Land Consumption

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Land Consumption

Land consumption is the diversion of land with healthy soil and intact
habitats into areas for industrial agriculture, road building, and also the
.settlements of urban human
The EEA (European Economic Area) has determined 3 land consuming
.Expanding of the construction area -1
Proportion of land subject to exploitation from agriculture, forestry or -2
.other economic activities
.Over-exploitation of land used in agriculture and forestry -3
In all these aspects, land use is the usual land use in industrial areas and
Land consumption can also happen because of the natural factors, such as
erosion or desertification and so on most of those can also eventually be
traced back to human activities. There is another reason is a little different
from the previous reason is the forced displacement or compulsory
acquisition of a native people or settlers from their original land because of
land grabbing, etc.. In most cases, this will be because of economic reasons
such as searching for profitable investment and commodification of natural
resources. Although global land consumption progresses at an alarming
rate, the land footprint, some Western countries need much greater land
.than the land they used or even available in their country
:The main effects of land diversion for economic growth are
.Land degradation -1
Soil degradation: loss or contamination of top soil by civilization waste -2
.and general pollution
Soil compaction: buildings, heavy machine and motion of traffic compact -3
.the soil to a degree that soil life is eradicated
Impervious surfaces: asphalt and concrete seal of the soil from the -4
.atmosphere and Disruption of natural water and biogeochemical cycles

Of course, we should not leave these consuming lands, so we must find a

.solution for these lands, so the solution is Land Recycling
Land recycling is the reuse of abandoned, vacant, or underused properties
.for redevelopment or repurposing
:Land recycling goals is to ensure the reuse of developed land as part of
New developments, cleaning up contaminated lands, reuse and making -1
.use of used land surrounded by development or nearby infrastructure
Final uses from land recycling may include: mixed-use, residential, -2
commercial, or industrial developments; and/or public open space such as
urban open space use by urban parks, community gardens; or larger open
.space reserves such as regional parks
Since many abandoned and underutilized properties lie within -3
economically distressed and disadvantaged communities, land recycling is
often interest and stimulates reinvestment in historically underserved
The real or perceived presence of xenobiotic hazardous substances from -4
historical previous uses or in situ land pollution, causing soil contamination
and groundwater pollution, may complicate the redevelopment of such
properties. Such environmentally distressed properties, with site cleanup
.and mitigation considerations, are commonly referred to as brownfields

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