Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Convective Heat Transfer in A Cylindrical Porous Medium

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International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 19 (1998) 629±635

Experimental and theoretical studies of convective heat transfer in a

cylindrical porous medium
M.R. Izadpanah , uller-Steinhagen a, M. Jamialahmadi
H. M b

Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, The University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 5XH, UK
The University of Petroleum Industry, Ahwaz, Iran
Received 4 December 1997; accepted 30 April 1998

Convective heat transfer at constant heat ¯ux through unconsolidated porous media has been studied both experimentally and
theoretically. Heat transfer measurements have been performed for convective heat transfer over a wide range of operational pa-
rameters at constant heat ¯uxes. In addition to heat transfer coecients, pressure drop and temperature pro®les both in radial and
axial direction have been recorded. The equations of motion and energy which account for the non-Darcian e€ect are used to
describe the ¯ow and convective heat transfer through the porous medium. Mathematical models for the prediction of heat transfer
coecients and temperature pro®les are presented which predict the experimental data with good accuracy. Ó 1998 Elsevier
Science Inc. All rights reserved.

Notation K separation constant

h dimensionless temperature
ae e€ective thermal di€usivity, m2 /s ke e€ective thermal conductivity, W/m K
C inertia coecient k thermal conductivity, W/m K
cpf ¯uid heat capacity, J/kg K qf ¯uid density, kg/m3
g gravitational constant, m/s2 q0 ¯uid density at reference temperature, kg/m3
K permeability, m2 qs sand density, kg/m3
p pressure, Pa
q heat ¯ux, W/m2
R0 , r0 , radii of the bed, m 1. Introduction
R, r, radii, m
s distance between thermocouple in the wall and inner In the last decade there has been a steady e€ort to improve
surface, m our knowledge of natural and forced convective heat transfer
T temperature, K in porous media. Intensive studies, both experimental and
Tc centre temperature, K theoretical have been performed which are reviewed by several
TTC thermocouple temperature, K investigators (Tien and Vafai, 1990; Stankiewicz, 1989).
Ts surface temperature, K Among the studies carried out, convective heat transfer in
Tb bulk temperature, K saturated porous media has a special attractiveness, as a result
T0 initial temperature, K of its wide range of applications such as chemical catalytic
uD Darcian velocity, m/s reactors, oil exploration, thermal insulation, geothermal op-
Nu Nusselt number eration and ground water pollution. Most of the work con-
Pe Peclet number sidered the ¯ow to be Darcian; however, some of the
Pr Prandtl number researchers have extended their work to non-Darcian ¯ow
Ra Raleigh number (Vafai and Tien, 1981; Hunt and Tien, 1988). Several studies
Re Reynolds number concentrate on property variations of the bed such as porosity
ae e€ective thermal di€usivity, m2 /s and their e€ect on the heat transfer process (Vafai et al., 1985).
b coecient of thermal expansion, Kÿ1 The e€ect of natural convection has been taken into consid-
d porosity, dimensionless eration by Tien and Hunt (1987). A comprehensive review of
these investigations can be found in the recently published
book by Bejan and Nield (1992).
However, most of the previous investigations have been
Corresponding author. E-mail: hms@surrey.ac.uk. carried out with a constant wall temperature. The information

0142-727X/98/$ ± see front matter Ó 1998 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 4 2 - 7 2 7 X ( 9 8 ) 1 0 0 3 5 - 8
630 M.R. Izadpanah et al. / Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow 19 (1998) 629±635

Fig. 1. Porous medium test apparatus.

published on convective heat transfer in saturated porous The porous medium test section is a 41.5 cm long, exter-
media under constant heat ¯ux is scarce, specially when the nally heated pipe with an inside diameter of 3.2 cm. Heating is
¯ow is not fully developed. The aim of the present investiga- achieved by a Thermocoax heating wire which is placed in a
tion is to study systematically the mechanism of heat transfer spiral groove around the pipe and embedded by high tem-
in a cylindrical porous medium under constant heat ¯ux by perature soldering tin to ensure good contact with the pipe
measuring the pressure and temperature gradients along the wall. Longitudinal grooves accommodate thermocouples
bed and the heat transfer coecient over a wide range of ¯ow measuring the wall temperatures. The bed expands above and
rate, bulk temperatures and heat ¯ux. The equations of motion below the heated section to ensure uniform distribution of the
and energy are introduced in their averaged form which in- ¯ow. The local temperature of the wall is measured using
clude the non-Darcian terms. The validity of Darcian ¯ow is thermocouples, which are located close below the heat transfer
examined by solving the non-dimensionalized form of the surface. The ratio between the distance of the thermocouples
momentum equation numerically. The volume-averaged ener- from the heat transfer surface and the thermal conductivity of
gy equation is also solved with appropriate boundary condi- the wall materials (s/k) was determined by calibration mea-
tions to yield a model for the prediction of the temperature surements using the Wilson plot technique. The heat transfer
pro®les and heat transfer coecients in cylindrical unconsoli- surface temperature can be calculated using this ratio, the heat
dated porous media. Finally, the presented model is veri®ed ¯ux and the thermocouple temperature.
against experimental data. q
Ts ˆ TTC ÿ : …1†
2. Experimental equipment and procedure Bulk temperature and pressure drop are measured using six
thermocouples and six pressure transducers which are inserted
2.1. Test rig along the length of the bed. Another eight thermocouples are
used to measure the wall temperature at two di€erent positions
Fig. 1 shows the test apparatus used in the present inves- along the bed. All measurements are fed into a data acquisition
tigation. The liquid ¯ows in a closed loop consisting of a system which is connected to a desk top computer.
temperature controlled tank, a pump and the test section. The The liquid used in the present investigation was distilled
tank is made of stainless steel and has a volume of about 10 water. Sand particles with known sizes have been used to pack
litres. The temperature of the liquid in the tank is regulated by the test section. The physical properties of the ¯uid and solid
an electronic temperature controller and a variable trans- particles used in this investigation are given in Table 1.
former in conjunction with four band heaters covering the
complete cylindrical outer surface of the tank. The liquid was 2.2. Experimental procedure and data reduction
pumped through the porous medium via an accurate peristaltic
pump. It is capable of delivering minimum and maximum After the tank was ®lled with distilled water, the heaters
¯ows of 1 and 200 cm3 /min respectively, and pressures up to 3 were switched on to raise the temperature of the liquid to a
bar. The liquid ¯ow can be accurately controlled by varying desired value. Liquid is then pumped through the bed for
the pump speed which is displayed on a digital screen. about one hour to obtain a homogenous condition. Then the

Table 1
Physical properties of ¯uid and particles
Material Size (lm) K (m2 ) k (W/m K) q (kg/m3 ) cp (kJ/kg K)
Sand 180±250 1.99 ´ 10 5.345 2640 0.82
Water ) ) 0.615 995.7 4.179
M.R. Izadpanah et al. / Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow 19 (1998) 629±635 631

Table 2
Range of operating parameters
Flow rate 5.121 ´ 10ÿ4 ±4.167 ´ 10ÿ3 m/s
Heat ¯ux 1000±5000 W/m2
Bulk temperature 26±88°C
Inlet temperature 30°C
System pressure 1.2 bar

power supply of the porous medium test heater was switched

on and kept constant at a predetermined value. The system
was left to stabilize for another hour before any reading was
taken. Finally, the data acquisition system was switched on to
record ¯ow rate, temperatures, pressures and heat ¯ux. Flow
rate and heat ¯ux were varied while the bulk temperature was
kept constant. The experiments were carried out in an arbi-
trary sequence and some experiments were repeated to check
the reproducibility of the experiments, which proved to be Fig. 2. Pressure drop along the porous medium.
good. The local heat transfer coecients are de®ned as
aˆ : …2†
Ts ÿ Tc In this investigation, the inertia term can be neglected because
The range of the experimental parameters covered in this in- Rec < 0.05 (Tien and Hunt, 1987). Thus Eq. (6) reduces to
vestigation is summarized in Table 2.  
f o dU
1ÿU ‡ R ˆ 0: …7†
R oR dR
3. Results and discussion Eq. (7) can be solved using ®nite di€erence methods. If n nodes
are taken along the radius of the cylinder, then:
3.1. Pressure drop and velocity pro®le d2 U Un‡1 ÿ 2Un ‡ Unÿ1 dU Un‡1 ÿ Unÿ1
ˆ ; ˆ : …8†
dR2 DR2 dR 2DR
When a ¯uid ¯ows through a porous medium, the pressure
drop which develops along the bed in the direction of the ¯ow The nodal equation can be obtained from the substitution of
is a function of system geometry, bed voidage and physical Eq. (8) into Eq. (7)
properties of the bed and of the ¯uid. The velocity and pres- f f 2f
sure pro®les should be known before considering the mecha- ‡ Un‡1 ÿ 1 ‡ Un
DR2 2Rn DR DR2
nism of heat transfer in the bed. The operating conditions can  
result in four distinct ¯ow regimes (Dybbs and Edwards, f f
‡ ÿ Unÿ1 ‡ 1 ˆ 0: …9†
1984): Darcy or creeping ¯ow, inertial ¯ow, unsteady laminar DR2 2Rn DR
¯ow and chaotic ¯ow. In the present study, the pressure drop is Boundary conditions for the solution of Eq. (7) are:
measured at six di€erent positions along the porous medium in
the direction of ¯ow over a wide range of liquid velocities. U ˆ 0 at R ˆ 1 and ˆ 0 at R ˆ 0: …10†
Typical measurements of pressure drop at several liquid ¯ow dR
rates are depicted in Fig. 2 for a constant heat ¯ux of 1500 W/ In Fig. 3 results obtained from the solution of the above
m2 . The results show that a linear relationship exists between ®nite di€erence equation are compared with experimental
pressure drop and the distance in the direction of ¯ow in the
bed and that the slope of these lines increases with ¯uid ve-
The steady state equation for the average velocity including
non-Darcian e€ects in a cylindrical porous medium is
K1 d du K Kqf 2
r ÿ u ‡ …qg ÿ rp† ÿ Cu ˆ 0; …3†
d r dr dr l l
1:75…1 ÿ d†
Cˆ : …4†
dp d2
Eq. (3) can be non-dimensionalized by introducing the fol-
lowing variables:
r K KCuD u
Rˆ ; f ˆ ; Rec ˆ ; Uˆ : …5†
r0 r02 d v uD
Substituting in Eq. (3) and dividing by uD yields:
2 f o dU
1 ÿ U ‡ Rec U ‡ R ˆ 0: …6†
R oR dR Fig. 3. Comparison of measured and predicted pressure drop.
632 M.R. Izadpanah et al. / Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow 19 (1998) 629±635

results. Excellent agreement exists between the predictions of ke

hˆ …T ÿ T0 †; T ÿ T0
Eq. (7) and the experimental data. The results also revealed qr0
that when the non-Darcian term in Eq. (3) is taken into qr0 h qr0
consideration only 5% improvement in the predicted results is ˆ hence oT ˆ oh; …21†
ke ke
obtained. Thus it can be assumed that the Darcian ¯ow re-
gime prevailed in the range of ¯ow rates used in this inves- r
Rˆ ; r ˆ r0 R hence or ˆ r0 oR: …22†
tigation. r0
Consequently, Eq. (19) reduces to
4. Heat transfer A0 h oh 1 1 o oh
1‡ qr0 ˆ R …23†
uD ke oX Prr R oR oR
4.1. E€ect of natural convection
and with Eqs. (14) and (15) to
The e€ects of natural convection will have to be considered    
if the ¯uid density changes appreciably. Since the density of the Ra oh 1 1 o oh
1‡ h ˆ R : …24†
¯uid is a function of temperature, an equation of state is re- 2Pe oX Pre R oR oR
quired to complement the equations of mass, momentum and Since the value of Ra/Pe is small in the present investigation
energy. The simplest equation of state is (Bejan, 1984): the e€ect of natural convection can be neglected. Fig. 4 shows
qf ˆ q0 ‰1 ÿ b…T ÿ T0 †Š; …11† that the predictions of Eq. (24) are in good agreement with the
experimental observations.
where q0 is the ¯uid density at some reference temperature T0 , Fig. 4 shows a typical variation of the heat transfer coef-
and b is the coecient of thermal expansion. In order to ®cient with heat ¯ux for an inlet liquid temperature of 30°C,
simplify the subsequent analysis, the Boussinesq approxima- at two di€erent liquid ¯ow rates. It is obvious that the heat
tion is used whenever it is valid. Applying this approximation transfer coecient is independent of the heat ¯ux while it
to the Darcy model yields: increases with liquid ¯ow rate. Therefore, it may be con-
  cluded that the e€ect of natural convection is indeed negli-
K dp gible and that forced convection is the main mechanism of
uˆ ÿ ‡ q0 g ‡ q0 gb…T ÿ T0 † …12†
l dx heat transfer over the range of operating conditions in this
or investigation. Consequently the e€ect of natural convection in
Eq. (24) can be neglected. To perform all the experiments
u ˆ B0 ‡ A0 …T ÿ T0 †; …13† under identical operational conditions, the heat ¯ux was kept
where constant at 1500 W/m2 during the study of the e€ects of
various operating parameters on convective heat transfer in
q0 gbK
A0 ˆ : …14† the porous medium.
By employing the following variables, Eq. (12) can be non-
dimensionalized. 4.2. Axial and radial temperature pro®les
  Liquid enters the porous medium at a uniform temperature
K dp u
uD ˆ ÿ ÿ q0 g ; U ˆ ; which is di€erent from the wall temperature of the bed.
l dx uD Therefore, convective heat transfer occurs from the wall to the
kgbDDT uD D porous medium, and radial and axial temperature pro®les
Ra ˆ ; Pe ˆ : …15† begin to develop. Typical radial temperature pro®le obtained
av a
at constant heat ¯ux of 1500 W/m2 and a liquid ¯ow rate of
Substitution into Eq. (12) reduces to: 100 cc/min at two di€erent locations of the bed are shown in
q0 gbK
U ˆ1‡ …T ÿ T0 †; …16†
U ˆ1‡ : …17†
The steady energy equation in a cylindrical porous medium is:
oT 1 o oT
u ˆ ae r : …18†
ox r or or
Substitution of Eq. (13) in the above equation yields:
oT 1 o oT
‰B0 ‡ A0 …T ÿ T0 †Š ˆ ae r : …19†
ox r or or
Eq. (19) can also be non-dimensionalized using the following
2x r0 ReD X
X ˆ ; xˆ hence
r0 ReD 2
r0 ReD
ox ˆ oX ; …20†
2 Fig. 4. Heat transfer coecient as a function of heat ¯ux.
M.R. Izadpanah et al. / Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow 19 (1998) 629±635 633

Fig. 5. Temperature distribution in radial direction. Fig. 7. Variation of heat transfer coecient as a function of liquid ¯ow

Fig. 6. Temperature distribution in axial direction. Fig. 8. Variation of Nusselt number as a function of axial distance.

Fig. 5. There is a di€erence of about 5°C between the wall and Typical variations of the measured Nusselt number along
the centre of the bed. the axis of the bed are shown in Fig. 8 for several di€erent
The temperature gradient in the direction of ¯ow along the liquid ¯ow rates. The results reveal that the temperature pro®le
central axis of the bed has also been measured. A typical axial develops over a greater length as the liquid ¯ow rate is in-
temperature pro®le is depicted in Fig. 6. Heating starts at a creased. Eventually, the Nusselt number approaches a con-
distance of 8 cm from the bed inlet. stant value of about eight for fully developed ¯ow.

4.3. Heat transfer coecient

5. Formulation and modelling
Fig. 7 shows typical variation of the heat transfer coe-
cient with ¯uid velocity at two di€erent locations along the bed 5.1. Heat transfer coecient
at constant heat ¯ux of 1500 W/m2 . For comparison, the
control run for the empty tube is also included. The volume averaged, two dimensional steady state energy
The results show that the convective heat transfer coe- equation in cylindrical coordinates is (Tien and Hunt, 1987):
cient in the porous medium increases moderately with in-
creasing liquid ¯ow rate and this dependency is more o2 T 1 oT uD oT o2 T
‡ ˆ ÿ : …25†
pronounced at higher liquid ¯ow rate. Furthermore, the vari- or2 r or ae ox ox2
ation of forced convective heat transfer with ¯ow rate is more Eq. (25) can be non-dimensionlized using the following vari-
pronounced in the porous medium than in the empty tube. ables:
634 M.R. Izadpanah et al. / Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow 19 (1998) 629±635

Tw ÿ T r x=r0
hˆ ; r‡ ˆ ; x‡ ˆ : …26†
Tw ÿ T0 r0 Re0 Pre

o2 h 1 oh 1 oh 1 o2 h
2 ‡ ‡ ˆ ÿ 2 2 : …27†
or ‡ r or ‡ 2 ox‡
…Re0 Pre † ox‡
In the above non-dimensionlized energy equation, the last term
on the right-hand side is negligible providing Re0 Pre is large
(Kays and Crawford, 1980). In the present investigation this
condition prevails and therefore the energy equation, Eq. (27),
reduces to:
o2 T 1 oT uD oT
‡ ÿ ˆ 0: …28†
or2 r or ae ox
The boundary conditions of Eq. (28) in the present investiga-
tion are:

T…r;0† ˆ T0 ; …29†
Fig. 9. Comparison of measured heat transfer coecients with values
oT calculated from Eq. (36).
ˆ 0; …30†
oT…r0 ;x†
k ˆ q: …31† tained for various operating conditions are compared with
those predicted from Eq. (36). The absolute mean average
Analytical solution of Eq. (28) with the above boundary error between measured and predicted values is 10%.
conditions yields: In addition, Eqs. (32) and (33) can be used to calculate the
radial and axial temperature pro®les in the porous medium.
2ae q_ _ 0 X
qr 1
These comparisons are also included in Figs. 5 and 6 for the
Ts…r0 ;x† ˆ T0 ‡ x‡ ‡ cn eÿae Kn x=uD J0 …Kn r0 †; …32†
uD ke r0 4ke nˆ1 radius and axial directions of the bed at di€erent locations.
The predicted trends are in excellent agreement with the ex-
_ 0
qr 2ae q_ X1
2 perimental results.
Tc…r0 ;x† ˆ T0 ‡ ‡ x‡ cn eÿae Kn x=uD ; …33†
4ke uD ke r0 nˆ1

where cn and c0 are

6. Conclusions
…2q=ke r0 K2n †J2 …Kn r0 †
cn ˆ ; …34†
J20 …Kn r0 † The present analysis demonstrates that the Darcian as-
ÿqr0 sumption for the system holds and that the suggested model
c0 ˆ : …35† predicts heat transfer coecient which compare favourably
4ke with the experimental data. It also shows that the e€ect of
Therefore, the heat transfer coecient becomes natural convection is negligible. Some of the discrepancies
between theoretical and experimental values are due to the fact
1 that the thermal conductivity of the sand was determined ex-
aˆ : …36†
2 perimentally. However, the error between theoretical and ex-
r0 =4ke ‡ cn eÿae Kn =uD x J 0 …Kn r0 † perimental data was only about 10%.

Finally, the functional dependence of the Nusselt Number can

be expressed as:
2r0 References
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