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Students name

Ali Mahmoud Ayal

Professor /Dr.Maaly salah asad




So-called ‘smart’ or ‘intelligent’ wells are equipped with downhole sensors to monitor well and
reservoir conditions, and valves to control the inflow of fluids from the reservoir to the well. 
This combination of monitoring and control technology has the potential to significantly improve
oil and gas recovery. However, considerable challenges remain in the formulation of control
strategies to operate the valves during production, particularly when there is uncertainty
associated with the reservoir description.  The SWARM Group focuses on two key research

The development of downhole reservoir imaging technology to monitor changes in water )1 (

saturation or other reservoir parameters of interest at some distance from an instrumented well.
Reservoir imaging facilitates proactive inflow control, in which control actions are taken before
adverse changes in flow reach the well. Our focus is currently on monitoring using downhole
.measurements of spontaneous potential

The development of control strategies for smart well operations which are based on )2 (
feedback between downhole measurements and valve settings, rather than the predictions of well
and reservoir models. The problem with model-based control strategies is that models are always
uncertain to some degree. Even history-matched models can lack predictive value, especially at
.the temporal and spatial resolution required to optimize inflow to a well

The Smart Well technology allows measuring flows from each producing formation in real time
and regulating water injection rates in injection wells. A standard configuration of downhole
equipment will not have this option: additional work is required to determine the flow from each
interval or how much water is injected into each of the formations. Expensive workovers are
required to change the flow or injection profile. Besides, the Smart Well technology creates
additional economic and environmental benefits, since it allows a reduction in the number of
well pads and associated field infrastructure, and also helps meet the requirements of
.environmental regulations

Smart" or "intelligent" wells are advanced wells with sensors and valves installed downhole to
allow for easy monitoring and regulation. The valves are adjusted remotely based on conditions
detected by the sensors. [1] The first smart well was WellDynamics' Surface Controlled
Reservoir Analysis and Management System, implemented in 1997 at Saga Petroleum's Snorre
oil field in the North Sea. Since then, hundreds of smart well systems have been put into
.operation around the world



-:Smart wells enhance reservoir management in several ways

The ability to alter reservoirs remotely, without intervention, is both economical and expedient.
Smart well technology was specifically pioneered for this purpose, although its applications have
been expanded since then. [3] While traditional wirelines are cheap and effective when dealing
with easily accessible wells, they are unfit for subsea and extended reach completions, which
have become increasingly prevalent. Maintaining deepwater work platforms from which to
perform the interventions is costly. Furthermore, mechanically manipulating valves thousands of
feet below the surface of the ocean can be risky. Smart well technology utilizes hydraulic and
.electrical power, and provides a way to adjust valves without direct intervention

Reasons to use intelligent well completion

Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) strategies are among the most complex , successful but •
expensive methods for maximizing final recovery of reserves. Reducing costs in these projects is
.highly desirable{2}











An intelligent well allows control of flow into or out of the reservoir without physical
intervention, with or without downhole sensors and monitoring. Since the first SCRAMS®
system was installed seven years ago, over 185 intelligent well systems have been installed
worldwide by a number of suppliers and service companies. The principal application of
intelligent well technology is the ability to actively manage the reservoir recovery process.
Intelligent wells can control the distribution of water or gas injection in a well between layers,
compartments or reservoirs. They can restrict or exclude production of unwanted effluents from
different zones in a production well. The operator can manage where he injects water or extracts
oil to mobilize unswept reserves. This is particularly important for wells with complex
architecture, extended reach, long horizontal or multilateral wells, and for reservoirs
characterized by high degrees of anisotropy, heterogeneity or compartmentalization. Many
reserve accumulations have been discovered that are too small to be economically developed on
their own, and many of these small reserves are stacked or in close proximity. Sequential
exploitation does not produce the oil fast enough or in great enough volumes to be economic
under conventional development methods. The solution is to commingle the uneconomic
reserves. Intelligent well technology addresses the reservoir management and regulatory
concerns with commingling by providing individual reservoir control, the ability to prevent cross
flow, and the ability to allocate flow to each reservoir. BUSINESS DRIVERS Increased
hydrocarbon reserve recovery and accelerated production have long been recognized as the key
.value drivers for adoption of intelligent well technology

Smart well systems

The objective of the smart-well system is to maximize value, which could include – increased
production, improved reserves recovery, minimized capital and operating expenditures. Systems
are monitored and operated to optimize a given parameter by varying, for example, the inflow
profile from various zones or perhaps the gas lift rate. Remote monitoring and control
capabilities include: pressure and temperature sensors; multiphase flowmeters; flow-control
. devices

-:These points articulate key objectives of the intelligent well system

_Improved recovery (optimize for zonal/manifold pressures, water cuts, and sweep.1

Improved zonal/areal recovery monitoring and allocation (locate remaining oil and define infill
development targets)

_Optimized production ,improved lift, acceleration, and reduced project life.2

_Minimized capital investment to exploit an asset.3

_Reduced intervention and operating costs.4

_Optimized water handling.5

Flow Control

To control flow from the formation, well operators may remotely open, close or adjust the choke
setting of downhole valves. The on-off option allows operators to shut off production from a
zone from which they may wish to delay production, has become depleted or begins to produce
unwanted gas or water. In addition, by closing all but one zone and monitoring a pressure gauge
at the sandface, operators can replicate much of the information that is available from wireline
production logs (Figure 1)

Figure 1. Production log-type data without intervention. In a multizone IC, each zone is isolated,
monitored and controlled. The flowing bottomhole pressure (FBHP) may be measured as flow
from Zone 2 (red arrows) by closing the flow control valve (FCV) across Zone 1 (top), while
reservoir buildup pressures in the shut-in Zone 1 are measured. By closing the FCV across Zone
2 and opening Zone 1 (bottom), reservoir pressure may be determined in Zone 2 and FBHP from
.Zone 1. This technique may be applied to any number of zones


Effective flow control is only possible when used in conjunction with permanent downhole
gauges that are able to accurately monitor production variables in real time. In recent years, the
ability to gather pressure and temperature measurements at the formation and transmit them to
the surface in real time, along with greatly increased sensor longevity and reliability, has
.changed the role of ICs from intervention avoidance to reservoir management tool

Unlike earlier pressure-temperature gauges that remained downhole for a few hours or days,
modern downhole permanent pressure and temperature gauges are designed for long-term
deployment. Rated to work in pressures and temperatures as high as 172 MPa [25,000 psi] and
180ºC [356ºF], they derive their longevity and reliability from the use of quartz and sapphire
.transducers, welded assemblies, corrosion-resistant alloys and durable electronic components

Customize systems and components to meet specific requirements

When an order is received, an intelligent completion system is configured to meet your

specifications. Schlumberger engineers perform extensive testing and analysis of each system at
every development stage, from initial component testing to final system-level qualification
testing. This ensures reliable, robust operations of the entire integrated system for the specified
.downhole conditions over the life of the well

Single-trip intelligent completions

For wells without conventional ESPs and single or multilayered reservoirs

Multilateral intelligent completions

For wells with or without artificial lift and two or more wellbores

Extended-Reach intelligent completions

For wells with or without ESPs and with long steps-outs and challenging completion running

Multitrip intelligent completions

For wells without ESPs and with multilayered or multiple reservoirs

The degree of technology adoption depends on several key factors

:which will determine what types of intelligent systems are implemented. These factors include

*- objectives

*-.level of complexity{4}

feasibility of implementing the selected completion system considering the engineering, -*

;technical and geological conditions of the well construction and design

cost of imported equipment and the high-quality components required for a successful -*

*-;oil price

*-;sanctions policy

*-;import substitution policy

.limited capabilities of Russian suppliers to provide intelligent well completion services -*

As reserves disappear, innovation becomes the key to avoiding a decline in oil production. Smart
.wells are an exciting new technology with a high rate of success


I. Aitokhuehi and L.J. Durlofsky , "Optimizing the Performance of Smart Wells in Complex ]1[
Reservoirs Using Continuously Updated Geological Models," J. Petroleum Sci. Eng. 48, 254

Y. Shuai et al., "Using Multiscale Regularization to Obtain Realistic Optimal Control ]2[
.Strategies," One Petro 142043-MS, Proc. SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, 21 Feb 11

M. Konopczynski, "Intelligent Wells Can Improve Reservoir Performance," Drilling ]3[

.Contractor, March/April 2004, p. 37

",S. Dyer et al., "Intelligent Completions - A Hands-Off Management Style ]4[


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