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Solera Time Machine

A collection of articles written by Solknight2020

during the year 2010

A Reflection for Public Distribution

Article List

* Solar Module Homes

* The Real Impact Of OIL Spilled Under The Gulf Of Mexico

* How to seal a gushing oil well at 5000 feet beneath the sea

* The Future

* Why the credit score business has ruined America?

* The Asteroids are coming and Obama sends------

NASA off on Mission to Islam?

* Where are the Trains?


* The Solar Laundry

* Grass
Solar Module Homes

The idea here is simple, a small totally solar powered portable home made in a
factory similar to that of mobile home construction except these modules can be
linked to form larger homes in time as the family expands or extra space is needed.
Can you visualize the concept?

OK , This isn't really what we are trying to accomplish here. Did you ever play
with Legos? What about Lincoln logs? Well Imagine large real life size modules
that interconnect, except they are a effusion of photovoltaic technology with
modern plug and play technology rendering the whole structure energy
independent. You know it takes a while before one can imagine that the whole
global civilization is on the wrong path, a non renewable path and this has to
change and change soon. Time and Time again this moment has happened in
human history. Did the human beings of desperate times always make the right
decisions? Well the answer is, NO. In fact most of the time people and
governments as a whole make bad decisions. There are exceptions to this rule, and
we are beginning to see some emerging.

We are beginning to see the New World emerge and it isn't about a lost religion, a
false GOD, or obsolete science. It is about individuals taking the responsibility for
their own lives in every aspect education, energy, shelter, nutrition, health, and
wealth, with or without government or failed public programs, so called "
educational systems" that basically brain wash humans to be consumers.
One aspect of the future solar module homes you may not of imagined is the fact
that the labor is done by the actual people that will live in the shelters. The Mobile
Factory is a, " Do- IT- Yourself - Workshop " and the shelter comes with no
mortgage or monthly payments. If you enjoy this type of research then you may
want to read some other sites in this series by the same Author.
The Real Impact Of OIL Spilled Under The Gulf Of Mexico

Why are the Brits invading our Gulf with OIL? What about this picture you
don't understand? Where is Andrew Jackson? Why can't American Oil Companies
drill off the coast of America? You want answers? Stay tuned.

But remember them here- in 1991 after conquering the country but being driven
out by Coalition military forces BP has a long relationship with Kuwait that goes
back to the very foundation of the oil industry in this Middle Eastern nation. BP
was one of the founders of the original Kuwait Oil Company (KOC), which first
discovered oil at Burgan in February 1938. Years later, BP was the first oil
company to be invited by the Kuwaiti Government to assist in the redevelopment of
Kuwait's oil industry after the 1990 Iraqi invasion.

Bottom line. This is the last straw, the last strangle hold on the world. The people
see it all. Who is to blame the OIL companies for drilling holes into the heart of the
Earth to release the black death in the first place?

OK Why is BP in every body else OIL business? Truth , The Brits have zero OIL
of their own! We say let the greedy hogs ride bicycles.

OK enough blame! So it will be up to the Americans to clean this mess up? As the
Brits are already broke and about ready for the IMF bail out. Bottom line
Americans will ride bicycles with the Brits if things don't change soon with the
technology bridge to a sustainable society.

Well it is way over due, " Lets go solar all the way. Renewable as a nation and quit
this playing footsy with the Demons of greed and black crude. We have the
technology! Watts The Problem! Ignorance? Government? Politicians? Well
that dog won't hunt any longer. The Coon is up a tree and all the dogs are
howling! Going Solar has nothing to do with government and most governments
will always be against it. Why? They lose power as citizens become independent.
Back to the Brits, remember the battle for independence? We are in, Revolution!"
The shot that is heard around the world has been fired. It isn't about a " TEA
Party!" It is about what you are doing about Energy?

There are new reports out circulating that Chinese firms are planning to slant drill
off the Cuban coast near the Florida Straits, tapping into U.S. oil reserves that are
estimated at 4.6 billion to 9.3 billion barrels. The irony is that Chinese drilling
could be even more of an environmental hazard since China is not as concerned
about or equipped to deal with any potential ecological disaster as a result of a spill.

BP ---------------

Frozen hydrates have blocked the pipe opening atop massive containment
structure at crews lowered over the gulf Mexico
leak in deep, cold water, temporarily rendering the dome unusable,

Okay, so it worked sometimes in the burning fields of Kuwait. Basically, the idea is
to use the worthless Blow Out Preventers to jack into the hole and pump in ground
up rubber. Heavy drilling mud is pumped in after that, then cement.

"Facing potentially the worst man-made ecological disaster on the planet, this
pulling shit out of your ass, or winging it, is unacceptable. Stepping off of a ninety
foot cliff and saying "woops" is not going to change what happens next. We need to
realize that"

Gosh! This madness has to end and soon!

How to seal a gushing oil well at 5000 feet beneath the sea.

Imagine a long solid steel core that is coned on one end like a long spear starting
with a smaller diameter than the pipe where the oil is gushing out. The sharpened
steel core or telescoping pipe is lowered over the pipe and driven into the existing
pipe as the core is inserted several miles into the well if needed as the diameter of
the steel core steadily increasing very slowly. As the core begins to seal the outer
pipe a special sealing compound is secreted onto its outer surface. Once the
pressure of the OIL is overwhelmed by the mega large hydraulic press on the
surface ship. Huge weights are applied onto the core to hold it into the oil pipe as it
is driven in sealing off the oil gusher then expanded from the inner pressure release
pads anchored onto the sea floor for further stabilization.

It is the best visual have found that explains what is being described here... Just
imagine a much longer plug but with this same technology to prevent any blowout.
The extended surface pressure inside the pipe further helps to seal off the pipe.
The system described here will work to seal off undersea oil wells. No further
laboratory testing is needed.

So basically the OIL under the extreme pressures are holding up the strata of the
sea floor. So logic would dictate that as the OIL is removed in these large under sea
fields and the cavities that are left are filed with less dense fluids, less pressurized
material? The sea floor will implode creating massive land slides and tsunamis in
the Oceans. The pressure of the water alone can flood into these cavities once the oil
is removed. That could lower sea levels.

Now Imagine this!

Safety fluid was removed before oil rig exploded in Gulf.

The plug is normally put in before the mud is removed, but according to the
account of Halliburton, Transocean and the two workers, in this case, that wasn’t
done—drilling mud was removed before a final cement plug was placed in the well.

That is why the the interior seal needs to begin to expand deep into the well forcing
the oil against the inside of the pipe deep inside the earth. The fiction from the oil
alone would seal off the well as the inner core expands or tightens against the outer
pipe ... The Earth itself would act to hold the pipe from blowing out.

OIL is getting very dangerous in deep ocean wells.

People seem to forget that this OIL is fossil fuels. OUR own ancient ancestors.
Maybe it is best to let them rest in peace.
Obama's shakedown crew just got 20 billion dollars from BP and who knows where
that money is going? The gulf is filling up with OIL. MY GOD! Seal that dam well
first. Get some money and hire some companies that can seal that blown out well

BP will be broke in just a few more days at that rate, now that the Chicago Thugs
in the white house are siphoning off more money than OIL. The BP money will
evaporate into the fog and the OIL well will still be spewing death.

If it smells Money, Obama is on top of it.. This President has grabbed more money
in less than 2 years now, than America has made in 200 years of history.. Where is
any of that money now ? No body seems to know. All we see is the tab and its like
13 trillion and rises billions a day. The national debt clock and that spewing oil well
has a lot in common. Both keeps going and nobody seems to know how to stop it.

If you are placing trust in this government to pay any obligations ...You must of
escaped from a ward of a different color. BP or the Government aren't interested in
sealing off this well.. heck Obama just made 20 billion just by keeping it spewing...
Wise UP! Our nation is under attack.

Lower a 5000 foot curtain cylinder to the sea floor at about a mile in diameter
around the OIL gusher as the radius center. This curtain would trap all the oil and
cause it to surface inside this envelope. Super Tankers circling the cylinder can
suck up all the oil from the well as it surfaces. The circular curtain has heavy
weights all around the bottom edge circumference pinning it to the sea floor. The
top of the curtain is ringed with large circular floats that extend off the ocean
surface as far as needed to continue capturing all the escaping OIL from below.

The OIL is naturally rising out of the cut off pipe atop the riser . This natural rise
will continue if trained to the surface by the specific curtain as detailed. Super
tankers are designed to pull ( pump) off the OIL as it surfaces into their holds, thus
staying ahead of the flow of OIL naturally surfacing.

All the more reason to lower a large diameter cylinder over the whole event
training all the escaping gases to the surface of the ocean.
This is a containment idea not to seal off the well so the pressure isn't a issue
OIL is getting very dangerous in deep ocean wells. OK, so lets drill more on land..
Well at the present world's consumption of OIL. Land wells just cant keep up. See,
OIL is made by layers of sediments over millions of years. The very fact we are
talking, Land, means less oil than under the oceans where the land washes into, as
layers of sediments.

US Government turns down help from OIL clean up ships!

As BP is still being overwhelmed by the gushing OIL well beneath the ocean.
Obama is turning down OIL clean up ships. Now BP is beginning to set up
apparatus to burn off the OIL. Seems polluting of the seas isn't enough now BP is
content on polluting the Air we breath as well.BP will begin burning up to 10,000
barrels a day of oil from its Gulf of Mexico scorched Earth Policy HQ. As desperate
efforts continue to stop the oil spewing from beneath the ocean floor into the Gulf
of Mexico, 17 countries have offered to help in some way or another, but for now
BP and officials coordinating the clean-up effort have accepted assistance from
only two of those countries, Mexico and Norway. A lot of these countries are world
leaders in the oil industry. You'd think they might have some valuable expertise
and state of the art gear to lend the U.S. in its hour of need. Nope. Evidently the
Coast Guard has absolutely everything under control and doesn't need anybody's
help with anything. The spill is on track to become the largest in human history but
the Coast Guard has it totally covered. Those pesky "other countries" need to butt
out while the company that caused the spill figures out how to fix it. Now, you
know why we have not seen as an armada of Super-Tankers within the GoM
working upon the oil spill towards our coasts. Waiving the Jones Act on DAY 1
would have gone a long way to have averted the Today’s aftermath of the Deep
Horizon Drilling Rig explosion. Tell Obama the Dolphins in the Gulf of Mexico
needs some Healthcare... Millions of people to as well may die if this mess isn't
cleaned up soon. Who the, Heck, is Jones and why isn't he/she acting? Trusting
wont be Waiving at any of these idiots instead will be shooting them the " BIRD"
Had you not seen the Whales of the Oceans' delegate had died on his way to
Washington, DC, to meet with President Obama while attempting a navigation
towards the mouth of the mighty Mississippi.
The Future

What is the " Future" ? Trends! trends? Are you talking, trends in nature, trends
in space, trends in the stock market, trends in agriculture, trends in planet earth's
climate, weather trends, technology trends, invention and innovation trends,
football trends ? Etc, Gosh you could go crazy trying to just keep up with just the
trends in fashion... The Actual space time continuum that our beloved planet is
traveling into the future is much harder to predict as to what the " future" holds.
What are the trends in warfare? What are the trends in nuclear weapon use? What
are the trends in species extinctions? Trends in science? Space weather? Trends in
terrorism? Who invents the so called " Trends" ? What is the future? Yes indeed
watch the trends. Tell your future political and economic trends to the whales
under the ocean for they have nothing to do with the real future of Earth. You must
see yourself outside of the worlds invented by mankind to begin to see the real
future of Earth. Study the geological record, Evolution isn't a trend, a species
adapts to its environment or dies. Step back a few thousand feet and see the " BIG
PICTURE" Most Religions predict two possible futures, Heaven or Hell? Or some
form of Both. Nature only predicts the seasons, Summer, Winter, Spring and Fall.
The MOON predicts the tides. LOL. Modern Cities use a lot of electricity and tons
of oil and coal... the petrol-chemical age of mankind is over. Heaven or Hell...... We
choose Heaven... Why Just because we can. What is Heaven you may ask? The
Future? " A better place? The future is what ever we make it" Some have said, " So
lets make it a good one." In a simple sense yesterday is the past, " Now" is the
moment at hand, and the future is tomorrow. With our minds we can see into the
future a few hours or even a few days just by imagining the upcoming events. This
works well except it doesn't always take into account the unforeseen. Yet we hope
for the best. Transpire! LOL yes transpire. We live in a time when you can pick up
hundreds of movies that are about a future, many were made like in the past about
a future at a date that has already past, for instance 1984 the movie. Has some of
the events in 1984 occurred? Yes, in fact a lot have.
Funny thing if you study a lot of futuristic movies you will notice a lot of the
technology has evolved. By the way I have to admit the weather channel has gotten
a lot better at predicting the weather. The satellite machines in the sky sure has
helped in this as well Doppler radars on the ground. SkyNet? Rise of the machines?
We are just now developing machines that have internal power sources and self
charging as well powering but self awareness? Maybe if you believe the Internet is
alive. When we do invent a, " time machine" to go or observe the future. What will
we see? Some have said that just by the act of observing the future you are in
essence creating it. I guess or in a way agree that if this is true then we need to write
better books and, make better movies about the future so people can observe a
better one than what is displayed by most futurist notions of mankind’s destiny to
date. An unprecedented vision of our world of tomorrow. Think about it,
Thoughts?" Future is merely the present at a later date?" What about the present
when the dinosaurs where about the planet watching asteroids fall from the sky?
Later date? Like how much later 1000 years? or just our existing lifespans? Brings
back that hard to answer question. What will you be doing in 5 years? Next
Month? Tomorrow? Of course it depends on if you are alive or not but the Future
is more that just a " Present" as you have stated. The future is all the
time,opportunities and possibilities that we can implement as well the future is all
the disasters and tragedies both man made and natural that may occur. One thing
for sure the Future does start right now and extends outward in all directions into
time and space itself. The Future has not yet been manifested yet we can see it's
light emulating in the very retina of our eyes. We look to the Future.
Why the credit score business has ruined America?

The so called credit score has ruined America. Now that the depression has hit full
fling people all over, Good, Honest, People cant get the credit they need because of
some credit card loan shark Greeds has turned them in at the local credit score
company. Heck we live in a time when you can be late on a bill one day and your "
credit score drops. The answer is to burn all the credit cards, avoid the bankers like
cancer , and get yourself free. Only the bloody rich have a good credit score
nowadays and they don’t need it . LOL The credit score system is shot shut it
down... Trick! trick. I can remember a time in America when you could do business
without tricks...Every single American was worth their salt. Credit card companies
ARE loan sharks, only legal according to a group of other greedy hogs that make
up the rules. Quote, " I read where there are so many with such bad credit, that
banks cant loan. so, banks are going to make big changes to how they do business
in order to start loaning again. for instance, foreclosures and bad debts are going to
move off your report sooner."
All cars are made by robots in factories that never sleep from recycled beer cans
and plastic no matter what you pay for them. Status symbols mean you don’t have
the balls yourself. Heck If I rode up your street on a horse you'd think I was a New
York City street cop on the beat. Its all relative... Times are a changin ... Right
before your very eyes.

“Where are the COW BOYS?

The three credit bureaus are touting their new credit-scoring system as a boon for
borrowers, easier to understand and more "consistent" than other scoring

Maybe. But Vantage Score, which uses the same underlying data about your debts
as the FICO score you already know, also poses some serious risks. And let's be
clear: This isn't about making credit easier for the little guy. This is business.

“ Big business? ”
Equifax, Experian and TransUnion are private companies that each track your
accounts, balances and payment habits. A credit "score" simply assigns a weight to
those factors to produce an indicator of how much risk you pose as a borrower.
Fair Isaac's formula for scoring is the one lenders like best.

Every time an appliance store or car dealership asks one of the credit bureaus for
your credit score, the data the bureau has collected about you is sent through the
proprietary FICO model. The lender pays the credit bureau for the score, and the
bureau pays FICO for using its formula.

This is quite a lucrative business for Fair Isaac. Credit scoring accounts for 20% of
the company's revenues, according to Merrill Lynch analyst Edward Maguire, but
65% of its operating profits.

The bureaus, naturally, want to cut out the middleman.

"They don't like having to pay Fair Isaac for anything," said mortgage broker
Ginny Ferguson, who teaches credit scoring to her colleagues in the National
Association of Mortgage Brokers. "The (credit bureaus) are intent on finding the
next area of revenue generation."

The bureaus have tried to break Fair Isaac's stranglehold before, with no success.
The Vantage Score may be a different story.

Investors certainly think so; they drove Fair Isaac's stock down 6.6% on the day
the new scoring system was announced, even though the bureaus hadn't signed up
a single lender. Analyst Maguire rightly called Vantage Score "a shot across the
bow" of the bureaus and opined that even if the new system didn't replace FICOs,
the bureaus could use it as leverage to get Fair Isaac to lower its prices.

We wouldn't have to care about these elephants' battles, except that consumers
may be the grass trampled under their feet. Here are just some of the concerns:

Credit score confusion?

FICO and Vantage Score use two different ranges. The classic FICO scale runs
from 300 to 850, while the Vantage Score starts at 501 and runs to 990. The bureaus
say the Vantage Score range is more "intuitive," because it breaks down like an
elementary-school report card:

901-990 equals "A" credit

801-900 equals "B" credit

701-800 equals "C" credit

601-700 equals "D" credit

501-600 equals "F" credit

But nothing is really intuitive about credit scores, particularly for consumers who
are already confused about how FICO scores work. At worst, there could be a heck
of a lot of puzzled borrowers trying to figure out why a number that would qualify
them for the best rates and terms under one system (say, a 780) makes them credit
mediocrities under the other.

The 'consistency' rap?

The information in the credit-bureau databases can be wildly different. You may
have accounts reported at one bureau that don't show up at the other two, or you
may have successfully disputed an error at two of the bureaus only to have the
third refuse to erase the bogus entry.
One of FICO's big selling points for lenders has been the model's consistency.
Even though the bureaus collect and report credit information differently,
he same basic FICO model is used at all three to generate comparable scores.
"Heck we live in a time when you can be late on a bill one day and your "
credit score drops.It you are seeking to buy a car, or a house, or a major
purchase for home remodeling, each and every time the creditor of that purchase
requests a credit report that results in lowering your credit score.The credit
score companies are owned by foreigners and is just another means to undermine
disrupt and take over America. Talk about " Big Brother" this is it.
History of Credit Bureaus: Equifax, Experian, TransUnion Innovis

Did you know that TransUnion started as a parent holding company for a rail car
leasing company? Or that Experian is not based in the United States?

Experian is based out of Dublin, Ireland

TransUnion is based in Chicago, Illinois.

In 1968, TransUnion was created as the parent holding company of Union Tank
Car Company. Originally they manually collected business intelligence information
about consumers. One year later, they acquired the Credit Bureau of Cook County
(CBCC), who collected consumer information on about 3.6 million people stored in
400 seven-drawer file cabinets, and a credit reporting agency was born.

Did you know that there is a fourth credit bureau? It’s called Innovis, or
CBCInnovis, but it’s believed that very few companies use them. They aren’t even
mentioned on, the website set up by the government for
free credit reports. Innovis was founded in 1970 as Associated Credit Bureaus
(ACB) and, after some renaming, acquired by CBC Companies in 1999. I don’t
know much about them but I figured you should at least be aware they exist
Equifax is the oldest of the three bureaus, having been founded in 1899 as Retail
Credit Company. It began as two brothers, Cator and Guy Woolford, keeping a list
of customers and their creditworthiness for their local Retail Grocer’s Association.
Cator Woolford

With his brother Guy, Cator Woolford started the Retail Credit Company, the
precursor to Equifax. In the late 1920s Woolford befriended Franklin D. Roosevelt
and was one of the founders of the Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute. Woolford's
former estate in Druid Hills is now the site of the Frazer Center and the Cator
Woolford Gardens.

In 2004, Certegy acquired Game Financial, a cash access provider operating in

several casinos in the United States, including rights to their trade name,
GameCash. In 2007, it was announced that Certegy Gaming (formed after the
acquisition of Game Financial) would be sold to Global Cash Access for $25

The trouble-plagued ChoicePoint made headlines in 2005 for leaking consumers'

confidential information to identity thieves.


Experian began as CCN Systems in 1980, making it the youngest of the three
bureaus. It’s only the first one founded outside of the United States, as its
birthplace was in Nottingham, England. It acquired a US presence by purchasing
TRW Information Services in 1996. TRW Information Services was a subsidiary of
TRW, also one known as Thompson Ramo Wooldridge Inc., a conglomerate that
included defense, which was acquired by Northrop Grumman in 2002.

All credit score companies need shut down. They are no more than just another
crooked agency bleeding money out of the community of humanity just like a
gambling casino. Shut emm down, NOW!
A suggestion from a reader---

Nothing wrong with credit cards if you know how to use them. I MAKE money
using my card. I put everything on it and pay it off. Then I get my Rewards Points
that I get Visa gift certificates with. I use my credit card as if it were my checking
account., imaging the money coming out as I hand over that card. I don't spend
what I do have in my checking or savings accounts.

Credit cards are ok guess, but over time when harder times hits for an individual
or a family the temptation is there to go over that line. The credit score companies
are really the ones in question here. The Jury is still out on these folks, after all
when we human beings forget that all companies and governments are just another
group of human beings. We have basic laws that keep us all civil.. When a group of
people begins to believe they have a right to change these laws for monetary gain
then another line is crossed . One that we all must be aware of. All we are doing
here is revealing just who to watch. So many people are making a living off, Usery,
loan sharking people in need, and adding on charges for services no rendered. In
the old days your didn't have to worry about identity theft unless you cut off
someone's head and stuck it on yours... maybe among identical twins. Modern
technology that mimics old time ethics and morality is a good way to bring honesty
back into the system.

If there isn't some way to rate a person's ability to honor contracts (fundamentally
their honesty) then there is no way a loan market can be established. think about it.

Pure honesty needs no contracts. A piece of paper has no power over the human
will, that created the piece of paper in the first place. There will someday be a Loan
less society. The world has gone about this whole concept so backwards. Human
Beings haven't existed long enough as a species within a technologically advanced
civilization to know all the real possibilities. All we are seeing is the Old out dated
ways superimposed over a failed system... a moneyless society is coming.

"A piece of paper has no power over the human will that created the piece of paper
in the first place."
Will totally agree with this statement, however, there are people who don't fall into
the category of purely honest and for that there must be some sort of record to
track the people that fail to honor contracts. also it's sort of hard to run a capitalist
society without a way of accumulating capital for business that isn't strictly based
off individual savings. that's what loans were for in the first place: amassing capital
to create a good or service that would surpass the worth of the original investment.

Lets say there were 20 people in a room sitting around a table and every ten
minutes 1000 one hundred dollars bills are shot out onto the table from a printing
press , but they all seem to end up in a single pile in front of just a few individuals
that created the rules of the game. They created a contract with all the others that
enter the game that they can tax and charge interest on the money... So when all the
honest people pay off the money goes back to the same ole dogs... See the whole
game is dishonest.

"There are people who don't fall into the category of purely honest and for that
there must be some sort of record to track the people that fail to honor contracts."

Human beings are natural liars and cheats. Or so I've found.

Put a chip in their Head! A GPS honest chip that shocks them at any notion of

That's one way to control population overgrowth. Zap 'em to death.

The electric chair has gone the way of lethal injection in most states.. I think Texas
just shocked a guy to death with a electrical zapper. What to do with the dishonest
is still a very big problem in our society, humm Well all down thru time. Any how
nowadays the most dishonest seem to be in three piece suits in white shirts clean cut
attempting to rob everybody with legislation.

Politicians are douche bags because we the people let them run with power they
were never intended to have.
The Asteroids are coming and Obama sends NASA off on
Mission to Islam?

Obama has lost his mind. NASA is a space administration not a missionary to the
Muslim world.

At a time when NASA should be fully funded and in a Protect the Earth from
Asteroids mode. The Obama administration is more interested in a mission to
Planet Allah.

Obama's Arab roots sure shined thru on this one.

The candidate was even offended when referred to by his initials "BHO," because
he considered the use of his middle name, "Hussein," an attempt to frighten voters.
With insane rumors suggesting he was some sort of Muslim Manchurian candidate,
then-Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., and his campaign did everything they could to
emphasize his Christianity and de-emphasize the fact that his father, Barack
Obama Sr., was born Muslim.

In his April 6 address to the Turkish Parliament, President Obama referenced how
many "Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim
majority country. I know, because I am one of them."

Yousef al Otaiba, the United Arab Emirates ambassador to the United States,
invited a group of White House officials, Democratic strategists, media figures and
one Republican member of the House to his home in McLean, Virginia Thursday
night for an extraordinary, and extraordinarily expensive, meal followed by
viewing of Game 7 of the NBA championships.

Didn't anyone tell Obama that American Kids need inspiration in math and
science ?
If Obama wants the Arabs to be good at space and launching space craft into orbit
then why not go become the President of like say Saudi Arabia.

Intercontinental ballistic missiles?

I've heard the Arabs want some.

A huge fireball has been spotted on Jupiter in yet another collision from space
caught on camera and video by amateur astronomers.

The new Jupiter crash occurred on June 3 at 20:31 UT (4:31 p.m. Eastern Time)
and was spotted by sky watcher Anthony Wesley in Australia and fellow amateur
astronomer Christopher Go in the Philippines.

Amateur astronomers? Where is NASA? Off playing footsy with the enemy?

Space exploration is all about learning about the way the solar system works. We
have just begun to open the doors on intelligent knowledge of the greater Universe
at large and now due to one foolish politician that door is being closed for his own
pet projects. This is nuts.

I don’t worry about the asteroids , just knows that they are coming. It is a fact, In
fact if you look at the space/earth geological record they seem to appear in some
sort of pattern and are right now a bit over due.

Would a star passing to the outside of the Oort cloud dislodge comets propelling
them towards the inner solar system? A passage on the far side of the theoretical
Oort cloud sphere would result in a wider elliptical orbit of the affected comet,
sending them in a new direction towards the gravitational source, the passing solar
mass. A direction, which is away from the Sun.

Contemplating, a passing star’s gravitational effects displacing comets on the far

side of the Oort cloud sphere. Lets apply Newton’s gravitational laws, this would
yield an insignificant force originating from the passing solar mass compared to the
Sun’s gravitational force, thus maintaining the original orbit with a temporary
perturbation dependent upon time and distance between the affected masses.
The Oort Cloud: A Search for the Truth

Some of the asteroids have orbits that bring them close to Earth. These are called
Amor objects. Some have orbital paths that cross the orbital path of the Earth.
These are called Earth-crossing asteroids or Apollo objects. All objects that have a
close approach to the Earth are often referred to as Near Earth Objects or NEOs.
About 150 NEOs with diameters between 1 and 8 km are known, but this is only a
fraction of the total number. Many NEOs will eventually collide with the Earth.
These objects have unstable orbits because they are under the gravitational
influence of both the Earth and Mars. The source of these objects is likely the
asteroid belt.

The Babylon Project:

Politicians are not space men, they seem to be more interested in control of
governments, money, power, technology, and resources. But in the end it will be
space that destroys their illusions if left unchecked. Take your eye off the ball for a
single second and it will smack you right in the face. " Illuminati " is feared to be a
secret society that are in some kind of conspiracy to control the world. The truth is
people are so into their gadgets that the androids will come and take over first.

"To know how close these objects will come to Earth is very dependent on how
accurately one can measure their orbits. That's the main contribution that Gaia
can be expected to make," says Michael Perryman, project scientist for Gaia, at
ESA's European Space Research and Technology Centre in the Netherlands.The
space rock approached Earth in the glare of the Sun, a blind spot that made it
impossible to see during the day or night from any terrestrial vantage point. The
event illustrates the potential of a surprise hit by an asteroid, astronomers said.

The object, now named 2002 EM7, was probably between 40 and 80 meters (130-
260 feet) in diameter, said Gareth Williams, associate director of the International
Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center.
Gaia is scheduled to launch in late 2011 from Europe's spaceport in French
Guiana. Following launch by a Soyuz-Fregat rocket, the Gaia satellite will spend a
period of around one month in transit before arriving at the second Lagrange point
of the Sun-Earth system.

Gaia will probe the asteroid blind spot. ESA's Gaia spacecraft will be ideally
situated to probe the asteroid blind spot between the Sun and Earth. This artist's
impression indicates how regions of the sky that are unobservable from Earth can
be observed by Gaia.

For example, the oldest lunar surfaces are literally saturated with impact craters,
produced by an intense bombardment which lasted from 4.6 to approximately 3.9
billion years ago, at least a 100 times higher than the present impact flux. The
Earth, as part of the solar system, experienced the same bombardment as the other
planetary bodies. It must be remembered that impact is a random process not only
in space but also in time. The next large impact with the Earth could be an
"impact-winter"-producing event or even a K-T-sized event. To emphasize this
point, in March 1989 an asteroidal body named 1989 FC passed within 700,000 km
of the Earth. This Earth-crossing body was not discovered until it had passed the
Earth. It is estimated to be in the 0.5 km size-range, capable of producing a
Zhamanshin-sized crater or a devastating tsunami. Although 700,000 km is a
considerable distance, it translates to a miss of the Earth by only a few hours, when
orbital velocities are considered. At present, no systems or procedures are in place,
specifically for mitigating the effects of an impact.

Earth has a lot of gravity~ Do the math. We should launch a major asteroid mining
mission and go out and literally mine all earth crossing asteroids in a plow the
road mentality.

Space is very expensive. It should be a collective Planet Earth endeavor as a

collective. After all if we do not create a space shield then basically every thing else
will be a waste of time. Save Earth first Intact for all times. Our children's
children's Childrens' Will really appreciate this effort creating a safe planet that
can be inhabited for millions of years into the future. Create a space shield. Put
America back to work. This is worth while. Screw the Arabs they need a mission to
themselves. Heck they are so filthy rich off the OIL and, but cant involve their own
kids in science? They are wasting their billions on palaces and skyscrapers instead.
Look at this,
All this sand castle madness will be washed away !

Be prepared!

Where are the Trains?

Every American town should have a passenger train!

Where are the Trains? Every American town should have a passenger train!
Amtrak's image rose during the oil embargo of the mid-1970s. The government-
run agency has not appeared to be the answer for revitalizing the passenger train
industry. High-speed trains, is progressing. Overloading of highways and airlines
late 20th century is providing increased incentive for further expansion of
passenger train service.

It could start operating in 2018. Retired civil engineer Bill Gaither and business
partner Raymond Wright set up Solar Bullet LLC in Tucson in hopes of designing
and building the 220 mph solar bullet train, which would run on four tracks. The
innermost two tracks would be reserved for nonstop travel from Tucson to Phoenix,
going 116 miles in a half hour, said Gaither.

Alabama and the development of its railroads are deeply intertwined. Beginning
with the 1832 opening of the Tuscumbia Railway in Franklin County the state's
railroads solved transportation problems and created opportunities for schemers
and legitimate businessmen alike. Over the next century, railroads tied the various
parts of the state together, connected Alabama to the rest of the nation, and made
the rise of the Birmingham District possible.
The state's second railroad began with merchant and farmer Abner McGehee,
who conceived an idea to route Georgia cotton through Montgomery over a
railroad between the Alabama city and Columbus, Georgia. Other lines built into
Alabama over the next two decades included: the Kansas City, Memphis
Birmingham (later Frisco), linking Memphis, Tennessee, and Birmingham in 1887;
the Alabama Midland (later Atlantic Coast Line), from Bainbridge, Georgia, to
Montgomery in 1890; the Mobile Ohio (later Gulf, Mobile Ohio), from Columbus,
Mississippi, to Montgomery in 1899; the Seaboard Air Line, connecting Savannah,
Georgia, and Montgomery in 1900; the Atlantic Birmingham Air Line (later
Seaboard Air Line, or SAL), from Atlanta to Birmingham in 1904; and the Atlanta,
Birmingham Atlantic (later the Atlantic Coast Line, or ACL), that linked
Manchester, Georgia, and Birmingham in 1910.

An unexpected development was the rapid decline in passenger traffic in spite of

large investments to re-equip existing passenger trains, such as The Crescent,
Panama Limited, and to introduce new ones such as , The Humming Bird.

These trains remained attractive as sources of transportation throughout most of

the 1950s, but a massive increase in the number of automobiles, the new Interstate
Highway System, and the advent of jet airliners captured most intercity passenger

A majority of passenger trains had been discontinued when the federally controlled
Amtrak system assumed operation of a Wiregrass Central Railroad in Enterprise
skeleton system in 1971. At first the Southern Railway was the only railroad
serving Alabama that did not join Amtrak, continuing to run its renamed until
1979, when it, too, joined Amtrak. Am trak's , serving Birmingham, and , is now
the sole passenger train in the state.

Alabama's major railroads have been merged into larger companies, starting with
Southern's acquisition of the C of G in 1963, eliminating most historic company
names. CSX Transportation (1980) includes the former ACL, SAL, L&N, and
Western of Alabama lines, and the Conecuh Valley Railroad in Troy Southern is
now part of Norfolk Southern Corporation (1982). The BNSF Railway (1996)
reaches Birmingham via the former St. Louis-San Francisco (Frisco) track, and the
original M&O line into Mobile has been part of Canadian National Railway
since 1998. Some smaller railroads remain, but many secondary lines have been
Americans love to complain about the pitiable state of our once-great rail system
and wonder why our locomotives are stuck in the past. I mean, you can zip between
Wuhan and Guangzhou, China, at 220 mph. Japan's Shinkansen system tops 186
mph. The French TGV can blaze across the countryside at more than 200 mph. Yet
the Acela train, the pride of Amtrak, hits a ho-hum 150 mph at top speed and
maintains that for only a few minutes between New York and Boston. Outside the
Northeast corridor, few people even consider train travel. America has the worst
rail system in the developed world, right? Our system of rails is also way too
curvy for high speeds. Because 19th-century transit engineers didn't envision trains
traveling much more than 60 mph, they built lots of bends into the tracks.

High-speed trains have to slow down substantially to negotiate even a banked

curve. But in order to straighten out track around population centers -- precisely
the places where high-speed rail is needed -- government would have to extensively
use its power of eminent domain to take private property, which would be
expensive and politically unpopular.

Many experts foresee a melding of the two approaches, building new track and
retrofitting old. "If everything goes according to plan," says Barkan, "we'll see an
upgrading of our existing systems that will link up with true high-speed lines at
important corridors." So U.S. passengers may someday catch Acela-like trains
from their home towns to special access points, where they can transfer to a brand-
new high-speed rail system that will zip between major cities at 200 mph or more.
All of this is decades in the future, though. Until then, at least we have freight.
Who owns the Moon?

The Moon has been a part of human culture for as long as there are been a human
species. Most of the early societies of humans used the Moon as their calendar.
Farmers to this very day use the cycles of the Moon as signals for planting crops.
The tides, seasons, even the human menstrual cycles, and many other species on
earth are directly affected by the Moon.

The Moon is our night star and has illuminated the hearts and souls of the human
race with its romantic flare since all antiquity. In this modern world where a lot of
the population is living under artificial light, the Moon has become less obvious in
their day to day lives. People of Earth need to have a say in this matter because for
all matters speaking the Moon belongs to itself and all human activity on it is Alien.
The only voice the Moon has is yours. Should the intruders, the violators of that
Moon be allowed to mine the Moon, to exploit one the last truly sacred things? I
think maybe we should just leave that Moon alone. Who owns the Moon? Nobody
owns the Moon and it should stay that way.

I guess you could safely state that the Moon belongs to the Earth. Without the
gravity of the Earth the Moon would be elsewhere for sure. For some reason we
have noticed people do get emotional about the subject of exploiting the Moon. The
Moon has been affected greatly by human activity on its surface already.

Seems the Moon has a thin atmosphere from all the gases left by the Apollo
Missions and some data seems to suggest that the landers blasting off the surface
has slightly moved the Moon affecting it's orbit. Seems the gravitational grip the
Earth has on the Moon isn't all that strong and the Moon is slipping away a little
with each revolution, suggesting that the Moon may someday become a Planet with
a larger orbit around the Sun as it escapes the Earth altogether.

NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, or LRO, has returned its first imagery of
the Apollo moon landing sites.
Some comments by readers....

The big explosion for searching water was a let down. Not much to look at. BUT,
there's water. That's cool. I have to agree with Chris, it's gotta U.S. flag on it
should be considered a conquered territory. lol.

Sometime down the road when people are starting to inhabit the moon it will be
wal-mart who owns it...

no... that would be if K-Mart owned the moon. For some reason I imagine a big
smiley face being carved onto the moon's surface so that it's visible to those on

Umm, God, if you believe that. Other than that, the universe. Humans own
nothing, not even this big blue marble we live on....

Have they ever disproven that the moon isn't made out of green cheese? If they
haven't disproven that, then I think Wisconsin could make a serious claim....

Naw, the Swiss have first grabs on the moon. Let's keep in mind those delicious
craters may very well be Swiss cheese we can't see. I'm thinking a Ruben Sandwich
right now.

Who owns the Moon? No one the MOON owns itself. Keep the moon free. The
Moon is the first universal international park. Save the Moon for all times!
Whether human or not.

A Alternative View To Alternative Energy

Peoples of this world are surveying alternative energy resources as options to coal,
oil and nuclear power. This website and adjacent note book will explore the
emerging world of renewable energy with a new twist shinning new light on some
older yet still futuristic ideas while presenting some new ideas you may not have
thought of before in a fun enjoyable atmosphere.

Hot and cold water is one of the most important aspects of the modern world not
only for hygiene but for many household uses and is expected as common in these
times. So we have begun our system with the quest for water. The units we have
chosen to use are thermosyphon systems because not only are they the simplest to
construct but uses the least amount of energy to create hot water. The basic rule
that hot water rises is used within these solar systems to activate the heater only
when the sun source is there to circulate without pumps, and heats without any
electricity or gas from other sources. Convection moves heated liquid upwards in
the system as it is simultaneously replaced by cooler liquid returning by gravity.
Ideally, the liquid flows easily because a good thermosiphon should have very little
hydraulic resistance. To keep the water hot during nights and cloudy days the tank
is super insulated inside the attic area.

For freeze protection of the collectors themselves they also can be located inside the
attic space under a large south facing skylight. The basic thermosyphon solar
Okay! Now of course our water system needs a means of pressurization so here
again we have chosen to use a simple solar energy design to accomplish this means.
A solar powered pumping system is basically a 12 Volt or 24 volt, Direct Current
pump that uses direct sunlight to activate the pumping cycle. The water is raised
into a tank that is elevated above all other domestic water systems as to advantage
the extra pressure by using gravity to push the water to outlet water systems either
hot or cold either day or night all around the habitat. Visualize this concept?

A fresh water supply is a concern for all humans as more contaminates are finding
their way into the river, streams, and aquifers. A simple solar distiller device can
easily provide gallons of fresh water for drinking and cooking. These units can be
designed to be plumbed into a south facing kitchen area or simply incorporated on
the south facing roof and gravity fed anywhere in the habitat below. Energy from
the sun heats water inside the still to the point of evaporation. Water vapor rises,
condenses on the inner glass surface of the still, and drips into a collection tank.
This process removes impurities such as salts and heavy metals as well as
eliminates microbiological organisms. For a better idea of such a system integrated
into the potable water supply?

If a well or water supply isn't easily available then a rain water cistern can be
incorporated into the system to collect strained rain water. Since rain water is
falling from the sky already above the habitat there is no need to use extra energy
to pump it around so we suggest to collect the rain water at the highest elevation
possible usually a few inches below the roof gutters or inside the attic. The cistern
can be plumbed into toilets, exterior wash and cleaning basins, irrigation or other
domestic water destinations. The images below show the typical rain water cistern
system components.

Once we have accumulated our dependable water supply we can begin to get
creative with some really nice water projects such as a solar heated hot tub, solar
fountains, waterfalls, garden streams, small ponds and swimming pools etc...

A very fun water project with solar is the fountain and can be accomplish several
ways using a submersible direct solar powered pump with a nozzle created for the
desired effect.
Solar Heating and Cooling, Refrigeration

Starting with direct solar powered ventilator, and a well insulated attic, and
reflective roofing. The idea is that a cool attic helps keep a cool house and is central
to keeping a house more comfortable, and also helps keep a fresh stream of air
flowing through the house on the hotter days when usually the sun source is active
to operate the devices counteracting the Sun's effect. The idea is not to create a trap
for the rising hot air but instead channeling the hot air into the atmosphere or hot
air to water heat exchanger to preheat water before entering the solar collector
already located on the roof.

Another good solar cooling application is the solar powered evaporating cooler.
Evaporator cooling is a physical phenomenon in which evaporation of a liquid,
typically into surrounding air, cools an object or a liquid in contact with it. Latent
heat describes the amount of heat that is needed to evaporate the liquid; this heat
comes from the liquid itself and the surrounding gas and surfaces. The greater the
difference between the two temperatures, the greater the evaporate cooling effect.
The basic components of a evaporating cooler is noted below.

When using solar to directly power your evaporator cooler just use a D C Motor for
the fan and a small D C pump for the means of water circulation, then install some
solar electric PV modules to power the unit either on the roof, or on the top of the
unit itself. Here is a very interesting solar innovation towards the solar powered air
conditioning adventure


A Basic View of the Maisotsenko Cycle

The following basic description of the Maisotsenko Cycle is meant for all readers. A
detailed scientific description and a conceptual description are also available on
this website for readers who have a deeper understanding of thermodynamics.
The Solar Laundry

Clean clothes are a must and people all over the world have become accustom to
the concept of a machine to wash and dry their clothes and expect this technology
to continue into the future. OK a traditional clothes line has been in use since time
immortal and this basic concept of hanging clothes out in the sunshine is still a very
efficient cheap way to dry clothes, but is there still a better way? Lets Explore some
possibilities of the total solar powered laundry. Here we have done some
experimenting with a solar chamber that acts as a clothes cleaning closet.

When exchanging clothes simply hang the used pair into the solar closet and
activate the cycle. Once the clothes are scoured with solar heated hot water through
pressure nozzles the clothes will drip dry towards the floor grate drain as solar pre
heated air is circulated thru the chamber or in some designs a skylight is installed.
Futuristic fabrics can be designed to accent this type of solar cleaning.

You will find to some interesting innovations just like we have found that look very
promising technologies or easily incorporated into the solar electric laundry
systems of the future.

Airwash is a waterless washing machine

Need further reading on this technology under consideration for solar energy
transfer adaptations accent your imagination, and write.

Ion Generator Info

DC Air Compressors

Non Combustion Transportation

The basic idea is to create a simple electric car system that can be operated within
the arena of the solar electric community or village with either a battery exchange
or other method of energy delivery system for cross country traveling.
Feel free to brain storm on some of these ideas and topics during an active
discussion session. OK the concept of a fleet of electric cars isn't new and if you
haven't seen this documentary it will shed a lot of light on the subject.

Who killed The Electric Car Nominated: Best Documentary - Environmental

Media Awards (2006)

To make driving an electric car even more attractive (Unlimited Range Electric
Car Systems) battery recharge/exchange stations were invented. In seconds the
station automatically swaps batteries. You don’t even have to get out of the car.

Air Powered Car

Another very exciting emerging technology is the air car. Compressed air cars are
powered by engines fueled by compressed air, which is stored in a tank at high
pressure such as 30 MPa (4500 psi or 300 bar). Rather than driving engine pistons
with an ignited fuel-air mixture, compressed air cars use the expansion of
compressed air, in a similar manner to the expansion of steam in a steam engine.
The question here is, can the compressed air be provided by solar or alternative
energy? The answer is, yes making this technology a very promising adventure.
Learn more by watching the following video of one air car inventor's exciting story.


Grass is a very interesting past time for many people on this planet. Grass grows
out under the Sun so solar energy is a great way to maintain grass or better known
as the lawn hence a lawn mower. We are not saying that the ritual of grass cutting
is obsolete but hey just for a second imagine all the things you could be doing if this
chore was eliminated all together. A very unique way to cut your lawn without the
use of fossil fuels or human time and labor?

Use your Search Engine!

Thanks for your time!

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