Specifications: Name of Item: Category: Fresh Produce Quality Assessment Criteria Accept Reject

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Name of Item: Artichokes

Category: Fresh Produce
Quality Assessment Criteria

Accept Complies fully to specification or only minor defects

Reject Substandard and does not comply with specification

Visual Appearance Mid green to dark green leaves with purple or bronze bases
A well-formed head of compact overlapping leaves (bracts); inner leaves wrapped tightly around the stem; stem with clean cut; free
form foreign matter
Sensory Heavy for size; leaves yield slightly when pressed
There should be no objectionable odours or tastes
Defects There should be no evidence of live insects, fungal or bacterial rots
There should be no evidence of discoloration or disfigurement due to viruses
There should be no unhealed cuts, holes or splits from physical or pest damage
There should be no signs of dark water soaked appearance indicative of freezing damage
Packaging The package must be made from food grade materials
It must be washable, well ventilated and protect the produce from mechanical damage
Transportation The product must be transported in a covered, clean and palletized vehicle; No Taxis Allowed
Refrigerated vans should have a temperature ≤ 5°C; otherwise, temperature should be ambient
Physical All pre-harvest and post-harvest chemicals must be registered and approved for use in accordance with regulations from
the Environmental Protection Agency and Ghana Standards Authority

Food Safety Requirements The product must be supplied and delivered from trusted sources
It must be grown and packed under an approved and certified Food Safety Based Program recognized by the Ghana
Standards Authority (GSA), Food and Drugs Board (FDB), Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) or other Local Authority
It must satisfy all microbiological criteria prescribed by the Ghana Standards Authority

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REV:00 02/02/2017

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