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J. Chem. T echnol. Biotechnol.

1998, 71, 15È26

Bioaccumulation of Lanthanum, Uranium and

Thorium, and Use of a Model System to Develop
a Method for the Biologically-Mediated Removal
of Plutonium from Solution
Ping Yong & Lynne E. Macaskie*
School of Biological Sciences, The University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK
(Received 7 March 1997 ; revised version received 17 June 1997 ; accepted 3 July 1997)

Abstract : Removal of La3`, UO2` and Th4` from aqueous solution by a Citro-
bacter sp. was dependent on phosphatase-mediated phosphate release and the
residence time in a plug-Ñow reactor (PFR) containing polyacrylamide gel-
immobilized cells. In a stirred tank reactor (STR) lanthanum phosphate accumu-
lated on the biomass rapidly, in preference to uranium or thorium phosphates.
Thorium removal was not a†ected by the presence of uranium but was promoted
in the presence of lanthanum. Analysis of the accumulated polycrystalline
material by X-ray powder di†raction (XRD) analysis and proton induced X-ray
emission (PIXE) suggested the formation of a mixed crystal of lanthanum and
thorium phosphate. La3`, UO2` and Th4` are analogues of the corresponding
species of Pu3`, PuO2` and 2Pu4`. The La/U/Th model system was used to
2 problems in the bioremediation of wastes containing
identify some potential
plutonium and to develop a method for the biologically-mediated removal of
plutonium from solution, in a test solution of 239Pu “spikedÏ with a 241Pu tracer.
( 1998 SCI.

J. Chem. T echnol. Biotechnol. 71, 15È26 (1998)

Key words : bioremediation ; Citrobacter ; lanthanum ; uranium ; thorium ; plu-


INTRODUCTION a†ected by the composition of the challenge solution,

the pH, and the presence of co-ions and complexing
Heavy metal uptake by microorganisms has recently ligands.1,5h7 More than one heavy metal ion usually
received a great deal of attention for its potential in the exists in wastewaters.8,9 Metal uptake by biomass may
remediation of metal-bearing aqueous wastes.1 Micro- be a†ected by other cations, or by anions coexisting in
organisms are capable of concentrating and retaining solution with the “targetÏ metals, and the pattern of
metallic elements from aqueous solution because they metal removal from a metal mixture may be di†erent
o†er abundant metal-binding functional groups, e.g., from that obtained from a single metal solution. Galun
carboxyl, hydroxyl, sulphydryl and phosphate.1h4 The et al.5 observed that approximately 0É45 mmol dm~3 of
mechanism of heavy metal uptake varies between di†er- ferric ion inhibited 50% of the uranium uptake by Peni-
ent organisms and metallic species,1 and uptake is also cillium digitatum at an initial uranyl concentration of
0É42 mmol dm~3, while Brady et al.9 noted that more
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. than 99% of Zn, Cr(VI) and Cu was removed from elec-
Contract grant sponsor : British Nuclear Fuels. troplating wastewater by non-viable yeast biomass
( 1998 SCI. J. Chem. T echnol. Biotechnol. 0268-2575/98/$17.50. Printed in Great Britain
16 P. Y ong, L . E. Macaskie

under conditions where the removal of Cr(VI) was only phosphate but chemical constraints17,18 which may be
50È60% from tannery wastewater. Carvalho et al.10 metal-speciÐc. This system is also a†ected by various
reported that Cd, Cu and Zn uptake by the alga physicochemical factors, e.g. pH, and the presence of
Ascophyllum nodosum from a mixed solution was com- co-ions and complexing ligands.19h23
petitive for available binding sites on the cell surface. A variety of metals can be removed from solution by
Simple competition might be anticipated between diva- this method, e.g. Cd2`, Cu2`, Pb2`, Sr2`,
lent metal species.11 La3` 7,15,24,25 uranium4,19 and the transuranic ele-
Biosorptive techniques for metal removal are well ments americium and plutonium.18 The latter, together
established ; where this is the major mechanism, non- with neptunium (which is not removed by this
living biomass can, in some cases, remove heavy metals method18), comprises a troublesome component of
more efficiently than living cells,12 for example, dead wastes from nuclear fuel reprocessing.26 Am3` was
biomass of Saccharomyces cerevisiae removed 40% readily removed from solution in a similar way to La3`
more uranium or zinc than corresponding live cul- but the removal of plutonium was poor.18 For routine
tures.13 Metal bioprecipitation and biocrystallization is studies the use of transuranic elements is problematic
a newly-developed approach which overcomes satura- due to the long-lived radiotoxicity of these elements.
tion constraints via the input of biochemical activity, Their complex solution chemistry, attributable to multi-
which generates precipitant ligands continuously to ple coexisting valence states and extensive hydrolysis
form extensive cell-bound biomineral deposits. For behaviour27,28 makes rigorous study difficult. In addi-
example, metal can be removed via H S production by tion, solid state analysis requires appreciable amounts
sulphate-reducing bacteria to form metal sulphide pre- of material.
cipitates.2 Sulphate-reducing bacteria are metal resist- The present study was initiated to evaluate the scope
ant because the H S intercepts the incoming metal ; for promotion of plutonium removal by the formation
precipitation withholds the metals from the cells. of mixed metal phosphate crystals in association with
Another example of biocrystallization is metal removal more benign elements. Due to the well-established
as the hydroxide and carbonate precipitates by Alcali- properties of hydrogen uranyl phosphate as a “hostÏ
genes eutrophus.3 This organism harbours two plasmids lattice for intercalation of other metal species,29h32 and
(pMOL30 and pMOL28) which control heavy metal the large excess of uranyl ion in typical nuclear fuel
resistance, the mechanism of which is an efflux of metal cycle wastes,26 uranyl ion, UO2`, was routinely used. A
cations and precipitation of the metals under the local- model system for preliminary tests used Th(IV) and
ized alkaline conditions at the cell surface.14 Both of La(III) as “surrogateÏ elements to predict the behaviour
these examples rely on the metabolic activity of live of Pu(IV) and Am(III). The latter is formed via radioac-
biomass. Other components or constraints of the waste- tive decay of 241Pu.26 This b-emitting isotope is present
water may be toxic to the living cells, e.g. extremes of in nuclear wastes alongside the long-lived a-emitter
pH and high salt concentration. 239Pu.26 For the purpose of this study the valence
Metal uptake by resting cells of a Citrobacter sp. is an forms of actinides (An) likely to be present in solution
enzymatically-mediated inorganic metal phosphate pre- are An(III), An(IV) and An(VI). The hexavalent species
cipitation process based on the continual liberation of Pu(VI) (PuO2`) would be removed alongside U(VI)
inorganic phosphate from a supplied phos- (UO2`), probably intercalated within the lattice of
phomonoester substrate to form metal phosphate bio- HUO PO 4H O30 to form a hybrid crystal. Penta-
2 4 2
mineral on the cell surface. The phosphate ligand is valent Pu(V) does not persist in most solutions but dis-
generated via phosphatase activity in growth-decoupled proportionates readily according to :33,34
and immobilized cells, with no requirement for cofac-
tors or metabolic activity ; hence the exposure to heavy 2PuO` ] 4H` ] Pu4` ] PuO2` ] 2H O
metals and other components of the waste is decoupled 2 2 2
from cell metabolism and growth. Metal uptake can be i.e. 2Pu(V) ] Pu(IV) ] Pu(VI)
in excess of 900% the cellular dry weight.15 In this
process the phosphate ligand is generated at a high con- Since of all the oxidation states of plutonium Pu4`
centration locally, in juxtaposition to the extracellular forms the strongest complexes, complexing agents sta-
polymeric matrix, which provides foci for the onset of bilize tetravalent plutonium against disproportionation.
metal precipitation and “tethersÏ the precipitate to the Additionally, due to a strong tendency to Pu(IV) poly-
cells.16 Compared with this, the addition of inorganic merization in low H` concentration the part of the
phosphate directly to a very dilute metal solution may Pu(IV) primarily disproportionated into Pu(III) and
require large quantities of the ligand for precipitation ; Pu(VI) is transformed back into tetravalent plu-
furthermore the precipitate may form as a colloidal sus- tonium.34 For this study, Pu was assumed to be as
pension in need of subsequent settling-out or further Pu(IV).
downstream processing. At high phosphatase activities Most studies on actinide elements have been done in
the rate-limiting step is not the production of inorganic acidic solution due to their extensive hydrolysis at pH
Biologically mediated thorium and plutonium removal 17

values above 3É0.27,28 In contrast, the optimal pH for 2.2 Determination of phosphatase speciÐc activity
phosphatase activity is 5É0È7É5 ;22,35 metal removal by
Citrobacter is more efficient at neutral pH but chelating Phosphatase speciÐc activity was determined by the
ligand (e.g. citrate) is required to minimize metal hydro- release of p-nitrophenol (PNP) from p-nitrophenyl
lysis.22,23 This is not dissimilar to “actualÏ wastes which phosphate (PNPP) as described previously.20,21,36 One
may contain tributyl phosphate,26 and EDTA or, unit is deÐned as nmol of PNP liberated per min per
indeed, citrate28 as complexing ligands. mg bacterial protein, with OD of the cells converted
The present study utilized a model system comprising to bacterial protein using a conversion factor, with bac-
the valence-stable species La3`, Th4` and UO2` pre- terial protein determined by the method of Lowry
sented to biomass of Citrobacter sp. as the metalÈcitrate (0É276 mg protein cm~3 at OD \ 1 ; path
complexes. The purpose of this investigation was to length \ 1 cm).36
evaluate the scope for the promotion of removal of the
“difficultÏ metal species Th(IV)20,23 prior to further
application of this technique to the removal of Pu(IV). 2.3 Metal uptake by free cells in a stirred tank reactor
Previous studies had shown removal of 50% of the (STR)
input plutonium at an input concentration
60 nmol dm~3 18 but for bioprocess use greater effi- The concentrated cell suspension was diluted (to 0É15È
ciency would be required. We report on the application 0É3 mg cm~3 dry weight as noted in individual
of this technique for the removal of Th(IV) with greatly experiments) into 20 cm3 of 20 mmol dm~3 MOPS (3-
improved efficiency via the formation of mixed crystals, [N-morpholino]-propanesulphonic acid adjusted to pH
and show also that this approach can be applied to the 7 with 0É2 mol dm~3 NaOH) bu†er, 5 mmol dm~3
removal of Pu(IV) in preliminary tests. G2P, various concentrations (1 mmol dm~3 or as
described in individual experiments) of metal nitrate
(uranyl, lanthanum or thorium, individually or mixed)
and citrate bu†er (pH 7) as appropriate with or without
2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 0É1 mol dm3 ammonium acetate (NH Ac : adjusted with
0É1 mol dm3 HCl to pH 7) at 30¡C. Timed samples
All experiments were done using at least two di†erent were removed and centrifuged (12 000 rpm, 3 min), and
batches of cells. Determinations were made in triplicate the supernatants were stored in an ice bath before
and statistical variations were \3%. Data from repre- assay.
sentative batches are shown. Reproducibility was within
^5% throughout.
2.4 Metal uptake by PAG-immobilized cells in a plug
Ñow reactor (PFR)
2.1 Growth and immobilization of cells
The columns of PAG-immobilized cells were challenged
The Citrobacter sp.20,22,36 was cultured in minimal with an upÑow of composition MOPS (20 mmol dm~3,
medium, which contained (g dm~3) : Tris bu†er, 12É0 ; pH 7) and citrate bu†er (0É5 mmol dm~3, pH 7), metal
(NH )SO , 0É96 ; glycerol 2-phosphate (G2P, 5É5 H O ; nitrate (0É3 mmol dm~3 of lanthanum, uranyl and
4 4 2
disodium salt ; BDH Ltd), 0É67 ; KCl, 0É62 ; thorium, individually or mixed at an equal concentra-
MgSO . 7H O, 0É063 ; FeSO . 7H O, 0É000 32 ; glyc- tion of 0É3 mmol dm~3 for each), G2P (5 mmol dm~3),
4 2 4 2
erol, 2É0. The pH was adjusted to 7É0 with 2 mol dm~3 with 0É1 mol dm~3 ammonium acetate (pH 7) at 30¡C.
HCl. Cultures were grown in 3 dm3 batches (30¡C) with Metal removal by the bioreactor was determined by
forced aeration, inoculated using 50 cm3 of overnight assay of the residual metal in the column outÑow and
culture from cells previously maintained by two daily comparison with the metal content of the inÑow solu-
subcultures in the minimal medium, and harvested in tion. Column challenge solution was prepared freshly
stationary phase (24 h, OD \ D 1É20). The cultures from 100-fold concentrated stock solutions (stored at
were harvested by centrifugation, washed in isotonic 4¡C).
saline (8É5 g dm~3 NaCl) twice and resuspended in
saline (1/20 of the original volume) for experiments
using free cells. 2.5 Assay of metal ions
For preparation of immobilized cells, 5 g wet weight
of cells were immobilized in a polyacrylamide gel (PAG) 2.5.1 Assay for a single metal in solution
and shredded as described previously.15,20 The shred- Solutions for metal assay, 0É03 cm3 of the calibrant
ded gel was divided into Ðve equal parts by weight, (standard solutions of uranyl nitrate ; thorium nitrate ;
washed with isotonic saline three times, and packed into lanthanum nitrate, BDH Ltd), the supernatant (metal
Ðve replicate columns (height : diameter ratio of 3É5 : 1 ; concentration up to 1É2 mmol dm~3) or column inÑow,
total vol. \ approx. 30 cm3). or outÑow solution were transferred into a test tube
18 P. Y ong, L . E. Macaskie

containing 1É97 cm~3 of appropriate solution (that dorf tubes at room temperature. Plutonium stock
giving maximum sensitivity) for each metal : solutions (239Pu (a-emitter) ; in 2 mol dm~3 HNO and
3 mol dm~3 HCl (solution I) for thorium ; 241Pu (b-emitter) ; in 1 mol dm~3 HNO ) were from
0É1 mol dm~3 HCl (solution II) for uranium ; AEA Technology (Harwell Laboratory, UK). Citrobac-
0É1 mol dm~3 acetate/HCl bu†er (pH 3É3, solution III) ter cell suspensions in isotonic saline (8É5 g dm~3 of
for lanthanum, respectively.37 Metals were visualized by NaCl) were diluted (to a Ðnal concentration of 0É15È
the addition of 0É1 cm3 of 0É15% (wt/vol.) arsenazo III 0É3 mg cm~3 dry weight) in a solution containing (Ðnal
(BDH Ltd) with estimation of the blue complex at concentration) approx. 0É4 kmol dm~3 Pu (0É05 cm3 of
652 nm (Phamacia LKB-Novaspec.II each stock Pu solution) ; the Ðnal concentrations of
spectrophotometer).37 239Pu (bulk isotope, a-emitter, half-life : 2É4 ] 104
years)33 and 241Pu (tracer, b-emitter, half-life : 13É5
2.5.2 Assay for metals in a mixed metals solution years)33 were approx. 0É391 and 0É009 kmol dm~3,
Samples of a mixed solution of thorium, uranium and respectively) in 100 mmol dm~3 MOPS/NaOH bu†er
lanthanum were assayed using a simultaneous spectro- (pH 7), 5 mmol dm~3 G2P with or without (as
photometric method37,38 as follows. The solution of appropriate) citrate bu†er (2 mmol dm~3, pH 7),
mixed metal was transferred into three test tubes 100 mmol dm~3 ammonium acetate and lanthanum
(0É03 cm3 sample for each) containing 1É97 cm3 of either nitrate (0É1 mmol dm~3). The mixtures were neutralized
solution I, solution II or solution III, as appropriate. To by the addition of 1 mol dm~3 NaOH and the Ðnal pH
each test tube was added 0É1 cm3 arsenazo III was checked before addition of the cells. The Ðnal con-
(0É15% wt/vol.) and the absorbances were measured at centration of nitrate was approx. 300 mmol dm~3
660 nm for solutions I and III, and 652 nm for solution which is similar to that found in some wastes.26
II (Phamacia LKB-Novaspec.II spectrophotometer). Samples (50 mm3) were withdrawn at timed intervals,
The concentrations of Th, U and La (C , C and C ) the cells removed by centrifugation and 10 mm3 of the
Th U La
in the mixture were calculated from :37 supernatant assayed for b-activity by spotting onto
Ðlter paper in triplicate and counting using a “phosphor-
(A /b [ A /b )/(c /b [ c /b ) ImagerÏ technique, as described previously.39
1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
[ (A /b [ A /b )/(c /b [ c /b )
C \ 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 (1)
Th (a /b [ a /b )/(c /b [ c /b ) 2.7 Solid state analyses
1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
[ (a /b [ a /b )/(c /b [ c /b )
2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3
2.7.1 Crystal structure identiÐcation, and elemental
(A /a [ A /a )/(c /a [ c /a ) analysis of the accumulated metal precipitates
1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
[ (A /a [ A /a )/(c /a [ c /a ) Crystal structure identiÐcation and elemental analysis
C \ 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 (2)
U (b /a [ b /a )/(c /a [ c /a ) of the accumulated metal precipitates were done for the
1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 samples of mixed metal phosphate precipitated by free
[ (b /a [ b /a )/(c /a [ c /a )
2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 cells. The cells (0É15È0É30 mg cm~3 dry cells) were chal-
(A /a [ A /a )/(b /a [ b /a ) lenged in suspension (100 cm3) with a mixture of
1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 MOPS bu†er (pH 7, 20 mmol dm~3), citrate bu†er (pH
[ (A /a [ A /a )/(b /a [ b /a )
C \ 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 (3) 7, 2 mmol dm~3), glycerol 2-phosphate
La (c /a [ c /a )/(b /a [ b /a ) (10 mmol dm~3), ammonium acetate (100 mmol dm~3)
1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
[ (c /a [ c /a )/(b /a [ b /a ) and the metal ions mixed as appropriate (1 mmol dm~3
2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3
for each metal) overnight at 30¡C. The metal-loaded
where a, b and c are the molar absorption coefficients of cells were centrifuged, washed with water (three times)
the thorium, uranium and lanthanum arsenazo III com- and then acetone, and dried at room temperature.
plexes, and were obtained by a least-squares Ðt of the Crystal structure identiÐcation and elemental analyses
data on the absorbances and the concentrations of three were done as described below using the same sample
pure standard metal ion solutions under the conditions preparations for each.
appropriate to each metal, A is the absorbance of the
metal mixture being determined experimentally, and the 2.7.2 X-ray powder di†raction (XRD)
subscripts 1, 2 and 3 refer to determinations in solution The crystal structure of the precipitates was identiÐed
I (at 660 nm), II (at 652 nm) and III (at 660 nm), respec- by XRD. The samples were ground to a powder, and
tively. The validity of the method was demonstrated were laid on a single silicon crystal plate with XRD
previously.37 spectra obtained using a high precision powder di†rac-
tometer (School of Physics, The University of
2.6 Plutonium uptake by cell suspensions Birmingham) for data collection. Exposure times were
up to 16 h to monochromatic Cu Ka1 radiation pro-
Plutonium uptake experiments were done in a scaled- duced using an incident-beam cured-crystal germanium
down (0É5 cm3 Ðnal volume) system in 1É5 cm3 Eppen- monochromater with asymmetric focusing at 25¡C. The
Biologically mediated thorium and plutonium removal 19

scale error of 2h was 0É007¡ and the specimen surface and Th4`, respectively).20,44 The metal phosphate solu-
displacement was 0É0305 mm which was checked by a bility product (K ) and metalÈcitrate complex stability
standard reference material (Ag). The powder di†raction constant (K ) are metal-dependent. The three metals
patterns were recorded from 5 to 60¡ (2h) with a step would compete for phosphate and citrate in the chal-
length of 0É05¡ (2h). lenge solution ; thus, metal removal from a mixture may
be di†erent from its removal from a single metal solu-
2.7.3 Proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE) tion. Although it would be predicted that Th(HPO )
The ground sample was wet with acetone, then placed should be removed from solution in preference to
on a thin pioloform Ðlm on an aluminium target, and HUO PO on the basis of the solubility product alone
2 4
dried at room temperature. Quantitative elemental the reverse was observed,23 and probably reÑects the
analyses were done by proton induced X-ray emission relative strengths of the metalÈcitrate complexes
using the Oxford Scanning Proton Microprobe40h42 (above), and hence the low concentration of free Th4`
(Department of Nuclear Physics, University of Oxford). ion. Citrate was routinely incorporated to suppress the
Elemental maps were obtained of approx. formation of hydroxylated species45 and also as a “sur-
2 mm ] 2 mm specimen areas held within the proton rogateÏ for complexing ligands which may exist in real
beam. Matrix major element composition and thick- industrial waste (see Introduction). For promotion of
ness, which are needed to calculate PIXE corrections, metal removal, ammonium ion was routinely incorpor-
were determined by simultaneously-determined Ruther- ated. NH UO PO . nH O and Th(NH PO ) . nH O
4 2 4 2 4 42 2
ford Back Scattering (RBS) spectra. The intrinsic accu- are more insoluble than the corresponding hydrogen-
racy of PIXE using the RBS correction was salts and routine use of NH` accelerated metal removal
demonstrated by comparison of data obtained by PIXE and reduced the Ñow residence time necessary in a
with that determined by other methods.43 PFR.22,23

3.2 Metal uptake by free cells in a STR

Initial tests in an STR showed the di†erent metal accu-
3.1 Metal removal from mixed metal solution mulation behaviour of the three test metals. Lanthanum
precipitation was completed rapidly (within 60 min)
Metal uptake by Citrobacter is a microprecipitation of either alone or in combination with the other metals
metal phosphate, localized on the cell surface. There are (not shown) ; a similar result was seen also with
two component reactions of this biocrystallization uranium, where uptake was maximal within 2 h (Fig.
process : 1(A)). Removal of thorium from 1 mmol dm~3 citrate,
undetectable within 7 h, was improved in the presence
Phosphatase of lanthanum, and similarly in the three-metal mixture
Glycerol 2 [ phosphate ÈÈÈÈÕ Glycerol
(Fig. 1(B)). This was attributable to the coexisting lanth-
anum, since thorium removal was not promoted from
] Phosphate (1)
citrate supplemented with uranyl ion alone (Fig. 1(B)).
Participation of nucleation sites was possible, i.e. lanth-
Phosphate ] Metal ion ÈÈÈÕ Metal phosphate anum phosphate precipitate initially coated on the cell
precipitate (2) surface could act as a focus (“seedÏ) which accelerated
the crystallization progress for thorium precipitation.
where K is the solubility product of the metal phos- Alternatively a mixed crystal could be formed, pro-
phate (3É7 ] 10~23, 2É0 ] 10~11 and 1É0 ] 10~20 for moting the incorporation of thorium. These possibilities
LaPO , HUO PO and Th(HPO ) , respectively) ;44 were evaluated using X-ray powder di†raction analysis
4 2 4 42
here K is, more correctly, the conditional solubility of the precipitated material (Fig. 2).
product, and is a constant for a given metal and “carrierÏ
ionic matrix. The free metal ion concentration in the
3.3 Solid state analysis of the precipitated material
challenge solution (metal available for the formation of
metal phosphate) is governed by the nature of the
For solid state analysis the suspensions were incubated
coexisting complexing ligand(s) and their concentration.
overnight. In contrast to the data of Fig. 1(B) thorium
In the case of citrate :
removal, and co-removal of uranium and thorium was
seen after the extended incubation (up to 90% Th
Citrate ] Metal ion AB CitrateÈMetal (3) removal). No interpretable XRD pattern was obtained
for precipitate obtained from thorium-supplemented
where K is the stability constant of the metalÈcitrate solution alone (Fig. 2(A)), in accordance with the lack of
complex (Log K : 6É97, 8É5 and 13É0 for La3`, UO2` crystallinity concluded from previous studies.23 The
1 2
20 P. Y ong, L . E. Macaskie

Fig. 2. X-ray powder di†raction analysis of samples obtained

from uranium-unsupplemented solution. Samples of precipi-
tate obtained from solutions supplemented with thorium
nitrate (A), or lanthanum nitrate alone (B), or as a mixture (C)
were examined as described in the text. Areas of interest are in
Fig. 1. Metal uptake from mixed metals solution by free cells
in an STR. (A) Uptake of uranium. The concentrated cells
were diluted with a solution (20 cm3) containing
20 mmol dm~3 MOPS bu†er (pH 7), 0É1 mol dm~3 NH Ac
(pH 7), 5 mmol dm~3 G2P, 1 mmol dm~3 citrate (pH 7) with 4
0É15 mmol dm~3 uranyl nitrate only + ; 0É15 mmol dm~3 obtained from uranium-challenged samples alone22 or
uranyl and 0É15 mmol dm~3 lanthanum nitrate | ; from cell suspensions co-supplemented with lanthanum
0É15 mmol dm~3 uranyl and 0É15 mmol dm~3 thorium and/or thorium or all three metals (not shown), and the
nitrate L ; 0É15 mmol dm~3 uranyl, 0É15 mmol dm~3 lantha- XRD patterns were identical (not shown). This was
num and 0É15 mmol dm~3 thorium nitrate ). (B) Uptake of possibly because the X-ray di†raction pattern of the
thorium. The concentrated cells were diluted with a solution
(20 cm3) containing 20 mmol dm~3 MOPS bu†er (pH 7), uranium phosphate crystal was sufficiently strong to
0É1 mol dm~3 NH Ac (pH 7), 1 mmol dm~3 citrate (pH 7), mask peaks attributable to LaPO or a mixed La/Th
4 with 0É15 mmol dm~3 thorium nitrate 4
5 mmol dm~3 G2P crystal (cf. Fig. 2(B C)). More detailed interpretation of
only + ; 0É15 mmol dm~3 thorium and 0É15 mmol dm~3 the spectra was difficult in the absence of reference data
uranyl nitrate | ; 0É15 mmol dm~3 thorium and on the mixed crystals, but it was concluded that the
0É15 mmol dm~3 lanthanum nitrate L ; 0É15 mmol dm~3
thorium, 0É15 mmol dm~3 uranyl and 0É15 mmol dm~3 presence of lanthanum promoted formation of a mixed
lanthanum nitrate ). Data are from a representative batch of crystal with thorium, in accordance with the data of
cells. The phosphatase speciÐc activity was 568 units at Fig. 1(B). The area of interest highlighted in Fig. 2(A)
harvest, and the cell density was 0É226 mg cm~3 dry weight. clearly corresponds to the new peaks visible in the pre-
cipitate of LaPO /Th(NH PO ) . nH O (Fig. 2(C)). It is
4 4 42 2
likely that the thorium phosphate in the presence of
lanthanum loses its amorphous character and acquires
X-ray powder di†raction patterns for the precipitate a more crystalline structure. The XRD data were rein-
obtained from solutions supplemented with lanthanum forced using quantitative elemental analysis by PIXE.
alone or co-supplemented with thorium were very This shows (Table 1) that the expected metals were
similar (Fig. 2(B, C)), but two extra peaks were detected present in the precipitate obtained from the two-metal
in the thorium-supplemented sample (Fig. (2C)). These mixtures following overnight incubation, with approx-
were clearly visible as a non-deÐned peak area in the imately 10È20% more La than U and 10% more U
sample of Th(NH PO ) (Fig. 2(A)) but not LaPO than Th. The high degree of error (or sample
4 42 4
(Fig. 2(B)). Formation of a mixed Th(NH PO ) /LaPO heterogeneity) precluded conclusive interpretation of
4 42 4
species was suggested. There was no di†erence in the the La/Th mixed crystal. There was a higher ratio of La
XRD pattern obtained for the precipitate whether to both U and Th in the samples from the three-metal
Biologically mediated thorium and plutonium removal 21

Concentrationsa of Metals in the Precipitates from Mixed Metal Solutions as Determined by PIXE

(a) Precipitate from L a and T h mixed solution (b) Precipitate from L a and U mixed solution

Sample T ha L aa T h/Lab Sample Ua L aa U/Lab

1 7É51 7É36 1É02 1 5É39 6É75 0É80

2 15É7 18É5 0É85 2 11É3 16É7 0É68
3 4É03 6É26 0É64 3 10É2 12É2 0É84
4 16É6 13É4 1É24 4 15É6 16É8 0É93
5 11É5 16É5 0É70 5 5É39 6É75 0É80
Mean ^ SEM (5) : 0É89 ^ 0É24 Mean ^ SEM (5) : 0É81 ^ 0É09

Sample Ua L aa U/Lab

(c) T h and U mixed solution

Sample T ha Ua T h/Ub

1 4É58 5É03 0É91

2 1É86 2É20 0É85
3 5É31 5É05 0É83
4 4É45 6É39 0É88
5 7É46 8É26 0É90
Means ^ SEM (5) : 0É87 ^ 0É03
(d) Precipitate from U, T h and L a mixed solution

Sample L aa Ua T ha U/L ab T h/L ab T h/Ub L a/U/T hb

1 14É2 10É7 9É26 0É75 0É65 0É87 1É33 : 1 : 0 : 0É86

2 7É78 6É09 6É17 0É78 0É79 1É01 1É27 : 1É0 : 1É01
3 17É5 10É4 11É5 0É59 0É66 1É11 1É68 : 1É0 : 1É11
4 17É5 11É3 9É85 0É65 0É56 0É87 1É55 : 1É0 : 0É87
5 7É19 4É40 4É57 0É61 0É64 1É04 1É63 : 1É0 : 1É04
0É68 0É66 0É98 1É49 : 1É0 : 0É98
Means (^SEM) (5) : (^0É08) (^0É08) (^0É11) (^0É18) : 0 : (^0É11)

a Concentration units : mol dm~3 in the precipitates obtained from cell suspensions incubated in the presence of the
metals for 18 h. The samples were prepared as described in Section 2.
b Molar ratio.

mixture but no evidence could be obtained from the likely that the Ðnal precipitate was a mixture of LaPO
XRD pattern for the presence of La UO PO alone.46 per se and a co-crystal of La/Th and U phosphates but
1@3 2 4
No standard di†raction data are available for the exact nature of the mixture could not be deter-
lanthanumÈthorium phosphate.46 It is likely that there mined, against a “backgroundÏ of NH UO PO .
4 2 4
was sufficient peak overlap in XRD pattern of samples The results of the preliminary tests (Fig. 1, Table 1)
obtained from the uranium-supplemented solution to and the solid-state studies clearly suggested facilitation
preclude crystal structure determination by XRD alone. of thorium removal by its incorporation into a mixed
However, the high sensitivity and intrinsic accuracy of crystal, although a longer incubation time was required
the PIXE technique showed conclusively the mixed to visualize the e†ect of uranium, in accordance with
nature of the precipitate. The molar ratio of La : Th : U the longer timescale required for the removal of
was approx. 1É5 : 1 : 1 (Table 1(d)). The ratio of metal uranium as compared with lanthanum.22,23 This could
removal as seen in the solid sample was promoted to restrict application in a Ñow-through process where
1 : 1 for Th/U in the presence of La3` from a ratio of short residence times are desirable. Accordingly, tests
0É87 : 1 for Th/U without lanthanum (Table 1(c, d)). It is were done in a Ñow-through system.
22 P. Y ong, L . E. Macaskie

3.4 Metal uptake by PAG-immobilized cells in a PFR high for lanthanum, lower for uranium and very low for
thorium in the presence of citrate.17 The removal of
thorium was very poor as compared with the other
In a PFR, the efficiency of metal removal for the three
metals in the PFR either in a mixture or in a single
metals at a given Ñow rate (e.g. 1 cm3 min~1, shown in
metal challenge solution. The time taken for deposition
Fig. 3) was in the order of La [ U [ Th whether from a
of metal phosphate was previously identiÐed as a criti-
single or mixed metal solution. At this Ñow rate the per-
cal factor inÑuencing bioreactor efficiency.17,18 In the
centage removal of La, U and Th was 80%, 60% and
case of thorium, dissociation of the thoriumÈcitrate
17% respectively from the single metal challenge, and
complex was probably the limiting factor (possibly not
50%, 34% and 17%, respectively, from the metal
occurring within the Ñow residence time), and it was
mixture (Fig. 3). Removal of lanthanum and uranium
concluded that use of a PFR for the removal of thorium
was proportionally less from the mixture in each case
from solution would not be a realistic bioprocess
(50/80 \ 0É62 ; 34/60 \ 0É57), suggesting competition for
option, except at very long residence times which would
available phosphate. This is consistent with a previous
be inappropriate for an industrial Ñow-through process.
study which demonstrated a requirement for an excess
The potential for use of a batch contactor (STR) for the
of phosphate in order to achieve efficient metal precipi-
removal of thorium was therefore evaluated further.
tation in vitro.17 From a single metal solution the effi-
ciency of metal removal was in accordance with the
metal phosphate insolubility in the challenge solution :
3.5 Further development of a system to remove the
tetravalent actinides thorium and plutonium

3.5.1 Removal of thorium in an ST R : further studies

Uranium, thorium and the transuranic elements are
chemically and radiologically toxic, even at a very low
concentration. It would be meaningless to describe the
efficiency of a bioprocess using “% removalÏ as a cri-
terion if the residual concentration of metal is still
above the permissible limit of discharge. There will be a
Ðnal equilibrium concentration for residual metal in the
presence of biomass regardless of the uptake mecha-
nism ; this equilibrium, and the time for its attainment,
will be a†ected by various physiochemical factors and
will also vary according to the microorganism and
metallic species.9,47,48 In a PFR the equilibrium is not
reached at short residence time, this is especially so for
thorium (see above).
As described previously, metal uptake by Citrobacter
is a biocrystallization system in which there are reac-
tions (1) and (2), and it can be a†ected markedly also by
reaction (3), i.e. the residual metal ion after precipitation
is dependent on the solubility product of the metal
phosphate, the rate of phosphate release, and the activ-
ity of free metal ion in the challenge solution, which is,
in turn, dependent on the presence of complexing
ligands and the time required for dissociation of the
metalÈligand complex. In accordance with the solubility
products of metal phosphates (see earlier), it was shown
that the priority of metal precipitation and the efficiency
Fig. 3. Removal of metals from aqueous solution by PAG- of metal removal, were in the order lanthanum,
immobilized cells in a PFR. The reactor was challenged with
solutions containing 20 mmol dm~3 MOPS (pH 7), uranium and thorium under the same conditions.23 The
0É5 mmol dm~3 citrate (pH 7), 0É1 mol dm~3 NH Ac (pH 7) rate of phosphate release was limited by the phospha-
and 5 mmol dm~3 G2P with : L 0É3 mmol dm~3 metal tase speciÐc activity.20 Although this could be manipu-
nitrate only, or … three metal nitrates in a mixture at an lated physiologically during pre-growth of the cells35 it
equal concentration of 0É3 mmol dm~3 for each (total metal was concluded not to be the rate-limiting factor in the
concentration was 0É9 mmol dm~3). (A) : Lanthanum
removal ; (B) : uranium removal ; (C) : thorium removal. The case of thorium.18 The ionic matrix and pH of the chal-
phosphatase speciÐc activity of this representative batch was lenge solution control the efficiency of metal removal
568 units at harvest. from a solution of a given phosphate concentration
Biologically mediated thorium and plutonium removal 23

(solution pH a†ects the solubility product of metal

phosphate),22,23 while the incorporation of ammonium
ion accelerates uranium and thorium uptake by chang-
ing the form of metal phosphate to one which has a
lower solubility product.22,23 Citrate is necessary to
prevent metal hydrolysis (see earlier), and, as a metal
complexing ligand, citrate sequesters metals, and pro-
tects the phosphatase from uranium toxicity.22
However, at the same time citrate reduces the efficiency
of metal removal because the concentration of free
metal ion (particularly Th) is decreased in aqueous solu-
tion.23 A comparative study of uranium and thorium
toxicity showed that thorium had little detrimental
e†ect on phosphatase activity,23 probably due to the
strength of the thoriumÈcitrate complex (see earlier) and
low concentration of free thorium. The e†ect of citrate
was investigated further using an STR (Fig. 4). This
conÐrmed that citrate a†ected the residual concentra-
tion of thorium (Fig. 4(A)), but had negligible e†ect on
that of uranium (Fig. 4(B)) in the presence of ammon-
ium acetate. It was shown (Fig. 4(A)) that no thorium
was removed from a challenge solution of
0É3 mmol dm~3 in the presence of 1 mmol dm~3
citrate, in accordance with a previous study.23 However,
up to 95% of the thorium was removed from the same
solution by reducing the citrate concentration to Fig. 4. The uptake of metals from single metal solutions by
0É3 mmol dm~3. At a lower concentration free cells in an STR. The cells were resuspended (20 cm3) in
(0É1 mmol dm~3) thorium removal was only 70% from 20 mmol dm~3 MOPS bu†er (pH 7), 5 mmol dm~3 G2P
with 0É3 mmol dm~3 metal nitrate supplemented with
0É3 mmol dm~3 citrate, but 95% removal was restored 1 mmol dm~3 citrate (pH 7) and 0É1 mol dm~3 NH Ac (+) ;
by adjusting the ratio of citrate : metal to 1 : 1. The rate or 0É3 mmol dm~3 citrate and 0É1 mol dm~3 NH 4Ac (…).
of thorium removal was reduced in the ammonium- Tests were done also using 0É1 mmol dm~3 metal with
unsupplemented solution (Fig. 4(A)), but 60% of the 0É3 mmol dm~3 citrate and 0É1 mol dm~3 NH Ac (L) ;
thorium was removed after 7 h. It is concluded that 0É1 mmol dm~3 metal with 0É1 mmol dm~3 citrate and
0É1 mol dm~3 NH Ac (>) ; 0É1 mmol dm~3 with
citrate plays a major role in thorium uptake by Citro- 0É1 mmol dm~3 citrate4 and without NH Ac ()).(A) : thorium ;
bacter. This is in accordance with the value of the (B) : uranium. The cell density was 0É226 4mg cm~3 dry weight,
thoriumÈcitrate stability constant (see earlier) and is a and the phosphatase speciÐc activity of this representative
major factor which limits the residual concentration of batch was 568 units at harvest.
From the above it is concluded that the optimal con-
dition to achieve the highest efficiency of thorium system highlight the recalcitrance to removal of the
removal in solution of pH 7 is in the presence of tetravalent actinides, attributable to the complex solu-
ammonium ion and complexing ligand (citrate) at a tion chemistry of these elements. While Th(IV) is stable,
concentration as low as possible in accordance with plutonium can co-exist in all four oxidation states (III,
that required to prevent metal hydrolysis and maintain IV, V and VI) in the same solution.34 Each species has a
metal solubility. This should be balanced against the di†erent pattern of hydrolysis and complexation behav-
need for protection of the enzyme from uranyl toxicity iour which, in a solution containing other metals, will
in a mixed solution containing an excess of UO2`. In inÑuence the amenability of the metal to removal by
the case of Th4` a simple batch contactor would be physico-chemical or biotechnological methods. In most
preferable to a Ñow-through system ; much of the Th4` situations, and under the present conditions (pH 5È7,
was removed within 2È3 h, together with UO2` and aerobic) the plutonium would be present mainly as
La3`. A batch contacter format was adopted for testing Pu(IV) ; this is the most stable condition but one which
the application of the system to the removal of plu- requires stabilization against hydrolysis and poly-
tonium. merization by formation of the citrate complex. The
tests using Th(IV) (above) show that the presence of
3.5.2 Application of the system to the removal of citrate, although essential for metal stability, inhibits
plutonium from solution metal removal.
The above experiments with thorium in the model Preliminary tests to evaluate the removal of plu-
24 P. Y ong, L . E. Macaskie

tonium from solution were done in a carrier solution 4 CONCLUSIONS

containing 2 mM citrate or 100 mmol dm~3 NH Ac
4 It was shown that the bioremediation of solutions con-
with or without 0É1 mmol dm~3 La3`. Here the plu-
tonium concentration was 0É4 kmol dm~3. No removal taining tetravalent actinides (Th4` and Pu4`) is more
of plutonium was seen within 9 h in the presence of difficult than for hexavalent (UO2`) and trivalent
2 mmol dm~3 citrate (Table 2). Citrate binds very (Am3` 18 and La3`) ions. However, plutonium removal
strongly to Pu4` (log K \ 15É54 and log K \ 30É0 for was achieved from a solution of only 0É4 kmol dm~3
1 2 Pu regardless of a background of approx.
the plutoniumÈcitrate complex) ;34 in turn, this retards
the formation of plutonium phosphate (K \ 2 300 mmol dm~3 NO~ which is a competitive inhibitor
sp 3
] 10~28 for Pu(HPO ) . nH O44). Previous studies of phosphatase activity (K for NO~
42 2 i 3
have shown that the presence of ammonium acetate 15É9 mmol dm~3).49 With La3` present, the formation
could accelerate the removal of UO` and Th4`.22,23 of mixed crystals of actinide/lanthanum phosphates
2 accelerates and facilitates removal of the “difficultÏ tetra-
There was a signiÐcant removal of plutonium from
solution when 100 mmol dm~3 NH Ac was used in lieu valent species ; other studies have shown that it may be
4 the crystallization behaviour of the metal phosphate
of 2 mmol dm~3 citrate (Table 2). The present study
has shown that thorium removal is accelerated in the rather than metal phosphate insolubility per se that
presence of La3` (Fig. 1). Accordingly, incorporation of governs the efficiency of metal removal.18
La3` into the plutonium-challenge solution (with
100 mmol dm~3 NH Ac without citrate) greatly facili- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
tated the removal of plutonium ; up to 100% of the plu-
tonium disappeared from the challenge solution within The authors wish to acknowledge, with thanks, the
1 h (Table 2). Similarly to the thorium removal, there Ðnancial support of British Nuclear Fuels plc (to P.Y.)
was probably an La/Pu mixed phosphate crystal and valuable discussions with Dr H. Eccles of that
formed on the cell surface but the radiohazard of plu- Company. They also wish to thank Dr G. Grime
tonium precluded the use of sufficient metal to obtain a (Scanning Proton Microprobe Unit, Department of
solid in sufficient quantity for conÐrmation of this. No Nuclear Physics, University of Oxford) for his help in
loss of plutonium occurred in the same solution without the PIXE analysis, Dr J. I. Langford and R. PÑaumer
cells (Table 2), while acetate (100 mmol dm~3 ; log (School of Physics & Space Research, University of
K \ 2É02 and log K \ 3É34 for Pu4`)34 and nitrate Birmingham) for assistance with XRD, and Dr. J. R.
1 2
(300 mmol dm~3 ; log K \ 0É54)44 kept the Pu4` Lloyd for his assistance with Pu assay using the “phos-
mobile and would have protected against hydrolysis. phorImagerÏ technique.

The Removal of Plutonium by Citrobacter in Cell Suspensionsa

Residual concentration of Pu (% of initial concentration)

T ime (h) : 0 1 6 9

100 mmol dm~3 NH Ac and

0É1 mmol dm~3 La3` without cells 100 100 100 100
2 mmol dm~3 citrate BI 100 100 100 100
with cells BII 100 100 100 100
100 mmol dm~3 NH Ac BI 100 64É2 36É0 23É4
with cells BII 100 88É1 44É9 39É3
100 mmol dm~3 NH Ac and BI 100 0 0 0
0É1 mmol dm~3 La3` with cells BII 100 0 0 0

a The experiment was done as described in Section 2. All samples were with 100 mmol dm~3
MOPS/NaOH bu†er (pH 7), 5 mmol dm~3 G2P and 0É4 kmol dm~3 plutonium nitrate. The cell
densities in the suspensions corresponded to 0É428 and 0É483 mg dry wt cm~3, and the phosphatase
speciÐc activities at harvest were 486É3 and 194É5 for two batches of cells (BI and BII), respectively.
The plutonium solution was a mixture of 239Pu(a) and 241Pu(b). Alpha activity is not detected by
the phosphorImager method using clingÐlm-wrapped samples.39 239Pu gave no phosphorImager
signal per se. The decay product of 241Pu, 241Am is an a,c-emitter (0É06 MeV c). Controls using
238U (c-emission of 0É048 MeV) at 1 mmol dm~3 applied concentration (cf 241Pu was \ 0É01 lM)
gave a negligible phosphorImager signal.
Biologically mediated thorium and plutonium removal 25

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