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Day 1

6 x 100 –Alternating Swim and Kick.

4 x 50 fr stroke count on 1:15
4 x 50 desc 1-4 on 1:15
If you can not make that pace time, aim for 20s rest. The 4th one should be a hard pace to hold..
This holds true for all future week, aim to get within the pace however.

Try to establish some good position and lengthen out your strokes. Aim for a low stroke count

12 x 75 KDS on 1:30 or 1:40 or 15second rest

4 x 100 –Alternate pull and kick

Day 2

3 x 200 mix - every 4th 25 streamline kick on your back

4 x 50 fr stroke count on 115

4 x 50 desc 1-4 on 1:15

8 x 100 - 50 catch up free,50 free on 2:00

2 x 200 pull breathing every 3 or 5 strokes. Never inside the flags

16 x 25 on 40 - work on streamline past the flags, mix up strokes

100 EZ

Day 3

3 x 200 -1st and 3rd Free, 2nd IM kick

4 x 50 stroke count on 1:00

4 x 50 desc 1-4 on 1:00

I hope you are seeing a trend for the warm up. This is important. Let's try and improve on these
things (streamline, stroke count, finding speeds)

8 x 150 on 2:50 desc 1-4, 5-8

8 x 50 build on 1:00
8 x 25 sprint on 45

200 Easy
Day 4

2 x 300 - every 4th 25 streamline on back

4 x 50 stroke count on 1:05
4 x 50 desc 1-4 on 1:05

100 easy

16 x 50 alternate catch up and free on 1:05 or 1:10

8 x 25 sprint on 45
100 Easy

Day 5

6 x 100 –Alternating Swim and Kick.

2 x 100 pull 15s rest

4 x 50 Count strokes on 1:05 (Long strokes)
4 x 50 desc 1-4 on 1:00

10 x 100 on 1:50. (These are hard, modify pace to 5-10s rest. Swim fast)

Day 6

400 free
400 kick (alternate free and other by 100)
4 x 50 stroke count on 1:05

6 x 50 desc 1-3, 4-6 on 1:05

16 x 75 alt free, non-free on 1:30 (This is hard)

100 Easy

Day 7

2 x 300 - every 4th 25 streamline on back

300 Kick
4 x 50 Stroke count on 1:00

4 x 100 descending. Use 100 best time. Add 40s, remove 5s each time from pace.
6 x 100 LS fins, alternate swim and kick by 100 on 2:00

12 x 50 IM (no butterfly!). On 1:10


Day 8

6 x 100 –Alternating Swim and Kick.

2 x 200 LS fins
8 x 50 desc 1-4, on 1:05

12 x 100 fr desc 1-4 on 1:40, use LS fins

8 x 100 alternate by 100. Kick/Pull/Swim on 20s rest. The 4th is a sprint, 1 min rest.

16 x 75 alt 1 free, 1 non-free (moderate pace, this isn’t grandma doing breaststroke)

Day 9

400 mix every 4th 25 streamline kick on back

300 Kick

6 x 25 underwater kick with LS Fins. 15s rest

4 x 75 desc 1-4 on 1:20
6 x 25 underwater kick with LS Fins. 15s rest
7 x 200 (25 fly, 50 bk, 25 breast, 100 free) on 30s rest
6 x 25 underwater kick with LS Fins. 15s rest

100 EZ

Day 10

400 mix every 4th 25 streamline kick on back

4 x 75 desc 1-4 on 1:20

8 x 50 Free with LS fins (big kick, aka sprint legs only) on 1.00
16 x 75 (Focus long strong strokes, easy kick) on 1:45
400 free
8 x 25 sprint on 1:00

200 EZ
Day 11

600 mix - every 4th 25 side kick

6 x 100 with LS fins. 25underwater, 75 free with long pull

Repeat 3 times

6 x 50 Finger tip drag 1.05

6 x 50 Sprint Kick on 1.00 (Use 10s rest, 1min will be very hard)

100 easy

400 free

100m LS fins for time

Day 12

400IM kick (do dolphin kick, don’t be lazy, you can do it 25 of each kick at a time though)

200 pull

Repeat 3 times

10 x 100 Free hard (not sprint, but close). On 1:50 (10s rest)

4 x 100 Kick 2:10 (15-20s rest)

400 free

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