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My name Anuwar Ridzwan Bin Aziz, my matrik number A18A0068

I want to present about the market environment. The market environment

refers to factors that can have a positive or negative effect on the company’s
ability to operate and grow while maintaining its business deals with buyers
and target users. The market environment divided into 2 which is macro and
micro environments. Macro environment is an environment that is beyond the
conrol of the company but the company needs to be constant watch it because
this environment will present opportunites or threat company. Micro
environment refer to relatively close environment with the company. Next,

Macro environment divide to 3 part which is demographical, economic and

technology. Demographic environment are closely related to population data
such as size density, location, age, gender, race, occupation, population
migration and other statistic related to population. Nasi Ayam mawar have a
good demographic because the restaurant is beside the road and in the Pantai
Timur Supermarket. The target market is student because the location beside
the University.

Economic environment for Nasi Ayam Mawar have a buyable product for only
RM5 for 1 plate of Nasi Ayam mawar. The price buyable for the student to buy
the Nasi Ayam.

Technology Environment for Nasi Aayam Mawar is they use the common
technology like another restaurant. Next,

For Micro environemnt divide to 3 which is suppliers, distribution activity and

the compentitor

Supplier for Nasi Ayam mawar is the get the supplier from the supermarket and
supplier food such as chicken and vegetable.

For distribution activity, Nasi Ayam Mawar using the food panda delivery for
delivery to the customer. Next,
Last, SWOT analysis, swot analysis is an analytical method for identifying
business realities. It can identify the real potential and challenges of the
industry sector, including management factors, market, competition and
anything that can have a positive or negative. Next,

Strength in Nasi Ayam Mawar is the product very popular among the customer
in Taman Bendahara and student in University Malaysia Kelantan.

For the weakness, Nasi Ayam Mawar have 2 restauran, the second restaurant is
small and the table very limited for the customer.

The opportunities, nasi ayam have very much opportunites to expand the
business. Nasi ayam can increase the table for the customer and add another
franchais in another state or country. Next,

For the treats, the first threats that effect Nasi Ayam Mawar is the competitor.
There a lot of restaurant that sell Nasi Ayam too in Taman Bendahara. This will
effect the amount of customer for nasi ayam mawar.


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