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Atomic Structure, Periodic

Table, and Ions

Atoms = Building Blocks
of matter
Like Pieces of a Puzzle
Amino Acids

Atomic Structure
Atoms: smallest particle of an element that has the
physical properties of the element.

Atoms are made of three particles:

1. Protons = positive
2. Neutrons = neutral
3. Electrons = negative

The protons and neutrons are in the center of the

atom (the nucleus)

Electrons buzz around in a cloud around the

Subatomic Particles
Name Protons (p or +) Neutrons (n) Electrons (e-)
Charge +1 No charge -1
Location in nucleus in nucleus in shells around

Mass ≈ 1 amu (atomic ≈ 1 amu (atomic ≈ 2000 x

mass unit) mass unit) smaller

“Job” Determines identity Supplies proper Determines

of element mass to hold bonding/ how
nucleus it reacts

Number Atomic # Atomic mass – Same as # of

atomic # = protons
# of neutrons
Atomic Structure
Periodic Table
Different kinds of atoms make different elements

Elements are organized in the Periodic Table

Printed on a Periodic Table are several important pieces of information

Periodic Table
A lot of thought went into how the Periodic Table is organized

● They are arranged in order of number of electrons

● Columns (groups) have similar chemical and physical properties
○ Also have same number of valence electrons

● Rows (periods) have the same number of electron layers

● Elements are also arranged by how metallic they are
○ Metals to the left, non-metals to the right
Periodic Table

Periodic Table
Periodic Table

Atomic Atomic Protons Neutrons Electrons Atomic Mass

Symbol Number

B 6
Periodic Table

Atomic Atomic Protons Neutrons Electrons Atomic Mass

Symbol Number

B 5 6
Periodic Table

Atomic Atomic Protons Neutrons Electrons Atomic Mass

Symbol Number

B 5 5 6
Periodic Table

Atomic Atomic Protons Neutrons Electrons Atomic Mass

Symbol Number

B 5 5 6 5
Periodic Table

Atomic Atomic Protons Neutrons Electrons Atomic Mass

Symbol Number

B 5 5 6 5 11
Periodic Table
Periodic Table

Atomic Atomic Protons Neutrons Electrons Atomic Mass

Symbol Number

11 24
Periodic Table

Atomic Atomic Protons Neutrons Electrons Atomic Mass

Symbol Number

Na 11 24
Periodic Table

Atomic Atomic Protons Neutrons Electrons Atomic Mass

Symbol Number

Na 11 11 24
Periodic Table

Atomic Atomic Protons Neutrons Electrons Atomic Mass

Symbol Number

Na 11 11 13 24
Periodic Table

Atomic Atomic Protons Neutrons Electrons Atomic Mass

Symbol Number

Na 11 11 13 11 24
Periodic Table

Atomic Atomic Protons Neutrons Electrons Atomic Mass

Symbol Number

31 37
Periodic Table

Atomic Atomic Protons Neutrons Electrons Atomic Mass

Symbol Number

Ga 31 37
Periodic Table

Atomic Atomic Protons Neutrons Electrons Atomic Mass

Symbol Number

Ga 31 31 37
Periodic Table

Atomic Atomic Protons Neutrons Electrons Atomic Mass

Symbol Number

Ga 31 31 37 31
Periodic Table

Atomic Atomic Protons Neutrons Electrons Atomic Mass

Symbol Number

Ga 31 31 37 31 68
5 5 5 11
Na 11 13 11
Ga 31 31 68
Periodic Table
5 5 5 11
Na 11 13 11
Ga 31 31 68
Periodic Table

Y 39 39 50
Cu 29 29 64
Tc 43 57 43
82 82 125 82
Yb 70 70 172
Ac 89 136 89
42 42 42 42

Tl 81 125 81
Fm 100 100 259
102 102 159 102
70 70 102 70
Sg 106 106 265
Atomic Structure
Let’s break that down a bit….

● The classic model of an atom (the Bohr model) has protons and neutrons in
the middle, surrounded by circling electrons
Atomic Structure
● In the Bohr model, electrons are stuck in their orbits unless something pushes
them out
○ These orbits are called “shells,” or “energy levels”

● Each shell can only have certain a certain number of electrons

Atomic Structure
Shells on the Periodic Table
Atomic Structure
● The outermost shell contains special electrons called valence electrons
● These electrons are very important because they determine how reactive the
atom is
○ A full shell means the atom cannot react
Atomic Structure
Valence electrons on Periodic Table
Atomic Structure
Let’s review….
Element Element Atomic Protons Electrons Neutrons Atomic Metal,
Name Symbol Number Mass nonmetal,

11 24

31 37

39 89

B metalloid
Atomic Structure
Looking at Ions
Gaining or losing electrons
Ion Characteristics

A normal atom has a neutral charge with

equal numbers
of positive and negative particles.
... Ions are atoms with extra electrons or
missing electrons. When you are missing
an electron or two, you have
a positive charge. When you have an
extra electron or two, you have
a negative charge.
Octet Rule = atoms tend to gain, lose or share electrons so
as to have 8 electrons
üC would like to Gain 4 electrons
üN would like to Gain 3 electrons
üO would like to Gain 2 electrons

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