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A report on Truss Bridges
Azaz Ahmed

Department of Civil Engineering, Tezpur University, Napaam 784028, Assam


A truss bridge is a bridge whose load-bearing superstructure is composed of a truss. This

truss is a structure of connected elements forming triangular units. The connected elements
(typically straight) may be stressed from tension, compression, or sometimes both in response
to dynamic loads. Truss bridges are one of the oldest types of modern bridges. The basic
types of truss bridges have simple designs which could be easily analyzed by nineteenth and
early twentieth century engineers. A truss bridge is economical to construct owing to its
efficient use of materials.

Fig. Yokogawa Bridge in Japan



The truss as a structural form dates back to Roman times. A bronze truss was used in the

In the nineteenth century, the United States can claim to have created the greatest number of
different types of truss. Their use of timber and their enthusiastic pioneering spirit created
some unlikely looking structures, but nevertheless firmly established the truss as the ideal
form of bridge at that time for medium spans.
Eiffel built lattice trusses in France (Figure 2f). Fowler and Baker, however, introduced a
major innovation by adopting steel tubular sections as the main compression members for the
Forth Bridge which is well known throughout the world for its grandeur. Modern truss
bridges also use box sections for the compression members.

The Hungarian architect Virgil Nagy built the very aesthetic Ferenc Jozsef truss girder bridge
in Budapest over the Danube in 1892. The bridge is supported by Pratt-truss girders of
variable height (Figure 2e). The central span is 175m long with an isostatic central part of

For most modern bridgework the Warren truss (with its modifications) is perhaps the most
commonly used type because of its simplicity. Modern labour costs dictate a minimum of
members and connections.


Typical configurations of truss beam bridges are shown in the figure below. Underslung
trusses are rarely used in modern construction.

A structure built using singular members connected at joints can generally be considered

The designs of truss structures eliminate torsion and shear forces, these structures are put
under two stresses; pure compression and tension.
Compression – A ‘squashing’ force, this force acts to shorten each member it’s acting upon.
Tension – A ‘pulling’ force, this forces acts to lengthen each member it’s acting upon.

For a bridge to be considered statically indeterminate they must satisfy the formula: M > 2J-r
(where m = number of members, J = number of joins, r = 3) This ensures should some
members break the bridge remains structurally sound.

The Design Process

Initial Research > Sketches & Discussion > Sketch Models > Sketches & Discussion > Final

Preliminary Research

Truss bridges make efficient use of materials and are an economical alternative to earlier
designed beam bridges. There’s a huge variation between each truss bridge; the truss
structure itself can vary as can the plane this is applied to. The height of the deck in relation
to the bridge can also alter dependent upon the design.
Truss Girders, lattice girders or open web girders are efficient and economical structural
systems, since the members experience essentially axial forces and hence the material is fully
utilized. Members of the truss girder bridges can be classified as chord members and web
members. Generally, the chord members resist overall bending moment in the form of direct
tension and compression and web members carry the shear force in the form of direct tension
or compression. Due to their efficiency, truss bridges are built over wide range of spans.
Truss bridges compete against plate girders for shorter spans, against box girders for medium
spans and cable-stayed bridges for long spans.

Roadbed types

Deck Truss – deck is attached to and lies above the truss.

Nothing structural will be found above the deck.

Through Truss – deck travels between and through the

truss. Structural elements will be found above and below

Half Through Truss – similar to the through truss

structural elements can be found above and below the
roadbed, however here the exposed truss above the
roadbed isn’t attached to the deck.
Existing Truss Examples

Some of the most commonly used trusses suitable for both road and rail bridges are
illustrated as below.

The Pratt Truss This bridge makes use of diagonal and

vertical members. The diagonal members
undergo tension and the vertical
compression; these members are angled
downwards towards the central vertical

A Pratt truss includes vertical members and diagonals that slope down towards the center, the
opposite of the Howe truss. The interior diagonals are under tension under balanced loading
and vertical elements under compression. If pure tension elements are used in the diagonals
then crossing elements may be needed near the center to accept concentrated live loads as
they traverse the span. It can be subdivided, creating Y- and K-shaped patterns. The Pratt
Truss was invented in 1844 by Thomas and Caleb Pratt. This truss is practical for use with
spans up to 250 feet and was a common configuration for railroad bridges as truss bridges
moved from wood to metal. They are statically determinate bridges, which lend themselves
well to long spans. They were common in the United States between 1844 and the early 20th

Examples of a Pratt Truss bridge are the Governor's Bridge in Maryland, Dearborn River
High Bridge near Augusta, Montana, built in 1897, and the Fair Oaks Bridge in Fair Oaks,
California, built 1907-1909.

Fig. Gatton Railway Bridge showing the Pratt truss design


The Howe Truss

The diagonal members are angled upwards
towards the central vertical member. These
members undergo compression whilst tension
acts upon the vertical components.

The relatively rare Howe truss, patented in 1840 by Massachusetts millwright William Howe,
includes vertical members and diagonals that slope up towards the center, the opposite of the
Pratt truss. In contrast to the Pratt Truss, the diagonal web members are in compression and
the vertical web members are in tension. Examples include Jay Bridge in Jay, New York, and
Sandy Creek Covered Bridge in Jefferson County, Missouri.
Fig. Interior of Jay Bridge

The Warren Truss

Compression and tension forces are spread
between the diagonal and vertical members
alternatively. Should a load be distributed
evenly along the surface of this structure the
two end verticals would have no forces acting
upon them.
The Warren truss was patented in 1848 by its designers James Warren and Willoughby
Theobald Monzani, and consists of longitudinal members joined only by angled cross-
members, forming alternately inverted equilateral triangle-shaped spaces along its length,
ensuring that no individual strut, beam, or tie is subject to bending or torsional straining
forces, but only to tension or compression. Loads on the diagonals alternate between
compression and tension (approaching the center), with no vertical elements, while elements
near the center must support both tension and compression in response to live loads. This
configuration combines strength with economy of materials and can therefore be relatively
light. The girders being of equal length, it is ideal for use in prefabricated modular bridges. It
is an improvement over the Neville truss which uses a spacing configuration of isosceles

For short and medium spans it is economical to use parallel chord trusses such as Warren
truss, Pratt truss, Howe truss, etc. to minimise fabrication and erection costs. Especially for
shorter spans the warren truss is more economical s it requires less material than either the
Pratt or Howe trusses. However, for longer spans, a greater depth is required at the centre and
variable depth trusses are adopted for economy. In case of truss bridges that are continuous
over many supports, the depth of the truss is usually larger at the supports and smaller at

As far as configuration of trusses is concerned, an even number of bays should be chosen in

Pratt and modified Warren trusses to avoid a central bay with crossed diagonals. The
diagonals should be at an angle between 50o and 60o to the horizontal. Secondary stresses can
be avoided by ensuring that the centroidal axes of all intersecting members meet at a single
point, in both vertical and horizontal planes. However, this is not always possible, for
example when cross girders are deeper than the bottom chord then bracing members can be
attached to only one flange of the chords.


The most economic truss bridge configuration, especially for railway bridges, is the
underslung truss where the live load runs at the level of the top chord. The top chord then
serves the dual function of support for the live load (as the sleepers sit directly on the chord)
and the main compression member. There is, however, the disadvantage that clearance under
the bridge is reduced. It is thus common for the approach spans over a flood plain, or over
non-navigable parts of the river, to be underslung while the navigation channels are crossed
with through trusses.

Where the spans are short, and underslung trusses are not possible, it may be economic to
have the top chord below the loading gauge level by using semi-through trusses. Bracing
between the top chords is not possible and restraint to the compression members has to be
provided by U-frames. However for spans where semi-through trusses have been used in the
past, plate girder bridges are now very competitive, and now semi-through trusses are seldom
used for railway bridges.

Where the spans of railway bridges are long the economic depth is usually great enough to
allow bracing to be provided above the loading gauge level. Such trusses are termed 'through
trusses'. The use of material in bracing rather than U-frames is considerably more efficient.
For shorter spans the choice is between the Warren and the Pratt configuration. In the simple
Warren truss, the diagonals work alternatively in compression and tension, whereas in the
Pratt truss, all the diagonals are in tension and the shorter posts take compression.

To cater for the heavy loading on railway bridges, the cross girders should be fairly close
together. This requirement leads to the hangers of the Modified Warren truss which sub-
divide the bottom chord. Economic design of the top compression chord leads to sub-division
with a post.

The majority of truss bridges are simple spans, but there are many examples of continuous
trusses. The immediate benefit on member forces when a continuous structure is employed is
offset to some extent by increased fatigue effects. In a simple truss it is common for only
some of the diagonals to be influenced by fatigue. These diagonals are usually those at mid-
span where the smallest available section has to be used in any case. In contrast, most of the
diagonals in a continuous truss, and some of the chord members may well have to be checked
for fatigue, particularly when welded construction is used.

Even where continuous trusses show savings in the use of steel, they may not be economic.
On a 1700m long bridge in India, the alternative continuous truss design was about 5%
lighter that the simple spans which were considered more economic on account of
standardization of fabrication detail and erection procedure.

It should be noted here that the design loading has a considerable effect on the truss
configuration. For example, with combined highway and rail loading, trusses with two decks
can be very economic.


The nature of a truss allows the analysis of the structure using a few assumptions and the
application of Newton's laws of motion according to the branch of physics known as statics.
For purposes of analysis, trusses are assumed to be pin jointed where the straight components
meet. This assumption means that members of the truss (chords, verticals and diagonals) will
act only in tension or compression. A more complex analysis is required where rigid joints
impose significant bending loads upon the elements, as in a Vierendeel truss.

In the bridge illustrated in the infobox at the top, vertical members are in tension, lower
horizontal members in tension, shear, and bending, outer diagonal and top members are in
compression, while the inner diagonals are in tension. The central vertical member stabilizes
the upper compression member, preventing it from buckling. If the top member is sufficiently
stiff then this vertical element may be eliminated. If the lower chord (a horizontal member of
a truss) is sufficiently resistant to bending and shear, the outer vertical elements may be
eliminated, but with additional strength added to other members in compensation. The ability
to distribute the forces in various ways has led to a large variety of truss bridge types. Some
types may be more advantageous when wood is employed for compression elements while
other types may be easier to erect in particular site conditions, or when the balance between
labor, machinery and material costs have certain favorable proportions.

The inclusion of the elements shown is largely an engineering decision based upon
economics, being a balance between the costs of raw materials, off-site fabrication,
component transportation, on-site erection, the availability of machinery and the cost of
labor. In other cases the appearance of the structure may take on greater importance and so
influence the design decisions beyond mere matters of economics. Modern materials such
as prestressed concrete and fabrication methods, such as automated welding, and the
changing price of steel relative to that of labor have significantly influenced the design of
modern bridges.

Fig. Parts of a truss bridge

General Design Principles

Optimum depth of Truss girder

The optimum value for span to depth ratio depends on the magnitude of the live load that has
to be carried. The span to depth ratio of a truss girder bridge producing the greatest economy
of material is that which makes the weight of chord members nearly equal to the weight of
web members of truss. It will be in the region of 10, being greater for road traffic than for rail
traffic. IS: 1915-1961, also prescribes same value for highway and railway bridges. As per
bridge rules published by Railway board, the depth should not be greater than three times
width between centres of main girders. The spacing between main truss depends upon the
railway or road way clearances required.

Design of Compression chord members

Generally, the effective length for the buckling of compression chord member in the plane of
truss is not same as that for buckling out-of-plane of the truss i.e. the member is weak in one
plane compared to the other. The ideal compression chord will be one that has a section with
radii of gyration such that the slenderness value is same in both planes. In other words, the
member is just likely to buckle in plane or out of plane. These members should be kept as
short as possible and consideration is given to additional bracing, if economical.

The effective length factors for truss members in compression may be determined by stability
analysis. In the absence of detailed analysis one can follow the recommendations given in
respective codes. The depth of the member needs to be chosen so that the plate dimensions
are reasonable. If they are too thick, the radius of gyration will be smaller than it would be if
the same area of steel is used to form a larger member using thinner plates. The plates should
be as thin as possible without losing too much area when the effective section is derived and
without becoming vulnerable to local buckling.

Trusses with spans up to 100 m often have open section compression chords. In such cases it
is desirable to arrange for the vertical posts and struts to enter inside the top chord member,
thereby providing a natural diaphragm and also achieving direct connection between
member thus minimizing or avoiding the need for gussets. However, packing may be needed
in this case. For trusses with spans greater than about 100 m, the chords will be usually the
box shaped such that the ideal disposition of material to be made from both economic and
maintenance view points. For shorter spans, rolled sections or rolled hollow sections may be
used. For detailed design of compression chord members the reader is referred to the chapter
on Design of axially compressed columns.

Design of tension chord members

Tension members should be as compact as possible, but depths have to be large enough to
provide adequate space for bolts at the gusset positions and easily attach cross beam. The
width out-of-plane of the truss should be the same as that of the verticals and diagonals so
that simple lapping gussets can be provided without the need for packing. It should be
possible to achieve a net section about 85% of the gross section by careful arrangement of the
bolts in the splices. This means that fracture at the net section will not govern for common
steel grades.

In this case also, box sections are preferable for ease of maintenance but open sections may
well prove cheaper.

Design of vertical and diagonal members

Diagonal and vertical members are often rolled sections, particularly for the lightly loaded
members, but packing may be required for making up the rolling margins. This fact can make
welded members more economical, particularly on the longer trusses where the packing
operation might add significantly to the erection cost.

Aesthetically, it is desirable to keep all diagonals at the same angle, even if the chords are not
parallel. This arrangement prevents the truss looking over-complex when viewed from an
angle. In practice, however, this is usually overruled by the economies of the deck structure
where a constant panel length is to be preferred. Typical cross sections used for members of
the truss bridges are shown in figure below.
Fig. Typical cross section for truss members

Lateral Bracing for truss bridges

Lateral bracing in truss bridges is provided for transmitting the longitudinal live loads and
lateral loads to the bearings and also to prevent the compression chords from buckling. This
is done by providing stringer bracing, braking girders and chord lateral bracing. In case of
highway truss bridges, concrete deck, if provided, also acts as lateral bracing support system.
The nodes of the lateral system coincide with the nodes of the main trusses. Due to
interaction between them the lateral system may cause as much as 6% of the total axial load
in the chords. This should be taken into account.

Fig. below shows the two lateral systems in its original form and its distorted form after axial
compressive loads are applied in the chords due to gravity loads. The rectangular panels
deform as indicated by the dotted lines, causing compressive stresses in the diagonals and
tensile stresses in the transverse members. The transverse bracing members are indispensable
for the good performance of St. Andrew’s cross bracing system.
Fig. Lateral bracing systems

In diamond type of lateral bracing system the nodes of the lateral system occur midway
between the nodes of the main trusses. They also significantly reduce the interaction with
main trusses. With this arrangement, “scissors-action” occurs when the chords are stressed,
and the chords deflect slightly laterally at the nodes of the lateral system. Hence, diamond
system is more efficient than the St. Andrew’s cross bracing system.
It is assumed that wind loading on diagonals and verticals of the trusses is equally shared
between top and bottom lateral bracing systems. The end portals (either diagonals or
verticals) will carry the load applied to the top chord down to the bottom chord. In cases,
where only one lateral system exists then the single bracing system must carry the entire wind

Trusses can be assembled from small pieces and are particularly advantageous where site
access is difficult.

As dead load is a dominating factor for movable bridges, bascule spans are often built using
steel truss girders.

Temporary bridges for emergency purposes are almost always truss bridges because of their
adaptability to various spans and support conditions, e.g. Bailey, Arromanches, Callender-
Hamilton etc.

The configuration of truss bridge can be kept simple, using a minimum of members and

For long bridges continuous trusses may be the economic solution, particularly in the span
range of 30m to 200m.


Susceptible to rusting, and as such maintenance/design criteria is required to drain off water.

Eccentric loading causes a high amount of secondary stresses

Configuration of members and careful arrangement of bolts at splices are particularly

important and requires high maintenance.

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