Forms of Self Evaluation

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The questionnaire with some open questions

Today you have been working in groups where I have deliberately mixed
people up (eg in the same group, there were both pupils who are faster at
their work and pupils who are slower, pupils who find the subject easy and
pupils who usually find it difficult). What are your views about the group you
were in today?
1 What did you like and what did you not like about working in the group
you were in today?

2 Do you think it helped you to learn by having a mix of pupils in your

group? Please explain what helped and what got in the way of your

3 Was there a leader or organiser in your group? If so, what did they do?

4 If you were the teacher, how would you make the groups for group work?
Please tick the approach that you would choose – and then explain why
you have chosen it.
 I would put friends in the same group □
 I would have groups with pupils who were the same □
 I would have groups that had a mix of pupils (like today) □

We shall discuss your views at the start of the next lesson.

© 2003 Pearson Publishing Tel 01223 350555

Sentence completion

In (subject) lessons…
 I wish teachers would…

 I wish teachers wouldn’t…

 It would be great if…

 Why do we have to do…

 I don’t like it when…

 The best thing is…

© 2003 Pearson Publishing Tel 01223 350555

Consultations can also explore pupils’ feelings:
 I feel bored in lessons when…

 I don’t want to be in school on days when...

 I feel frustrated in lessons when…

 I feel really pleased with myself in lessons when…

 What I really look forward to in lessons is when...

 I feel the whole class does well when...

© 2003 Pearson Publishing Tel 01223 350555

The self-evaluation log

1 2 3 4
 I listened to other people □ □ □ □
 I responded to other people’s ideas □ □ □ □
 I helped organise things □ □ □ □
 I helped others in my group □ □ □ □
 I explained my ideas clearly □ □ □ □
 …………………………………………………. □ □ □ □
 …………………………………………………. □ □ □ □
 …………………………………………………. □ □ □ □
 …………………………………………………. □ □ □ □
 …………………………………………………. □ □ □ □
 …………………………………………………. □ □ □ □
 …………………………………………………. □ □ □ □
 …………………………………………………. □ □ □ □

© 2003 Pearson Publishing Tel 01223 350555

The force field

Write down, on the left, three things that help you and on the right, three
thinks that get in the way of (or hinder) your work.

help hinder

© 2003 Pearson Publishing Tel 01223 350555

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