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এখন আমরা বইয়ের নিয়ম গুলো আলোচনা করি:-

Interrogative Sentence:
Interrogative sentence কে Direct speech থেকে Indirect speech এ পরিবর্ত ন করার সময়
নিম্নলিখিত পরিবর্ত ন গুলি করতে হয়–
i). Said এর পরিবর্তে asked/ wanted to know /enquired of /demanded of /wondered বসে।
ii). Inverted comma উঠে গিয়ে conjunction হিসেবে “if/ whether” বসে। Sentence টি WH-
question দ্বারা শুরু হলে ঐ WH- word টিই conjunction হিসেবে বসবে । “if/ whether” বসবে না।
iii). Conjunction এর পর Reported verb এর subject + verb + object +other.
iv). person ও tense পরিবর্ত ন করতে হবে (যা প্রথমেই আলোচনা করা হয়েছে)।
Subject এর আগে do/ does/did থাকলে তা উঠে যায়।
The brother said to me, “are you fine”?
= The brother asked me if I (me এর subjective form) was fine.যেহেতু Reported speech এর
subject হল “you” ( যা subjective form এ আছে) তাই “you”এর বদলে “me”কে নির্দে শকারি pronoun
বসবে subjecttive form এ। “me” কে নির্দে শকারি subjective pronoun হল “I”.তাই “you” এর পরিবর্তে
“I” হবে।
He said to me, “Did you do the maths now”?
= He asked me if I had done the maths then.
উপরের বাক্যটিতে Did উঠে গেছে । “did” দ্বারা আমরা বুঝতে পেরেছি যে Reported speech “simole
past” tense আছে। যা পরিবর্তি ত হয়ে Past perfect tense হয়েছে।উদাহরন:-
My sister said to me,“What do you eat” ?
=My father asked me what I ate.
উপরের বাক্যটির Reported speech WH word “what” দ্বারা শুরু হয়েছে তাই WH word টি
conjunction হিসেবে বসেছে। এবং do উঠে গেছে।================================
Imperative sentence(আদেশ/উপদেশ/অনুরোধ/নিশেধ).
Interrogative sentence কে Direct speech থেকে Indirect speech করার সময় নিম্নলিখিত পরিবতন
করতে হবে—
i). Said এর পরিবর্তে ordered/told বসবে যদি Reported speech এর অর্থ আদেশ বোঝায়।ii). Said
এর পরিবর্তে advised বসবে যদি Reported speech এর অর্থ উপদেশ বোঝায়।iii). Said to এর পরিবর্তে
requested/begged/asked বসবে যদি Reported speech এর অর্থ অনুরোধ বোঝায়।iv). Said এর
পরিবর্তে forbade বসবে যদি Reported speech এর অর্থ নিশেধ বোঝায়।

vi). Said এর পরিবর্তে suggested বসবে যদি Reported speech এর অর্থ প্রস্তাব বোঝায়।
vii). Said এর পরিবর্তে told/asked বসবে যদি Reported speech এর অর্থ আদেশ /উপদেশ স্পষ্টভাবে
বোঝা না গেলে।

Note:- Said এরপর যদি object না থাকে তাহলে object হিসাবে me বসিয়ে নিতে হবে। এতে ভু ল হওয়ার
সম্ভাবনা থাকবে না।না বসালেও হবে তবে এতে ভু ল হওয়ার সম্ভাবনা থেকে যায়। কারণ told object ছাড়া 
বসে না।

viii). Inverted comma উঠে গিয়ে conjunction হিসেবে to বসে।

Ix). To এর পর + verb1 + object হয়।

ix). Person ও tense পরিবর্ত ন করতে হবে যা পূর্বেই আলোচনি করা হয়েছে।

x). বাক্যটি negative হলে linker হিসেবে not to বসে।
xi). Reported speech “Please” দ্বারা শুরু হলে Please উঠে যাবে।

উদাহরন:- He said to me,”Do not run in the sun”.এখানে Reported speech “Do not run in the
sun” এর দ্বারা উপদেশ বুঝানো হচ্ছে। তাই said এর পরিবর্তে “advised” বসবে।Reported speech “Do
not run in the sun” simple present tense এ আছে । এবং Reporting verb “He said to me”
past tense” এ আছে। তাই indirect narration করার সময় তা past perfect tense হবে।He said to
me,”Do not run in the sun”. এর indirect narration হবে -He advised me not to run in the
উদাহরন:- Father said to me, “Memorize it now.”এখানে Reported speech“Memorize it
now.”এর দ্বারা আদেশ বুঝাচ্ছে । তাই said এর পরিবর্তে “ordered” বসবে এবং now এর পরিবর্তে “then”
বসবে।Father said to me, “Memorize it now.” এর indirect narration হবে —father ordered
me to memorize it then.
উদাহরন :- teacher said to the student, “Always speak the truth.”এখানে Reported speech
“Always speak the truth.” এর দ্বারা উপদেশ বুঝানো হচ্ছে। তাই said এর পরিবর্তে “advised” বসবে।
কমা(,) উঠে “to” বসবে। তারপর verb (Reported speech এর) বসবে।teacher said to the student,
“Always speak the truth.” এর indirect narration হবে –
The teacher advised the student to always speak the truth.
উদাহরন :-He said to me , “Please, do it now.”এখানে Reported speech “Please, do it now.”
এর দ্বারা অনুরোধ বুঝানো হচ্ছে। তাই said এর পরিবর্তে “requested ” বসবে। কমা(,) উঠে “to” বসবে।
তারপর verb (Reported speech এর) বসবে। “please” শব্দটি উঠে যাবে ।He said to me ,
“Please, do it now.” এর indirect narration হবে –
He requested me to do it then.
উদাহরন :- Mother said to me, “Don`t run in the sun.”এখানে Reported speech “Don`t run in
the sun.” এর দ্বারা নিশেধ করা বুঝানো হচ্ছে। তাই said এর পরিবর্তে “forbade ” বসবে। কমা(,) উঠে
“to” বসবে। তারপর verb (Reported speech এর) বসবে। don’t উঠে যাবে ।Mother said to me,
“Don`t run in the sun.” এর indirect narration হবে –
Mother forbade me to run in the sun.
Note:- Forbade ব্যবহার করলে not to use করতে হয় না।
উদাহরন:-My friend said to me, “Give me a pen.”
=>My friend told me to give him a pen.
আদেশ উপদেশ সুস্পষ্ট না হওয়াই said এর পরিবর্তে told ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে ।
Imperative sentence beginning with Let
Let যুক্ত sentence কে Direct speech থেকে Indirect speech করার সময় নিম্নলিখিত পরিবর্ত ন গুলি
করতে হবে —
Let এর পর singular থাকলে
i). Said এর পরিবর্তে told
ii). Inverted comma উঠে গিয়ে conjunction হিসেবে “that” বসবে।
iii). Subject এর পর might/ might be allowed to বসে।
iv). অর্থাৎ গঠন হবে that + sub +might+ verb 1+ object +other.
v). Person ও tense পরিবর্ত ন করতে হয়।
উদাহরন :- Joynal said to me, “Let me read History.”
=> Joynal told me that he might read History.”
Let এর পর Plural থাকলে
i). Said এর পরিবর্তে proposed/ suggested [to থেকে যাবে। ]
ii). Inverted comma উঠে গিয়ে conjunction হিসেবে “that” বসবে।
iii). Subject এর পর should বসে।
iv). অর্থাৎ গঠন হবে that + sub +Should+ verb 1+ object+other.
v). Person ও tense পরিবর্ত ন করতে হয়।vi). subject হিসেবে we/they হবে।
1st place and 2nd place এর কেউ একজন 1st person হলে we না হলে they বসে।
**Razu said to me, “Let’s go out for a walk.”
=Razu proposed to me that we should go out for a walk.
==================================Clause এর Narration Change:-  indirect
speech যদি Clause দিয়ে শুরু হয় এবং প্রথম Clause এরপর যদি Imperative sentence থাকে তাহলে
প্রথম ক্লাস টি লেখার পর imparetive sentense এর জন্য subject+be+to ব্যবহার করে পরের
ইমপারেটিভ বাক্যটি লিখে দিতে হয়।

উদাহরণ:- I said to Ram, ” If you meet Sita, tell her to take care of her health.”

Ans:- I told Ram that if he met Sita,he was to tell her to take care of her health.

Optetive sentence:- Optative sentence কে Direct speech থেকে Indirect speech করার

সময় নিম্নলিখিত পরিবর্ত ন গুলি করতে হবে :-

1. Said এর পরিবর্তে Prayed/wished [to থাকলে উঠে যাবে।] [Allah বা God থাকলেprayed না থাকলে
2. Inverted comma উঠে গিয়ে Conjunction “that” বসে।
3. Conjunction এর পর subject + might+ verb + object +other.
4. Person ও tense পরিবর্ত ন করতে হয়।

উদাহরন:-Teacher said to me, “May Allah save you.”এখানে Reported speech” May Allah
save you.” এর Object হল “you”(যা objectI’ve form এ আছে ) হল 2nd person তাই “you” এর
পরিবর্তে Reporting verb object “me” কে নির্দে শকারি pronoun বসবে । কিন্তু “me” নির্দে শকারি
pronoun হল “me”.তাই “you” এর পরিবর্তে “me” বসবে ।Teacher said to me, “May Allah save
you.” এর indirect narration হবে-
The teacher wished that Allah might save me.
Object বসাতে হলে for লিখে object নিতে হয়। নতু বা object তু লে দিতে হয়। Subject এর পর might
উদাহরন :- Father said to me, “May you gain success in life.”
= > Father wished me that I might gain success in life.
উদাহরন :- He said, “Long live our president.”
=> He wished that their president might live long.
Long দ্বারা বাক্য শুরু হলে long বাক্যের শেষে বসে।
Exclamatory sentence
Exclamatory sentence কে Direct speech থেকে Indirect speech করার সময় নিম্নলিখিত পরিবর্ত ন
গুলি করতে হবে :-
i). Said এর পরিবর্তে “exclamation with joy” যদি আনন্দ বোঝায় ।
ii). Said এর পরিবর্তে “exclamation with sorrow” বসবে যদি দুঃখ বোঝায়।
iii). “wondered” বসবে যদি অবাক করা বোঝায়।
আনন্দ দুঃখ পরিষ্কার বোঝা গেলে exclaimed ব্যবহার করাই ভালো ।
iv). to থাকলে উঠে যাবে।
v). Inverted comma উঠে গিয়ে Conjunction হিসেবে “that” বসবে।
vi). Conjunction এর পর subject + verb + object +other .
vii). Person ও tense পরিবর্ত ন করতে হয়।
viii). sentence টি what/ how দ্বারা শুরু হলে ইহার পরিবর্তে noun এর পূর্বে great এবং adjective এর
পূর্বে very বসে ।
উদাহরন:- He said, “How costly the mobile is!”
=He wondered that the mobile was very costly.
উদাহরন:-Robul said, “How beautiful the bird is!”
=>Robul exclaimed with joy that the bird was very beautiful.
উদাহরন:- He said, “Alas! I am undone.”
=>He exclaimed with sorrow that he was very undone.


REPORTED SPEECH এর মাধ্যমে যদি

চিরন্ত ন সত্য কথা বলা হয় তাহলে
থাকে এবং REPORTED SPEECH দ্ব ারা যদি
চিরন্ত নসত্য ঘটনা বলা হয় তাহলে INDIRECT
SPEECH এর TENSE এর কোনো পরিবর্ত ন
হবে না ।
উদাহরন:- Sunita said to her brother, “The sun rises in the east”.
এখানে Reported speech “The sun rises in the east” এর দ্বারা একটি চিরসত্য ঘটনার কথা বলা
হচ্ছে। Reporting verb “past”tense এ আছে এবং Reported speech “present indefinite” tense এ
আছে। তবুও Reported speech এর tense এর কোনো পরিবতন হবে না।Sunita said to her brother,
“The sun rises in the east” এর indirect narration হবে–
Sunita said to her brother that the sun rises in the east.উদাহরন:- The mother said to me,
“Honesty is the best policy.
= The mother told me that honesty is the best policy.
নিয়ম:- #@:- Reporting verb present tense বা Future tense এ থাকলে indirect narration করার
সময় Reported Speech এর tense এর কোনো পরিবর্ত ন হয় না।

নিয়ম:- Conditional 2 & conditional 3  sentense এর ক্ষেত্রে tense এর কোনো পরিবর্ত ন

হবে না। শুধুমাত্র conditional 1 & conditional zero এর ক্ষেত্রে tense এর পরিবর্ত ন হবে।


1. He said to me,” If you read well, you will pass”.

Ans:- He told me that if I read well, I would pass.

2. He said to me, “if you read well,you would pass”.

Ans:- He told me that if I read well, I would pass.

3. He said to me, “if you had read well,you would have pass”

Ans:- He told me that if you had read well,you would have pass.


নিয়ম:- Direct Speach এ must থাকলে indirect speech এ তার পরিবর্ত ন। যদি must
narration আসে এবং narration change টা যদি খাতায় লিখতে হয় তাহলে must এর পরিবর্ত ন
করার কোন দরকার নেই। আর যদি অবজেক্টিভ টাইপ প্রশ্ন করতে হয় তাহলে নিম্নলিখিত
পরিবর্ত নগুলি ঘটে–

1. Permanent command , intension (ইচ্ছা) , নিষেধ (Prohibition) বোঝাতে এবং কোন

বর্ণনা থেকে কোনো সিদ্ধান্ত নেওয়ার ক্ষেত্রে must পরিবর্ত ন করা যাবে না।

2. যদি ভবিষ্যতে ঘটবে এমন ঘটনা বুঝানো হয় তাহলে must এর পরিবর্তে would have to বা
must বসানো যাবে।

3) যে কাজ পরিকল্পিত এবং যখন বলা হচ্ছে তখন কাজটা হয়ে গেছে বুঝালে must  এর বদলে
had to বসাতে হয়।

E.g. He said, ” The door must be kept locked”.

A) He said that the door must be kept locked.

B) He said that the door had to be kept locked.

C) He said that the door Would have to be kept locked.

D) All

Ans:-He said, ” The door must be kept locked”.

সে বলল, “দরজাটা অবশ্যই বন্ধ রাখতে হবে”. এখানে যে command দেওয়া হয়েছে তা হল permanent তাই
must এর কোনো পরিবর্ত ন করা হবে না।

Ans:- He said that the door must be kept locked.

2. He said , ” We must have a party to celebrate this”.

A) He said that they must have a party to celebrate it.

B) He said that they  had to have a party to celebrate it.

C) He said that they would had to have a party to celebrate it.


Ans:-যেহেতু এখানে একটা /intension বা ইচ্ছার কথা বলা হচ্ছে তাই must এর কোনো পরিবর্ত ন হবে না।

He said that they must have a party to celebrate it.

3. Hay said, ” You must not touch the wire”. সে বলল, “তু মি তার স্পর্শ করবে না”।

A) He said that I must not touch the wire.

B) He said that I had not to touch the wire.

C) He said that I would had not to touch the wire.

D) All
Ans:- যেহেতু এখানে নিষেধ বোঝানো হচ্ছে তাই must এর কোনো পরিবর্ত ন হবে না।

A) He said that I must not touch the wire.

4. She said, ” I am always running into(হঠাৎ করে দেখা হওয়া) him,He must live here”. সে
বলল, আমার সর্বদা তাঁর সঙ্গে দেখা  হচ্ছে, সে অবশ্যই এখানে বাস করে”।

A) She said that she was always running into him and she further said that he must live

B) She said that she was always running into him and she further said that he had to
live here.

C) She said that she was always running into him and she further said that he would
have to live here.

D) All

Ans:- যেহেতু এখানে কিছু বর্ণনার মাধ্যমে একটি সিদ্ধান্ত উপনিত হওয়া হচ্ছে তাই must এর কোনো পরিবর্ত ন
হবে না।

A) She said that she was always running into him and she further said that he must live

5. He said , ” If the floods get worse, we must leave the house “. সে বলল, “যদি বন্যা আরও
খারাপ হয়, আমাদের অবশ্যই বাড়ি ছেড়ে চলে যেতে হবে “.

A) He said that if the floods got worse, they would have to leave the house.

B) He said that if the floods got worse, they  had to leave the house.

C) He said that if the floods got worse, they must leave the house.

D)  A & C

Ans:- যেহেতু এখানে ভবিষ্যতের কথা বলা হচ্ছে। তাই must এর পরিবর্তে would have to ও বসনো যাবে।

A) He said that if the floods got worse, they would have to leave the house.
C) He said that if the floods got worse, they must leave the house.

D) A & C is the correct answer.

6. He said , ” I must wash my hands “.

A) He said that he must wash his hands.

B) He said that he had to wash his hands.

C) He said that he would have to wash his hands.

D) A & B.

Ans:- D.


বিভিন্ন উদাহরণ:- 1. He said to me, “You are my friend”.

Ans:- He told me that I was his friend.

2. He says,”I do not like apples now”.

Ans:- He says that he does not like apples then.

3. He said,” My car is black”.

Ans:- He said that his car was black.

4. He said,” Mine is red”.

Ans:- He said that his is red.(I এর possessive pronoun হল mine, He এর possessive

pronoun হল her)

5. She said,” Green is mine”.

Ans:- She said that green was hers. (I এর possessive pronoun হল mine, She এর
possessive pronoun হল hers)
6. He said,” How are you”?

Ans:- He asked how I was. (যদি said এর পর object না থাকে তাহলে object হিসেবে me ধরে নিতে

7. He said to me,”What are you doing” ?

Ans:- He asked me what I was doing.

8. She said to us,”Where will you go tomorrow” ?

Ans:- She asked us where we would go the next day/the following day.

9. I said to her, “Are you okay” ?

Ans:- I asked her if she was okay.

10. She said to Aziz, “Do you drink wine” ?

Ans:- She asked Aziz if he drank wine.

11. He said to me,” can you swim “?

Ans:- He asked me if I could swim.

12. She said,” Why have you beaten him”?

Ans:- She asked why I had beaten him.

13. She said to me,” Have you applied for it”?

A) She asked me if I have applied for it.

B) She askes me if I had applied for it.

C) She asked me if have applied for it.

D) She asked me whather I had applied for it.

E) None
Ans:- She asked me if/whether I had applied for it.

E) None is the correct answer.

14. He said,” Why are you upset” ?

Which is incorrect—

A) He asked why I was upset.

B) He enquired why I was upset.

C) He wondered why I was upset.

D) None.

অনেক সময় assked পরিবর্তে enquired/inquired/eondered ব্যবহার করা হয়। তাই option A,B এবং
C তিনটে ঠিক।

Ans:- D) None.

15. He said to me,” Are you doing today “?

A) He enquired me if I was doing that day.

B) He asked me I was doing that day.

C) He askes me if I was doing that day.

D) He asked me if  was I doing that day.

E) None.

Ans:- He enquired of me if I was doing that day. (মনে রাখতে হবে enquired এর পর of বসে।

Ans:-  wondered এর পর object বসে না।তাই এখানে wondered দিয়ে narration change করা যাবে

Ans:- He asked me if was doing that day.

E) None.

16. He said to me,”Stand up”.

Ans:- He told/ordered me to stand up.

17. She said to me,” Get out” .

Ans:- She told/ordered me to get out.

18. I said to her,” work hard”.

Ans:- I advised her to work hard.

19. The commander said,”March on”.

Ans:- The commander ordered/commanded to march on.

20. He said ,”Children,stand up”.

A) He told children to stand up.

B) He told the Children to stand up.

C) He told to stand up children.

D) None.

এটা ন্যারেশন চেঞ্জ করতে হলে আগে সঠিকটা লিখতে হবে—He said to the children,” Stand up”.

Ans:- He told the Children to stand up.

A) হবেনা কারন children এর সামনে the নেই।

C) কা হবে না কারণ told এরপর object নেই।

21. He said,” do not laugh”.

A) He said not to laugh.

B) He told not to laugh.

C) He told me to not laugh.

D) None.

Ans:- A) হবেনা কারন said কে পরিবর্ত ন করা হয়নি।

B) told এরপর object নেই।

C) to এরপর not হবে না। Verb এর সামনে to বসে।

So correct answer is D).

Ans:- He told me not to laugh./He ordered not to laugh. /He forbade to laugh.

23. The mother said,”Do not go too far in the river” .

A) The mother forbade me not to go too far in the river.

B) The mother prohibited me to go too far in the river.

C) The mother told me to go too far in the river.


Ans:- Forbade নিজেই একটা negative word তাই না বাচক করার জন্য আলাদা করে not ব্যবহার
করতে হয় না। তাই A) ভু ল।

Prohibited এরপর infinitive ব্যবহার করা যায় না। Prohibited এরপর সাধারণত from বসে। তাই B)
ভু ল।

C) তে to এর আগে not ব্যবহার করা হয়নি তাই বাক্যটির অর্থ পরিবর্ত ন হয়ে গেছে।

So correct answer is D)

Ans:- The mother forbade me to go too far in the river.

24.  He said to me,” Let’s play”.

Ans:- He suggested to me that he should play.

25. He says,” My father is a teacher”.

A) He says that his father was a teacher.

B) He says that His father is a teacher.

C) He tells that his father is a teacher.

D) None.

Ans:-A) is wrong:- যেহেতু says present Indefinite Tense এ আছে তাই inverted comma এর
মধ্যে tense এর কোনো পরিবর্ত ন হবে না।

B) is wrong:- His এর প্রথম অক্ষর টা capital letter. আমরা জানি propper noun ছাড়া অন্য কারো
ক্ষেত্রে বাক্যের মধ্যে কোন শব্দের প্রথম অক্ষরটা capital letter লেখা যায় না।

C) is wrong:- says এরপর object নেই। তাই says পরিবর্তি ত হয়ে tells হবে না।

Option D is correct.

26. He said to me,” I shall do it tomorrow.

A) He told to me that he should do it the following day.

B) He said to me that he should do it the following day.

C)  He told me that he would do it the following day.

D) None

Ans:- He told me that he would do it the following day.

27. He said,” Honesty is the best policy”.

Ans:- He said that honesty is the best policy.(universal truth)

28. The teacher said,” the sun rises in the east”.

Ans:- The teacher said that the sun rises in the east.(universal truth).

29. The Greeks said,” The sun revolves around the earth”.

Ans:- The Greeks said that the Sun revolved around the earth.(এটা universal truth নয়)

30. He said, “after the meeting, I have to go home”.

Ans:- He said that after the meeting, he had had to go home.

Note:- have to পরিবর্ত ন হয়ে had had to হয়।

31. He said, “He is working here”.

Ans:- He said that he was working there.

32. He said, ” it is time we went home”.

Ans:- I said that it was time they went home.

Note:- It is time. এরপর বাকি অংশটার tense এর কোন পরিবর্ত ন হয় না।

33. He said, I wish I did not have to take the examination”.

Ans:- He said that he wished he did not have to take the examination.

Note:- I wish এরপর বাকি অংশটার tense এর কোন পরিবর্ত ন হয় না।

34. “Ann wants to go alone,he said,but I would rather she went with her brother. 

Ans:- He said that Ann wanted to go alone but he would rather she went with her

Note:- Would rather এরপর বাকি অংশটার tense এর কোন পরিবর্ত ন হয় না।
Note:- It is time, Would rather, Would sooner, I wish, had better এদের পরে indirect speech
থাকলে tense এর কোনো পরিবর্ত ন হয় না।

35. He said,” Rahim cut trees”.

Ans:- He said that Rahim had cut trees.

36. He said,” We are friends”.

Ans:- He said that they were friends.

37. He said to me,” If you study, you will pass “.

Ans:- He told me that if I studied, I would pass.

38. He said to me,” If you studied, you would pass “.

Ans:- . He told me that If you studied, you would pass “.

39.  He said to me,” If you had studied, you would have passed “.

Ans:- He told me that If you had studied, you would have passed .

40. “What happened “, She said.(RPSC GD II 2013)

A) She questioned on the happening.

B) She asked what happened.

C)She asked what had happened.

D) She asked what was happening.

Ans:-C) She asked what had happened .

41. Sitvik said to me, ” When are you coming here “?(RPSC GD II 3018)

A) Sitvik asked me when I was coming there.

B) Sitvik asked me when he was coming there.

C) Sitvik told me who I was coming there.

D) Sitvik asked me who I was coming there.

Ans:- B) Sitvik asked me when he was coming there.

42. Ravina said to me, ” what a pity you missed my sister’s wedding ” ?(RPSC GD II

Ans:- Ravina exclaimed me that it was a great pity I had missed her sister’s wedding.

43. Sneha Said, ” Which firm are you working with” ?(RPSC GD II 2018)

A) Sneha asked me Which firm I am working with.

B) Sneha told me Which firm I am working with.

C) Sneha said Which firm I  work with.

D) Sneha asked me Which firm I was working with.

Ans:- D) Sneha asked Which firm I was working with.

Note:- Said/say/says এর পর object না থাকলে নিজে থেকে object হিসেবে me নেওয়া যাবে। যে কোন

44. The young man said, Oh God! help me clear this interview. (RPSC GD II 2018)

A) The young man prayed to God to help him clear that interview.

B) The young man wanted God to clear him in interview.

C) The young man told God to help in interview.

D) The young man said to God to help  in interview.

Ans:- A) The young man prayed to God to help him clear that interview.
/ The young man prayed to God to help him clear the interview.

45. She said, ” You must not break your promise”.(RPSC GD I)

A) She said to me that I had not broken any promise.

B) She told me that I must not break my promise.

C) She wanted me that I should not keep my promise.

D) she said to me I should not break my promise.

Ans:- B) She told me that I must not break my promise.

46. Rahul said, “I have finished my work”. (RAS EXAM 2001)

Ans:- Rahul said that he had finished his work.

47. Mrs Lal said to her children , ” In summer we will go to the hills”.(RAS EXAM 2001)

Ans:- Mrs Lal told her children that in summer they would go to the hills.

48. Rani say to her mother, ” I have been asked to write a story in English”.

(RAS exam 2001)

Ans:- Rani told her mother that she had been asked to a story in English.

49. She said, ” Officer, can you help me find the way to the Book Fair “. (RAS EXAM

Ans :- এটাকে আগে আমরা নিন্মলিখিতভাবে লেখে নিব তারপর ন্যারেশন করব-

She said to the Officer, ” can you help me find the way to the Book Fair “. ( মনে রাখতে হবে
common noun এর আগে the বসে। তাই Officer এর আগে the বসেছে)

Ans:- She requested the Officer if (/whether) he could help her find the way to the Book
50. ‘ Please Mother ! ‘ the boy said, “let me join the school hitchhiking camp this
year !'(RAS EXAM 2004)

Ans:- এখানে শেষের বাক্যটি verb let দিয়ে শুরু হয়েছে অর্থাৎ imperative sentence.

The boy requested/asked mother to let him join the school hitchhiking camp that year .

51. The king said to his ministers, “Bring the man who made this beautiful sculpture to
my court”.(RAS EXAM 2004)

Ans:- The king ordered his minister to bring the man who made that beautiful
sculpture(ভাস্কর্য/ মূর্তি / প্রস্তরে খোদাই করা) to his court.

52. She said to Paul, ” Would you please ring me up when the guests arrive ?” (RAS
exam 2007)

Ans:- She asked Paul if he would ring her up when the guests arriveed.

53.  Ram said to Sheila, “You will not believe me if I tell the real secret.” (RAS exam

Ans:- Ram told Sheila that she would not believe him if he told the real secret.

54. ” Don’t drive the car fast on crowded roads,” said father to his son. (RAS exam

Ans:- Father forbade his son to drive the car fast on crowded roads.

Ans:-Father told his son not to drive the car fast on crowded roads.

Ans:-Father advised his son not to drive the car fast on crowded roads.

55. He said to her, ” Please come up (উপরে আসা) with me.” (RAS exam 2008)

Ans:- He requested/asked her to come up with him.

56. I say to him, ” Why did you insult my brother ?” (RAS exam 2008)

Ans:- I asked him why he had insulted my brother.

57. Ram said to Shyam, ” Will you attend school tomorrow ?” ” No”,  said Shyam. (RAS
EXAM 2008)

Ans:- Ram asked Shyam if/whether he (S) would attend school the following day/ the
next day. Shyam answered in the negative.

Ans:- Ram asked Shyam if/whether he (S) would attend school the following day/ the
next day. Shyam said that he would not.

58. ” Let us read her palm to tell her whether she is going to pass or not,” said my
friend. (RAS EXAM 2010)

Ans:- My friend asked me to let them read her palm to tell whether she was going to
pass or not.

Note:-অনেকের মনে হতে পারে  Let us আছে তার মানে said পরিবর্তি ত হয়ে suggested হবে কিন্তু তা
হবে না কারণ প্রস্তাব বুঝালে Let us থাকতো না Let’s আকারে থাকতো। তাই suggested——-should 
হবে না।

59. Ram said to me, ” Is the woman standing in the corner your wife ?” (RAS exam

Ans:- Ram asked me if/whether the woman standing in the corner was my wife.

60.  He said, ” My parents gave the highest importance to good education.” (RAS exam

Ans:- He said that his parents had given the highest importance to good education.

61. I said to Ram, ” If you meet Sita, tell her to take care of her health.” (RAS exam

Ans:- I told Ram that if he met Sita, he was to tell her to take care of her health.

62.  He said to her, ” Who would you like to invite to dinner tonight?” (RAS Exam 2012)

Ans:- He asked her who she would like to invite to dinner that night.

1. Passage Narration:-

Ans:- The thecher asked the student if he(Student) had prepared his lesson that day.
With due respect, the student replied in the negative.The teacher asked why (the
teacher wanted to know the reason). He (Student) replied that he had been suffering
from headache the previous day . He (s) again said/also said/added that he(s) would do
his work the next day.এখানে sir এর বদলে with due respect/respectfully বসানো হয়েছে।
==================================2. Passage Narration:- “Good morning,
students” said the teacher. “How are you?” We are fine, sir. ” What about you?”
“I am fine too. please, sit down”.”Have you prepared your lesson?” “sorry, sir.
We have not prepared our lesson.” they replied.

Ans:- The teacher wished the students good morning. He again asked how they were.
The students respectfully replied that they were fine. They again asked what about him.
He replied that he was fine too. He again requested to sit down. He asked if they had
prepared their lesson.With due respect they replied that they were sorry. They again
replied that they had not prepared their lesson.Note:- Sir=With due respect/respectfully ,
Good morning থাকলে said উঠে বসে। কোন বাক্য সংক্ষিপ্ত আকারে থাকলে তাকে সম্পূর্ণ বাক্যে লিখে নিতে
হবে যেমন Sorry=we are sorry. **************************************”3:- passage Narration:-
Ans:- He told me that he was very sorry to trouble me . But he again said that he would
be much obliged if I would kindly lent him my dictionary. I said that I would be very glad
to be of service to him and he was welcome to any of my books that he thought of use
to him. ***************””””””””****************4.

Ans:- The old man asked the maid if she could give him some food. He again said that
he had been starving for three days . The maid asked why he begged. The maid again
asked if he could work. The old man replied in negative that he was unable
to work.Note:- No এর বাক্যটা subject দিয়ে শুরু হয়েছিল তাই inverted comma উঠে that বসেছে
অর্থাৎ in negative এর পর that বসেছে।===================================5.
Passage Narration:- Ans:- The manager wished the lady Good morning and again/also
asked if he could help her. The lady replied in affirmative that she had been told to
come over there to get a parking sticker. The lady again asked if that was the right
place. The manager replied in the affirmative that it was. He again/also asked what the
registration number of her car. ===================================

6. “Alas ! Cousin wolf ” , said the housedog ,”you lead an extremely irregular life. why do
you not work as steadily as I do?”

Ans- Addressing as cousin wolf,the housedog exclaimed with sorrow that he (Wolf) led
an extremely irregular life. The housedog further/also/again asked why he   did not
work as steadily as I did. ==================================

7. The wolf also said, “I try so hard,yet I can hardly find enough food to keep me from
starvation .I am having a very bad time.”

“Ans:- The wolf also said that he tried so hard and again said that yet he could hardly
find enough food to keep him from starvation and further said that he was having a very
bad time

Passage Narration
  (5/5, 62 votes)

Passage narration লেখার সময় কিছু নির্দি ষ্ট নিয়ম অনুসরণ করা হয়। সব নিয়মগুলো নিচে উদাহরণসহ
বর্ণিত হল:

Some certain rules are followed while writing passage narration. All the rules are
discussed with examples below:

Rule 1:

At first, you have to read the whole passage to identify the speaker and the audience.
Then you have to determine the mood of the verb in their speeches.
প্রথমে, সম্পূর্ণ passage টি পড়ে বক্তা এবং শ্রোতাকে চিহ্নিত করতে হবে। তারপর তাদের উক্তিগুলোর ক্রিয়ার
ধরন বুঝতে হবে।

o “Will you come with me?”, said Pria to Ria. “I will come.” Said Ria. (Direct)
o Pria asked Ria if she would come with her. Ria replied that she would come.
Rule 2:

When the reporting verb is placed in the middle or at the last of the sentence while
converting it into Indirect you have to put it after the subject in starting of the

যখন reporting verb sentence-এর মাঝে বা শেষে থাকে তবে একে Indirect করতে তাকে sentence-
এর শুরুতে subject-এর পরে বসাতে হবে।

o “Where do you live?”, said Tina. “I live at Dhanmondi.”, said Rina. (Direct)
o Tina asked Rina where she lived. Rina replied that she lived at Dhanmondi.
Rule 3:

Passage-এ যদি বক্তা একের অধিক উক্তি ব্যবহার করে তবে প্রথম উক্তি উল্লেখ করার পর, পরবর্তী উক্তিগুলো
উল্লেখ করার সময় নিম্নোক্ত নিয়মগুলো অনুসরণ করা হয়:

i. Assertive sentence-এর ক্ষেত্রে: also said/again said, added/further added, প্রভৃ তি ব্যবহার
করা হয়।

In case of Assertive sentences: also said/again said, added/further added, etc. are

ii. Interrogative sentence-এর ক্ষেত্রে: also asked/again asked/ further asked, প্রভৃ তি ব্যবহার
করা হয়।

In case of Interrogative sentences: also asked/again asked/ further asked, etc. are

iii. Imperative sentence-এর ক্ষেত্রে: and ordered to/ and requested, প্রভৃ তি ব্যবহার করা হয়।

In case of Imperative sentences: and ordered to/ and requested, etc. are used.
iv. Optative sentence-এর ক্ষেত্রে: and wished/and prayed that, প্রভৃ তি ব্যবহার করা হয়।

In case of Optative sentences: and wished/and prayed that, etc. are used.

v. Exclamatory sentence-এর ক্ষেত্রে: and exclaimed with happiness/ joy that/in grief
that, প্রভৃ তি ব্যবহার করা হয়।

In case of Exclamatory sentences: and exclaimed with happiness/ joy that/in grief
that, etc. are used.

o “I will help you to solve this problem. I am responsible for it.” The boy said.
“Why did you do it? Do you have time for it? You are leaving Dhaka this evening.”
I said. (Direct)
o The boy told me that he would solve this problem. He added that he was
responsible for it. I asked him the reason for doing it. I also asked if he had time
for it. I added that he was leaving Dhaka that evening. (Indirect)
Rule 4:

If reported speech has only “Yes”, then Subject+ replied in the affirmative or
Subject+ Auxilliary Verb is used and if reported speech has other speech after “Yes”,
then Subject+ replied in the affirmative and said that is used.

যদি reported speech-এ শুধু “Yes”থাকে তবে Subject+ replied in the affirmative বা
Subject+ Auxilliary Verb ব্যবহার করা হয় এবং reported speech-এ “Yes”-এর পর আরও বক্তব্য
থাকে তবে Subject+ replied in the affirmative and said that ব্যবহৃত হয়।

o I said to him, “Have you done the math?”. “Yes. I have also done another
one.” He said. (Direct)
o I asked him if he had done the math. He replied in the affirmative. Or, he
said that he had. And he said that he had also done another one. (Indirect)
Rule 5:

If reported speech has only “No”, then Subject+ replied in the negative or Subject+
Auxilliary Verb+ not is used and if reported speech has other speech after “No”, then
Subject+ replied in the negative and said that is used.
যদি reported speech-এ শুধু “No” থাকে তবে Subject+ replied in the negative বা Subject+
Auxilliary Verb+ not ব্যবহার করা হয় এবং reported speech-এ “No” এর পর আরও বক্তব্য থাকে
তবে Subject+ replied in the negative and said that ব্যবহৃত হয়।

o I said to him, “Have you done the math?”. “No. I will do it later.” He said.
o I asked him if he had done the math. He replied in the negative. Or, he said
that he had not. And he said that he would do it later. (Indirect)
Rule 6:

When direct speech has “Sir”, the indirect speech will use with respect/respectfully/
politely instead of “Sir”.

যখন direct speech-এ “Sir” থাকে, indirect speech “Sir” এর পরিবর্তে with
respect/respectfully/ politely ব্যবহার করবে।

o The student said to the teacher,” Sir, will you teach me the math?” (Direct)
o The student asked the teacher respectfully if he would teach him the math. /
The student respectfully asked the teacher if he would teach him the math.
Rule 7:

If someone is addressed in the direct speech, the indirect speech will use addressing

যদি direct speech-এ কাউকে সম্বোধন করা হয় তবে indirect speech-এ addressing as ব্যবহৃত হয়।

o “Are you okay, Tonni?” said Piu. (Direct)
o Addressing as Tonni, Piu asked if she was okay. (Indirect)
Rule 8:

If outside the inverted comma reporting speech has “ask”, it will be used after the
subject in the indirect speech.

যদি inverted comma-র বাইরে reporting speech-এ “ask” থাকে, তবে তা indirect speech-এ
subject-এর পরে ব্যবহৃত হয়।
o “Are you coming?” asked Rina looking at me. “You may join me when I ” Rina
said. (Direct)
o Looking at me, Rina asked If I was going. She suggested me to join her when
she would go. (Indirect)
Rule 9:

When reported speech has a note of interrogation (?) after an assertive sentence, the
indirect speech will use “being surprised” before the reporting verb.

যখন reported speech-এ একটি assertive sentence-এর পর note of interrogation (?) থাকে,
indirect speech-এ reporting verb-এর আগে “being surprised” ব্যবহার করা হয়।

o He said to me, “You did it?” (Direct)
o Being surprised he asked me if I had done it. (Indirect)
Rule 10:

When reported speech has “Thank”, the indirect speech will use reported verb’s
subject+ thanked+ reported verb’s object.

যখন reported speech-এ “Thank” থাকে, তখন indirect speech, reported verb’s subject+
thanked+ reported verb’s object ব্যবহার করে।

o Karim said to me, “Thank you.” (Direct)
o Karim thanked me. (Indirect)
Rule 11:

If reported speech has “Goodbye”, the indirect speech will use reported verb’s
subject+ bade+ reported verb’s object+ goodbye.

যদি reported speech-এ “Good bye” থাকে তবে indirect speech, reported verb’s subject+
bade+ reported verb’s object+ good bye ব্যবহার করবে।

o She said Lira, “Goodbye.” (Direct)
o She bade Lira goodbye. (Indirect)
Rule 12:
If reported speech has a good night/good morning/ good evening, the indirect speech
will use, reported verb’s subject+ wished+ reported verb’s object+ good night/good
morning/ good evening.

যদি reported speech-এ good night/good morning/ good evening থাকে তবে indirect
speech, reported verb’s subject+ wished+ reported verb’s object+ good night/good
morning/ good evening ব্যবহার করবে।

o He said to her, “Good evening.” (Direct)
o He wished her good evening. (Indirect)
Rule 13:

Sometimes reported speech doesn’t have a complete sentence, in those cases, you
have to follow the speaker’s speech in indirect speech to get the full meaning.

কোন কোনসময় reported speech-এ সম্পূর্ণ sentence থাকেনা, সেসব ক্ষেত্রে আপনাকে indirect
speech-এ বক্তার বক্তব্য অনুসরণ করে পূর্ণাঙ্গ অর্থ খুঁজে নিতে হবে।

o “Thirty taka” The salesman said to me. (Direct)
o The salesman told me it had been thirty taka (Indirect)
Rule 14:

Often reported speech doesn’t mention the speaker and the listener, in these cases
you have to mention the speaker and the listener while transforming it into indirect

প্রায়ই reported speech-এ বক্তা ও শ্রোতার উল্লেখ থাকে না, এসব ক্ষেত্রে আপনাকে একে indirect
speech-এ রূপান্তরিত করতে বক্তার ক্ষেত্রে the speaker এবং শ্রোতার ক্ষেত্রে the listener উল্লেখ করতে

o “What are you doing now?” “I am writing an article.” (Direct)
o The speaker asked the listener what he was doing then. The listener replied
that s/he was writing an article. (Indirect)
Rule 15:

If reported speech has asked/ cried/replied/muttered, the reporting verb in the

indirect speech will be unchanged.
যদি reported speech-এ asked/ cried/replied/muttered থাকে তবে indirect speech-এ
reporting verb-এর কোন পরিবর্ত ন হবেনা।

o “Help me.” He cried. (Direct)
o He cried to help him. (Indirect)

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