Phrasal Verbs in The Disco: Brandon Vela A. ID: 681861 Ingles Iii

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You look so sad! Cheer up! It’s quite cold.

Do up your coat before you go

Don’t wait for me.I don’t want to hold you up. out.
I waved to her and she waved back.
If you borrow money, you have to pay it back.

What Kevin told you about himself wasn’t true.He

made it all up.

Helen is depressed at the moment. What can we do Some interesting matters come up in ou
to cheer her up? r discussion yesterday last night
I don’t want to hear any more about this matter.

We arranged to meet Jinet last night, but he

Please don’t bring it up again

didn’t turn up.

Look at this mess! Who’s going to tidy up

There was a fight in the street and 3 men ended

up in the hospital.
You can always rely on Roger. He’ll never let

The car broke down and I had to phone for help.

you down

ID: 681861
We’ve fixed up a party for next Monday.
I’m trying to cut down on beer .I drink for much
Calm down.There’s no point in getting angry
of it.
Diana got on her car and rode off.

Did you hear the alarm go off? She keeps on criticising me.

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