In Vitro Activation of Thioamides Anti Tuberculosis Drugs

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Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 99 (2005) 368–375

Electron transfer kinetics and mechanistic study of the

thionicotinamide coordinated to the
pentacyanoferrate(III)/(II) complexes: a model system for the
in vitro activation of thioamides anti-tuberculosis drugs
Eduardo H.S. Sousa a, Daniel L. Pontes a, Izaura C.N. Diógenes a, Luiz G.F. Lopes a,
Jaim S. Oliveira b, Luiz A. Basso b, Diógenes S. Santos c, Ícaro S. Moreira a,*
Departamento de Quı́mica Orgânica e Inorgânica, Universidade Federal de Ceará, Cx. Postal 12200, Campus do Pici s/n,
Fortaleza, CE 60455-760, Brazil
Departamento de Biologia Molecular e Biotecnologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS 91501-970, Brazil
Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Biologia Molecular e Funcional, Pontifı́cia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul,
Porto Alegre, RS 90619-900, Brazil

Received 15 June 2004; received in revised form 24 September 2004; accepted 5 October 2004
Available online 6 November 2004


The mechanism of activation thioamide-pyridine anti-tuberculosis prodrugs is poorly described in the literature. It has recently
been shown that ethionamide, an important component of second-line therapy for the treatment of multi-drug-resistant tuberculo-
sis, is activated through an enzymatic electron transfer (ET) reaction. In an attempt to shed light on the activation of thioamide
drugs, we have mimicked a redox process involving the thionicotinamide (thio) ligand, investigating its reactivity through coordi-
nation to the redox reversible [FeIII/II(CN)5(H2O)]2/3 metal center. The reaction of the FeIII complex with thionicotinamide leads
to the ligand conversion to the 3-cyanopyridine species coordinated to a FeII metal center. The rate constant, ket = 10 s1, was deter-
mined for this intra-molecular ET reaction. A kinetic study for the cross-reaction of thionicotinamide and [Fe(CN)6]3 was also
carried out. The oxidation of thionicotinamide by [Fe(CN)6]3 leads to formation of mainly 3-cyanopyridine and [Fe(CN)6]4 with
a ket = (5.38 ± 0.03) M1 s1 at 25 C, pH 12.0. The rate of this reaction is strongly dependent on pH due to an acid–base equilib-
rium related to the deprotonation of the R-SH functional group of the imidothiol form of thionicotinamide. The kinetic results rein-
forced the assignment of an intra-molecular mechanism for the ET reaction of [FeIII(CN)5(H2O)]2 and the thioamide ligand. These
results can be valuable for the design of new thiocarbonyl-containing drugs against resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
by a self-activating mechanism.
 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Thionicotinamide; Reactivity; Pentacyanoferrate(III)/(II); Electron transfer; Tuberculosis

1. Introduction target for isoniazid (INH), the primary drug used to

treat tuberculosis, in M. tuberculosis and plays an
The Mycobacterium tuberculosis inhA-encoded important role in cell wall biosynthesis [1–4]. INH is a
NADH-dependent enoyl reductase enzyme is a bonafide pro-drug that is activated by the mycobacterial cat-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 85 2889412/9938; fax: +55 85
alase-peroxidase enzyme KatG in the presence of
2889978. manganese ions, NAD(H) and oxygen [5–8]. The
E-mail address: (Í.S. Moreira). KatG-produced acylpyridine fragment of isoniazid is

0162-0134/$ - see front matter  2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
E.H.S. Sousa et al. / Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 99 (2005) 368–375 369

covalently attached to the C4 position of NADH, and complex coordinated through the thioamide group
forms a binary complex with the wild-type enoyl reduc- [24], which is the target for the prodrug ET investiga-
tase of M. tuberculosis [9] with a dissociation constant tion. To overcome this inconvenience, we have taken
value lower than 0.4 nM [10]. Mutations in the inhA the thionicotinamide ligand which does not present ster-
structural gene, in the inhA locus promoter region, and ic hindrance around the nitrogen of the pyridine ring to
deletions of, or missense mutations in, the katG coding carry out the experiments. Thionicotinamide shows a
sequence have been associated with resistance to isoni- reducing property toward the superoxide ion, producing
azid in clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis [11]. In trying the 3-cyanopyridine (3-CNpy) corresponding nitrile
to find better alternatives to isoniazid, we have tested the with consequent formation of hydrogen peroxide and
ability of the pentacyano(isoniazid)ferrate(II) complex sulfur derivative species [25]. Despite the importance
to inhibit both wild-type and isoniazid-resistant I21V of isoniazid and ethionamide ligands as prodrugs for
mutant enzymes [12]. The in vitro kinetics of inactiva- the treatment and prophylaxis of tuberculosis, little is
tion of both wild-type and I21V InhA enzymes by known about their mechanisms of action on a molecular
[FeII(CN)5(INH)]3 demonstrate that this process re- level [6,26,27]. The identities of these activated prodrugs
quires no activation by M. tuberculosis KatG enzyme are unknown, but details regarding the activation mech-
(a multifunctional hemeprotein catalase-peroxidase anisms are beginning to emerge [28]. A comprehension
responsible for the activation of isoniazid prodrug) of the activation mechanisms could result on the design
[9,13] no need for the presence of NADH, and its mech- of improved versions of the prodrugs, providing an
anism of action probably involves interaction with the alternative method for the treatment of the multi-drug
NADH binding site of wild-type and mutant enoyl resistant (MDR) strains of M. tuberculosis. An under-
reductases [12]. This inorganic isoniazid analog may rep- standing of the mechanism of activation may lead to
resent a new class of lead compounds to the develop- the design of improved versions of the thioamide-con-
ment of anti-tubercular agents aiming at inhibition of taining prodrugs, providing an alternative method for
a validated target. the treatment of the MDR.
Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDRTb) has been
considered as an emerging epidemic that affects more
that 50 million people worldwide [14–17]. According 2. Experimental
to the 2004 Global TB Control Report of the World
Health Organization, there are 300,000 new cases per 2.1. Materials
year of MDR-TB worldwide, defined as resistant to
isoniazid and rifampicin, and 79% of MDR-TB cases All manipulations were carried out under inert
are now ‘‘super strains’’, resistant to at least three of atmosphere (N2 or Ar) following conventional tech-
the four main drugs used to treat TB [18]. Resistance niques. Milli-Q grade or doubly distilled water was used
to front-line drugs like INH has led to the use of thioa- throughout. The thionicotinamide and 3-cyanopyridine
mide drugs, which are less active and more toxic, as ligands, from Aldrich, were used without further purifi-
components of second-line therapies [19]. Recently, a cation. The Na3[Fe(CN)5(NH3)] Æ 3H2O and Na2-
flavoprotein monooxygenase, EtaA, was identified as [Fe(CN)5(NH3)] Æ H2O complexes were synthesized as
the activating enzyme of thioamide anti-tuberculosis previously described [29,30] with minor modifications.
prodrugs [20,21]. As postulated for most of the anti- Anal. Calc. for Na3[Fe(CN)5(NH3)] Æ 3H2O: C, 18.42;
tuberculosis prodrugs, the proposed mechanism of acti- H, 2.76; N, 25.77. Found: C, 18.38; H, 2.73; N, 25.62.
vation involves an electron transfer (ET) reaction as a Yield was better than 90%. Anal. Calc. for Na2-
crucial pathway [9,13,22]. In spite of the important ad- [Fe(CN)5(NH3)] Æ H2O: C, 22.47; H, 1.89; N, 31.47.
vances made in this research area, the mechanism of Found: C, 22.56; H, 1.81; N, 31.22. Yield was better
activation of thionamide-containing drugs is poorly than 70%. All other chemicals were analytical reagent
understood. Since the activation of the prodrugs is pos- grade.
tulated to occur through ET reactions, and based on the
well known affinity of the nitrogen of the pyridine ring 2.1.1. Na3[Fe(CN)5(thio)] Æ 3H2O
of the ligands towards the coordination to pentacyano- A 100 mg sample of Na3[Fe(CN)5(NH3)] Æ 3H2O was
ferrate moiety [23], we undertook a simple and suitable dissolved in 5 mL of a 30% dimethylformamide/water
redox reversible [Fe(CN)5(H2O)]2/3 probe metal cen- mixture, under argon flow. The thionicotinamide ligand
ter to mimic the mechanism of the prodrugs activation. (90 mg) dissolved in 2 mL of the same solvent mixture
The use of this system together with pyridinecarbothio- was added to the complex solution. Upon mixing, the
amides-like prodrugs allows speculating whether the resulting solution developed an orange color, and was
activation occurs through an inter- or intra-molecular allowed to react for 2 h, under argon, stirring, and in
ET process. Unfortunately, the reaction of ethionamide the absence of light. The reaction vessel was then cooled
with pentacyanoferrate(II) moiety leads to the product on ice bath, and a cold NaI saturated solution in ethanol
370 E.H.S. Sousa et al. / Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 99 (2005) 368–375

was added dropwise until complete precipitation. The constant acceleration spectrometer operating in a trian-
red solid formed was collected by filtration, washed with gular wave mode with a 57Co source in a rhodium ma-
ethanol and diethyl ether, dried and stored under vac- trix. All spectra were taken with the source and
uum in the absence of light. Anal. Calc. C, 29.50; H, absorber at room temperature, and sodium nitroprus-
2.70; N, 21.90; S, 7.10%. Found: C, 29.41; H, 2.68; N, side was taken as reference.
22.00; S, 7.11. 1H NMR: d(D2O, 300 MHz) 9.10, 9.17
(SH–NH), 9.08 (H-2), 9.02 (H-6), 7.95 (H-4) and 7.23 2.3. Kinetic measurements
(H-5). Yield was better than 85%.
The outer-sphere ET reaction rates were determined
2.1.2. Na3[Fe(CN)5(3-CNpy)] Æ 3H2O using a Hewlett–Packard 8453 spectrophotometer, at
On the basis of the physical chemical properties, fur- 25 ± 0.1 C. Solutions of the reactants were freshly pre-
ther shown on this work, the main product of the reac- pared under an argon atmosphere for each run. The buf-
tion of Na2[FeIII(CN)5(NH3)] Æ H2O complex with fer solutions consisting of H2KPO4 and NaOH were
thionicotinamide (reaction 1) is the Na3[Fe(CN)5(3- used. The ionic strength of the solutions (0.5 M) was ad-
CNpy)] Æ 3H2O species. This complex was obtained by justed by the addition of KCl. The pH measurements
dissolving 100 mg of the Na2[FeIII(CN)5(NH3)] Æ H2O were performed on a Corning 440 pH meter equipped
complex in 5 mL of a 30% dimethylformamide/water with a Cole Parmer glass electrode. Values of kobs were
mixture, under argon flow. The thionicotinamide ligand calculated from a least-squares fitting to the equation
(100 mg) dissolved in 3 mL of the same solvent mixture ln (At  A1) = ln (A0  A1)  kobst, where At, A0, and
was added to the complex solution. The reaction was al- A1 are absorbance at time t, time zero (first point),
lowed to stand for 2 h under argon flow, and stirring, in and longer times (P4 half lives), respectively. The calcu-
the absence of light. A dark red solid precipitates by lations were carried out by means of the kinetic software
adding a cold NaI/ethanol saturated solution. The pre- of the Hewlett–Packard 8453 spectrophotometer. The
cipitate was collected by filtration, washed with ethanol reaction progress was followed at 420 nm, the absorb-
and diethyl ether, dried, and stored under vacuum in the ance maximum of [Fe(CN)6]3, under pseudo-first order
absence of light. Anal. Calc. C, 32.01; H, 2.42; N, 23.73; conditions. Kinetic measurements for the intra-molecu-
S, 0.00. Found: C, 31.97 ; H, 2.45; N, 23.80; S, 0.00%. lar reaction were performed on an Aminco-Morrow
1H NMR: d(D2O, 300 MHz), 9.27 (H-2), 9.19 (H-6), 126550-3 stopped-flow spectrophotometer.
8.05 (H-4) and 7.33 (H-5). Yield was better than 80%.
For comparative purposes, the Na3[Fe(CN)5(3-
CNpy)] Æ 3H2O complex was also prepared following 3. Results and discussion
the literature method [31] by the direct reaction of Na3-
[FeII(CN)5(NH3)] Æ 3H2O with the 3-cyanopyridine lig- The reaction of thionicotinamide ligand with the
and. Anal. Calc. C, 32.01; H, 2.42; N, 23.73. Found: [FeII(CN)5(H2O)]3 complex generates the [FeII(CN)5-
C, 32.04; H, 2.40; N, 23.82. 1H NMR: d(D2O, 300 (thio)]3 species, preserving the chemical composition
MHz) 9.27 (H-2), 9.19 (H-6), 8.05 (H-4) and 7.33 (H-5). of the thionicotinamide moiety [32]. However, the oxi-
dized analogous species, [FeIII(CN)5(thio)]2, could not
2.2. Apparatus be isolated from the direct reaction of [FeIII(CN)5-
(H2O)]2 ion with the same ligand. The main product
The electronic absorption spectra were acquired with of this reaction was characterized as the [FeII(CN)5
a Hewlett–Packard 8453 diode-array scanning spectro- (3-CNpy)]3 complex, 3-CNpy = 3-cyanopyridine.
photometer in the 1100–200 nm range. A quartz cell 2
(1.0 cm) was used, keeping concentrations of samples ½FeIII ðCNÞ5 ðH2 OÞ þ C6 N2 SH6
between 1.0 · 103 and 1.0 · 102 M. Infrared spectra II
! ½Fe ðCNÞ5 ðC6 N2 H4 Þ
þ H2 S þ H2 O ð1Þ
were taken on a Shimadzu FTIR-8300 spectrophotome-
ter, using solid samples dispersed in KBr pellets. Electr- The electronic spectrum of the [FeII(CN)5(thio)]3 com-
ochemical experiments were performed on a BAS plex displayed three bands. The shoulder near
100BW electrochemical analyzer (Bioanalytical Sys- kmax = 230 nm (e @ 105 M1 cm1) is typically assigned
tems-BAS, West Lafayette, IN). A conventional three- to the pp*CN dp(FeII) metal to ligand charge trans-
electrode configuration glass cell with a glassy carbon fer (MLCT) transition. The broad band at kmax = 290
of 0.126 cm2 geometrical area, and a Pt foil were used nm (e = 5.5 · 104 M1 cm1) is similar in energy and
as working and auxiliary electrodes, respectively. A 0.1 intensity to those observed for the free ligand and there-
M NaTFA solution (pH 4.0) was used as the electrolyte, fore was assigned to internal ligand transitions [33],
at 25 ± 0.2 C. Potential values were measured versus whereas the solvent sensitive band at kmax = 390 nm
Ag/AgCl (3.0 M KCl) as reference electrode. The (e = 1.4 · 103 M1 cm1) was attributed to the
Mössbauer spectra were obtained with a conventional pp*(thio) dp(FeII) MLCT transition.
E.H.S. Sousa et al. / Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 99 (2005) 368–375 371

The most prominent feature of the electronic spec- indicating that the preferred imidothiol tautomer [39]
trum for the product of reaction (1) of Na2- of the ligand is preserved upon coordination. In the
[FeIII(CN)5(NH3)] Æ H2O complex with thioamide ligand interpretation of the [FeII(CN)5(thio)]3 spectrum, the
is a solvent sensitive band at 414 nm (e = 3.2 · 103 effects of the cyanide ligands must also be taken into ac-
M1 cm1), that is not usually observed in this spectral count. The anisotropy of the cyanides due to the perpen-
range for pentacyanoferrate(III) complexes with pyri- dicular induced field at the C„N bonds could deshield
dine derivative ligands [34]. The energy of this band lies the H-2 and H-6 hydrogen atoms of the coordinated
in the same position as that observed for the pyridine ring. This phenomenon is more effective for
[FeII(CN)5(3-CNpy)]3 complex [31], which is typically the H-2 and H-6 hydrogen atoms due to the unfavorable
observed for the [pp*(pyridine ring) dp(FeII)] MLCT distance between the cyanide ligands and the H-4 and
transition, indicating the presence of FeII in the compo- H-5 hydrogen atoms of the coordinated pyridine ring.
sition of this complex [35]. On the basis of the preceding arguments the downfield
The infrared (IR) spectrum of the Na3- shifted peaks centered at d 9.08 and 9.02 were assigned
[FeII(CN)5(thio)] Æ 3H2O complex displayed several to the H-2 and H-6 hydrogens. All other hydrogen sig-
characteristic bands of the coordinated ligand in the nals have shown upfield shifts [d 7.95 (H-4), 7.23 (H-
imidothiol form [mSH, 2575 cm1; (dNH + mC@ 5)]. Since the cyanide anisotropy is not expected to have
N + dCH), 1301 cm1; (mC@S + mCN), 1134 cm1; a noticeable influence over the H-4 and H-5 hydrogens,
mCS, 738 cm1] [36]. The bands at 2052 and 572 cm1 the observed chemical shift variation (Dd = 0.25 and
are assigned to the mC„N and mFe–CN vibrational Dd = 0.28) compared to the free ligand spectrum could
modes, respectively [37]. be substantially due to the [pp*thio) dp(FeII)] back-
The IR spectrum for the product of reaction (1) bonding effect [40].
showed bands due to the mCN (2051 cm1) and mFe– The 1H NMR spectrum for the product of reaction
CN (573 cm1) modes at very similar frequencies as (1) presents one single signal at d 9.27, two doublets cen-
those observed for pentacyanoferrate(II) complexes tered at d 9.19 and d 8.05, and one multiplet centered at
[38]. An increase in the mCN stretching frequency of d 7.35. The spectrum does not show the NMR signals
about 70 cm1 is expected to occur for similar Fe(III) typical of the thioamide ligand. Furthermore, the chem-
complexes [38]. Furthermore, the characteristic bands ical shift values and the sharp shapes of the signals are
of the thionicotinamide ligand were not observed and not characteristic of NMR spectra of the FeIII paramag-
an additional typical band of the nitrile stretching mode netic species. For example, the literature reports that the
(mNC) appears at 2240 cm1 [35]. hydrogen spectrum of [FeIII(CN)5imz]2, imz = imidaz-
The cyclic voltammetry for the [FeII(CN)5(thio)]3 ole, exhibits broad signals at d 19.1, 5.10 and 0.90,
complex showed waves (E1/2 = 240 mV, at 50 mV s1) while for the FeII analogous complex the corresponding
characteristic of an irreversible oxidation process. The hydrogen signals were observed at d 7.74, 7.20 and 7.00
Ep values showed a small dependence on the scan rate [41,42].
and the plot of ip versus v1/2 was not linear over the Both 1H NMR spectra for the [Fe(CN)5(3-
experimental range between 10 and 150 mV s1. This CNpy)]3 complex, synthesized by the direct reaction
is consistent with the anticipated ET reaction of thio- of [Fe(CN)5(NH3)]3 with 3-CNpy ligand, and for
nicotinamide ligand coordinated to the FeIII metal the product of reaction (1) are identical and were
center. attributed to the hydrogen atoms of the 3-CNpy coor-
Upon iron(II) metal center oxidation, the FeIII elec- dinated ligand [d 9.27 (H-2), 9.19 (H-6), 8.50 (H-4),
trochemically formed species induces the intra-molecu- 7.35 (H-5)].
lar ET reaction to generate the [FeII(CN)5(3-CNpy)]3 Although these results strongly support that the main
complex. The cyclic voltammetry for the product of product of the reaction (1) is the [FeII(CN)5(3-CNpy)]3
the reaction (1) is identical to that for the complex, Mössbauer spectroscopy was used to better
[FeII(CN)5(3-CNpy)]3 complex synthesized by the di- investigate the electronic nature of the metal center.
rect reaction of Na3[FeII(CN)5(NH3)] Æ 3H2O with 3-
CNpy ligand, which exhibited one reversible FeIII/II
process with E1/2 = 283 mV.
The 1H NMR spectrum of the thioamide ligand
exhibits four multiplets [d 9.00 (H-2), 8.20 (H-4), 7.51 NH2 NH
(H-5), 8.66 (H-6)] in an ABXY system, and two addi-
tional single signals [d 9.87, d 10.08] attributed to the N
hydrogen atoms of the imidothiol group (Chart 1) [39].
The 1H NMR spectrum of the [FeII(CN)5(thio)]3
complex shows two single signals at d 9.10 and d 9.17 Chart 1. Structure representation of the thioamide (A) and imidothiol
typical of the hydrogen atoms of the imidothiol group, (B) tautomers.
372 E.H.S. Sousa et al. / Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 99 (2005) 368–375

The Mössbauer spectra of pentacyanoferrate complexes plexes reported in this work strongly suggest the pres-
are doublets due to the presence of an electronic field ence of an unique 57Fe(II) Mössbauer nucleus,
gradient with non-cubic symmetry in the 57Fe nucleus consistent with the proposed chemical compositions
[43]. The non-cubic electronic configuration of the cen- [45]. These results, along with those reported here for
tral ion comes from the asymmetric r and p bonding the full characterization of the complexes, indicate that
involving only the axial ligand L, reflecting on the iso- an ET reaction involving the [FeIII(CN)5(H2O)]2 com-
mer shift (d) Mössbauer parameter. The ligand r dona- plex and the thioamide ligand occurs with the conse-
tion mechanism increases the s electron population quent formation of the [FeII(CN)5(3-CNpy)]3 complex.
causing an increase of the electronic density at the metal To provide experimental evidence on whether the ET
[44]. The same effect is caused by the pp*(L) ! dp(M) reaction (1) occurs through an inter or intramolecular
back-donation that decreases the shielding effects. The pathway, a kinetic study for the cross-reaction of thio-
r and p bonding involving the metal and L axial ligand nicotinamide and [Fe(CN)6]3 was first addressed. The
are responsible for the appearance of the electric field oxidation of thionicotinamide by [Fe(CN)6]3 leads to
gradient (EFG) at the 57Fe nucleus. The quadrupole the formation of predominantly 3-cyanopyridine and
splitting is caused by the interaction of the nuclear quad- [Fe(CN)6]4 according to the following overall reaction
rupole moment of the iron atom with the Z component (2):
of the EFG [44]. The [FeIII(CN)5L] complexes have a d5 3
C6 N2 SH6 þ ½FeIII ðCNÞ6 
low-spin configuration that decreases the shielding effect
of the s electrons compared to those of the d6 low-spin ! C6 N2 H4 þ ½FeII ðCNÞ6 
þ H2 S ð2Þ
FeII species. Also, the low-spin d5 configuration induces
a larger EFG due to the asymmetric electronic configu- The reaction was monitored by the absorbance decrease
ration. Thus, a smaller isomer shift and a larger quadru- at 420 nm, the absorbance maximum of [Fe(CN)6]3,
pole splitting are expected for FeIII than those for the under pseudo-first-order conditions. The rate of this
FeII analogous pentacyanoferrate complexes. The reaction is strongly dependent on pH due to an acid–
Mössbauer spectra of Na3[Fe(CN)5(thio)] Æ 3H2O and base equilibrium related to the deprotonation of -SH
for the product of reaction (1) are shown in Fig. 1. functional group (pKa = 11.84) [33]. The pH value
The quadrupole splitting (D) and the isomer shift (d) val- dependence observed for reaction (2), shown in Fig. 2,
ues along with the data for similar complexes are shown clearly demonstrates that the imidothiol tautomer is
in Table 1. the main reactive species toward the ET processes
The isomer shift and quadrupole splitting values for involving the thionicotinamide ligand. A significant de-
FeIII and FeII complexes are quite distinguishable. The crease in the rate constant is observed for pH < 11, for
d and D Mössbauer parameters values for both com- which the unreactive thioamide form becomes favored
[25,33] (Chart 1). The protonation of [Fe(CN)6]3 does
not represent an important factor in the pH range se-
lected for this investigation [46,47].
(A) On the basis of the kinetic results we have proposed
the following overall mechanism:


+ H+ ; pKa = 11.84



k _
[Fe(CN) 6] 3 + [Fe(CN) 6] 4 +


-4 -2 0 2 4
velocity (mm/s) CN
NH fast _ ð5Þ
+ HS
Fig. 1. Mössbauer spectra at 300 K of (A) Na3[Fe(CN)5(thio)] Æ 3H2O
and (B) Na3[FeII(CN)5(3-CNpy)] Æ 3H2O obtained in the reaction (1). N N
E.H.S. Sousa et al. / Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 99 (2005) 368–375 373

Overall reaction

kobs x 10 , s

_ 4
_ 3
+ [Fe(CN) 6] 3 + H2S + [Fe(CN) 6]

N N 2

The rate law for this mechanism in (6) can, with the
aid of Eq. (7), be simplified to (8) for the pH 12.0 exper- 0
0 2 4 6 8 10
imental conditions. 3
[thio]x10 , M
 ¼ k½ðpyÞ-CS NH½FeðIIIÞ; ð6Þ Fig. 3. Plot of kobs versus [thio] for the oxidation of thionicotinamide
by [Fe(CN)6]3. [Fe(III) = 1.0 · 105 M; pH 12,0; l = 0.5 M; temper-
K a ½ðpyÞ-CSHNH ature = 25 C.
½ðpyÞ-CS NH ¼ ffi ½ðpyÞ-CSHNH;
ð7Þ In an effort to qualitatively elucidate the mechanism
of the ET reaction of [FeIII(CN)5(H2O)]2 with the thio-
k obs ¼ k½ðpyÞ-CSHNH: ð8Þ nicotinamide ligand, kinetic studies were performed at
25 C, pH 7.0. The product solution was monitored
Indeed, under this pH experimental condition, the first
spectrophotometrically by following the absorbance in-
order rate constant kobs depends linearly on [(py)-
crease at 414 nm, i.e., the absorbance maximum of
CSHNH] as shown in Fig. 3. The slope kobs/[(py)-
[FeII(CN)5(3-CNpy)]3 species. Contrary to that ob-
CSHNH] gives a value of k = (5.38 ± 0.03) M1 s1 at
served for rate constant of the cross-reaction of
25 C, pH 12.0 (Phosphate buffer), l = 0.50 M.
[FeIII(CN)6]3 and thionicotinamide ligand at the same
The ET reaction of [FeIII(CN)5(H2O)]2 with the
conditions (kobs = 5.0 · 107 s1), a rapid ET process
thionicotinamide ligand can be envisaged to occur by
is observed with a rate constant ket = 10 s1. The rate
the inner- or outer-sphere pathways as illustrated in
was observed to be concentration independent. An at-
Scheme 1.
tempt to determine experimentally the rate (kout) of
intermolecular ET reaction was not successful, mainly
Table 1 due to the absorption interference of the MLCT band
Mössbauer parameter data, at 300 K, nitroprusside as reference of [FeII(CN)5(3-CNpy)]3 species that forms at higher
Complexes d ± 104 D ± 103 rates. However, by a simple comparison with the rate
(mm s1) (mm s1) value observed for the thionicotinamide ligand ET reac-
Na3[FeII(CN)5(NH3)] Æ 3H2O 0.275 0.686 tion with [FeIII(CN)6]3 that operates with a larger driv-
Na2[FeIII(CN)5(NH3)] Æ 3H2O 0.203 1.660 ing force (DG @ 1.60 V), a value smaller than 5.0 · 107
Na3[FeII(CN)5(dtdp)] Æ 4H2Oa 0.291 0.886
s1 would be expected for kout [48]. Additionally, the lit-
Na2[FeIII(CN)5(dtdp)] Æ 4H2O 0.220 1.709
Na3[FeII(CN)5(thio)] Æ 3H2O 0.212 0.912 erature reports a rate constant k2 = 413 M1 s1 for the
Na3[FeII(CN)5(3-CNpy)] Æ 3H2Ob 0.219 0.887 formation of the [FeII(CN)5(3-CNpy)]3 species [31],
dtdp = 4,40 -dithiodipyridine [32]. also suggesting that the intermolecular pathway indi-
Generated from [FeIII(CN)5(H2O)]2 reaction with thionicotina- cated in Scheme 1 is not preferred. These observations,
mide ligand. together with the fact that the rate constant observed
ket = 10 s1 is concentration independent, strongly sug-
gest that coordination to pentacyanoferrate(III) com-
log kobs

III 2- k1
thioSH + [Fe (CN)5(H2O)] [FeIII(CN)5(thioSH)]2-
-4 k -1
-6 kin
7 8 9 10 11 12
[FeII(CN)5(H2O)]3- + 3-CNpy [FeII(CN)5(3-CNpy)]3-
Fig. 2. pH dependence of kobs for the oxidation of thionicotinamide by k -2
[Fe(CN)6]3. [FeIII] = 1.0 · 105 M; [thio] = 3.0 · 103 M; l = 0.5 M;
temperature = 25 C. Scheme 1.
374 E.H.S. Sousa et al. / Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 99 (2005) 368–375

plex promotes the thioamide ligand activation through that precedes inactivation of enzymes involved in myco-
an intramolecular ET reaction. lic acid biosynthesis that are constituents of the cell wall
of the bacillus [21]. Most of the INH resistance is asso-
ciated with katG structural gene alterations resulting in
4. Conclusions catalase-peroxidase mutant enzymes with impaired abil-
ity to form activated-INH intermediates. One approach
The data collected here, along with those reported in to overcome this effect is the use of low oxidation state
the literature [25] concerning the redox reaction of the metal complexes coordinated to the prodrugs. For this
thionicotinamide with superoxide ion lead us to propose purpose, we have found that the pentacyanoferrate(II)
the reaction patterns outlined in the Scheme 1 through metal center and thionicotinamide ligand is a very first
an inner sphere pathway. approximate model system on the perspective of a new
The in vitro activation of thionicotinamide and isoni- approach for drug design for the treatment of multi-
azid through an intramolecular ET reaction in drug-resistant tuberculosis by proposing a self-activa-
[FeIII(CN)5(L)] complexes provide a suitable model tion mechanism illustrated in Scheme 2.
system for the M. tuberculosis Etha (or EtaA) and Upon oxidation of [(CN)5FeII(thio)]3 complex (E1/2
KatG enzyme-dependent activation mechanisms [14]. = 240 mV) by oxygen and/or cellular oxidants, it is pos-
Although the thionicotinamide in the tuberculosis tulated that the thermodynamically unstable iron(III)
therapy is not as effective as isoniazid and rifampicin, complex would undergo a rapid intramolecular ET reac-
resistance to these front-line drugs has led to the use tion. The [(py-CSNH)FeII(CN)5]3 intermediate species
of less-active thioamides for the treatment of multi- decays to the [(3-CNpy)FeII(CN)5]3 complex. This pro-
drug-resistant tuberculosis [14,19,49]. Based on the posed self-activation mechanism is well supported by the
mechanisms of activation propose for ethionamide and literature that reports the electrochemical oxidation of
isoniazid, both via ET reaction [21], and on the results thioamides yielding the corresponding nitrile and poly-
presented here, an alternative self-activation route can sulfide species [25]. The same oxidation is reported to oc-
be proposed for designing new drugs for the treatment cur by the action of molecular oxygen, but the process is
of multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis. These drugs would much slower. Other studies have detected nitriles as oxi-
be activated by ET reactions before interacting with its dation products of thioamides [50].
cellular target. The oxidative activation of INH and As reported recently, the incubation of both wild-
ETH (or ETA) by cells of M. tuberculosis is mediated type (WT) and isoniazid-resistant I21V mutant enoyl
by the KatG and EthA (or EtaA) enzymes, respectively, reductases from M. tuberculosis with Na3[FeII(CN)5(IN-

En zyme
inhibition of mycolic
acid biosynthesis



O 2 / cellula r
(CN)5Fe II N (CN)5Fe III N (CN)5Fe II N


(CN)5Fe II N

Scheme 2.
E.H.S. Sousa et al. / Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 99 (2005) 368–375 375

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