Nanotecnología en La Medicina U Odontología

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The field of “nanomedicine” is the science and technology of diagnosing,

treating, and preventing disease and traumatic injury, of relieving pain, and
preserving and improving human health, using nanoscale structure materials,
biotechnology, and genetic engineering, and eventually complex medicine
system and nanorobots. It was perceived as embracing five main subdisciplines
that in many ways are overlapping by common technical issues.


It is the use of nanodevices for early disease identification or predisposition at

cellular and molecular level.

Regenerative medicine

It is emerging multidisciplinary field to look for the reparation, improvement, and

maintenance of cells, tissues, and organs by applying cell therapy and tissues
engineering methods. With the help of nanotechnology it is possible to interact
with cell proliferation and differentiation, and the production and organization of
extracellular matrices.

Nanorobotic microbivores

Artificial phagocytes called microbivores could patrol the bloodstream, seeking

out and digesting unwanted pathogens including bacteria, viruses, or fungi.

Surgical nanorobotic

A surgical nanorobot, programmed or guided by human surgeon, could act a as

a semiautonomous on site surgeon inside the human body, when introduced
into the body through vascular system or cavities.


They could make new class of self-powered implantable medical devices,

sensors,, and portable electronics, by converting mechanical energy from body
movement, muscle stretching, or water flow into electricity.
For other hand, nanodentistry will make possible the maintenance of
comprehensive oral health by employing nanomaterials, biotechnology,
including tissue engineering, and ultimately, dental nanorobotics. New potential
treatment opportunities in dentistry may include, local anesthesia, dentition
renaturalization, and permanent hypersensitivity cure, complete orthodontic
realignments during a single office visit, covalently bonded diamondised
enamel, and continuous oral health maintenance using mechanical dentifrobots.

When the first micro-size dental nanorobots can be constructed, dental robots
might use specific motility mechanisms to crawl or swim through human tissue
with navigational precision, acquire energy, sense, and manipulate their
surroundings, achieve safe cytopenetration and use any of the multitude
techniques to monitor, interrupt, or alter nerve impulse traffic in individual nerve
cell in real time.

These nanorobot functions may be controlled by an onboard nanocomputer that

executes preprogrammed instructions in response to local sensor stimuli.

Alternatively, the dentist may issue strategic instructions by transmitting orders

directly to in vivo nanorobots via acoustic signals or other means.

In conclusion, the nanotechnology is one the best advance in health because It

works in special size helping in many fields due to its precision and reliability,
but it need good professional in these area and its cost is very expensive. In our
country don’t have this technology but with the time it is possible develop new
alternative in nanotechnology or other areas of technology.

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