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Paper 01 – General Proficiency
1 hour 15 minutes


1. This test consists of 60 items. You will have 1 hour and 15 minutes to answer them.
2. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet.
3. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are
about to answer and decide which choice is best.
4. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the
same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below.

Sample Item Sample Answer

Benzene dissolves stains caused by A B C D

(A) tar (B) fruit (C) paint (D) starch

The correct answer to this item is “tar”, so (A) has been shaded.

5. If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice.
6. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you
cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may return to that item later.
7. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale.

1. Energy for cell activities is produced in the
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(A) nucleus (B) vacuole
(C) ribosomes (D)
6. Which of the following sexually transmitted
infections are caused by viruses?
I. AIDS II. Herpes III. Syphillis
Item 2 refers to the following diagram of the plant
(A) I and II only (B) I and III only
(C) II and III only (D) I, II and III

7. The products of photosynthesis are

I. Glucose II. Oxygen III. Carbon dioxide
(A) I and II only (B) I and III only
(C) II and III only (D) I, II and III

2. The structure labelled X is the 8. Primary consumers feed on

(A) vacuole (B) nucleus (A) herbivores (B) producers
(C) chloroplast (D) (C) carnivores (D)
mitochondrion omnivores

3. Which of the following structures is associated 9. Which of the following enzymes digests fats?
with sexual reproduction?
(A) Pepsin (B) Lipase
(A) Bulbs (B) Corms (C) Renin (D) Maltase
(C) Flower (D)
10. Which of the following arteries carry
deoxygenated blood?
Items 4–5 refer to the following types of birth
(A) Renal artery (B) Hepatic artery
control methods.
(C) Coronary artery (D) Pulmonary artery
(A) Natural (B) Barrier
(C) Hormonal (D)
Surgical 11. Which of the following blood groups is known
as the universal recipient?
(A) A (B) B
4. A condom is an example of which type of birth
(C) AB (D) O

12. Which of the following bones is NOT located

5. A vasectomy is an example of which type of
in the leg?
birth control method?

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(A) Ulna (B) Tibia
(C) Fibula (D) Femur

Item 13 refers to the following diagram of a human

16. Which of the following is NOT an excretory
(A) Skin (B) Lungs
(C) Kidney (D)

17. Which of the following are characteristics of

sense organs?
I. Receive stimuli
II. Contain specialized receptor cells
III. Detect changes in the environment
(A) I and II only (B) I and III only
(C) II and III only (D) I, II and

18. The function of the iris in the eye is to

(A) focus rays of light
(B) alter the shape of the lens
13. Which of the parts labelled A, B, C, D is a hinge (C) control the amount of light entering
joint? (D) keep the eyeball in shape

14. The products of respiration are 19. Which of the following is secreted by the
I. water II. Oxygen III. carbon dioxide endocrine system?

(A) I and II only (B) I and III only I. Bile II. Enzymes III.
(C) II and III only (D) I, II and III Hormones
(A) I only (B) III only
(C) I and II only (D) II and III
15. Which of the following pollutant gases has an only
affinity for the haemoglobin in red blood cells?
I. Carbon dioxide II. Sulphur dioxide
III. Carbon monoxide 20. Which of the following are stages in the life
cycle of a mosquito?
(A) I only (B) III only
(C) I and II only (D) II and III I. Egg II. Pupa III. Larva

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(A) I and II only (B) I and III only (A) Hot and dry (B) Hot and humid
(C) II and III only (D) I, II and (C) Humid and cool (D) Warm and
III only humid

26. The unit of energy is the

(A) gram (B) joule
(C) meter (D) watt
21. Which of the following conditions are MOST
LIKELY to encourage the growth of
microorganisms on food?
I. Warm II. Dry III. Damp
(A) I and II only (B) I and III only
Item 27 refers to the following energy conversion
(C) II and III only (D) I, II and
Chemical Electrical Mechanical Heat
27. The energy conversion sequence is MOST
22. The use of another organism to control a pest is
likely to occur in a
referred to as
(A) solar light (B) car engine
(A) chemical control (B) sanitary control
(C) solar water heater (D) diesel-powered generator
(C) biological control (D)
mechanical control
28. The formula p = mv is used to calculate
23. The collision of molecules within a substance (A) speed (B) energy
results in the transfer of energy by (C) momentum (D) temperature
(A) radiation (B) convection
(C) conduction (D)
29. Which of the following does NOT conduct
(A) Tin (B) Iron
24. Liquids and gases normally expand when heated (C) Plastic (D) Copper
and contract when cooled. This behaviour explains
the working of a
30. Voltage equals
(A) water pump (B) thermometer
(C) vacuum cleaner (D) tyre pressure gauge (A) Current X Resistance
(B) Current / Resistance
(C) Resistance - Current
25. Which of the following conditions are MOST
(D) Current + Resistance
LIKELY to cause a person to produce the greatest
amount of sweat?

31. Which of the following is a safety device?

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(A) Fuse (B) Plug 36. Which of the following machines is MOST
(C) Bulb (D) Switch likely to make the loading of a truck easier?
(A) Pulley (B) Lever
(C) Wheelbarrow (D) Incline
32. Which of the following is the first action which
should be taken to prevent an electrical shock?
(A) Call the fire service
(B) Turn off the electricity 37. Which of the following is an ADVANTAGE of
(C) Throw water on the person using plastics?
(D) Cover the person with a blanket
(A) They are combustible.
(B) They are non-corrosive.
(C) They are non-biodegradable.
33. Which of the following is NOT needed to start a
(D) They give off toxic fumes
when burnt.
(A) Heat (B) Fuel
(C) Oxygen (D)
Nitrogen 38. Which of the following metals is the LEAST
(A) Silver (B) Copper (C)
Item 34 refers to the following picture of protective
Sodium (D) Aluminium
gear worn by a welder.

39. Bones act as levers, while cartilage assists with


(A) Connecting muscles to bone

(B) Reducing friction at the joints
(C) Holding joints together
(D) Movement at a joint
34. The purpose of the protective gear is to shield
the welder’s
(A) ears (B) eyes 40. A cell is described as diploid when
(C) head (D) nose ________________.

(A) The chromatids align at the equator of the cell

35. Which of these food items would BEST help to (B) It divides to give four daughter cells
prevent constipation? (C) It has the full chromosome number
(D) It undergoes meiosis
(A) Lettuce (B) Cake
(C) White bread (D) Cheese
Item 41 refers to the following safety symbol.

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(A) Loop of Henle (B) Convoluted tubule
(C) Collecting duct (D) Bowman’s

45. Which of these components makes cigarette

smoking addictive?
41. The safety symbol indicates that a substance is
(A) Tar (B) Nicotine
(A) toxic (B) explosive (C)
(C) Carcinogens (D)
corrosive (D) flammable
Carbon monoxide

42. A solution with a pH of 5 is a

46. Antibiotics are chemicals that can safely be
(A) weak acid (B) strong acid taken into the body. They do not harm human cells
(C) strong alkali (D) neutral but they destroy ________.
(A) Fungi (B) Moulds
(C) Bacteria (D) Viruses

43. The left side of the heart has a thicker muscular

wall in order to ______________________.

(A) Pump blood to the lungs

(B) Pump blood to the rest of the body 47. Which of the following statements about the
(C) Receive blood from the lungs moon is correct?
(D) Receive blood from the rest
(A) It is a planet.
of the body
(B) It orbits around the sun.
(C) It is a satellite of the earth.
(D) It has oceans of water.
Item 44 refers to the figure below.

48. Which type of joint is found at the knee in

human beings?

(A) Ball and socket (B) Pivot

(C) Gliding (D) Hinge

49. The display of horizons on a vertical cross

44. The structure labelled X is the _____________. section through the soil is termed the soil
(A) bed (B) layer
(C) profile (D) strata
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50. Finely divided, partially decomposed organic 55. Which of the following is true about the
matter found in soil is called ‘greenhouse effect’?
(A) silt (B) sand I. It makes the earth cooler
(C) loam (D) humus II. It is associated with carbon dioxide gas
III. It is caused by heat trapped in the
51. Through which of these processes does the body
(A) I and II only (B) I and III only
rid itself of nitrogenous wastes? (C) II and III only (D) I, II and III
(A) Excretion (B) Diffusion
(C) Evaporation (D)

52. The LEAST effective way to purify water is

56. Which of the following gases is NOT believed
(A) boiling (B) filtration to contribute to the increase in global temperatures
(C) distillation (D) chlorination via the greenhouse effect?
(A) Oxygen (B) Methane
(C) Nitrous oxide (D) Carbon

53. Which of the following is LEAST likely to be a

source of water pollution? 57. Which of the following systems uses a
nonrenewable resource to generate electricity?
(A) Storm water
(B) Untreated sewage (A) Geothermal plants using steam
(C) Agricultural runoff from farms (B) Wind turbines using air movement
(D) Effluent from industries (C) Solar panels using the sun’s
and factories radiation (D) Nuclear power plants
using radioactive elements

54. Which of the following is true about wind-

dispersed seeds? 58. Which of the following is NOT considered an
alternative source of energy?
(A) They have feathery hairs which allow them to
(A) Solar (B) Wind
be taken great distances. (C) Gasoline (D) Geothermal
(B) They have hooks which allow them
to be taken great distances.
(C) They are rapidly thrown 59. The weight of a body acts through a single point
from dry pods. (D) They are found in succulent called the

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(A) edge (B) fulcrum 60. The function of the marrow of long bones in the
(C) moment (D) centre of gravity body is to ________________.

(A) Store iron (B) Make red bloods cells

(C) Make blood plasma (D) Reduce



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