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Application Case


1. Based upon your knowledge of health and safety matters and your actual observations of
operations that are similar to theirs, make a list of the potential hazardous conditions
employees and others face at What should they do to reduce the
potential severity of the top five hazards?
 As the company is an internet based company, it has less number of hazards than other
nature of company. The potential hazardous conditions employees and others face at are as follows :

1. Tripping over wires

Since the company have numerous wires and cables in the ground, the employees
have high chance to trip over these wires if they are not hidden or properly managed.

2. Carpal tunnel syndrome

It is a common condition that causes pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and
arm. The condition occurs when one of the major nerves to the hand — the
median nerve — is squeezed or compressed as it travels through the wrist. In this
scenario, the major cause is repeated use of keyboard or mouse without resting
the arm on a flat surface.

3. Eyestrain
As the employees need to work on computer screen during their working hours, it is
difficult for them to prevent themselves from eyestrain.

4. Strained back and neck

Due to continuous sitting on the chair while using computer, it can cause back and
neck problem to employees.
5. Job Stress

In the technology world, Software Company has a high scope in the market. So, in
order to fulfil the market demand, the industry are working on tight schedules and
impossible deadlines. This causes stress in employees and can lead to other problems
in their life.

6. Road accident
While traveling on the road, the employees can come across accident like hitting by
the bus, falling off the train.

So now here are some solution to reduce the potential hazards:

1. Tripping over wires

For this we can use electrical wire snake to hide the wires or we can use wireless
device as much as possible.

2. Carpal tunnel syndrome

For this the employee needs to consult the doctor for the treatment. Some of the
treatments are:
a. Nonsurgical Treatment
i. Bracing or splinting
ii. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
iii. Activity changes
iv. Nerve gliding exercises
v. Steroid injections
b. Surgical Treatment
i. Open carpal tunnel release
ii. Endoscopic carpal tunnel release
3. Eyestrain
Continuous working at computer screen cannot be covered by screen guards. The
only solution here is taking short 5-10 minutes break from work.
4. Strained backs and Necks

The solution for strained backs and necks is purchasing designed chairs and tables for
every employee. The other solution is daily exercise.

5. Stress
To get relived form stress at work place here are some steps:
a. Listen to music on the way to work
b. Use essential oils at workplace
c. Sit upright in your chair
d. Choose fruit juice over coffee
e. Drink water
f. Eat foods that lower your stress
g. Do daily exercise and meditation

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