ttests could beb performedd with a singgle 3.1..2 Characcterization
chargingg event if orddered properly. During all Thee characterizaation tests evvaluate the coomponent
testing thhis proceduree was continuuously review wed to determine
d thee effect on thee electrical grid
g (“grid
and someetimes reviseed to create a more compleete testts”) the safetyy or protectioon measures in place,
and safee test proced dure, include more detailled the user interfaace, and the overall funcctionality.
instructioon, and to addd needed testss. SCE E discovered through this testing:
Several ppieces of equ uipment weree designed and a  EVSEs thhat did not reespond to outtages in a
fabricated to facilitatee the testing; including a teest favourablee manner
stand, a force test apparatus
a (Fiigure 2) andd a  Combinattions of com mponents thaat worked
displacem ment test appparatus. Thhere were allso with no issues
specialtyy instrumentss acquired for f the testinng,  Combinattions of com mponents thatt did not
such as a current leakkage tester. work at alll
 EVSEs wiith higher thaan expected no-battery
mode pow wer levels
A problemss were resolvved by workking with
thhe manufactu urer to make corrections.

4 Results
4.1 Analysiss
An EVSE’s ability to restarrt after an ouutage is a
critiical functionaal check. Many EVSEs have h cold
loadd pickup features to helpp the utility system
s in
Figure 2: Forcee gauge test appparatus recoovery from power outaages. The currently
recoognized way of performin ng this is to delay
d two
3.1 D
ng Results minnutes and thenn ramp up to full power att a rate of
We evaluuated the EVVSE, PEV, chharger and othher onee amp per seccond. The old der way of peerforming
battery charger system
m componentts and collectted coldd load pickkup is to haave a randoom delay
Table 1). The
results (T T results arre divided in nto betw ween two minutes and tw welve minutess and then
two grouups: compliannce and characterization. chaarge at full power.
p Thiss feature is iimportant
because introdu ucing a largge load on the grid
3.1.1 Compliance
C direectly followin ng the restoraation of poweer after an
The com mpliance tests evaluatee whether the t outaage could caause additionnal stress to the grid
componeent meets the requirem ments of the t infrrastructure, reesulting in a secondary
s outtage.
associateed codes and standards. FFor instance thet Durring the long g duration ouutage test it was
w found
EVSEs w were compareed to SAE J1772, NEC 6225, thatt the EVSEs which had implemented the older
and variious UL staandards. SC CE discoverred coldd load pickupp method coould cause thhe vehicle
through tthis testing: not to charge. ThisT was duee to the availlability or
“awwake” time of o the vehiclee, combined with the
 EV VSEs that weere not comppliant with SA AE
coldd load start features
fe of thee EVSE that delay the
starrt of the charrge after a poower outage. One test
 Veehicles that did not com mply with SA AE
unitt, Unit 5, didd not chargee the vehicle after the
outaage and had a startup timee of approxim mately 5.5
 EV VSEs that alllowed chargees in excess of minnutes. Thiss vehicle shhut down or “slept”
theeir current ratting sommetime betweeen 3.5 and 7 minutes if the t EVSE
 EV VSEs that did d not have sttrain protectiion did not allow the charge. Testing with w other
( a means to de-energiize the coupler vehhicles with different wake w periodds would
beefore the wiire broke froom strain and a streengthen the unnderstanding of the param meters.
theereby exposinng live wires to users)

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Table1: Selected Test Results

Test Performed 4 5 6
Ground Integrity Test Pass Pass Pass
Pilot Signal Fail Pass Pass
De-Energized Contactors Pass Pass Pass
Safe Contactor Operation Pass Pass Pass
Automatic De-Energized
None None None
Strain Relief Friction fitting Friction fitting Friction fitting
Strain Protection Cord slipped through friction
N/A No Displacement (Pass)
(weight test) fitting causing displacement.
Vehicle timed out between
Long Duration Outage Vehicle always charged Vehicle did not charge
3.5 and 7 minutes
Momentary Outage Fail Pass Fail
Voltage Range Pass Pass Pass
Response to Voltage Sag Pass Pass Pass
Response to Voltage Swell Pass Pass Pass
Response to Frequency
Pass Pass Pass
Voltage Distortion Pass Pass Pass
Insertion Force (lbs.) 5.5 8.1 5.3
Removal Force (lbs.) 5.8 6.3 4.6
1-Hr Energy Consumption (Wh) 2.4 14.1 6.1

All of the grid tests except for the long duration Force Gauge Test
outage do not use a vehicle for the tests, but 10
rather, use a device called a grid simulator. One
test, the momentary outage test, applies a short
Force (lbs.)

power loss. Charging systems should be able to 6

recover unaided from such events. Two units
failed the momentary outage test because they
required user intervention to restart the charge. 2
All EVSEs passed the other grid event tests, and 0
were able to start a charge after each of the tests 1 2 3 4 5 6
performed. Unit
The insertion and removal force test showed all Insertion Force (lbs.) Removal Force (lbs.)
of the EVSE connectors’ force effort levels to be
within acceptable limits. Figure 3 shows the Figure 3: Force gauge test result
results of the force test. Unit 5 used a different As a part of the testing the no-battery mode,
connector manufacturer then the others and sometimes called “idle” or “stand-by” mode,
showed a higher required force. energy consumption was measured for each unit.
Figure 4 shows the results of the one-hour no-
battery mode energy consumption test. The results
varied widely with the features included with each
system (such as displays), from 2 W up to 14 W.
This wide variation points toward the need for a
standard for energy consumption in these devices
when they are in no-battery mode.

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1-Hr Enerrgy Consump

ption testt, and SCE worked
w withh the manufaacturer to
16 deteermine that itt was not actuually a failurre but that
14 the test was not fully representative
r e of the
12 stanndard. Thaat specific teest was revvised and
Energy (Wh)

10 exppanded in ord der to correcctly assess thhe EVSE.

8 Thee unit was retested and passsed the revissed test.
6 SCE E used the results
r of thiis process too develop
4 recoommendation ns for the SCES fleet on
o charge
infrrastructure accquisitions. The
T recomm mendations
helpped to ensuree that new tecchnology is fuunctional,
1 2 3 4 5 6 effeective, safe, reliable, andd efficient when
w it is
Unit intrroduced into the
t SCE fleett.

Figuree 4: No-batteryy mode energy consumption

The vehiicle and chargging system was
w also testeed. [1] Energy Star,
One of the characteerization testts involves the
t http://w
recordingg of the unnit’s demandd curve wh hile t.ab_hisstory accessed on 2012-01-255
chargingg. Figure 5 shhows the dem
mand curve of a [2] Californnia Eneergy Coommission,
vehicle while charging connecteed to the off-o http://w
board chharger evaluuated (DC connection,
c 50 chargerrs/documents/C
Chargers_FAQ Q.pdf
kW). accessed on 2012-01-25

mand Curve Au
60 18
Richard Hodsson received his B.S.
50 52.76 15 d
degree in elecctrical engineeering from

40 12 C
California State P
Power (kW)

30 9 U
University. Hee currently woorks for the

Electric Drivve Systems G Group of
20 6
SCE’s Addvanced T

10 1
14.85 3 O
Organization evaluating electric
0 0 v
vehicle chaarging systeems and
00:00 10:00 20:00 30:00 i
Timme (mm:ss)
Power (kW
W) Energy (k
kWh) JJordan Smith received
r a B.S. degree in
mechanical enngineering andd an M.S.
Figure 5: DC charger
c demannd curve d
degree in enngineering maanagement
from Californnia State Polytechnic
4.2 C
Conclusion U
University. H is the manaager of the
SCE com mmunicates all product perrformance for a E
Electric Drivve Systems G Group of
SCE’s Ad dvanced T
particulaar device witth the manuffacturer of thhat
Organization, in the Engineeering and
device too improve prroduct functioonality. Whhen T
Technical Servvices Departm ment of the
SCE iidentified a componnent failuure, T
Transmission and D
noncomppliance with code, interaaction problem, B
Business Unit.
or an oppportunity to improve the product it was w
communnicated to thee manufacturrer. SCE thhen
worked w with that mannufacturer - or when it wasw
an interaaction with a vehicle - to work
w with bo oth
supplierss to determinee the source oof the issue and
resolve it, retestingg when a solution was w
implemented. In on ne case an interaction
i w
found aand SCE was w able too connect the t
manufactturers to eaach other to t resolve the t
This interactive testting relationsship can woork
both wayys. In a diffeerent case an EVSE failedd a

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E Vehiclle Symposium
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