Kettering Industries - Term Paper

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Kettering Industries
In: Business and Management
Submitted By 09amorley
Words 1579
Pages 7

Case 12-3: Kettering Industries

Supply Management

Group 1 Immediate Issue:

Victoria Jackson, the supply manager of Kettering Industries Inc, must select the most suitable glass
supplier(s) for KII.
Basic Issues:
• Limited storage space
• Finding a supplier willing to stock inventory
• Increasing raw material inventory turns
• Flexibility with suppliers to adjust purchase order quantities
• Implementing the Vendor Certification Program
• Planning for growth of low energy glass windows sales
• Ranking each of the potential suppliers
• Selection of single or multiple sourcing supplier
• Negotiate a flexible long term supplier contract
• Deciding between manufacturer or distributor
• Selecting a supplier that can provide on time delivery of high quality glass at low cost
• Successfully expand from exclusively supplying Midwest to a world class manufacturer 1/9
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As Victoria evaluates the four suppliers, she must be able to answer the question “Will the supplier be
able to meet Kettering Industry’s requirements satisfactorily, strategically, and operationally in both the
short and long term?” To properly answer that question she must use the three levels of need criteria
and assess the suppliers. The first level is the strategic level; in this level decisions are made based on
the goals of the organization. A decision tree could be an essential aide in helping her make the best
possible choice. Decisions trees are comprised of each possible option, analyzing the possibilities of
success or failure. Victoria needs to decide which of the four suppliers are capable of meeting the
amount of glass they need supplied. She will also need to take into account the risk associated with the
suppliers and eliminate the one with the highest risk. Some suppliers can expose Kettering Industries
Inc. to certain risks by making them too…...

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order quantities • Implementing the Vendor Certification Program • Planning for growth of low energy
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firms, but sometimes the entities are individuals, industries or areas. * Sources of Data : in practice, we
should try to collect all data relating to all the variables that we think might affect sales on either a time
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Uav Ethics
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------------------------------------------------ During the Spanish civil war (1898), large kites were used in which
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----------------------------------------------- Figure 3 Figure 3 ------------------------------------------------- -----------------
-------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- In 1919, one of the first unmanned planes
was tested called the “kettering bug”. A small plane that have many monitoring instruments and a
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------------------------------------------ Figure 4 - Kettering Bug Figure 4 - Kettering Bug ------------------------------
------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -------------------
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31/3/2020 Kettering Industries - Term Paper

----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------

-- During World War 1, there was research into using radio control technology to create the first usable
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States Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2009 American Community Survey, 1-Year Estimates 12 Housing:
Cost Burden* • Places where a majority of home owners are cost burdened – – – – – Brentwood (60
percent) Langley Park (60 percent) Bladensburg (57 percent) Landover Hills (56 percent) North
Brentwood (54 percent) Legend Housing Cost Burden Cost burdened owners Cost burdened renters
Census Tract Councilmanic Districts • Places where a majority of renters are cost burdened – – – – –
University Park (92 percent) Hillandale (78 percent) District Heights (74 percent) Carmody Hills (70
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housing cost burdened owner households with a mortgage in the county is high when compared to the
Washington metropolitan area and the U.S. 50% 49% 48% 52% 48% 38% 40% 38% 30% 20% 16%
16% 13% 10% 0% Renters Owners with mortgage Prince George's County Source: U.S. Census
Bureau, 2009 American Community Survey, 1-Year Estimates *Cost burdened households are those
spending more than 30 percent of their......
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cost him his life” (Szabo 2). He had chosen to delay a much needed surgery to use alternative methods
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there is a new wave of healthcare that is gaining popularity in parts of the medical community, and it
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