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No : 213/Dir-AS/XI/10
Matter : Resume of Hydrografi survey
Attachment :

Jakarta, 8 November 2010

Dear, PT. Bayan Resources,

PT Graha Irama BUILDING 12 th Floor
JI. HR. Rasuna Said Block Xl 1 & 2
Jakarta Selatan, 12950

Underthe Employment Agreement Letter No: 016/ARS-ENG/KP/VIII/2010 regarding

Hydrographic Survey Work in Kariangau Balikpapan, PT. Arpindo Sejahtera given trust and
opportunity to carry out the work.

With the completion of work in Kariangau Balikpapan hydrographic survey conducted by PT.
Arpindo sejahtera, we submit herewith the Final Report as the end of the work.

This Final Report contains a description of the implementation of the Hydrographic Survey in
Kariangau Balikpapan, including methods and procedures for implementation and the resulting

For this Final Report we submit and for your attention we say thank you.

INTRODUCTION ................................................. .................................. i

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................... ...........................ii

I. INTRODUCTION ................................................. ............................. 1

1.1 General ................................................. ..............................................1
1.2 Work Location ................................................ .................................. 1
1.3 Scope and Volume of Work .............................................. ................ 2
1.4 Implementation Personnel ................................................ ................. 3
1.5 Equipment ................................................. ......................................... 4
1.6 Implementation Period ............................................... ........................ 4

II MPLEMENTATION OF WORK ................................................ .........5

2.1 Planning and Preparation ............................................... .................... 5
2.2 Mobilization and Demobilization ............. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 6
2.3 Survey Introduction ................................................ ............................ 6
2.4 Horizontal Control Survey Mapping .............................................. .... 7
2.5 Tidal Observation ............................................... ................................ 10
2.6 Bathymetry ................................................. ....................................... 13


IV CLOSING ................................................. ......................................... 17


1.1 General

PT. Arpindo Sejahtera has been commissioned by PT. Kariangau Power to carry out
Hydrographic Survey in estuaries and rivers of China Kariangau as stated in the Letter of
Employment Agreement Number: 016/ARS ¬ ENG/KP/VIII/2010 between PT.
Kariangau Power with PT. Arpindo Sejahtera.

Hydrographic Survey Work has been carried out since September25 and was completed
October 4, 2010, in connection with this we submit herewith the final report on the
implementation and results of the work.

This final report contains a description of the implementation of the overall work that

1. Planning and Preparation

2. Mobilization and Demobilization
3. Preliminary Survey
4. Control Point Measurements
5. Tidal Observations
6. Bathymetry
7. Data Processing
8. Reporting
1.2 Location of Work
The location of the job is located in the province of East Kalimantan, Balikpapan,
Balikpapan District West, Kariangau village. The survey region is in the area of PT. Kariangau Power

Kariangau Power. The location of the work can be seen as follows

1.3 Scope and Volume of Work

The scope and volume of work overall employment is as follows
No Type of work Volume Unit
1 Planning and preparation LS
2 Mobilization and demobilization LS
3 Preliminary Survey LS
4 Control Point Measurements 2 Point
5 Installation of tidal station 2 Point
6 Tidal Observation 2 Station
7 Bathymetry ± 35 Km
8 Data Processing 1 NLP
13 Reporting 1 Soft Copy
1 Hard Copy
1 Hard Copy Map

1.4 Personnel Executive

Personnel executing the survey consisted of:

1. Controlling the overall operations based in Jakarta
2. The field team as the executor of the activities in the field which consists of:

a. Personnel company

Surveyor I: Suryadin
Surveyor II: Fas Henderson
Surveyor III: Maman

b. Local workers who assisted as an observer of tidal or other Additional personnel

Skipper: Takbir
1.5 Equipment

List of equipment used:

1. Equipment for measuring horizontal and vertical control

a. Trimble R7 RTK GPS : 2 sets
b. Pentax Automatic Level AP -281 : 1 set

2. Equipment for bathymetry survey and positioning

a. Echo Sounder Odom Hydrotrack : 1 set
b. Trimble R7 RTK GPS : 1 set

3. Other Auxiliary Equipment

a. Palm tide : 2 no

1.6 Implementation Period

Exercise period of work for 10 (ten) calendar days, starting on May 19, 2010

2.1 Planning and Preparation

Activities undertaken in preparation and planning stage include:
1. Administrative Preparation
a. Prepare and administer Letter Employment Agreement
b. Taking care of Assignment Letters
c. Setting up the necessary administrative papers

2 Technical Preparation in Jakarta

a. Preparing personnel to be assigned
b. Technical briefing executive personnel
c. Establish Implementation Team Work
d. Prepare and carry out calibration of equipment
e. Preparing the Reference Map, among others:

Topographic maps derived from PT. Power Kariangau

Map image from Google Earth

f. Preparing the Reference Point will be used.

Prepared a point of reference, namely the point CBAL Location Balikpapan

3. Technical Preparation in the Field

a. Information base camp and boating on site
b. Details of materials to be used
c. Information about local labor
d. Preparing the necessary logistical support

4. Preliminary Plan Preparation

a. creating a mapping framework, horizontal control network
b. Define the location of tidal stations
c. Drawing-lane lane Perum

2.2 Mobilization and Demobilization

Mobilization of personnel and equipment will be done within 2 (two) phases:

1. 1st Mobilization Team aju a duty to carry out preliminary surveys and licensing.
Mobilization I held on24 September 2010.
2. 2nd Mobilization Major Team responsible for conducting bathymetric surveys
Mobilization held on 25 September 2010.
The demobilization of the team I and II teams conducted simultaneously on October 4, 2010.
2.3 Preliminary Survey

Activities conducted on the Preliminary Survey include:

1. Report to and coordinate with PT. Kariangau Power of the purpose and activities of the survey
to be conducted
2. Looking for information on lodging places will be visited by the team for the job.
3. Conducting orientation tie points that will be used
4. Conducting orientation and location of the installation of Bench Mark Tidal Station
5. Finding adequate and proper boat and marine license, along fuel availability for ships ship
6. Looking for information on availability of logistics to support the implementation of activities.

2.4 Horizontal Control Survey Mapping

Horizontal Control Surveys and Mapping includes the following activities:

1. Preparation and Installation of Bench Mark
a. Bench Mark made as many as 2 (two) pieces, with the specification as follows:
1) The foundation : 50 cm
2) Appeal to the ground 25 cm
3) Made from a pvc casted

b. Bench Mark is installed on two (2) location and be numbered with BM 1 and BM 2.

2. Bench Mark Measurement Position

a. Tie point used is CBAL GPS point which is the station's continuous Bakosurtanal in Aberdeen
Geodetic coordinates:
Latitude = 1 ° 15 '22.15454 "S
Longitude = 116 ° 50 '22.97501 "
E Height = 75.889m

b. Datum used datum used is WGS 84, Transverse Universal Mercator projection (UTM) Grid
Hemisphere with the following parameters:

c. Measurement method 1) approach the position / location coordinates using GPS Hand Held 2)
the method of measurement is the static survey using two (2) geodetic GPS receivers at two
points simultaneously 3) Equipment used by the GPS receiver Trimble R7 Dual Frequency
capable of receiving data signal from satellites as well as store data minimum 1 (three) hours
of 4 (six) satellites with 15-second epoch
Figure 2-1: Point Measurement Framework for Mapping with GPS Static

3. Processing (processing) Processing of data starts from the reference point / point tie with the
intention to coordinate the approach used in the calculation of reductions Baseline compliant
<10 m
specified in technical specifications. Data processing is done by the polar method by attaching a
reference point Bakosurtanal to BM 1 and BM 2.

4. Results of measurement Bench Mark as follows:

No. Coordinate Remarks

Northing Easting

BM1 9867404.199 477926.553 Location near beginning of river

BM 2 9867545.661 477343.630 Location end of river

2.5 Tidal Observations

1. The purpose and objectives of tidal observations is to collect tidal data for:

a. Supporting the activities of bathymetric surveys include: calculating the Middle Sit (MSL) and
subside value that will be used to reduce the depth of the Public Corporation, and describe Co.
Tidal Chart.
b. Calculating Tidal Constants survey area and to examine the nature of the tides at the site and
c. Counting Sea Front Position BM against average while (MSL)

2. Station type and location of the installation of Tidal Stations

a. Station Type Station

Station tide was founded in 2 (two) locations are adjusted by the contract of PT. Arpindo
Sejahtera – PT. Kariangau Power. Each tidal station was observed for 38 hours with 60-
minute observation interval.
b. Tidal Station Locations as follows:

No Name of Coordinate Geography Coordinate UTM Location

North Latitude East Longitude Easting Northing

1 Tidal 1 1° 12’ 03.1” 116° 48’ 04.9” 477902 9867271 Chinese river estuary

2 Tidal 2 1° 11’ 53.0” 116° 47’ 48.9.1” 477408 9867578 Chinese river estuary

3. Implementation of Tidal Observations

a. Tidal station 1
1) Location Station : Chinese river estuary
2) Time observation : 38 hours
3) Date Observation : September 30,2010 until October 1, 2010
4) Equipment : Palem
5) Observation Interval : every 60 minutes

# State Tidal:
Water highest achieved during observation: 265 Cm
lowest water obtained during the observation: 59 Cm
largest water ride during observation: 206 Cm
Central While Sitting on Zero Palem: 149.13 Cm
Chart Datum at 9.13 cm above Zero Palem

b. Tidal Station 2

(1) The location of stations: Chinese River Estuary

(2) Duration of observation: 38 hours
(3) Time of Observation: 30 September to 1 October 2010
(4) Tools used: Palm
(5) observation interval: Every 60 minutes

# State Tidal:
Water highest achieved during observation: 267 Cm
lowest water obtained during the observation: 61 Cm
largest water ride during observation: 206 Cm
Central While Sitting on Zero Palem: 150.93 Cm
Chart Datum at 10.93 cm above Zero Palem
4. Leveling

a. Leveling characteristic
Leveling is intended to bind the height of Bench Mark that had been installed on the sea front
in order to get the Vertical Datum.

No Bench mark Tidal Station ( Palem) High BM above MSL

1 BM 1 TIDAL 1 12.068 m
2 BM 2 TIDAL 2 4.680 m

Note : Leveling Measurement and calculation olso Position BM versus Water level as attachment

2.6 Bathymetry

1. Purpose and objectives

The purpose is to collect data bathymetry depth of the survey area in order to making bathymetry
2. Planning perum column
Perum column cultivated perpendicular lines perpendicular to the shore or depth for the line, depth
can be described accurately. As for the on the river lanes zigzag bathymetry made for easy
maneuvering boat.
3. Implementation bathymetry
a. Floating tool used is the local boat speed 1 no, and is equipped with bathymetric surveys, among
other positioning system and echo sounder
b. Bathymetry pursue perum lanes as planned. For areas that are found not in accordance with the
plan map, the path will be changed according to Perum in field conditions.
c. Distance main Perum lane 20 meters, and distance Perum lane cross 80 meters in some places
sufficient with length of main Perum
d. Trimble R7 GPS is used to determine the position of Perum with RTK and differential systems.
e. Fixed interval position every 5 meters.
f. Echosounder depth measurement tool is Echotrack Odom. Perum equipment installation on the ship
can be seen in Figure 2.2 below
g. Tool calibration
Echosounder calibration for depth measurement executed in field with bar check
4. Processing Bathymetry Result
a. Results depth measurements with echosounder reduced to face chart datum level and corrected
for tidal observations using the formula:

D = Z - (T - CD)

D = depth in meters
Z = depth from echosounder measurements in meters
T = reading signs of tidal current measurements Z in meters
CD = Chart Datum (front tidal ) in meters

c. The measurement results are plotted into the depths after reduced Painting Elaborate
d. Data results bathymetry and sample copy plot result as attached


At the end of this Work submitted the Final Report which will be complimented by field:
1. Actual Data ( Field )
Submitted actual data which include:

No Type of Data Remarks

1 Raw data Bathymetry survey ASCII format

2 Raw data GPS Observation DAT and Rinex Format
3 Raw data Tidal observation Excell Format
4 Echogram Hard Copy or Soft copy
5 Leveling data of Tidal BM Excell Format
6 Documentation Jpeg Format

2. Maps

No Maps Type Remarks

1 Printing precision sheet scale 1 : 2000 Hard Copy and Soft Copy ( DWG format )

1. That the work can be completed on time, and in accordance with technical requirements
that have been determined.
2. Constraints faced include:
a. Survey area (estuaries) which causes shallow survey can only be performed for 6 hours
in often run aground
b. river to a narrow and shallow to make the vessel difficult to maneuver and often run
c. Thick mangroves on upstream river make gps signal and radio signal is lost, so had to
wait a few minutes to get the signal back.
d. Bathymetry Map point plan offered by PT. Power Kariangau different to the situation
on the ground particularly in areas of rivers.

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