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Email address: board@deaf-

Official Registry KVK ; 67276768

Mr. Raymond Abernethy
President of the European Deaf Christian Alliance,
3 Wynnland Drive
Co Antrim BT36 6SB
Northern Ireland

6th June 2020

For the attendance of Pastor David Zadok Pastor Alex Faybi from Israel
Ronnie Stevens, Konstantin Lysakor and Obrovets from Russia

As President I would like to write on behalf of the European Deaf Christian

Alliance (EDCA) concerning Pavel Prak from Russia. He has been trying to
damage the Deaf Church in Ashdod, Israel. This damage is being caused
through telling others unpleasant words about Ashdod Deaf church, which
has been confusing other Deaf Christians. Sometimes he visits Israel,
staying for periods up to 3 months. On his return to Russia he tells others
negative stories about Ashdod Deaf Church Leader, Oleksandr Raikovsky
of Ukraine. Oleksandr Raikovsky lives in Ashdod and his father is a Jew.
Pavel Prak’s behaviour has been continuing in this way for the last two
years. Oleksandr and his team were doing well, organizing European Deaf
Pastors/Leaders Week in Jerusalem, February 2020, despite of Pavel Prak
trying to spoil this event.

Pavel Prak was attending a Baptist Church for Deaf for long time but has
since changed to Presbyterian. He told the Presbyterian Minister awful
stories about Ashdod Deaf Church. However, it seems that he failed to get
the Presbyterian church involved, so he has moved to another
Presbyterian Church to seek help from the Minister to dissolve Ashdod
Deaf Church.

Mr. Raymond Abernethy,

President of the European Deaf Christian Alliance,
Organizational address: Ahornzoom 64, 2719GM Zoetermeer (Nederland).

It is well known throughout Deaf Christians and the Church in Europe that
he is trying to ruin the European Deaf Christian Alliance because of our
support for the Deaf Church in Ashdod Israel.

So now may we ask you to consider taking action or disciplining Pavel

Prak. The EDCA want to see all Deaf Churches in Europe, including Israel,
to be steady enabling EDCA to prepare well for the European Deaf
Christian Conference in 2022

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in contact. Please
see website

Every Blessing,

Raymond Abernethy
President of EDCA

EDCA Board
Raymond Abernethy President
Jozsef keri Hononary Secretary
Kasper De Jong Hononary Treasure
Riho Kurg Coordinator
David Roldan Social media
Vitali Zvarych Board
Victor Ivan Board
Jan Zacharissen Observor

Mr. Raymond Abernethy,

President of the European Deaf Christian Alliance,
Organizational address: Ahornzoom 64, 2719GM Zoetermeer (Nederland).

 Please note ; use for

Mr. Raymond Abernethy,

President of the European Deaf Christian Alliance,
Organizational address: Ahornzoom 64, 2719GM Zoetermeer (Nederland).

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