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Imperative sentence

Rule- 1: Imperative sentence হলে reporting verb said/said to –এর পরিবর্তে

a. অনু রোধ বোঝালে- requested
b.আদেশ বোঝালে- ordered/ commanded c. উপদেশ বোঝালে- advised d. নিষেধ বোঝালে- forbade
e. ক্ষমা বোঝালে- begged f. কিছু না বু ঝালে- told বসে। যেমন:
Rule- 2: Imperative sentence-টি negative হলে to-এরপরিবর্তে not to বসবে। তবে forbade লিখলে not to হবেনা। যেমন: a.

Rule- 3: Let দ্বারা প্রস্তাব বু ঝালে propose to/suggest বসে + inverted comma উঠে that বসে + they/we should বসে + মু ল
verb-থেকেশেষপর্যন্তবসে।যেমন: a. Hassan said to his friends, ‘Let us have a picnic on Friday’. Answer : Hassan
proposed to his friends that they should have a picnic on Friday.
b. The man said to his companions, ‘Let us not miss this chance’.
Answer : The man proposed to his companions that they should not miss that chance.
c. They said to me, ‘Let us arrange for a picnic’. Answer : They proposed to me that they should arrange
for a picnic.
d. He said, ‘Let us go out for a walk’. Answer : He proposed that they should go out for a walk. e. My
friends said to me, ‘Let us go to Cox’s Bazar’. Answer : My friends proposed to me that they should go to
Cox’s Bazar.
Try Yourself
a. Students said to the teacher, ‘Let us arrange for a study tour.’ b. He said to me, ‘Let us go out for a long
drive.’ c. They said to us, ‘Let us decide the matter.’ d. Sumon said to me, ‘Let us open a bank account’.
e. The man said to me, ‘Let us minimize the matter as early as possible’.

Imperative Sentence

We use tell, beg, implore (to ask sb to do sth in an anxious way because you want or need it very
much), entreat (formal) : to ask sb to do sth in a serious and often emotional way), encourage, forbid,
recommend, remind, urge, warn, ask, told and the rest in the place of ‘said’ or ‘said to’ in the Indirect
Speech in the sentence.

Rule 1: We use the Infinitive (to + verb present form)

The teacher said to his boys, “Do it at once.”

The teacher advised his boys to do it at once. (The Infinitive)

Khona said to her teacher, “Grant me my prayer, Sir.”

Khona politely requested her teacher to grant her prayer.

He said, “Lie down, Tom.”  

He told Tom to lie down.

She said, “You had better hurry, Bill.”

She advised Bill to hurry.

He said to his friends, “Please wait for me till I return.”

He requested his friend kindly to wait for him till he returned.

Rule 2: If the Reported Speech starts with ‘Do not / Never’, we use ‘not to + verb’ in the Indirect
Speech in the time of leaving out the comma quotations.

Rule 3: The Modals must, would and could are not normally changed in the Indirect Speech. You should
also note that some sentences with would and could are Interrogative in form but Imperative in nature.

Rule 4: Calling in the name of person (The name will be added as object of reporting verb)

Rule 5: Calling in the name of relations

The student said, “Sir, please forgive me.” (Addressing as brother/sister/friend/sir)

Addressing as sir the student requested kindly to forgive him.

Rule 6: By Allah/by God/by Jove/by my love/by my life (Swearing by Allah/God/Jove/Life/Love)

“By Allah,” she replied, “I will not forget you.”

Swearing by Allah, she replied that she would not forget me.

Rule 7: Imperative sentence with tag question

He told me, “Shut the door, will you?” (Tag question will be omitted and rules of imperative sentence
will be followed.)

He asked/requested me to shut the door.

Rule 8: When ‘let’ denotes a proposal, the Reporting Verb should be changed in
to ‘propose’ or ‘suggest’ and ‘let’ be replaced by ‘should’.

Borney said, “Let’s have a walk.”

Borney proposed that we should have a walk.

He said to me, “Let’s go home.”

He suggested to me that we should go home.

Rule 9: But when ‘Let’ does not express a proposal, the Reporting Verb does not change, only ‘let’ is
changed into ‘may’ or ‘might’ or ‘might be allowed’ or any other verb as per the relevant meaning.

He said, “Let me have a glass of milk.”

He wished that he might have a class of milk.

Rule 10: It is often safer for the students to use ‘tell’ in the Indirect Speech, when there be any doubt
about the proper word to introduce the Reported Speech.

I said to him angrily, “Leave me alone.”

I told him angrily to leave me alone. 

Imperative Sentence

Structure of indirect speech

a. Reporting verb is changed into tell, command or order, request - or

beg or entreat or ask, forbid, according to the sense of the speech

b. Reporting verb and Reported speech are joined by Infinitive ‘to

He said to me, "Do it now"?

He told me to do it then.

The captain said, "Soldiers, march on".

The captain commanded the soldiers to march on.

Narration of Imperative sentence

1. The reporting verb becomes order, request, advise, tell, ask.
2. The imperative mood is changed into the infinitive. Hence ‘to’ is used before the main verb.

Direct: Father said to me,” Go home at once”

Indirect: Father ordered me to go home at once.

3. Negative imperative expressed by using not before the infinitive in the indirect speech. The reporting
verb forbid, prohibit etc. may also be used without using not.
Example – 

Direct: Mother said to me, “Don’t run in the Sun.”

Indirect: Mother advised me not to run in the Sun.  (or) Mother forbade me to run in the Sun.

4. Such expression as Please, Sir in the direct are left out in the indirect speech and they are rendered by
the verb request or by the adverbs kindly, politely etc.

Direct: Ram said to him, “Sir, don’t go home now.”

Indirect: Ram asked him politely not to go home then.

5. When let in the Direct speech expresses a proposal or suggestion, we may use Should for let and
change the reporting verb into propose or suggest.
Example – 

Direct: Arka said to his friend, “Let us have a picnic.”

Indirect: Arka proposed to his friends that they should have a picnic.

6. But when let does not expresses a proposal, it should be changed into might, or may be allowed to.
Example –

Direct: He said, “Let me come in.”

Indirect: he requested that he might be allowed to come in.

Imperative Sentences

Imperative sentences are sentences that give an order or a direct command. These sentences may be in the
shape of advice, entreaty, request, or order. Mostly, it depends upon the forcefulness of the speaker. Thus,
a full stop or sign of exclamation is used at the end of the sentence. For example:

 Shut the door!

 Please shut the door.

 Repair the door by tomorrow!

To convert these types of sentences into indirect speech, follow the following rules along with the above-
mentioned rules:
 The reporting verb is changed according to reported speech into order in case the sentence gives a
direct command. For example:

Direct Speech: The teacher said to me, “Shut the door.”

Indirect Speech: The teacher ordered me to shut the door.

 The reporting verb is changed according to reported speech into a request in case the sentence
makes a request. For example:

Direct Speech: He said to me, “Shut the door.”

Indirect Speech: He requested me to shut the door.

 The reporting verb is changed according to reported speech into advise in case the sentence gives
a piece of advice. For example:

Direct Speech: He said to me, “You should work hard to pass the exam.”

Indirect Speech: He advised me that I should work hard to pass the exam.

 The reporting verb is changed according to reported speech into forbade in case the sentence
prevents someone from doing something. For example:

Direct Speech: He said to me, “Not to smoke.”

Indirect Speech: He forbade me to smoke.


Direct Speech Indirect Speech

We said to him, “Mind your own

We urged him to mind his own business.

She said to him, “Consult a doctor.” She suggested him to consult a doctor.

He said to me, “Write it again.” He asked me to write it again.

You said to your father, “Please grant You requested your father to grant him
him leave for some time.” leave for some time.

My9 mother said to me, “Never tell a

My mother forbade me to tell a lie.
c) Imperative Sentence:

 এক্ষেএে Reporting verb -টি অনু রোধ বু ঝালে request, আদেশ বু ঝালে order/command, উপদেশ বু ঝালে advise অন্যথায়
tell দ্বারা পরিবর্তি ত হয় +

Direct: He said to me, “ Please give me a glass of water.”

Indirect: He requested me to give him a glass of water.

 Imperative Sentence-টি যদি negative হয় তবে reporting verb এর পরে not বসে এবং তার পর to বসে।

Direct: He said to me, “ don't do this.”

Idirect: He told to me not to do that.

 Let এর পরে us থাকলে indirect করার সময় reporting verb-টি পরিবর্তে হয়ে propose/suggest হয় + inverted
comma উঠে গিয়ে that বসে + they/we + should বসে + reported speech এর মূ ল verb থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত বসে।

Note: Reporting verb এর Subject third person হলে that এর পর we বসে এবং reporting verb এর subject first
person হলে that এর পরে they বসে।

Direct: We said to the chairman, “Let us drop the matter.”

Indirect: We proposed the chairman dropping the matter.

Direct: I said to him, “Let us play.”

Indirect: I suggest playing.

Exceptional: Let দ্বারা প্রস্তাব না বু ঝালে reporting verb টি পরিবর্ত ন হয় না inverted comma উঠে that বসে+ reported verb
এর subject পু নরায় বসে + might + reporting speech-এর মূ ল verb থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত বসে।

Direct: Kamal said to me, “Let him say whatever he likes.”

Indirect: Kamal told me that he might say whatever he liked.

Imperative sentence.

Interrogative sentence কে Direct থেকে Indirect করার সময় যা যা করনীয়ঃ

1.      Said এর পরিবর্তে  ordered [আদেশ বোঝালে ]

2.      Said এর পরিবর্তে  advised [উপদেশ বোঝালে ]

3.      Said এর পরিবর্তে  requested [অনু রোধ বোঝালে ]

4.      Said এর পরিবর্তে  forbade [নিষেধ বোঝালে ]

5.      Said এর পরিবর্তে  told/asked [আদেশ /উপদেশ স্পষ্ট বোঝা না গেলে। ]

6.      Inverted comma উঠে গিয়ে conjunction হিসেবে to বসে।

7.      To + verb1 + ext.

8.      Person ও tense পরিবর্ত ন করতে হয়।

9.      বাক্যটি neative হলে linker হিসেবে not to বসে।

10.  Please দ্বারা শুরু হলে Please উঠে যাবে।

**Father said to me, “Memorize it now.”

=father ordered me to memorize it then.

**The teacher said to the student, “Always speak the truth.”

The teacher advised the student to always speak the truth.

**He said to me , “Please, do it now.”

= He requested me to do it then.

**Mother said to me, “Don`t run in the sun.”

=Mother forbade me to run in the sun.

Forbade ব্যবহার করলে not to use করতে হয় না।

** My friend said to me, “Give me a pen.”

=My friend told me to give him a pen.

আদেশ উপদেশ সু স্পষ্ট না হওয়াই said এর পরিবর্তে  told ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে ।

Imperative sentence beginning with Let

Let যু ক্ত  sentence কে Direct থেকে Indirect করার সময় যা যা করনীয়ঃ

Let এর পর singular থাকলে

1.      Said এর পরিবর্তে  told

2.      Inverted comma উঠে গিয়ে conjunction হিসেবে that বসে।

3.      Subject এর পর might/ might be allowed to বসে।

4.      অর্থাৎ গঠন হবে  that + sub +might+ verb 1+ ext.

5.      Person ও tense পরিবর্ত ন করতে হয়।

**Robiul said to me, “Let me learn English.”

=Robiul told me that he might learn English.

Let এর পর Plural থাকলে

1.      Said এর পরিবর্তে  proposed/ suggested [to থেকে যাবে। ]

2.      Inverted comma উঠে গিয়ে conjunction হিসেবে that বসে।

3.      Subject এর পর should বসে।

4.      অর্থাৎ গঠন হবে  that + sub +Should+ verb 1+ ext.

5.      Person ও tense পরিবর্ত ন করতে হয়।

6.      subject হিসেবে we/they  হবে।

1st place and 2nd place এর কেউ একজন  1st person হলে we না হলে they বসে।

**Razu said to me, “Let us go out for a walk.”

=Razu proposed to me that we should go out for a walk.

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